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16891667 No.16891667 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good literature on the history of finance?

>> No.16891875

Right now I'm reading David Graeber's history of debt. In Chapter 2 he interestingly undoes Adam Smith's idea that our economies evolved out of barter systems. Also Felix Martins book Money was OK, feel like there were a lot of assumptions left dangling but I'm not literate enough yet in financial things to say what. Both of these books seem to forward the basic idea that money is best understood not as the thing itself of the physical token, but as the token suggesting an underlying network of credits and debits. In other words credit predates money.

I wonder if anyone would come to Adam Smith's defense re. the origin of modern economies.

>> No.16891878

i own this book, and was planning on reading it. god damn it, please create this thread in 30 days

>> No.16892180


>> No.16892243

David Graeber was an anthropologist not an economist nor a historian. Also, he was denied tenure at Yale because he was a chud. Read a book by someone who studied finance, not African tribes, if you want to learn about the history of finance.

>> No.16892267
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>> No.16892376

What particular book(s) would you recommend?

>> No.16892394

And are there any books defending Adam Smith?

>> No.16892570

Economics is so politicized, rather than trying to get some unbiased, middle-ground view, I recommend you stick with Graeber, who was a miserable leftist hack, and follow it up with Ferguson.

Adam Smith was pretty spot-on about most of what he wrote, even ardent neolib Keynesians (mostly) admit that.

Regarding the evolution of the modern economy, it's pretty clear that bartering was the foundation, then came debt/credit systems, then money, which facilitated/revamped the debt/credit systems. Lots of animals engage in barter. Some primates have enough of sense of community and proto-moral systems to engage in debt/credit (in the rest of the animal kingdom, debt/credit is simply theft/murder). We were the only species smart enough to create the concept of money.

Graeber was a total hack who cherry picked anecdotal evidence, misinterpreted historical events, and if both of those tactics failed him, simply made shit up. But do keep reading him. The frustrations from reading him give you a better appreciation for good scholarship

>> No.16892639

If you're more interested in the last 200 years or so, and with a focus on the US, Financial Regulation: Law and Policy by Michael Barr is very good. It's technically a legal casebook, but features very few actual cases. It's very well written, non-partisan, and would teach you almost everything about the nature and history of the different institutions in the financial ecosystem.

>> No.16892663
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>> No.16892681

do you know of any reviews/articles/books/journals going against Graeber?

>> No.16893890

Barren Metal by E. Michael Jones is good.

>> No.16894132

Adam Tooze's stuff

>> No.16894199


>> No.16894222
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It covers how capitalism formed, how it's fundamentally different from everything else, and to what kind of system and ruling class it inevitably leads.

>> No.16894704

Dr Strangelove's Game by Strathern

>> No.16894999

I also got this bood. p interesting.

>> No.16895185

Origins of money by Alla Semenova is an outstanding work. you can find it for free online. it is mainly a compilation of very recent historical, anthropological, archaelogical and economic findings about how money came to be. Lots of name drops aswell so you can go from there and seek out other writers she mentions like Seaford, Schaps etc.

>> No.16895199

>David Graeber was an anthropologist not an economist nor a historian.
A big part of what makes him so good.

>> No.16895260

Graebers take was factual for the most part.
Ferguson who he suggested is as biased as graeber only instead of anarchism he shills for imperialism and british conservatism. Its almost reverential regarding Neoliberalism.

He's saying that reading two works from very opposite positions may help you reach a conclusion you agree with. Which sounds like solid advice. Just be aware of Graeber and Fergusons personal bias.

As for a history of finance thats les biased but equal in scope I would offer Contours of the World Economy by Angus Maddison.
(Though I quite like Graeber.)

>> No.16895266

As if an anthropologist wouldn't be qualified to write about the history of money(a uniquely human history). The nerve

>> No.16895278
File: 97 KB, 500x800, central banking book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mandatory reading

>> No.16895331

outside of shilling for the likes of Soros or Greenspan I don't particulary see the neoliberal bias in Ferguson's work

did you have any particular takes in mind?

>> No.16895361

Bankers of Babylon

>> No.16895440 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1000x1145, 7crwkx8y7lg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked for books about finance not money. The only actual books on history of finance are:


which were taken from history of finance syllabi, but strangely got no replies from the chuds and deplorables of /lit/, oh well, can bring a beast of burden to the well but you can't make it drink

>> No.16895445

Yeah, it was particularly that he spent so much time lavishing goldman sachs, soros, and greenspan. He never mentioned any negative associated with imperialist market globalization. I actually learned alot from his book though, I really can't jive with the guys current takes. The book wasn't as biased as Ferguson seems to be elsewhere. It was awesome in scope and explained things clearly. Have you tried any of Angus Maddisons works? His are alot more academic and dense, but I couldn't find a particular bias and the scope was mindblowing.

>> No.16895452 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 856x1360, 712yC8vhmBL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP asked for books about finance not money. The only actual books on history of finance are:


which were taken from history of finance syllabi, but strangely got no replies from the chuds and deplorables of /lit/, oh well, can bring a beast of burden to the well but you can't make it drink

>> No.16895455

Finance is a broad term that describes activities associated with banking, leverage or debt, credit, capital markets, money, and investments. ... Finance also encompasses the oversight, creation, and study of money, banking, credit, investments, assets, and liabilities that make up financial systems.


>> No.16895476

>which were taken from history of finance syllabi, but strangely got no replies from the chuds and deplorables of /lit

>> No.16895522

Oh, yeah, I forgot getting an education is a conspiracy to trick you into becoming a liberal!

>> No.16895540

You forgot to reply to books taken from history of fiance syllabi while calling others out for doing the same. What you think you remembered is just further brainfarting on your part.

>> No.16895546

Ascent of Money is assigned, but that lame book by the anarchist kook is not.

>> No.16895568

>anarchist kook
kek, what makes him an anarchist kook, anon. Let's see where you think you're going.

>> No.16895581

interesting anon, any more books like this?

>> No.16895595

Lmao syllabi are created by profesors. I just googled and found Graebers book on several syllabi. Not Fergusons ekekeke

>> No.16895606

Link it up bro

>> No.16895627

How many fortune 500 CEOs and founders of startups valued over 1 billion did the b schools that put anarchist kooks on the reading list have?

>> No.16895658


>> No.16895663

>founders of startups valued over 1 billion
You're telling everyone your inability to do due diligence.

>> No.16895668

Imagine being dumb enough to think that going to a university is the only or even best way to get an education. Modern education is a Prussian derived system to create masses of employees and cogs of the state.

>> No.16895686
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[antisemitic trigger warning]

>> No.16895706

Imagine being dumb enough to think reading some shit off a 4channel infographic is the equivalent of a university education

>> No.16895720

>imagine spending money on ijumakishun that isn't technical

>> No.16895739



Most of them are PDFs though andbI dont want to post these fucking google amp links.

Just search History of Finance Syllabus Graeber.

What's funny is Fergusom hasnt been on a single one lol. Soros has a book called Alchemy of Finance. Will it make me rich bros?

>> No.16895749

Nice assumption, cuck. Go pay your student loans for your liberal arts degree. You didn't even try to rebut my post.

>> No.16895754

It is the best way to get an education. Self directed study necessitates more time and really is only helpful to wage cucks like me who despite being intelligent lacked the money to go to a decent college (also I had a 30 ACT and didnt realize till later that our shitty counselor couldve gotten me a scholarship) also also I was dumb like you and thought university was ultimately a waste of time since "I can find meaning in the mundane, I don't need money or success:

>> No.16895771

You sound dumb. Dumber than average. Im not who you're responding to by the way. Just thought you should know. You sound....dumb.

>> No.16895783

I have a university degree. Im not deluded enough to believe that its the only or best way to be educated. The fact you think so is a grass is greener problem. A university degree is only marginally helpful if you want to be an employee and earned income. If you want actual wealth through passive or portfolio income, college is of no help.

>> No.16895784

>What's funny is Fergusom hasnt been on a single one lol.

It's literally on the first one you fucking chud


Meanwhile the only one with David Graeber is some shitty Canadian school that assigns him during the "Marxist" week even though he's not a Marxist which should be a clue the school is shit.

>> No.16895793

Lol. Ok.

>> No.16895797

>Topic of thread is finance
>Hurr durr, I bet you have a liberal arts degree!


>> No.16895802

>wage cucks like me who despite being intelligent lacked the money to go to a decent college

That's what financial aid and student loans are for you financial toddler

>> No.16895805


>> No.16895810


You should check out the classical liberals as well. Not strictly economics, but the philosophy behind their standpoint:

Ludwig von Mises - Human Action
Friedrich Hayek - The Road to Serfdom
James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock - The Calculus of Consent

>> No.16895837

I have a degree you bastards. It's just from a shittt school with a shitty professor. The structure is helpful for learning as is the guidance. I've probably learned more through self study but college is what you make of it. It could easily be far
better than going it alone, and is for most.

Passive income, portfolio income. Sounds boring though, why would I play some imaginary gambling game designed to make evil fucks even wealthier?

>> No.16895846

Lmao they teach that shit at harvard. Fucking marxist professors subverting the youth with Ferguson.

>> No.16895856

False dichotomy. Its not university or autodidact. There are other ways.

Its gambling if you don't know anything about building business or creating investments, but I guess you are happier making them richer through earned income, the most taxed form of income. Enjoy being their employee.

>> No.16895934

>Lmao they teach that shit at harvard. Fucking marxist professors subverting the youth with Ferguson.

Ferguson was literally a professor at Harvard Business School, why would this surprise you?

>> No.16895935

Being an employee? Sounds boring. Playing the market? Sounds boring and possibly like a form of religion. I have a productive farm. I only called myself a wagecuck cause i was indeed a wagecuck when I attended college.

>> No.16895980

>I have a productive farm.

Nice larp, no one is more beholden to finance than farmers because the whims and fancies of commodity traders determine their whole future, not to mention trade agreements coming out of Washington, and constant competition pushing down margins from venture backed factory farms. Being a waged employee who gets paid a check good for cash money twice a month is significantly less cucked than being a farmer. If you went to college they would have taught you this and you could have avoided such a transparently false larp.

>> No.16896141

Bitch what do you know about it? Most of my products sell locally(within 150 miles). If Washington or wall street get to greedy I'll co-operatize. I make a very decent living. I'm not rich, but I'm far from poor. I'm not some industrial cotton or basedbean farmer you rube. I love animals and meaningful produce. I also got a huge taxbreak for planting trees. It's a fun life and my wife and kids enjoy it as well. I'll never starve and want have to neck myself when the next market crash comes any day now.

>> No.16896217

>wall street get to greedy
The commodities markets are based in Chicago.

>> No.16896493

Lol damn you doctor semantics!!!

>> No.16896959

Not him, but most of the major financial news stories from the US for the past 40 years have been based in the fact that futures are in Chicago and Wall Street is increasingly on servers which are nowhere near WS. It's not a semantics thing; it's a basic element of the system's repeated collapses that those markets are physically distant. It's the kind of shit you have to know if you want to call anyone a rube.

>> No.16897006
File: 62 KB, 450x575, fugger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard Ehrenberg - Capital And Finance In The Age Of The Renaissance. focus on Fuggers, but not exclusively.


>> No.16897035

Most of the servers are in nj which is still p close to wall st, too bad governer phil the fuckup murphy is planning to tax transactions on the nasdaq servers to make up for the loss of tax revenue from his ccp style lockdown earlier this year.

>> No.16897055

I meant >>16892267

>> No.16897390

>David Graeber
anybody who still clings to the Labor Theory of Value is a moron.

>> No.16897499

Why? My cousin still clings to the labor theory of value.

>> No.16897509

Damn you dr. Formal Semantics

>> No.16897600

> nj which is still p close to wall st
Go Google flash crash and see how it's the distances smaller than feet within NJ that causes one major problem. Pretty close is not close enough.

>> No.16898485

because it's a relic of the 18th century and was disproved during the marginal revolution. How does one even calculate the "socially necessary labor time"?

>> No.16898628

Dis many people need dis much product it take dis long to make dat much

>> No.16899071

Ignore the naysayers. Graeber is based and was denied tenure at Yale because of his political opinions.

>> No.16899106

>give proper suggestion
>retards laser focus on ted talk economist vs verso meme

>> No.16899115

Yeah, they didn't want to be stuck with an anarchist kook.

>> No.16899135

I have aglietta's theory of capitalist regulation on my reading list

>> No.16899145

Any actual literature on finance gets immediately purged these days

>> No.16899169

A Farewell to Alms is an economic history book though not strictly finance, more so the economy pre and post industrial revolution and the escape from the Malthusian trap

>> No.16899182


>Alla Semenova

this may be the most unfortunate name I have ever encountered

>> No.16899260


>> No.16899440

lol seething tankie.

>> No.16899949

come on man where u at