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16869171 No.16869171 [Reply] [Original]

The terms I use here are those referenced in german philosophy, modernism and post modernism I state this as clearly the allies were the objective faction, while the axis the subjective, I do not think the war proved which one was superior, but rather reaffirmed the notion of how the objective philosophies best pertain to the detached world around us (a factor important in deciding the winners of war) while the subjective philosophies best fit ourselves and our existences as individuals

>> No.16869185

Sure sure whatever you say.

>> No.16869195
File: 23 KB, 313x500, belcea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think pic related may answer your question.

>> No.16869223

nah, WWII was the last ditch of misinformed and ill lead peoples who weren't full embedded in the liberal ontological horizon... but the retarded views of Hitler show us that the tragedy wasn't germany losing WWII (the third reich was still the least evil side) but germany losin WWI. Kaiser Wilhelm he himself said it, paraphrasing him "if Germany wins (wwi) it would be the victory of the trascendental and the spirit, if she loses it will be the victory of the merchant materialistic ethos".


>> No.16869246

interesting take

The Germans were not misinformed, they knew exactly what they were doing. Hitlers views weren't retarded either, they are just alien for modern sensibilities ("it was another time" tm)

Looks like Wilhelm agrees with OPs' view.

>> No.16869304

I think pic related is something only it's author likes to shill

>> No.16869874

The kaiser was more rational (more objective) than Hitler though, imperial germany retained a higher level of objective understanding over subjective

>> No.16870062

WW2 was about banks. Germany had a currency that didn't work on debt, big no no.

>> No.16870347

Well, the end of the war did assert America's backward objectivist 17th century pragmatic ideology over most of the Western world, so yeah in a sense you are right.
The Kaiser was an emotional schizoid buffoon and if you think otherwise it just shows how poorly read you are. Imperial Germany wasn't even particularly distinctive from the other prewar monarchies - it was basically a bourgeois regime with a hollowed out aristocratic essence. The only worthy element were the Junkers.

>> No.16870352

This guy gets it.