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16886248 No.16886248 [Reply] [Original]

"For forms of government let fools contest;
Whatever governs best is best,
Even if it’s an alien AI autist."

Holy Based.

>> No.16886295

He’s sooo ugly

>> No.16886302

>Rhyming "contest" and "best" with "autist"
Is this ugly-ass chode Kiwi or South African?

>> No.16886304

Why does he dress like a gay icon

>> No.16886311

Did he really believe obama was a commie?

>> No.16886369

commies today are "commies" and true commies are being accused of racism and sexism, just like Chomsky accused Zizek of being that, evon tho Zizek is not a commie commie but just someone who uses the marxist framework of sociological studies.

>> No.16887173

If actual fascists and capitalists aren't allowed to determine the definitions of fascism and capitalism, then why should "actual" communists be allowed to detirmine the definition of communism?

>> No.16888650

the worst thing about this is that he probably though he looked cool posing like that

>> No.16888662

Anything position that doesn't specifically entail removing communists and people with communistic tendencies from society is just an incubating communism.

>> No.16888689

jew liberal saying jew liberal things, Steven Pinker's shit posting persona