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16885963 No.16885963 [Reply] [Original]

post sickest things you have ever read , pic related is the opening of ryu murakami coin locker babies

>> No.16886144

Says a lot about the people who even read shit from such degenerates

>> No.16886164
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>> No.16886172

Dude, you're a little faggot

>> No.16886178

Eh, I've read worse stuff.

>> No.16886232

The Californian parties in The Elementary Particles

>> No.16886300

the first chapter in the necrophiliac was a bit discomforting

>> No.16886325

How can this be the sickest shit you've ever read?

>> No.16886333

Based /pol/ newshitters outing themselves

>> No.16886402

> Je chierai dans ta bouche ma beauté, j’y chierai mou, dur, chaud et je me branlerai à m’arracher le gland sur ton visage plein de ma merde. Ah tu pètes ! Ah tu veux péter quand je marche derrière toi ! Pètes de tout ton saoul ! Pètes tant que tu peux ! Mais je te remplirai de merde, de haut jusqu’en bas. Je chierai dans ton cul, salope ! L’amour c’est une outre qu’on verse. Cupidon m’a percé le cul et il coule, il coule dans mon froc, dans mes chiottes, dans mon lit et bientôt il coulera sur toi. Le caca ne disparaît pas comme les gouttes qui annoncent les orages, il faut frotter. Et tu frotteras, salope ! Tu frotteras sous tes ongles en pleurant, tu frotteras tes cheveux encrassé, tu frotteras tant que la peau te tombera des mains. Et quand le sang poindra sur ta chaire, je chierai dessus. Je chierai dans tes plaies sous le soleil d’août et je t’y laisserai sécher jusqu’à ce que la merde sanguinolente se solidifie dans tes croutes. Et quand tu auras faim, tu mangeras tes croutes, et tu saigneras à nouveau et je reviendrai te chier dessus. Je chie depuis tout petit, je fais ça bien. Je ne force jamais vois-tu. Quand l’envie me vient, et elle me vient souvent, je m’abandonne à mon cul, mon cul roi ! Et tu seras sa reine. Femme, tu seras l’océan sur lequel j’irai lever le soleil de mon cul dans un torrent de pet wagnérien. Tu vivras dans nos merdes, mélangées comme deux corps au suprême moment, peut-être te ferais-je un enfant, peut-être l’avorterais-je, puis je le mangerais pour pouvoir te le chier dessus. Et je mettrai ton beau cul contre le mien, et nous chierons ensemble ! Oui ! J’aime chier ! Je chie beaucoup ! Ah tes lèvres pleines de merde m’excite, je chie encore !
That was pretty wild.

>> No.16886442

man i dont speak french come on

>> No.16886520

google trad gives:
I will shit in your mouth my beauty, I will shit soft, hard, hot and I will jerk off my acorn on your face full of my shit. Ah you fart! Ah you want to fart when I walk behind you! Farts all your drunk! Fart while you can! But I'll fill you up with shit, top to bottom. I'll fuck your ass, bitch! Love is another than in verse. Cupid pierced my ass and it sinks, it sinks in my pants, in my toilets, in my bed and soon it will be dripping on you. Poop doesn't disappear like the drops that announce thunderstorms, you have to rub. And you will rub, bitch! You will rub under your fingernails crying, you will rub your dirty hair, you will rub as long as the skin falls from your hands. And when the blood comes on your pulpit, I'll shit on it. I'll shit in your wounds under the August sun and let you dry there until the bloody shit solidifies in your scabs. And when you're hungry, you'll eat your scabs, and you'll bleed again and I'll be back to shit on you. I've been shitting since I was little, I do it well. I never force you see. When the urge strikes me, and it comes often, I surrender to my ass, my ass king! And you will be his queen. Woman, you will be the ocean on which I will rise the sun from my ass in a torrent of Wagnerian fart. You will live in our shit, mixed up like two bodies at the supreme moment, maybe I will give you a child, maybe I will abort it, then I will eat it so that I can fuck it on you. And I'll put your beautiful ass against mine, and we'll shit together! Yes! I love to shit! I shit a lot! Ah your lips full of shit turn me on, I shit again!

>> No.16886642


>> No.16886922

Degenerate and disgusting

>> No.16887178

Where is this from?

>> No.16887191

>Getting filtered by the first paragraph
LMAO and you fags are on 4chan. How embarrassing.

>> No.16887200

It's from one of the letters of James Joyce.

>> No.16887216

Best book I ever read.

>> No.16887238

It's not, why would Joyce write letters to his lover in French?

>> No.16887245

Cause he's a bilingual mad lad.

>> No.16887256

He still wanted his lover to shit on him not the other way around

>> No.16887293
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>> No.16887396

Based and shitpilled

>> No.16887480

the self-abortion sequence in matthew stokoe's cows was so vividly written i got light-headed both times i read the book

>> No.16887488

Beat me to it

>> No.16887625

What's it from?

>> No.16887747
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The Consumer

>> No.16887808
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>> No.16887958

Imagine the smell

>> No.16888025

The guy from Swans? No thanks

>> No.16888063
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>he isn't confronting the shadow

>> No.16888077

ah, no surprise