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/lit/ - Literature

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16875796 No.16875796 [Reply] [Original]

Why label yourself as a nazi or a communist online? Literally what purpose would that serve? Youthful arrogance and contrarianism to stick it to the man?

Don't they realize how they're stupid they're being? I'm sure there are books on this that explain politics basically replacing subcultures but I can't name any

>> No.16875802

Why label yourself as a centrist?

>> No.16875804

I plan to write a novel on that, and I have some experience on that kind of circles.

>> No.16875808

I dunno maybe they're sick of politics as usual fucking their country over for several decades and want a system that actually offers them something worth having

>> No.16875811

Any time someone makes a major show of their preferences, especially when those preferences seem intended to shock or provoke, you can bet they're doing it for attention and the ego-validation that attention begets. I'm not sure if there's books on this, but the correct response is to tell them to stop being 20.

>> No.16875819
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>Why label yourself as a nazi or a communist online?
Sorry, I'm an hispanist

>> No.16875839

Politics is literally supposed to be boring. It's about incremental change and proposing policies that basically change nearly nothing except lead to other policies which marginally head the direction you want

Subscribing to extreme politics and believing that you can bring radical change and your utopia will change everything just means you're literally still in high school. Once you get a job and realize how your co workers barely give a shit and your boss doesn't give a shit at all you drop all the idealistic LARPer crap

>> No.16875848

The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra: Debut novel of the toxic post-ironic Internet culture of /lit/. An insight into the spook-concious

>> No.16875854

LARPing...LARPing never changes.

>> No.16875855

fuck where's kantbot or somebody actually smart to give a good take here

>> No.16875869

>It's about incremental change and proposing policies that basically change nearly nothing except lead to other policies which marginally head the direction you want
Yeah except that doesn't work when a whole generation can't afford a place to live in most places and are watching their quality of life decline to enrich the elites.

>> No.16875880

oh your a communist post-marxist eco fascist? wow cool so what do you do about it? are you an expert in the literature? are you building a movement of people? oh, nothing? youre just living inside a big gay CIA psyops? nice going moron. try not living in ideology

>> No.16875888
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So I can signal to other Nazis that I'm down with the struggle.

>> No.16875889

It's fun

>> No.16875890

Oh fuck off. Your doomsday scenario is literally riding the bus with a pakisani or black person.

Liberal capitalism literally gives people gives everyone everything they want

>> No.16875895

>youre just living inside a big gay CIA psyops
kantbot is the only one exposing CIA psyops and not following for gay circus shit like white identity or muh ballot fraud

god, conservatards are so fucking pathetic

>> No.16875918

I just talked about massive wealth transfer to the elites and now you're bitching about pakis or niggers instead because you know you won't win that argument.
Moderates are continuing to fuck over the young people just the same. There are people who can literally end up homeless if they end up getting sick and you're somehow mystified why people are becoming radicals.

>> No.16875925

an elite class has literally always existed and there's more room for economic mobility than ever. Stop being such a bitch

>> No.16875938
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>Liberal capitalism literally gives people gives everyone everything they want
Incredible, this middle class child has cracked it. All problems have already been solved by globohomo capitalism, politics is over guys, go home.

>> No.16875946

No there isn't. The divide between haves and have nots is increasing. Or do you actually buy the American Dream story and think you're gonna become a billionaire too? Look it up and almost all of them start off from an upper class family to begin with.

>> No.16875949

Bruh unless you're in China the middle class has been shrinking for ages now
Where the fuck do you live that you haven't heard about this?

>> No.16875968

Oh shit that's nuts dude my country is paradise and I didn't even notice it past all those crushing living costs and low wages damn guess I love Milton Friedman now

>> No.16875974

funny how you retards literally want to return to the middle ages where there was almost zero mobility

god you faggots are so annoying

>> No.16875984

Safety and culture are not important? getting stabbed to death by a Paki or mugged by a big is okay since GDP growth is good is acceptable now I suppose

>> No.16875985
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>all these LARPers ITT
why is it always middle class whitebois trying following for extreme politics? Just get a job. You literally can't disprove that neoliberalism is the superior to communism and fascism

>> No.16875991

>that brown person on the bus made me feel icky waaah!
> GDP growth is good is acceptable no
I mean yeah generally you want affordable goods especially stuff like food y'know. I don't know about you but I don't want people starving

>> No.16876008


>> No.16876013

>Why label yourself as a nazi or a communist online?
Uhm. I'm a Hegelian Marxologist thank you. I'm writing a book called Critical Theory on Centrism and Its Flawed Assertions Scribbled on Fukuyamas Grave With Reagan Flare and Thatcher Glare.

I'll quote you in it.

>> No.16876040

Literally nobody said that
You came in all high and mighty and shit and now your posts are just squirming to change the topic

>> No.16876091

Because it feels cool and the actual solutions that work and dont cause mass death is reformism but its not edgy enough for extremely online white boys

>> No.16876108

How does someone pay attention to the state of the world and not develop extreme opinions?

>> No.16876117

Radical centrist take
>Why have strong opinions on anything! Pffft small minded contrarians!

>> No.16876121

>white boys
Racial self hatred is cringe

>> No.16876126

Yeah, they stink

Also no kek

>> No.16876141

>>Why have strong opinions on anything! Pffft small minded contrarians!
Difference is that I'm real politik while you're playing dungeons and dragons and thinking your ethnostate fantasies will come true

>> No.16876261

Why do you want to talk realpolitik on a literature board? That's like shopping for celery at home depot

>> No.16876275

>I'm realpolitik

>> No.16876297

realpolitik is for retards with no culture.

>> No.16876356

something something crowd psychology and compartmentalisation

>> No.16876381

>Dude just vote lmao!

>> No.16876425

Yes true except for the literally tens of thousands of successful rebellions historically. Such a midwit, low testosterone take lmfao. what does having co workers or bosses caring matter? simply infiltrate politics/military and stage a coup. this shit happens daily in almost all of the world outside of cushy western countries. ever heard of the cultural revolution? that was 40 years ago. arab spring? 10 years ago. ukranian revolution, 2014. i agree with a lot of what you're saying but you are at best naive if you don't think it could happen here or anywhere, at any time. most revolutionaries don't think there will be any utopia, simply better than current conditions. also they're not like you, they don't want to accept indignity like you. they have higher standards.

>> No.16876428

This world is sick and it has become clear that the status quo is killing us. Radical change is needed, but the entrenched power structures show little sign of reforming even a little.
For the reactionaries, their simple solution is the purification of the nation from the corrupting subhumans. Their solution is genocide, which won't actually help anything. White corporations will still rape the earth, accumulate unearned wealth, and leave the average person worse off.

Nowadays individuals feel no power over their own lives, no hope to change the failing society they find themselves in. Capital rules everything around us, subjugating even the wealthiest capitalist to its inhuman logic.

>> No.16876433

Basic answer is that radical politics tend to be adopted by radical people (on a personal level). The only way of learning more about radical people is through psychiatry, which I am not particularly well read in.
The closest answer I could give you in the non-psychiatric area is Byung-Chul Han, a sociologist who covers this type of issue. I suppose The Burnout Society is a good place to start.

>> No.16876444

video essays are literature, right?

>> No.16876581
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>Youthful arrogance and contrarianism to stick it to the man?
This probably applies to some people, but I think that's a pretty superficial way of looking at it. I'm 37 and grew out of that kind of shit a long time ago, but these days I still spend most of my free time reading Julius Evola books, smoking a pipe like a pompous douchebag, and getting into heated arguments about politics with complete strangers who have no more ability to influence world events than I do. I honestly do wonder why I do it; I feel like I ought to just relax and play a game or something, maybe go for a walk or watch a movie or read something fun, but instead I still end up on the internet every night, yelling at strangers about abstract political ideas.

The specific direction in which an individual is pulled, ie towards the right or the left, probably has to do with his individual disposition and preferences, but in a general sense I think the mood of the world right now is instability and unease. There is a pervasive sense that things can't continue as they are: there are too many people, too few resources, everyone is in competition with each other, technology is growing more and more intrusive, and so forth. The world sucks and everyone hates it, everyone wants to break away, and yet everyone is uncomfortably aware that we are all trapped in the same vortex and whatever happens to the world, we'll all be pulled along with it and there will be very little any of us can actually do.

I think loss of control is at the center of it. We're all being dragged along by the inertia of some massive force that probably has no singular cause and is likely beyond anyone's control. We can't do anything to stop it, so there is an instinctive desire to reduce that force into something simple that can be attacked: Jews, Capitalism, Communism, Russia, China, black people, white people, or whatever your individual disposition and/or experience leads you to distrust and view as a natural enemy.

>> No.16876591
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>Difference is that I'm real politik while you're playing dungeons and dragons and thinking your ethnostate fantasies will come true

>> No.16876602

>I'm sure there are books on this that explain politics basically replacing subcultures but I can't name any
Beterson :)

>> No.16876987
File: 246 KB, 1782x1130, 1600865762634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liberal capitalism
That's the worst thing humanity has ever created faggot,it shall bring about the destruction of all world cultures and race just so people can be comfy
>you want to return to the middle ages
Not that anot but what a faggot,that's only a good argument for ancaps
Not to say that it's completely unrelated to what they were saying

Nothing wrong with economic mobility,thing is Capitalism is sending millions of black people in white countries to stay,work and have children there,so whites can play videogames and have abortions,this is terrible and it's coming to my country too.
Consumerism is soulles and is turning humanity into a hivemind.
I don't agree with most people he debates,since they seem to be retards anyways,I don't even buy most stereotypes
>I don't want people starving?
Have you asked yourself why,why the fuck would I care for example?
>Brown person made me feel icky
Obviously not that anon
If I saw white people coming en masse to my country to colonize it I would fucking shoot them,if white people want to do that in Europe to retard colonisers of my ethnicity they can.
The majority of people globally are idiots,both rightoids and leftoids.
>real politik is trying to get as much money so you can feed poor people,nothing else matters besides this,tradition doesn't matter,race doesn't matter,just videogames,anime,and equal rights.
Yeah man sure,israelis genociding the palestinians,and palestianians becoming terrorists isn't real politik,why do they not realise that we are all the same and become friends lol

>> No.16877001

>arab spring?
literally funded by the CIA. Uprising can't happen in technocratic, developed countries

>> No.16877011

>simply infiltrate politics/military and stage a coup
If it's so easy why haven't you done it?
>just stage a coup bro!
I'm pretty sure almost every politician dreams of being a dictator but no one is stupid enough to stage a coup because it's literally never going to work in a first world country

>> No.16877021

>liberal capitalism gives everyone what they want but that's bad because...uh race or something.

>> No.16877026

>If I saw white people coming en masse to my country to colonize
Immigrants coming over from India to work low level IT jobs isn't "colonization"

>> No.16877133
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What does liberal capitalism give that is usefull,that other regimes can't give?
Again i'm not fully saying capitalism was a mistake,competitivity is neccesary for development,however,liberal capitalism is the worst thing that humanity has developed.
All that matters is coin and material wealth?Fuck no
All that matters is equality?Fuck no
All that matters is muh race hierarchy?Fuck no,everyone has a right to their own lands.

Capitalism is soulles,simple as that.
In white countries atleast,the white population is going down,and the minority population is rising,the white and minority populations are also mixing.
Considering how low european birthrates are yes.
I talked about tradition earlier but I really mean it less than most of pol means it,it should still continue to exist tough

In capitalism,it is simply more profitable to bring people from outside,rather than somehow magically encourage people to reproduce.
>muh white people coming to america to work there didn't destroy the native population,it wasn't colonisation I swear

If people come to work in my country but don't settle in there like they do in europe that would be ok,no problem,but that is not happening anywhere,very few people go back,at this point we should have a country specifically for racemix people.
>why care about race
I can,why should I not?

Liberal Capitalism as you put it has indoctrinated people into thinking they can change gender when they can't,current technology simply does not permit this.

>> No.16877163
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Unless you want to blow people up for your beliefs, neither fascism or communism are really extreme at all. It only seems that way because they're not the status quo.

People committed terrorism in the name of democracy not too long ago.

>> No.16877170

You're a faggot, I hope you know that

>> No.16877194

>What does liberal capitalism give that is useful, that other regimes can't give?
unparalleled economic mobility and ability to purchase goods unlike your authoritarian shithole?

It's the winning ideology for a reason.
>In white countries atleast,the white population is going down,and the minority population is rising,the white and minority populations are also mixing.
so what?
>In capitalism,it is simply more profitable to bring people from outside,rather than somehow magically encourage people to reproduce
It's not though. It's literally more of a risk to fly someone over from across the world and hope they speak english well enough and their skills translate over to western sensibilities rather than having a native worker

>> No.16877205

The simple answer is that when the majority has already labeled you as such, there ceases to be a socially valid reason not to adopt the full identity. Its simple demoralization, but by and large the perpetrators don't understand that they're doing this because they have no concept of the broader political functions of demoralization.

>> No.16877275
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When did I support authoritharianism anon?Remind me
Once again,this belief that only material wealth ever matters is retarded.
>It's the winning ideology
It's the most destructive ideology at the moment and the most popular,no such thing as winning or losing retard
And very few people use the term liberal capitalism nowadays anyways.
>So what if the white population is going down
Do you want the entire population of the world to look the same,because this will logically happen.
Comfyness only matters to the weak man,you seem not to have any greater ideal than feeling good and having an easy life,worthless.

>it's not more profitable to get people from other places rather than improve the community
It literally is,people from other countries come there by themselves(unless the cucked goverment calls them),that's how easy it is for big companies,they don't have to fly over there and hope they speak english you clown.
Capitalism must be limited,so entire peoples don't end up genocided.
Capitalism has fucked the mind so badly with media that people think diversity and multiculturalism is real,it isn't,liberal values are forced because they are very profitable

You sound like the type of redditor to praise Obama,despite him commiting several warcrimes.
English is going to be the predominant world language,while this is not bad,people only knowing one language and not their own is.
Based post

>> No.16877304 [DELETED] 

>Do you want the entire population of the world to look the same,because this will logically happen.
no one is ever gonna look the same, moron

>> No.16877311


>when an old painting actually depicts a nude in a genuinely sexually attractive fashion

Feels like I'm getting away with porn consumption without having to admit porn consumption. Old art almost never manages this.

>> No.16877320
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How so?
Please explain,you are clearly a much more enlightened human being,and not a mindless consumer that will support anything that would make his life easier

>> No.16877329

watch this and thank me later

>> No.16877331
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>> No.16877338
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>> No.16877342
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yeah discuss safe politics on /lit and /news instead of exposing yourself to realistic ideas

>> No.16877343

it's a product of neoliberalism, everything is fake and gay, adopt whichever identity you please, it's all just aesthetic anyway. Nothing is new, people have no imagination, we reboot the same movies and young people pick and choose what they like from the past.

>> No.16877344
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>> No.16877347
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>> No.16877354
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>> No.16877360
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Just so you anon understand some guy quoted
>Do you want the entire population of the world to look the same,because this will logically happen.
and then said that will never happen and that I am a morron,but the reply got deleted
Damn I really wish that guy,who was probably the peak of human evolution,would prove to me how that would never happen,instead of simply insulting me

>> No.16877366

Stop complaining about the fact that alternative points of view exist, you certainly won't find out a way to put a stop to something like that. It's already contained for the most part anyways (on the surface).