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/lit/ - Literature

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16880836 No.16880836 [Reply] [Original]

>male goodreads review
critiques the content of the book
>female goodreads review
talks about the emotions she underwent while reading the book
how she always wanted to pick it up and finally did
how much she loved/hated a certain character

>> No.16880841

Do you understand yet?

>> No.16880854

Women are rarted?

>> No.16880870

Yep. The fact they demand to be taken as seriously as men when it comes to intellectual pursuits is an embarrassment. The further fact that we have to go along with it now is nothing short of a disgrace.

>> No.16880874
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>woman gives book a 1-star rating because it features a character she really disliked
>makes no other notes or critique on the actual content or writing style of said book
Do females really?

>> No.16880879

this is males as well retard

>> No.16880884

more like
>male goodreads review
critiques the content of the book
>female goodreads review
critiques the misogyny, blatant sexism, racism and other VERY PROBLEMATIC views the author held

>> No.16880892

Those """males""" are in fact females

>> No.16880945

You live in a fantasy world of your own construction

>> No.16881036

ITT: reasons to never let a female critique your writing.

>> No.16881047

There isn't enough disgust for women and those like them on this board. We need to post more.

>> No.16881066

>Cares about goodreads
>Complains about women
kys frogposter
You are the only reason you can't get laid

>> No.16881069

The passions are superior to (((reason))), stemcuck

>> No.16881072

Women read for the reason you're supposed to read: enjoyment

>> No.16881081

>he pretends that goodreads isn't the best book cataloguing site out there

>> No.16881092

i also live in his fantasy world

>> No.16881109

>talks about the emotions she underwent while reading the book
>how she always wanted to pick it up and finally did
>how much she loved/hated a certain character
extremely based desu

>> No.16881111

>having a goodreads account
>reading reviews by people whose prime reason for reading is writing reviews so they can ME ME ME without producing anything of worth
>not understanding that all user input is concentrated narcissism unless anonymous
Am I really the only one who sees how people's relationship with product is a way to self-advertise?

>> No.16881113

>im gay: the post

>> No.16881126

Anger at a character is a passion you fucking retard.
If a character is supposed to be unlikable and you don't like them, the passion is correct, and downgrading a work of art for inspiring the passion that it intended to inspire is hypocritical.

>> No.16881162
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But you need reason to properly understand and examine your passions and establish causation

>> No.16881180

>Amazon datamining site
>The best anything
Technology sure is hard for retards to grasp

>> No.16881200

Maybe women are supposed to read for enjoyment, roastie.
Men prefer to read for enlightenment

>> No.16881202


>> No.16881205

>critiques the misogyny, blatant sexism, racism and other VERY PROBLEMATIC views the author held
Add that this happens even when they're not expressed at all by the book in question, and you're spot on.

>> No.16881215

This but unironically

>> No.16881227

No, we see it.

>> No.16881285

Most users/reviewers are anonymous. What would going ME ME ME achieve with an anonymous identity?

>> No.16881325
File: 3.13 MB, 2924x3994, George_Charles_Beresford_-_Virginia_Woolf_in_1902_-_Restoration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet there's a female you can't surpass in writing even if you're born twice

>> No.16881403

already have fag. Once by being born male and once by creating better content. Seethe faggeeeto.

>> No.16881416


>> No.16881437

AFAIK you have an account where all your reviews are collected

>> No.16881459

Aw hell fellas, Imma just come out n' say it.
A woman has never created a single literary piece of worth.

>> No.16881484

Average negative Goodreads review:
- Prose log of reading progress
- Process of acquisition of the book
- "I didn't like [character(s)]"
- Onomatopeias
- Poor analysis of the writer's intent
- "Worst book I've ever read in my life".
- Tumblr gifs

>> No.16881493

Nice of a man to make it possible for her to write. She's was a confirmed institutional crazy BTW. Try wikipedia before you shit out these failures.

>> No.16881519
File: 9 KB, 220x247, images - 2020-11-26T155130.864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roastie woolf
Simone Weil was the only woman that ever did something worthy of being read
Everything else is a sad femoid cope

>> No.16881529

This, men read only to gain some practical use or to ”””improve”””. They do not, and cannot, enjoy books for their entertainment or aesthetic value, only women can.

>> No.16881555

"Political correctness" is not even political it is a question of empathy and basic human decency. The discomfort you get at being asked to acknowledge your own privilege is not even one millionth of the humiliation trans people or PoC undergo every second of their waking existence from living under white supremacist capitalist heteronormative patriarchy.

>16879241 #
Marginalised people cannot empathize with those who want them dead. One cannit empathize with racism with sexism or transphobia. Period. It is just basic sensitivity to human suffering yes iam PC yes i am a sjw i would gladly burn every single last page of the western cannon if it meant putting an end to racism and sexism. I dont believe this is radical or political at all but the bare minimum that should be required of a decent empathetic human being. If you dont agree whole heartedly then you should not consider yourself on the left an lgbt ally or an antiracist.

>> No.16881560

> Literally no one
Women: misogyny, blatant sexism, racism

>> No.16881568
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Exquisite bait, you even used POC

>> No.16881581

It really goes to show the state of the board that there are actually people here who can't read for both aesthetic enjoyment and enlightenment, and so choose to blame their shortcomings on their gender and use this as a feeble excuse for superiority.

>> No.16881651
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Reading for entertainment, for information and for enlightenment are not independent. Reading for entertainment is contained in reading for information, and they both are contained in reading for enlightenment.

>> No.16881681

Let me hate women in peace

>> No.16881825

True they are trannies

>> No.16881963
File: 264 KB, 400x400, iu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet POC from other countries say this is the least racist country. FACT.

Racism and sexism are biological. Deny it all you want, a lie detector would prove otherwise.

Western Canon freed the slaves dumb fuck. But yeah, burn it --whatever. Western Canon gave women rights, but you have your head so far up your ass you don't know that.

People have been tolerant of this for years, That's the problem. The more people allow others to be gay and stupid the more power the gay and stupid seek. No one cares who you fuck, you completely deluded dementite.

If you enjoy the privilege of being the cunt who posted this. Thank a man.

Almost a million white men died fighting Confederates and Nazi's, but fuck those CIS white males! AMIRITE? Get rekt, bitch. Learn to think for yourself.

>> No.16882399

what does a good negative review look like to you

>> No.16882560
File: 75 KB, 638x684, 1605389978868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log into goodreads
>give Mein Kampf 1 star simply because Hitler wrote it

>> No.16882613

Except you can find that kind of review on almost any great book

>> No.16882812

This is shitty b8. Its been popping up all over lot lately. Avoid

>> No.16882903

I rarely read book reviews, and never from goodreads. But honestly I would rather read about how a book made someone feel rather than some guy saying the prose was sublime

>> No.16883031

it's bad. The end.

>> No.16883053
File: 33 KB, 452x608, 13543452415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading a """book review""" by someone born in this generation
>let alone by literal whos on goodreads
>not reading essays from pre 20th ce literary giants
>not reading essays by pre 20th ce classics phds or philologists

>> No.16883156
File: 15 KB, 612x121, fivedialoguesreview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grabbed a screenshot of "Karen" reviewing Plato's Five Dialogues but I wasn't sure when to share it.

>> No.16883182

I've been thinking about this and I fall firmly into the latter. I don't take notes on books I read, I sometimes try to put literature in its historical context but that mostly ruins it for me. I like reading as "therapy", as like a safe window into humanity where I can reflect on my own emotions and life and feelings as similar things happen to the characters. A lot of literature to me transcends all cultural and historical boundaries even if it's not "supposed to". I read to feel, not think.

>> No.16883183
File: 794 KB, 1125x1501, 250A57D5-EBED-404C-8E34-D5D5192C4776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s only because she got JOYCED

>> No.16883224

she hated joyce

>> No.16883234

I don't think feeling and thinking are independent. Usually the thinking part automatically comes right after we feel

>> No.16883716

don't see datamining could take away usability. You should refrain from using Amazon as well if you're protective of your data

>> No.16883738


>> No.16883878

Because he did not impregnate her

>> No.16883885

she rejected him to the contrary

>> No.16883897
File: 129 KB, 828x494, 77AF020C-CE93-445E-BA84-5CED4E410278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16883900

We both know he smelled every single one of her farts

>> No.16883917

its what inspired him to write finnegans wake

>> No.16883920

Men and women are the same but they’re also different but you cannot acnowledge that or you are an incel but if you don’t acnowledge that you are also an incel

>> No.16883990
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>> No.16883993
File: 442 KB, 648x2287, Good Reads Review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16884012

sounds like the average /lit/izen

>> No.16884683

yeah usually the ''critiques' get more or less the same

>> No.16884708

women have no introspection so they just can say what they feel
just like americans have no vocabulary, so they try to mime their feeling