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File: 102 KB, 500x500, bernhard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16881779 No.16881779 [Reply] [Original]

I do not care for walks either, and have been a reluctant walker all my life. I have always disliked walking, but I am prepared to go for walks with friends, and this makes them think I am a keen walker, for there is an amazing theatricality about the way I walk. I am certainly not a keen walker, nor am I a nature lover or a nature expert. But when I am with friends I walk in such a way as to convince them I am a keen walker, a nature lover, and a nature expert. I know nothing about nature. I hate nature, because it is killing me. I live in the country only because the doctors have told me that I must live in the country if I want to survive—for no other reason. In fact I love everything except nature, which I find sinister; I have become familiar with the malignity and implacability of nature through the way it has dealt with my own body and soul, and being unable to contemplate the beauties of nature without at the same time contemplating its malignity and implacability, I fear it and avoid it whenever I can. The truth is that I am a city dweller who can at best tolerate nature. It is only with reluctance that I live in the country, which on the whole I find hostile.

>> No.16881824

haha l'homme avec la petite glace

>> No.16881852
File: 78 KB, 904x735, 1605793082253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16881894

that's hilarious. i have yet to read bernhard but i have a number of his books downloaded.

when people say they really hate nature though i find it hard to believe it is anything but a - what's the word - a put-on, a pretence, an act. bernhard does at least mention that nature is beautiful there, and then speaks about his difficulty in reconciling that with its more horrifying aspects. and it is true, nature can be horrifying (on a personal note i wish i could rid every speck of nature from my house. i enjoy nature, but not in my house), but to take such a strong stance as hating nature. i do not understand it and suspect anyone who claims it as being a very theatrical person.

>> No.16881974

I've read three of his books and he always expresses very definitive opinions. He either loves or hates something. Mostly hate, and then he goes way overboard with it. But it's still amusing and entertaining.

>> No.16881984

based but bluepilled, nature is the sanctuary of the righteous

>> No.16882000

He lived with a lung disease all of his life which he was hospitalized multiple times for and which made it hard for him to live. He died of assisted suicide because he couldn't bear it any longer, so I don't think that sentiment is theatrical or unfounded for him. All his books are written in this sort of exaggerated and theatrical manner and he did think his books were funny but at the same I think he is serious with everything he says. It is a humor that is dark, desperate, and demented.

>> No.16882018

damn, that's sad. the excerpt is very funny though, he kept good humour. i will bump him up on my to read list.

>> No.16882029

I think of him as ice cream bitch.

>> No.16882469

Bernhard is such a fucking whiny bitch.

>> No.16882481

fuck you

>> No.16882981


>> No.16883510
File: 67 KB, 200x200, joe biden ice cream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are old men licking ice cream cones so scary? They radiate this really scary sexual predator kind of energy. I don't know why.

>> No.16883514


>> No.16883817

>His death was announced only after his funeral. In his will, which aroused great controversy on publication, Bernhard prohibited any new stagings of his plays and publication of his unpublished work in Austria

damn that's edgy

>> No.16883861


>> No.16883889

They ignored his will, I believe. His plays were staged in Austria after his death.