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/lit/ - Literature

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16890208 No.16890208 [Reply] [Original]

Is your job /lit/ related? Do you have any regrets in regards to your profession?

>> No.16890246

I'm a truck driver. I get paid to drive trucks 14 hours a day.

I spend those 14 hours listening to audiobooks.

I am paid to read whatever I want.

>> No.16890430

How do you listen to audiobooks whitout getting sleepy?

>> No.16890493

Right now Im a package handler so not really, later on when I have a car Im going to learn carpentry and settle with that. I would try to work in something /lit/ related but Im not bothering with a degree, things like bookstores arent a very good career unless I own one, and Im smart enough to know that unless its a business like I said I wouldnt want a job in something I love because I know I’ll end up hating it. Carpentry can be pretty hard on the body I imagine but I like the craft and its very useful in life so I dont think ill regret it

>> No.16890539

Yes. I am a NYT bestselling author

>> No.16890557

>studying to be an english teacher
I honestly think being a farmer is probably more /lit/ than highschool english.

>> No.16890614

What do you write?

>> No.16890680

developer here i have a cuck job yes i regret choosing the path of the cuck i Just wanted to play videogames and got tricked into this cucked profession i wish i was a genetist studying the crispr system to make myself immortal, i wasted my 140iq

>> No.16890686

My diary

>> No.16891286

>teaching niggers ebonics
don't do it

>> No.16891556

Grad student in literature. So not lit at all

I don't regret my decisions given the context, but I'm working to get out of this life. The income to afford family, friends, and living are more important than the egotistic life of the mind, my good chums.

>> No.16891586

working in an amazon warehouse because there are no other jobs in existence

i regret having to be around the unfortunate souls here

>> No.16891635

>Is your job /lit/ related?
>Do you have any regrets in regards to your profession?
Yeah. I studied economics and I’m a financial analyst now. In retrospect, I wouldn’t have studied economics and I definitely wouldn’t have gone into financial analysis.

>> No.16891704

I'm a highschool philosophy teacher. It's /lit/ because it keeps me in touch with the subject, but not that much because it's in Brazil and young people here behave like monkeys.

>> No.16891791

There arent any of those here.
Well like five or ten in town.

>> No.16891963

Is your last name Stoner by any chance?

>> No.16892034

nope. wish i'd gone to college so i could have been a critic or an ESL teacher or something. life sucks OP

>> No.16893003

>Is your job /lit/ related?


i am a writer

>Do you have any regrets in regards to your profession?


i am a writer

>> No.16893020

The chad Edelgard enjoyer

>> No.16893198

t. tranny

>> No.16893833

Edelgard is the superior choice

>> No.16894206

I'm a journalist, kind of /lit/ i'd say, but the topic is dense and at times boring - finance. but sometimes you get the opportunity to write a good piece. No regrets so far, because I can pretty much work at my own pace. I hate waking up early, but my company let's me work later hours, all from home currently.

>> No.16894212

No. But I like being a sales assistant at a high end dept store.

>> No.16894217

i'm a writer
but it is not /lit/ related

>> No.16895620

Finance journalism? Like reporting a company's performance or like a funding?

>> No.16895962

mostly stock-based, so yeah, usually it's company performance, stock-wise and fundamental if it's earnings season, some portraits, some pieces about what hedge funds are doing, and some more macro-focused stuff (e.g. what are central banks doing about inflation etc.).