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/lit/ - Literature

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16880518 No.16880518 [Reply] [Original]

>Be me
>Be me nearing 30
>Haven't read Homer, Plato, Aristotle, Virgil, the Bible, Dante, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Melville, Joyce, Pynchon or DFW
Is it too late for me, /b/ros?

>> No.16880533

>Be you
>Be you nearing 30
>Be you nearing 30 wondering at how you have wasted your life by not reading the greats of literature
>Make a 4chan thread instead of reading
This is why you’ve wasted your life

>> No.16880544

It's never too late to KYS.

>> No.16880554

Nah. There's always time to read. Personally, I would go:

I am not that into philosophy, so I left out Plato and Aristotle (but I have read Poetics and really enjoyed it). I would also recommend reading some of Joyce's short stories in Dubliners.

>> No.16880557
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>Be me
>Be me nearing 30
>Be me having just read your post
>Wonder again if it's too late for me, /b/ros
>Make this point

>> No.16880566

Never is late, knoweldge haven't age

>> No.16880571
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>Be me, nearing 30, correcting my previous post
>*Make this post

>> No.16880582

start now you fucking retard. Get a compilation of platonic dialogues from your local library (not e edition), turn off the internet and just read. It takes no time at all jesus christ age is irrelevant

>> No.16880589

>Be (You)
>In the 7 minutes and 38 seconds that have transpired since the creation of this thread, you could have already finished the Apology of Socrates

>> No.16880590

I'm feeling tired

>> No.16880608

Why the fuck would you read that boring old shit. You should read Burroughs and Bukowski

>> No.16880740

Skip DFW. Read other post modernists instead.

>> No.16880765

you've got probably 25-65 years of life left
definitely not enough time to 10-25 books

>> No.16880816
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Then make you don't repeat this thread in 10 years, anon. Start today, even if you can read for just 10 minutes a day, do it!

>> No.16881314


>> No.16881382

Thank you fren

>> No.16882645
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Seriously mate, just get on with it. It's a meme but you've got more years left than you'll know what to do with. Read everything, learn an instrument, love your wife. Life is long

>> No.16882808

Why do you even come here then?

>> No.16882815

buy an ereader and read on the toilet when you poop instead of browsing your smartphone. that's better than nothing

>> No.16882892

How have you gone 30 years without reading anything by any of these authors? Some of it is covered in high school

>> No.16882900

Perfect time to start tbqhwy

>> No.16883000

too late for what

>> No.16883032


>> No.16883071

Set a daily reading goal. Something easy. Even 1 page, if 5 is too many. Read that 1 page, no matter what. When that becomes habitual -- when it no longer takes any effort -- bump it up to 5, then to 10. Whatever your day-to-day schedule will allow. Don't start with Homer if it's too difficult. Start with something easier, or maybe an adapted version of Homer (like Stephen Fry's "Troy") that will prep you a bit for reading the real thing. Just remember, it's better to meet a very modest goal than to do nothing. Don't compare yourself to who someone else is today; compare yourself to who you were yesterday.

>> No.16883098

just read mate

>> No.16883104

>have one chance at life
>squander it

Yeah, that's going to be a yikes from me.

>> No.16883163

You insufferable fucking cunt. It's probably better to have had some experience on this earth before you read that shit anyway. Go read.

>> No.16883207

>Apology of Socrates
To better understand how terribly fallacious and droll the whole thing is?