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/lit/ - Literature

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16890099 No.16890099 [Reply] [Original]

Just finished this and it was kino

>> No.16890612

Read Death of Virgil by Broch

>> No.16890618

Now read the Dryden translation.

>> No.16890630


>> No.16890637
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>sunlight shines out of Augustus' anus

>> No.16890767

How historically accurate is the novel? Asking, because I'm not familiar with Virgil's life

>> No.16890776

Its about as historical accurate as the Iliad. The parts that detail actual history, such any scene with Augustus, are highly praising, as Augustus was Virgil's patron.

>> No.16890782

>and it was kino
wow, that's the level of criticism and intellectual critique I expect from the white trash of /lit/

>> No.16890792

I'm Vietnamese

>> No.16890798

How new are you, chap?

>> No.16890826

>Entire thing is propaganda to create the Roman mythos
>Virgil slipped in a cheeky fuck you to Augustus
>Ovid is the one placed into exile

>> No.16890838

>Virgil slipped in a cheeky fuck you to Augustus
Do tell

>> No.16890856 [DELETED] 
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Why do Irish people love Virgil so much?

>> No.16890859

This does it better than I

tltr: Virgil does not view Augustus as a wise man or great hero. By sending Aeneas in the Gate of Ivory Virgil claiming that Augustus is using his power in a manner that is virtually filled with false dreams, and that he convincing citizens and senators to follow him by giving them false hope.

>> No.16890864

Interesting, when I studied it I didnt find anyone that thought the portrayal of Augustus was anything less than propaganda

>> No.16890890

I personally missed it but could definitely notice the propaganda.

>> No.16890899

too add to this >>16890859
Augustus, being a so called descendant of Aeneas, who had his mommy (Aphrodite) help him against the stronger warrior Turnus, would've been killed without celestial aid.
That's expected from professors who are possessed by ideology.

>> No.16891112

So is Fitzgerald the /lit/ translation of choice or is Fagles still the /lit/test?