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16884252 No.16884252 [Reply] [Original]

am I supposed to take this seriously?

>> No.16884285

It's pretty on-spot. Colleges today do not encourage intellectual diversity, and college students today are clearly less able to cope with harsh realities of adulthood.

>> No.16884287
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> Campus students are too eggshells syndrome. Safe space is the degeneration of society! We must go back to the Ancient!
> Meanwhile Socrates was literally executed by eggshell syndrome retards trying to create a safe space for their pedo culture.

Yeah, no.

>> No.16884301

That's the idea nigger. Adult life doesn't need to be so hard and we are doing it. Marx will lead us to utopia.

>> No.16884304
File: 30 KB, 311x466, 41dgRsvdFiL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*writes the definitive book of the genre 45+ years ago*

>> No.16884315

Pouring huge values of public resources into generating an enormous managerial, emotionally sterile and infantile class, has nothing, NOTHING, of Marx to it you utter imbecile. It is a product of capitalism and exclusively capitalism. You have sold your rights to Jeff Bezos in exchange for 80 credit-hours of human resources training you incompetent faggot.

>> No.16884328

Marx will lead to the end of humanity.

They are creating political soldiers for their parties. The cute thing is that their financiers forbid them class struggle and anti capitalist rhetoric back at Occupy wall street. So they ended up with all the black globohomo fatphobia shit. Hitler called them social democrats. Its the same anti national lot.

>> No.16884332

Yeah, it's a good book.

>> No.16884336


> 1) nationalize all large surface stores like Walmart, Costco, etc, and integrate their cost prediction system into national economies.
> 2) nationalize real estate. Homes/properties that have been in your family more than x years remain yours. Otherwise housing is determined by needs according to your work location.
> 3) Vehicules are only permitted according to need based on the size of the family/nature of work.
> 4) Heavily restrict immigration. Full citizenship is impossible for 1st gen immigrants, and 2md gen still have to test for it.

Never gonna happen tho.

>> No.16884367

>Price prediction will solve marxism!
The reason capitalist economies outdo centrally planned economies isn't because of price prediction. It's because of economic Darwinism. Capitalist economies have faltered BECAUSE corporations became closely ingrained to the governmental apparatus and federal monies were used to preserve their existence. Nationalizing the properties won't fix the issue. It will make it worse. The US government at least had to debate bailing out Citigroup. If the Federal Reserve needed 800 Billion to avoid going under they'd just write it in under the deficit for that year and never blink an eye.

>> No.16884409

No, you aren't supposed to take anything seriously.

>> No.16884427

Why does antifa and related groups only attack middle and working class white people who refuse to follow “political correctness”?

>> No.16884435


>> No.16884455
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>> No.16884472

>It's because of some shit I made up

>> No.16884478

Weird shit happens in your false rality dude

>> No.16884490

Cringeing, effeminate untermensch detected

>> No.16884494

This post deserves an applause.

>> No.16884551

>The reason capitalist economies outdo centrally planned economies isn't because of price prediction

It is rather because capitalism overvalues fictional entities and sacrifices sustainability for industrial growth that centrally planned economies *cannot* compete (by the standard that allows that the same economies are essentially intrastate state-sized entities and are some of the most successful ones).
But more importantly, the majority of individual capitalist states mostly cannot compete with the larger capitalist economies either. It's a joke to believe that Leafland and Burgerland are on the same foot because they both operate a capitalist free-market.

>> No.16884728
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>> No.16884734

One page at a time

>> No.16884802
File: 33 KB, 1043x104, Screenshot 2020-11-27 021324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much more right does he have to be proven for you?

>> No.16885064

Jonathan Haidt is the greatest living psychologist and anyone who disagrees has to read his work

>> No.16885093

Granted, I have never read his work but I have watched a few longform interviews with him and his talking point were pretty basic bitch takes.