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/lit/ - Literature

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16869260 No.16869260 [Reply] [Original]

why do I use Goodreads?

>> No.16869265
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I don't know, you tell me.

>> No.16869267
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Cuz ur based

>> No.16869269

I use an Excel spreadsheet to keep track of books I've read.

>> No.16869273
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>> No.16869295

Because you're an insecure faggot like all the pretentious douchebags who write on that website.

>> No.16869301
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>> No.16869306

I don't write anything. I just add books to my bookshelves. But I don't know why I do it. I don't see myself gaining anything from doing so.

>> No.16869358

Don't do it. It's not a good place. Books should be something intimate or at most a topic of conversation between friends. Bragging on the internet about what you own or what you read is stupid and detrimental to literature.

>> No.16869377
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the point is to add rare books that only 1 or 2 other ppl added and then look at their general ratings to decide whether to keep browsing their libraries.

>> No.16869391

'Cause my book's on there ;)

>> No.16869646
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Same here

>> No.16869693
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>> No.16869957

I wasn't so taken with the second half, my favourite Nabokov is still Laughter in the Dark I think.

>> No.16869973

Eliot's Waste Land 2/5? Really?

>> No.16870043

OP is an idiot