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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 300x225, 300px-Blackpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16869775 No.16869775 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that validate/disprove the findings of blackpill theory?
>what is blackpill theory?
It's an incel ideology which in short says that looks matter way more than is commonly believed, you cannot improve the most important aspects of your looks (face and frame) via gym because they are genetic, women find the vast majority of men sexually unattractive, hypergamic tendencies of women are exacerbated by online dating apps (Tinder, OkCupid etc) and in the years to come we're in for massive social changes with male virginity rates soaring possibly up to 50% (they are already at 28% according to data). I'm specifically on a lookout for books that discuss changes in dating market after the Sexual Revolution, evolutionary psychology of dating, mating and the female brain and anthropological studies concerning how mating looked like in primitive societies. Jannie is probably going to remove this thread because
>muh incels
but I am looking for legitimate sociological and anthropological studies.

>> No.16869804

>but I am looking for legitimate sociological and anthropological studies.
Unfortunately investigating potential downsides to the current cultural climate surrounding sexuality is not something that is likely to receive much funding, and so scientific studies in this area are bound to be limited.
There are of course books by cultural commentators, but they generally select the statistics to fit the narrative, and skip statistics where there are none in support.

>> No.16869843

But there are still books about sexual anthropology and evolutionary psychology that should either corroborate or disprove incel ideology. I'm looking primarily for those

>> No.16869890

>Unfortunately investigating potential downsides to the current cultural climate surrounding sexuality is not something that is likely to receive much funding
Just as studies explicitly looking for upsides may be tainted by bias, so might studies explicitly looking for downsides. Neither is a good study in and of itself. That said, neither is mutually exclusive with good methodology regardless of intent and conclusion. These are not hard sciences you're talking about here. There can only be data harvested from good and bad methodology. To this end, I suggest you don't let the ideological bent of the authors get in your way of a mountain of potentially good data, from which you might make your own interpretations that contradict the author's.

>> No.16869923
File: 65 KB, 500x760, IMG_6313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn to code and it won't matter how ugly your face and how skinny your frame is. You'll make a lot of money and women care more about that than looks right?

>> No.16869941

This post has absolutely nothing to do with literature and will provoke the same kind of incel A BLOO BLOO that always gets these threads deleted.

>> No.16869943

Anon the guy you posted is a lanklet but has a solid 8/10 face. You're not doing a good job refuting OP.

>> No.16870027
File: 178 KB, 720x563, 2014-09-19-1062sea[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think youre doing yourself a disservice by framing it as blackpill
just call it anthropology, biology, sexual dimorphism, mate selection, nature, or whatever else.
there have been some studies that demonstrate hypergamy. youre going to have to do some digging though, because social sciences tend to be dominated by left-leaning individuals and left-leaning individuals arent the type to reveal the truth about women.
cant remember the study, but there was a study that basically showed women become attracted to/aroused by men when something akin to money/wealth is shown. might have literally been two pictures, one of a man and another of the same man holding some cash. you might have some luck as well with marriage demographics (what percentage of households have stay-at-home wives vs stay-at-home husbands) which then indirectly reveals the truth about women.

youre also not going to find many studies and/or replicable studies. OkCupid took down their stats a while ago when it became clear what the data was implying. which obviously begs the question, do the stats reveal something about women in general, only OkCupid female users, or online dating female users? what about the fact that that men who are more likely to use dating apps also tend to be those without success in real life (aka implying these niggas just ugly/unattractive in general, regardless of unrealistic women standards).

youre not going to find much academic-type studies/evidence/literature because academic types arent going to delve into this topic. because "the genders are basically, entirely the same guys, and also women are oppressed and are shafted in every domain in life."

as long as what youre spouting isnt complete non-sense, and has some coherent connect-the-dot logic, anyone who says
>you like, got a source for that man?
you can just tell him to fuck right off because he's obviously not being charitable in this dialogue, and had no intention for actual discourse in the first place.
>so you know, that's why Lebron is such a great player. among many other things, includes his vertical.
>you got a source for that? of what Lebron's vertical is? and a source that vertical leap is good for basketball? and a source that being good at basketball is necessary for being great? and then additional meta analyses that support those studies/sources?

>> No.16870141

>redpill bluepill blackpill
Shut the fuck up and take a chill pill already.

>> No.16870173

>dating market
fuck millennials

>> No.16870179
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>> No.16870185

>they are already at 28% according to data
yeah pretty sure it's higher than that

>> No.16870215
File: 19 KB, 333x499, blackpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incidentally, does anyone have a download link?
I'm not gonna pay Amazon a single red cent.

>> No.16870225

I don't know much about computers and stuff but are Amazon books DRMed? because if not then I can send you my azw3 file

>> No.16870239

Do it

>> No.16870252

>but I am looking for legitimate sociological and anthropological studies.
Switch the word 'women' to 'men' in your post and you'll see that it's trivially true. Why do you think women are special? They're really not, and you don't need 'anthropological studies' to prove this obvious fact.

That said, just like with men, when it comes to women sexual attraction and reproduction are far removed. The "sexiest" people aren't the ones having the most sex and having the most kids.

>> No.16870268

That dude really likes his cheap wine.

>> No.16870335

rope soon

>> No.16870413

>looks matter way more than is commonly believed, you cannot improve the most important aspects of your looks
There is literally nothing wrong with this. If you can't breed, you are genetic waste and you deserve to fail.

>> No.16870446

hot take

>> No.16870481

I find the overlap between incels and trannies really interesting. They see that the current gender relations are shit, and instead of dealing with it, they throw a temper tantrum because they, as a man, aren't allowed to be a woman. There's that old Zyzz quote where he says that now that he's ripped he just stands around in DA CLUB and chicks come talk to him. He even says that this is exactly what they (girls) do. Incels want that. They see that women get special treatment, and think that's unfair because they want it and don't get it.

But that entire conceptualization relies on the idea of men and women being the equals, or even in the same class, and that just is not the case. No shit women get treated differently, they're women and you're a man. The tranny just takes this "wanting to be a woman" to its logical conclusion by trying (and failing) to make themselves into a literal physical woman.

Go for a run and then hit the gym.

>> No.16870500
File: 139 KB, 1080x1349, sayuri mattar 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you make for a passable trap you can make a lot of money and have a lot of adoring fans.

>> No.16870533
File: 112 KB, 1199x729, Eg2HRHTX0AUawKJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that really disproves blackpills is how beta blackpillers look.

They're spiritually, mentally, and physically broken. The weakness that comes from thinking that way is enough for me to disregard any of their beliefs.

>> No.16870539

Unfortunately, only like .01 percent of men can pass as traps. You already have to be somewhat elvin in your physique.

>> No.16870553
File: 67 KB, 236x154, 1600898874524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go drink cheap red wine until I pass out. Night fellas

>> No.16870557

>be German idealist
>unable to read German

>> No.16870574

As a pro PUA I can say this
>Status>Social Skills>Money>Looks
Confirmed countless times by experience.

>> No.16870688
File: 342 KB, 1200x1800, 1593167193207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my book :)

The Blackpill Theory why incels are right & you are wrong Paperback November 15 2019.jpg

>> No.16870748

A woman only wants a vapid life of fads & to keep men competing for her, with the euphemism of being a princess seduced by princes, only to end up in bed where she wants to talk dirty, to be fucked raw while squirting everywhere, joyfully exclaiming ''omg this never happened to me before'', succumbing to a convulsive orgasm, the highlight of her life, the legendary vaginal holy grail heard about during the regular sex gossip at the spa with her girl friends giggling in unison.
For years she dreamed it was HER TURN, yet for years she put up with subpar self-glorifying sexual partners hooked up from work, hobbies & bars, conveniently avoiding thinking her sex-based existence. She's not ready to accept it & keeps in the back of her mind a vague fantasy of merging the vaginal duality of the princess at day and whore at night: the state of a glorified Liberated Lady, all the time, where her cognitive dissonance would've no beginning & no end. No more hysteria, no more schizophrenia, pure non-duality. Diana would be proud of her enlightenment.
At this stage, women prefer to let the men do the first step, let them think they're in control & the stronger sex, as a bonus she doesn't view herself as a total slag & gets the harassment card if the orbiters are too repulsive. Men love this, falling hook, line and sinker.

Willy-nilly, the little minx ends up pregnant, it's what happen after years of bending over. She debates for a few days whether to keep it, whether to tell whoever she thinks fertilized her these last few weeks.
She fancies playing the helicopter mom, feeling like protecting & providing for a tiny kid, taking it in her arms & feel the heartbeats; exactly what men dream of doing to women.
Women love their kids, remain faithful to them. Women never love men & aren't faithful to men. They don't even need to anyway. Women practice love like a banker at JPMorgan performing a cost-benefit analysis.

Bored with the helicopter mom, plus the kids grew up, she longs for the golden years of her 20s when she was kind of a looker. Why not go for a tattoo or a makeover?
She's spreading them even wider, in secret or not, this time dropping the prudish act for she knows what she wants after all those experiences & with little effort on her side, she still gets various bulls eager to be at her doorsteps.
The menopause really kicks in & all her aging orbiters have only a semi hard-on from her when she's nude. She thinks about a breast lift, some bottox but she feels bittersweet as the end is near. She's open about the swinger sex. Her official provider accepts to be a cuckold & is happy to make her happy, to be here day after day for her & her kids.

Hardly any man looks, now that she's a young grandma, a bit jealous of her daughter relentlessly becoming what she was.
Grandma finally dies & everybody says she was a saint. The daughter hits the wall, the teen granddaughter bleeds and is active, it's her turn to embrace the cycle of the vaginal existence.

>> No.16870772
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>> No.16870782

wtf?! I love the gay revolution now

>> No.16870941
File: 19 KB, 493x375, 493px-D21MPkPW0AEiL0N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, look at this major increase in virginity rates! That's probably because men became less confident and stopped taking showers all of the sudden!

>> No.16870978

Good, take your shitty genes out of the gene pool ffs

>> No.16871006

I agree with this but i have been trained from birth to desire a woman who is equal to me.

>> No.16871201
File: 76 KB, 768x1024, 1582402477815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me and millions of other Asian women volunteer to take white dick so that no one else has to

>> No.16871211


Wait, it actually reinforces the thing you want debunked. Oops.

>> No.16871740


>> No.16871900

>you cannot improve the most important aspects of your looks (face and frame) via gym because they are genetic
Sure, I don't find anything outrageous about that claim. We are born a certain way, so it's arrogant to think we can simply "build" ourselves.

>women find the vast majority of men sexually unattractive
Doesn't matter much. They have a way harder time being alone, so they will settle for someone eventually.
Also, women aren't as fixated on looks as men are.

>they are already at 28% according to data
Wrong. No one has ever done right statistical analysis on such thing since it is based on self-reporting. As such, you will never be able to measure virginity per capita or whatever it is you would like to measure. Hence, wrong ideological use of statistics. I'm sure the intellectual elite of /lit/ already noted this error.

>> No.16873492
File: 49 KB, 853x549, 1596844107075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you cannot improve the most important aspects of your looks (face and frame) via gym because they are genetic
Yes but fitness, hygiene, and appearance (ie grooming, clothing) are incredibly important (arguably more). You can also change your environment. There's a reason that men who are "ugly" in the West can go to places like East/South East Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, SSAfrica, etc and find hot wives.
Yes wealth and status (or the perception of wealth and status) are factors but being foreign (if you're White) is oftentimes a bonus when outside of the West. As for books:

>> No.16873503

The study everyone quotes for the 20+% percent stat words the category very specifically as well. It was no sex within x period of time. So you could theoretically have had sex years before but still count toward the star if you have been celibate for whatever period of time.

>> No.16873594

yo I'm interested if you're still sharing that bad boy :^)

>> No.16873604

>The tranny just takes this "wanting to be a woman" to its logical conclusion by trying (and failing) to make themselves into a literal physical woman.
This is an interesting take, I've never thought of it this way. I don't think there are too many men who are well-liked by the womenfolk who end up being trannies. It's usually the shy or awkward men who go that path.
>If you make for a passable trap
Waaaaaay too rare to make transitioning a viable strategy.

>> No.16874013

Because you have to have sex REGULARLY in order to be considered normal.

>> No.16874453

4chan discussion being dictated by references to the fucking Matrix is the worst thing killing this site.

>> No.16874488

wait so my desire to beat the shit out of women and establish my superiority means i'm not an incel after all?

>> No.16874948
File: 48 KB, 408x630, 9781548921811_p0_v1_s1200x630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is pic a meme or kind of worth reading?
t. 22, 2 gfs all time.

>> No.16874971

I have My personal experience. 5'7 average looking guy got some girls. They like My personality.

>> No.16874974

>strg+f: Houellebecq
>0 results


>> No.16874987

Well then, the egalitarian rhetoric is to be blamed. It's actively harmful to everyone.

>> No.16875038
File: 196 KB, 1205x539, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'd need to be delusional to think that it's 100% looks. There are so many ugly, fat, short, *insert other undesirable characteristic* men who can pull tail easy. Pic related. Guy on the left is dating girl on right. Looks do matter but they can be overcome.

>> No.16875372
File: 353 KB, 1080x1830, 1604352669580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based olivia munn