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File: 24 KB, 220x336, 220px-CormacMcCarthy_BloodMeridian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16876277 No.16876277 [Reply] [Original]

When does this get good bros?

>> No.16876361

If you don't like it read something else, or nothing, idgaf.

>> No.16876362

Page 1. Sound out the prose in your head anon. The book is an absolute pleasure that way, even the most inconsequential shit.

>> No.16876410

>See the child.
Right about there

>> No.16876424

Reminder: this is nothing more than a non-pc realistic western that has one of the buddies turn evil halfway and want to nerf the protag.

>> No.16876446

Page 1 dude. Shit slaps
>Sound out the prose in your head
Lmao you mean read?

>> No.16876468

>This nigga has to mentally sound out every word to read.
How long have you been reading?

>> No.16876621

When Cliff Martinez hits and the desert slow pan gets neon

>> No.16876663

>filtered by BM

>> No.16876868

If you don't take to it pretty much immediately you probably won't like it ever

>> No.16877009

>Sound out the prose in your head
>Lmao you mean read?
I mean, McCarthy's complete and utter disregard for punctuation kinda makes you have to either read it out loud or sound it out in your head to work out some lines.

>> No.16877215

Sound-it-out-in-your-head anon here. What i meant was that the rhythms of the prose become apparent when you read it out loud or at least pay attention to the phonetics of the words while reading. It's great that way and those who kinda hate McCarthy's syntax may come to like it. Its Moby dick not only because its an epic, but also because it's a prose poem Moby dick.

>> No.16877224

*Its compared to Moby dick not only because its an epic, but also because its a prose poem like MD.

I hate phoneposting

>> No.16877230

Also the reason why the audio book version is one of the all time greats.

>> No.16877307

Yeah, all McCarthy audiobooks are great. Suttree is my personal favorite because McCarthy's language there is at its best and Richard poe for once did a good reading.