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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 300x301, 2576_hrc_obrien_tim[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1687538 No.1687538 [Reply] [Original]

>head to the library to work on my short story
>finish that motherfucker but head home to edit/proof read
>fuck it im gonna grab myself a smoothie from this smoothie bar and enjoy the motherfucking glorious weather we english masterrace are having
>sit down and whip out my kindle to read 'the things they carried' by Tim O'Brien
>girl sits next to me on grass and asks what im holding
>tell her i'm holding the future
>she says she wanted to get a Nook
>tell her to grow the fuck up and get a Kindle.
>she laughs shrilly and tells me i'm funny
>im laying down and she lays on my chest to see what the screen is like
>kinda weirded out so tell her to move
>says she was sorry
>it's okay.
>getting annoyed now because i have some reading to continue
>tells me she's currently reading the Canterbury tales
>ask her how it is
>really easy i got a modern translation so i think it mak-
>cut her off there with a swift slap to the face
>tell her that she's a fucking failed abortion for reading a god damn translation
>she starts to tear up a little
>chill out, slut.
>she says she's sorry and i say it's fine
>fuck this i'm getting out of here
>try to leave and she follows me to the bus stop
>gets on the bus with me
>starts talking about her favourite book which is some piece of feminist shit
>>get the homeless man to switch seats with me for some spare change and a red elastic band
>tell her i'm leaving but my friend is here
>gives me her number and tells me to text her
>feel something rising in my throat
>open Homeless Jim's bag and vomit into it
>leave and come home

so anyways has anyone here read The Things They Carried - Tim O'Brien? I'm liking it a lot so far, thoughts you guys?
pic related it's the author

>> No.1687543

why do you do this?

>> No.1687542
File: 41 KB, 413x277, girl 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related it's what she looked like, only she was prettier and less slutty.

>> No.1687548

did she have all that crap on her head? maybe she was an alien.

>> No.1687550

she had a hat
even though it was v warm and sunny

>> No.1687551

yea very cute no

>> No.1687552

>graduate student
>reading an anthology of excerpts discussing transition in voices in the work of postmodern American writers
>a fat, sweaty semiotician sits down beside me
>he awkwardly tells me how attractive he finds my large dissertation
>he's rubbing the moisture off of his hands onto his slacks
>I gentle scratch his uneven, scruffy beard in an effort to see if he has a tail that will start wagging
>no tail, but he's getting an erection
>I tell him I need to get to 'Deconstruction In an Intertextual Context'
>he says he'll see me soon
>I holler back over my shoulder that I'm calling campus security and filing an assault complaint after class

>> No.1687558

obviously an alien. you're lucky to have escaped with your life.
or are you?

>> No.1687560

something like that happened to me once

>> No.1687566

This is the sixth or so time I have read this story.

Congrats, you're a real author now!

>> No.1687567

Just contact the prof, tell him you think that the TA is grading you unfairly or whatever, and ask that he look at one of your papers and see if he agrees with the way the TA handled it. When he tells you you are also shit you will go back to your dorm and cry all night, a person I know felt the same way and did exactly this, then the prof reiterated what the TA said and said the paper sucked, ect.

>> No.1687570

7/10, not the best, but it ain't bad.

I was actually sitting outside in the sizzling sun today, reading 2666. Not 'stupid sluts' came up to me, which isn't surprising, since I was in my back garden.

>> No.1687594

what an un-cress story

>> No.1687623


>> No.1687635

It's a nice collection.
But the stories can be as depressing as the old man suicide from Shawshank.

>> No.1687657
File: 38 KB, 500x666, 0p943sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open Homeless Jim's bag and vomit into it
how generous of you Brownbear, you gave that poor man some supper.

>> No.1687672

OP you're not a jerk, you just try so hard to be.

>> No.1687707

so...no one's read the book then?

>> No.1687736
File: 1.21 MB, 236x177, biscuits and pork pies and stuff kid GIF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm only 10% in to it but i'm already getting the feeling that this guy has written Vietnam all his life, it's good, don't get me wrong, but it's polished to a level that i think gives me the impression he's well versed already in everything that's been written.

what does everyone else think?

>> No.1687746
File: 28 KB, 315x475, goingaftercacciato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short stories aren't really my scene.
I liked Going After Cacciato better.

>> No.1687747
File: 108 KB, 295x202, brianblessedafterhismorningshave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1687769

By golly, do I even have to say it?

OP is a fat fucking faggot.

>> No.1687778

This guy is so boring and stupid. Why isn't he banned?

>> No.1687827
File: 1.54 MB, 230x178, ainsley trolling in the 90's.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad?

u jelly?

hmmm i'll have to check it out soon, getting into these kinda inter related short stories though
thanks M Noc


>> No.1687898


>> No.1687910

You're not funny, and there's no reason to bump a fail thread with a fail greentext story.

>> No.1687929

Because if that were true we'd have to ban all anonymous posters as well

>> No.1687941

No there are plenty of good Anonymous posters

>> No.1687944

Sure, and not one of them is worth as much as the worst tripfag

>> No.1687959

Was that the short story you were working on in the library?

>> No.1687964

i lol'd at this

>> No.1687981
File: 6 KB, 120x120, 899741_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah it was!
i think it's okay for this submission thing but i've kinda gone a little...er...too wrapped up in what i'm writing kinda deal?
like how i've set it out i think is going to be confusing now i read over it.
Too late now though and it's just so they can get an idea of 'where i'm at' in terms of my writing
only piece of creative writing i've ever done

>> No.1688000

BB is the worst of /lit/'s tripfags.

>> No.1688005

>captcha: piniser and

and what?

>> No.1688007


>> No.1688021
File: 112 KB, 863x792, we take ourselves very seriously here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jealous samefag up in da hizzaus!

>> No.1688038
File: 7 KB, 168x226, lana-kane-picture_168x226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1688045
File: 163 KB, 1024x757, i might just have to throw the tao lin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1688047
File: 349 KB, 1026x3896, brownie lies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you still here, Brownie?

>> No.1688072

Strange, this one is pissing me off less than the others, maybe you come off as less of a douche when the book isn't a "classic?" Maybe I'm realizing how much you need us, anonymous and your tripfag friends, and it's getting you so much pity (now in lieu of anger) that you're actually becoming a bit endearing? Either way, you've dipped below Fagulous and Herp&Derpy on the annoying scale, at least for me. This will be my last time posting with my original "bear army" trip.

Just a bit of advice: Stay in your comfort zone. The Satanic Verses thread was shit.

>> No.1688080

that wasn't me, the satanic versues, you guys need to learn to look at tripcodes and not just names

>> No.1688081


>> No.1688087

also this one was p rushed so i feel it's lacking in standards i dunno

>> No.1688088


No, don't care about tripcodes, only tripfags and soon-to-be tripfags do. It was you as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.1688090


I have this book on my Kindle. I'll read it next. Now I'm reading Cloud Atlas which is pretty fucking good.

>> No.1688093
File: 6 KB, 90x115, brownbear from the tripfag pic (group shot outside bar).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but that's wrong bro.
it wasn't me because it was a different tripcode, it was naught but a cheap imitation. like you, doom, grizzly and the whole carebear crew. you just wanted to be me and so did that guy, he just got some idiots to believe it

>> No.1688097


It was you.

>> No.1688102

i remember that post, too. it was definitely you.

>> No.1688103


inb4 lol i trol u coz i say it was u wen it was not!

here's that thread (simple search of 'Brownbear' as the name and 'satanic' as the text to find

and it's fucking shit
why the fuck would i even speak to a girl like that
and why the fuck would i be reading the satanic verses?
i actually talk about books im fucking reading

check dem tripcodes niggas, y'all got the shit trolled out of you

>> No.1688104


He's sifting through green oval to get you a link...what he doesn't realize is that green oval, much like reading tripcodes, are only something tripfags have any interest in. Do not follow any links he provides. This is an anonymous imageboard with no archives and Brownbear posted the Satanic Verses thread.

>> No.1688106

>anonymous imageboard with no archive
no, it's an imageboard with an archive you fucking spic.

now stop samefagging sugartits

>> No.1688110

Ha! I started typing >>1688104
Before you posted >>1688103

>> No.1688108

itt: bb tries to act like he isn't bb. i give you a 3/10 bb, and that's being generous.

>> No.1688115


You love the attention, though! Look at you roll around in it...Brownbear, please don't make anymore threads as bad as the Satanic Verses one!

>> No.1688116

yeah it gets like that sometimes when you don't refresh, especially when this board only gives you minutes of post times and not actually seconds like /b/ does

>> No.1688119


Sorry, I'm not familiar with the compulsive refreshing, that's also only in the realm of the tripfag.

>> No.1688126
File: 20 KB, 1321x220, Brownbear and D&E priase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat sweeping generalisation
stay classy anonymous

>> No.1688127

Wow, I actually raged at
>really easy i got a modern translation so i think it mak-

I better start to chill out a bit more when it comes to these things...

>> No.1688129


how is that a "sweeping generalisation?" (sic)

>> No.1688131

lol brownbear is such a fucking loser

>> No.1688134

How can the English be a masterrace when they spawned, and were quickly surpassed and bitchslapped by the glorious Americans?

>> No.1688144

i got mad too bro.
i got hella mad.
i've got the penguin popular classics edition which just comes with the footnotes and a glossary which i like

>that's also only in the realm of the tripfag.
generalising it to all tripfags and away from all anons.

btw '(sic)' is usually done as '[sic]'
but where were the errors in what i said?

>> No.1688162

nigga you dumb, a sweeping generalization is like "brownbear is a fag, therefore all trips are fags"

>> No.1688168

No, that's induction.

>> No.1688172

I don't understand why these posts have so many replies, all of you ought to be ashamed.

>> No.1688175

nah it should be "all trips are fags, therefore brownbear is a fag"

>> No.1688182

>that's only in the realm of the tripfag
this implies that all no anons do it because it's 'ONLY in the realm of the tripfag'

that's a sweeping generalisation, no?

another 5 star on topic post from anonymous

>> No.1688187

Got anymore pics of the author?

>> No.1688191
File: 3 KB, 119x114, murat6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brown bear?

he's hardly worth a picture

>> No.1688196

i wouldn't say it's a generalization he said faggots that trip would know about that but he did not say only faggots that trip refresh or whatever he was talking about

>> No.1688198

Coming to this board makes me feel like shit that I'm writer. You people are worse than fucking /b/.

>> No.1688199

when you coming back Fab we're waiting for you

>> No.1688200

i thought it would've been a generalisation because he said 'that's only in the realm of the tripfag'
which, to me, implies that it's only tripfags and no anonymous who do it

or am i wrong here?

>> No.1688201
File: 58 KB, 275x278, youngtim[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just google 'tim o'brien'

>> No.1688224


>> No.1688226

Figured you'd do it anyway. Looks like a pretty good read. I'll check it out.

>> No.1688228

yeah im really enjoying it, it's short stories but they're all about the same platoon/squad thing
seems p interesting so far, my first war book i think

>> No.1688233

he's pretty handsome

>> No.1688240

this was when he was in Vietnam, he ain't such a purrty boy no more