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/lit/ - Literature

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16894370 No.16894370[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why the fuck is this board so anglocentric? all i ever fucking read, is james joyce, hp lovecraft, jd salinger, moby dick. cant you pseuds discuss european literature at least once beyond the common memes like nietzsche and plato?

>> No.16894376

Yeah wheres my african lit niggas at?

>> No.16894377

Why does an English speaking board discuss anglophone literature? Gee, I wonder why...

>> No.16894385
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Give us your insight and create a discussion instead of whining about it. You could have made an actual thread instead of this.

>> No.16894399

so have you read any Krleža recently

>> No.16894410

anglos consider anything non-anglo gay because they're closeted homosexuals. anything that falls outside their narrow mindset is somehow gay. yet they seem completely unaware of how gay they are

>> No.16894628

4chan mainly burgers, and the rest are majority Brits, Canucks, and Aussies

>> No.16894683

Hat bhosdike

>> No.16894710

because we read and discuss books on their merits, not based on quota.

You will notice that Japanese and non-anglo European works are also discussed.

>> No.16894714

Are you high on drugs?

>> No.16894722

Yeah and people discuss indian literature and talk about learning Sanskrit
This is the best literature/books/Language forum I have found
Fck reddit

>> No.16894723
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Ameriburgers usually destroy the threads of the few non-English authors they know by projecting modern alt-right or antifa views on them. They simply ignore the thread if the book isn't already a /lit/ meme or suitable for spamming 'tranny' and 'incel' ad nauseam.
I hate them so God damn much.

>> No.16894728

Please go back

>> No.16894738

Indian literature? What Indian literature? There is none

>> No.16894748
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You know not what you're talking about

>> No.16894753


>> No.16894754

Ok retard

>> No.16894762
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>thinks everything that's written is literature

>> No.16894769

Only you ESL retards use the word Anglos every few minutes. How about you stop being obsessed?

>> No.16894772

I see quite a bit of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I think global lit needs to first be good, and second have a really clean translation to make it into the western sphere of literary circle enjerkment. I'd love to read more African, Indian, and Latin American literature, ad I find their culture and lifestyle is usually much more interesting and difficult than le typical spoiled westerner. Any suggestions with good translation OP?

>> No.16894776

Okay, name one literary text by an Indian writer then and Mahabharata and Ramayana don't count. Those texts would be long forgotten if they weren't the only thing Indians ever wrote so they stick to those, even built an entire religion around some retarded philosophy that somehow appeals to western atheists. And you wouldn't mention Abhignanashakuntalam and Kalidas but I know you will, you will because you have not actually read it.

>> No.16894783

Can you even ask a coherent question?

>> No.16894788

Try Premchand

>> No.16894804
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We can talk all night long about Fantômas, anon, someone just has to read it already.

>> No.16894812

Shit tier wannabe Dostoevsky, try again

>> No.16894817

What have you read by him?

>> No.16894819

It's not like you burgers haven't disintegrated all other forms of Western culture. That's all there is to talk about. Culture in my country has gone completely down the shitter.

>> No.16894833

Everyone speaks English faggot.
Anglos are just people who can't speak anything else

>> No.16894846

Gaban and Godan, very superficial, lack of any subtlety

>> No.16894852

holy cope.

>> No.16894853

A fine balance?

>> No.16894875

He lives in Canada, its impossible for a writer that's primarily exposed to Indian culture throughout his life to write anything worth reading because Indians' lives are so dull, so devoid of anything human, anything exciting.

>> No.16894884

God of small things

>> No.16894893
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The gift of a cow by Premchand is pretty good if you're looking for a modern novel.

>> No.16894896

Is that book actually good or do you guys like it just because it's about class struggle?

>> No.16894902

She writes wonderfully at the very least. Should be tried atleast for the prose if anything

>> No.16894909

geez what's with India and cows? Even their most popular novel is named after it

>> No.16894922

It's sacred

>> No.16896182

>he says while posting on 4chan for several hours every day

>> No.16896277

anglos write the best, thats why.

>> No.16896321

Anglos are incredibly stupid. They aren't patriotic or nationalistic (well, except amerimutts) but nonetheless they can't help but stick to their shit. I don't know why they do it, it's probably a habit. It's not that they dislike other cultures, it's just that they lack curiosity and will of expanding their brains. You can tell this even from the way they act in those rare cases when they go on holiday: they might be surrounded by monuments of a foreign culture, or a natural landscape they have never seen, and yet they spend all day at the hotel drinking beers or coffee, speaking to each other and not trying to meet new people. They might have the most beautiful tropical sea within walking distance and yet they dive into the hotel pool. They could try new dishes and new types of cuisine, and yet they choose to eat eggs and bacon and other slop they're used to. I say fuck them, comrade. French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese literatures are not inferior to theirs, let's make our own threads to discover new books that are not memes!

>> No.16896848

je baat

>> No.16897258

lol you resentful faggot

>> No.16897274


>> No.16897771

hes clearly right lmao. anglos are the lowest creature on the earth. I cannot think of one good thing about them

>shit composers
>shit food
>shit poets
>shit novelists
>shit philosophers
>shit architecture
>overall shitty feel to all their cities
>all of them are ugly both inside and outside

>> No.16897928

it's an english site.

but yes /lit/ has horrible taste.

>> No.16897962

for someone who preaches open mindedness you have a rather narrow view of people

>> No.16897968

Imagine being this obsessed. Such pettiness is indictive of both your inferiority and ugliness

>> No.16897976

based image

>> No.16897988

black people don't read, the fact that you asked this and no one responded in the span of 10 hours is proof.

>> No.16898014

Let's be honest guys. English architecture is cool, especially Scotland's. Edinburgh is probably one of the most aesthetic cities on Earth. As for literature, they can be respected for their six romantic poets and, moving to America, for a few big boy novels that are actually good (I'm thinking about Melville or Faulkner). But yeah, everything else is shit.

>> No.16898102

Not from India but Arundhati Roy's novel was great. The God of Small Things.
Bhagwad Gita is meme tier.

>> No.16898109

italians don't read either

>> No.16898112

and yet you spend your time communicating in english to us. and you don't even have to, you actually choose to lmao

>> No.16898114

op way to kill your own thread by using the term Anglo instead of fucking American
god damn

>> No.16898125

seethe more you faggot. stay linguistically and culturally cucked to us

>> No.16898135

typical anglo trying to pass off responsibility.

>> No.16898387

You could start a thread about Oulipo any time you please