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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 46 KB, 250x385, Naked_Came_the_Stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16874391 No.16874391 [Reply] [Original]

>McGrady's intention was to write a book that was both deliberately terrible and contained a lot of descriptions of sex, to illustrate the point that popular American literary culture had become mindlessly vulgar. The book fulfilled the authors' expectations and became a bestseller in 1969; they revealed the hoax later that year, further spurring the book's popularity.

Damn, it's really that easy?

>> No.16874412

This kind of trick only works once

>> No.16874419


>> No.16874451

60s asses were different man

>> No.16874508

what level of shitpost is the content on?
also it would've sold better if the ass on the title wasn't uncanny. The woman's waist is actually TOO thin to the point of being subtly offputting rather than based and hooba booba pilled

>> No.16874561


>> No.16874575
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>> No.16874581

Terry Southern and I wrote Candy for the money. Olympia Press, $500 flat. He was in Switzerland, I was in Paris. We did it in letters. But when it got to be a big deal in the States, everybody was taking it seriously. Do you remember what kind of shit people were saying? One guy wrote a review about how Candy was a satire on Candide. So right away I went back and reread Voltaire to see if he was right. That's what happens to you. It's as if you vomit in the gutter and everybody starts saying it's the greatest new art form, so you go back to see it, and, by God, you have to agree.

And then they made a Hollywood movie out of it. Fuckin' boomers.

>> No.16874584
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>> No.16874633


The majority of people are vicious animal niggers

>> No.16874730

>DAE NIGGERZ were the ones buying pop lit in the late 60s
Get your messaging straight /pol/tard
>DAAA (((JUUDEN))) want to rape and murder the goyim women
See even I can 1 up your dumbfuck emasculation politics in a marginally more dialectical way.

>> No.16874777

this nigga spittin fax

>> No.16874807

>he would actually stick his dick in triangle torso
congrats you're definitely more heterosexual than me, go reward yourself with a triple bacon cheeseburger.

>> No.16874868
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What a waste of perfectly good trips. This isn't r*ddit, don't post frivolous agreement spam to mimic upvotes.

>> No.16874936
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60s faces, unreal

>> No.16875110
File: 28 KB, 243x410, C4E35B65-2847-4A8F-9D5A-50E937456201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Norman purposefully wrote the worst novel he could, immediately got it published and before the first one hit the shelves he was contracted for 25 sequels.

Eventually he got sort of crazy and started taking the Gor novels seriously as art, though.

>> No.16875165

>you would have sex with a woman
>that triggers my insecurity complex
ok? congrats I guess

>> No.16875169

nigga you're gay. been jacking to trannies too much or you're a coping troon yourself.

>> No.16875258

>The woman's waist is actually TOO thin to the point of being subtly offputting rather than based and hooba booba pilled
I wanna fuck cartoon characters

>> No.16875542
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>it was at this point, in a sublime moment of high self reflection, that the anon realize how truly homosexual he had always been

>> No.16875562
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am i wrong to actually want to read this? is it any good?

>> No.16877038
File: 4 KB, 80x124, InfiniteJest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>DFW's intention was to write a book that was both deliberately terrible and contained a lot of descriptions of endnotes, to illustrate the point that popular American literary culture had become mindlessly ironic. The book fulfilled the authors' expectations and became a bestseller in 1996; they revealed the hoax later that year, further spurring the book's popularity.

>> No.16877258

I have the first one on my e-reader. Haven't read it yet but I don't think it's very long.

Just pirate the first one and see if it's any good (I expect it to be trash lol)

>> No.16877278

>DFW's intention was to write a book that was both deliberately terrible. The book fulfilled the authors' expectations. He later killed himself.

>> No.16877289

This is something that's been on my mind a lot. If you go through old nude magazines, you would see women's bodies go through obvious changes through decades. For example breasts in 50's were very different from 80's and both are very different from that of today. Is it because the popular tastes of the times favor different body types so only those types get represented, or do slight genetic changes occur after each generation?

>> No.16877332


>> No.16877358
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first. man, i wish 60-90s nude mag style came back, modern insta erotica just makes me want to puke

>> No.16877367
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What if Ernst Cline is trying to do the same thing and everyone got rused

>> No.16877384

>Damn, it's really that easy?

When you hear about how much more fiction women read than men, this is what that means. Men look at images and videos to masturbate, women read dirty novels.

>> No.16877402

>What Is Skirt Length (Hemline) Theory?
The skirt length theory is a superstitious idea that skirt lengths are a predictor of stock market direction. According to the theory, if short skirts are growing in popularity, it means the markets are going to go up. If longer skirt lengths are gaining traction in the fashion world, it means the markets are heading down
I assume this also goes for bodies, tho i haven't completely worked out the idea, but I think it's all to do with economy. Say the coming is taking a down turn then more ample woman would be favorable since they have more storage for when the times are worse, the reverse would also be the case.

>> No.16877423

Was this the basis for the Scrotie McBoogerballs episode of South Park?

>> No.16877437

>i was only pretending to be retard
you cant hide behind the pepe, mr cline

>> No.16877563


>> No.16877581

The roundness and the pompombess of the butt could have improved
This mistake has caused me to loose focus. Change the pic or me shootya

>> No.16878034
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the market was different in 1969

>> No.16878058

I think it might have something to do with the construction of women's bras, at least in the breasts department.

>> No.16878085

estrogenes in the water make boobs grow

>> No.16878114


>> No.16878128

>video not available
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16878638
File: 394 KB, 1920x1076, 1593015761097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of the entertainment is made for women. Women only want sex stories

men entertainment is about cars

>> No.16878669

Ok niggerjew

>> No.16878699

Tastes change, there's probably differences in bra shape, better diets (for breast development, not overall health). Also, in regards to asses, women didn't work out at all, and had lower caloric intakes. This meant they had underdeveloped glutes and little fat stored in the rear. This is to say nothing of intentional "taste making", however. Men have always enjoyed big milkers, wide hips, and fat asses. It's a human universal constant.

Now, however, fuddy-duddies telling us that ACKHYUAUUYUYLYLY Jesus wants you to like women that look like little boys can't control men's tastes through total media domination, and Jews shove porn down our throats as a sedative, so the prevailing trend is just giving men what we want (hint: it's the same thing our caveman ancestors wanted).

>> No.16878759
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>Pynchon's intention was to write a book that was both deliberately terrible and contained a lot of descriptions of scat, to illustrate the point that popular American literary culture had become mindlessly vulgar. The book fulfilled the authors' expectations and became a bestseller in 1973; they revealed the hoax later that year, further spurring the book's popularity.

>> No.16878769

underrated post. Women love sex, they just don't love the idea of sex with most of you anons. Women got to have their sexual revolution in the early 60s, which is why it sells so well to women.

And I don't mean 'sex' like pinups and goofy adolescent 'sexy' advertising, I mean emotional and physical 'real' sex.

It was aesthetic. The appeal was to be hyper-thin, not curvy. by the 80s they started realizing if you work out AND eat well you get better curves

>> No.16879025

It’s Edgar Rice Burroughs style planetary romance with lots and lots of bdsm and sexual slavery. By about the sixth book it’s really just hilarious porn. Almost every woman is a sex slave. All the ships on Gor have live naked women strapped to their prows instead of carvings. That sort of thing.

It pretty good.