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16867253 No.16867253 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16867277

Nothing. It is its own collection of myths.

>> No.16867338


>> No.16867345

What is the best translation?

>> No.16867364


>> No.16867648

>what do I need to read/be aware of before reading x
how not to be an autistic retard. failing already

>> No.16867690

Hesiod and/or Graves’ Greek Myths

>> No.16867708

Ovid. Anything else is watered down trash.

>> No.16867723

Ovid was a COOMER

>> No.16867748


>> No.16867811

Literally nothing mate
Also it's my personal opinion that this book should replace Hamilton's Mythology in the start with the greeks chart.
Metamorphoses is (in my opinion) the best complete set of myths from creation to the Roman Era that exists (but if any anons would like to offer their counter points I am ready to hear them)
Best translation is by Bernard Knox
Well yes, but you would have to have studied latin for at least a few years before reading something like Ovid

>> No.16867835

>implying a female ever read hesiod

>> No.16867853

Melville or Golding

>> No.16867871

I did.
It’s really short. Translation by a Richard Caldwell.
I like the descriptive “rose-armed” for some the freckled Naiads

>> No.16867918

Literally nothing. Just make sure your book has footnotes to inform of which gods are which if you aren't overly familiar with greco-roman mythology

The work is both the best record of greek mythology and the most genre-defying epic poem in history. Have fun with it

>> No.16867941

yeah he got exiled because Augustus was trying to make conservative values cool again and Ovid just kept pushing out "how to have sex before marriage and cuck the shit out of your neighbor"

>> No.16867942

What? Context is important when approaching myth. OP has their head on straight

>> No.16868127

thanks for the vindication

>> No.16868322

>nunc dea linigera colitur celebrimma turba
Ancient Egyptian mythology. The ancient Greeks used them as a template for their own myths. For example the story of Io ends with her apotheosis into Isis.

>> No.16868650

based butters

>> No.16868657
File: 88 KB, 709x900, apollo-and-daphne-by-gian-lorenzo-bernini-detail-gian-lorenzo-bernini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so which one?
also which is the most accurate to the original

>> No.16868724

Just dive into it man, went in completely blind and it became on of my favorite books. I like comparing some parts to Jung but that is my own personal and retarded autism

>> No.16868735

ignore the above suggestions, it's Charles Martin

>> No.16869591

Its beneficial to have read some Greek myths and tragedies to know how Ovid twists them, but its not strictly necessary.
It is however very important to be aware of that It is not, and should not, be treated as 'a bundle of myths'
Its explicitly stated at the start that it is meant as an epic. It has structure and a narrative aim, its not a random collection of myths.
Main hint i can give is that it is essentially an epic about chaos, and is very critical of all structures of order. it twists conventional myths to make Gods and rulers seem violent, corrupt and hypocritical. all the myths are drenched in irony and are meant to rhyme and resonate with myths in the same book and should not just be taken at face value.

>> No.16869634

Mandelbaum is most accurate/literal
Look them up and compare lines

>> No.16870280

A biological female (girl)

>> No.16870494
File: 10 KB, 220x293, Girolamo_Savonarola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burn it.