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16867126 No.16867126 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.16867200

Atheists underestimated people's desire to have things to deify, sanctify, and worship.

This article has some interesting ideas about the future age

>> No.16867207

The political current changed.

>> No.16867241

People grew up and saw the consequences of nu-atheism. It was short-lived but the damage has already been done. People worship politics and the state, and some are returning to their faith. Although, people have been worshipping the state since the enlightenment and the death of Christianity in the west.

>> No.16867262

Tend to agree. And the "science is amazing" crowd got too autistic for continued growth. I don't think there's much helping it.

Also the last eight years have crushed a lot of optimism out of people and bred the circumstances of fear, which drive people back in to the arms of Jesus or Allah or whatever helps them sleep; the Bible as an existential pillow etc.

Personally I got relief from examining religion but not believing in it. Specifically, I looked at what different religions actually offer to their adherents and tried to learn from that.

>> No.16867264

Why does he namedrop Eco but not fucking Spengler? The guy who wrote an entire about what he's talking about?

>> No.16867294

Atheism has grown massively it’s just not the Reddit fedora wearing vocal internet minority anymore.

4chan always swings edgy contrarian so it’s cool to larp as a Christian, preferably fundamentalist as that is more extreme

>> No.16867295

Its about as much of a dead end as the shit it derides

>> No.16867322

It's rising. The new atheism was just another false certainty.

>> No.16867329

Atheism is for brainlets

>> No.16867336

Yea, but religion is still growing pretty consistently. The problem with the global suicide rates is truly exacerbated by atheism, and more people are waking up to that reality.
4chan is not really that contrarian, they're a manifestation of the hidden but widespread sentiments through the sheer property of the website, thus being ahead of the curve.
LARPing is what everyone is doing nowadays in order to materialize their ideals.

>> No.16867341

Spengler is associated with Nazism, perhaps he wanted to avoid that. I agree though, Spengler is a great place to go once one realizes these things.

>> No.16867352

Has it?
I think I've met like 3 white people under the age of 30 that believe in God.

>> No.16867357

>Spengler is associated with Nazism
Is he? I thought he was part Jewish himself and rejected Nazi materialist views on race.

>> No.16867363

I've met hundreds. Hmm...

>> No.16867371

Whitoids are cucks. They're like the retarded Eloi in The Time Machine. Mere cattle.

>> No.16867372

Yeah religion is growing in the places it was always expected to grow, poor uneducated shitholes like India, Africa, Mid East, and mid west states of America.
Religion is for retards, nu-atheism is for mid wits and autists, atheism is just default normal brain if given enough education

>> No.16867374

1) is atheism dead? By all metrics, it's the fastest growing "religion" while small churches are dying

2) I think people came to appreciate Christianity a bit more after Islam 2.0 raped Europe in 2015. Better white fundamentalists than brown suicide bombers

>> No.16867375

Outside of the first world, Christianity and Islam are both developing massively. Christianity in Africa is actually outpacing Islam's growth, and there are projections that in a few decades 1/4-1/3 of China will be Christian, despite efforts to suppress it by the government.

>> No.16867383

The places where Atheism is ascendant also tend to be in decline.

>> No.16867390

Athiest populations seem to quite literally be or become suicidal so doesnt seem good long term

>> No.16867391

He was favorable to a form of dictatorship and admired Hitler at first, then he came to despise the Nazis and to favor the Italian fascists.

>> No.16867394

>so it’s cool to larp as a Christian
I was raised Catholic, not every Christian here is "larping."

>> No.16867399

Like China?

>> No.16867400

How about China you fucking freak?

>> No.16867404

250 churches, on average, were being closed in America per week. The internet is the redpill.

>> No.16867413

Who gives a fuck? They weren't going to last anyway. American Protestantism was designed to fail.

>> No.16867422

You mean the place that forced it's people to be atheist? Yeah I've met a lot of Chinese people and they'll say they don't have a religion while still believing in chi, fortune, and ancestor veneration.
>lol we physically burned down your temples and will kill you for being too religious but atheism is the thinking man's faith!
Fucking hypocrites

>> No.16867427

Based China, cringe religious fag

>> No.16867438

So them trying and ultimately failing to force atheism on their people so they can push a regime is based? Why do you hate religion so much? Were you touched or something?

>> No.16867441

Lel, it's the same shit with Soviet Russia. Idk why they act like their ideology isn't their religion when they clearly kill their religious opposition.

>> No.16867442

They might be irreligious but they're very superstitious and many still believe in supernatural things. It's not what you think.

>> No.16867449

Christianity is booming in China you fucking idiot.

>> No.16867452

>Yeah I've met a lot of Chinese people and they'll say they don't have a religion while still believing in chi, fortune, and ancestor veneration.
Sounds less retarded than "atheist" westerners that believe in free will, tabula rasa and morality.

>> No.16867454

Atheists in the west are like that too though.

>> No.16867455

>atheism is just default normal brain if given enough education
You mean agnosticism

>> No.16867458

Yes, based. Based China. Cringe westerner, not based.
Ok, based Christian China is based.

Don’t like communism.

>> No.16867463

It doesn't bother me, I'm just saying that they aren't truly atheists so much as not being part of organized religion. Folk religion and belief in metaphysical forces such as chi, and karma while not believing in a conscious god (some forms of Buddhism) is not the same thing.

>> No.16867465
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I doubt it.

>> No.16867475

>/ irreligious
gr8 survey

>> No.16867479
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And based Xi is sending them straight to Jehovah.

>> No.16867534
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I never understood how people can get into religion. I never even read Harris or Dawkins or anyone else associated with nu-atheism; being atheist (or at least agnostic) just seems to be the reasonable thing to do, and I don't really need a book to persuade me of this fact. If anything I tried to read books trying to persuade you to convert to Christianity and they all appealed to pseudo-mystic experiences (pray, feel God's presence, and other kinds of self-suggestion) or sketchy historical "evidence" concerning prophecy to persuade you that whoever wrote certain books of the Bible really foresaw the future. (And even if that were true, it's quite a leap of logic to imply that everything written in the Bible is true just because some prophecies came to pass. There might be an explanation for foresight which does not involve God, assuming such a supernatural power really exists.)

Why would anyone put some much trust into some old book written by who knows who? I have more respect for Muslims since at least they tend to read the Koran in its original Arabic whereas most Christians don't even bother to learn Hebrew or Koine Greek, and they read their "holy" books through the lens of some translator who will interpret the text for them, thus making their contact with the supposed books of God even more filtered. And how do you even choose among the several religions on offer in the marketplace? Why pick Christianity over Hinduism? Why be a Lutheran rather than a Calvinist? There seems to be no basis for such decisions except the influence of your family environment or whatever fad is trending in society at large.

>> No.16867551
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All of them looks like bafoons once you realize most fedoralords kill religion to replace it with something just as idiotic. That time when Dawkins said that we don't need God to be moral because we have moral genes was particularly stupid. It doesn't help either that atheist are just as preachy if not more than the usual Christard.

>> No.16867559

Correct, those believe in weird chink deities and superstitions but they don't have an organized religion.

>> No.16867598

I havent seen this mentioned anywhere but i often think that its misunderstood. A lot of atheists think they are the fastest growing sect but never factor in those who are simply non-religious.

I think the main thing the atheist movement of the 90s and early 00s managed to achieve was a disenchantment with religion, specifically christianity. By shining a light on fundamentalists who believe that evolution is a lie and dinosaur bones are a test. It served to eviscerate almost all sects of protestantism. The horrific crimes of the catholic church served to end its authority. So i believe that Nietzsche was wrong. God isnt dead but religion is dying.

Most of the atheists ive spoken to actually shockingly believe in God. Not jesus or angels or that mary was a virgin but that some being exists which initiated everything. This would make them simply non religious rather than atheist. If one looks at census data that is precisely what people are asked; the box is non religious.

People are lost now without the moral framework of religion. Religion could be replaced with philosophy but its impossible. How many people are actually capable of reading Aristotle or Kant? More importantly how many would understand? Do you think someone with a 90IQ would have the patience to listen to somebody prattle on about utilitarianism? Or are they more likely to pay attention to an allegorical epic of humans being cast from paradise?

It seems to me that religion was cast aside because it was not historically accurate. The wisdom and moral framework of religion was discarded without even being examined. The baby was thrown out with the bath water. Atheism since its rise in the 60s failed to create a moral framework which the common man could easily access. NuAtheism or Atheism+ tried to rectify this by becoming woke.

None of this is to discount the actual spiritual element of religion im just interested in potentially laying out a logical case for the institution along with hopefully showing the difference between atheism and those who are non religious. If you've bothered to read my blog feel free to critique or just call me faggot. Though i would appreciate an actual comment on where i have erred in my thinking as im sure i have

>> No.16867626

>have more respect for Muslims since at least they tend to read the Koran in its original Arabic whereas most Christians don't even bother to learn Hebrew or Koine Greek
Most Muslims don't understand Arabic and recite things they don't understand. Muslims have several interpretations of their book, all of them are in Arabic. Why do you make the assumption that you need to learn the original languages to understand what's being said, do you not understand textual criticism? And we don't follow a book, we follow tradition as we did for four centuries before creating a Canon.
>through the lens of some translator who will interpret the text for them
The entire Qur'an is a compilation of interpretations, and even then Muslims are divided on which interpretation they should use. We don't have that problem, it doesn't matter which translation you have since the message is there and interpreted through tradition.
>There seems to be no basis for such decisions
Why the fuck are you asking these questions and making assumptions when you don't read any of these texts. You can read all of these religious texts and come to your own conclusion, this is common sense bruh.

>> No.16867656
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>Muslims are divided on which interpretation they should use. We don't have that problem,

>> No.16867663

>and for not reason at all the universe exploded and made itself
Its ridiculous to not believe in a God honestly.

>> No.16867675

> Most Muslims don't understand Arabic
Really, what language do they speak over in the middle east

>> No.16867713

Okay, I'll call you a faggot.

God is tied to religion and Nietzche was right. Deism serves no function for man, whereas religion does because it's practical. Protestantism and Catholicism are two sides of the same coin, it's clear they were going to fail because their fruits were shit. Religion can't be replaced with philosophy and it's not because people are too dumb for it, because their philosophies serve a purpose other than theology.
>It seems to me that religion was cast aside because it was not historically accurate.
I don't see how any of what you said relates to this, unless you're arguing that Christ never existed and we have no historical evidence for the things in the Bible like the fall of Nineveh and the things king Solomon did, etc. In which case I'd call you a faggot, but that's already been done.

>> No.16867729

We don't have a problem, we've already refuted the heresies you posted many centuries ago.
The majority of Muslims aren't in the middle east.

>> No.16867768

>Religion could be replaced with philosophy but its impossible.
Atheists seem more inclined to embrace science rather than philosophy, though it could be argued that science itself is a particular kind of philosophy predicated on indirect realism.

The issue with many atheists in my opinion is that they still cling to a kind of morality that seems unable to be justified in their materialist worldview, except by claiming that every desirable virtue that they want to prescribe normatively is surreptitiously assumed to be a natural "instinct" of human beings.

There is a need to accept that our genes are not the only thing that is selfish. As pointed out in the ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 (a high-brow citation, I know) we are bombarded with contradictory injunctions (like "Be nice to others!" but "Beat out the competition!"). We have enshrined a predatory economic system as a kind of god-given, unquestionable dogma: questioning capitalism is essentially outside Overton window; but at the same time people like to believe that they're kind and charitable. Our alleged "instincts" are contradictory and I don't really see a way out of this. The endgame of the Enlightenment may not be Rousseau but rather de Sade.

>> No.16867792
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>and for no reason at all God was there ready to make the universe
I mean, aren't you just kicking the can down the road?

>> No.16867840

It makes more sense than the universe inventing itself.

>> No.16867881

I agree God is tied to religion but i dont think religion is necessarily tied to God. I also dont agree that Deism serves no function but i honestly havent got that far in my thinking so ill happily concede the point. Its a brave man who disagrees with Nietzsche anyway.

If the coin is christianity then sure but i think you may be overlooking something. Protestantism is an experimentation in decentralisation of Christianity, which splinters it until it reaches the point of absurdity. Catholicism has a rigid overarching heirarchy that leads to widespread corruption. In all this though they are of course similar but my point remains that it may be foolish to discard them entirely because of some absurdity in one and the corruption in the other. Their fruits certainly weren't shit. Catholicism gave the world some of its best art and paved the way for the rise of science by making things uniform. Protestantism has its work ethic which created industrial leaps and gives us the comfort we have today. The fuck has atheism given us? Also i think we could argue all day and night about the purpose of philosophy and go nowhere.

>i dont see how any of what you said relates to this.
My point was, i apologise for not making it clearer, that i think atheists used the lack of historical evidence to de-legitimise religion. For example, growing up everybody would laugh at those who believed in Noahs Ark. There was archaeological evidence. It seems to me that atheists used this to discard the entire thing and either ignored or were ignorant of the allegorical value of story. Im not sure if that makes me a faggot but im willing to run the risk

>> No.16867900

>Religion is for retards, nu-atheism is for mid wits and autists, atheism is just default normal brain if given enough education
For most of history the majority of breakthroughs in the arts and science came from religious individuals and institutions. Atheism is not 'the default' and the only reason you think it is is because you probably grew up in an urban hellhole or are projecting because you grew up in a retarded fundamentalist household and have no understanding of the fact that people might have different experiences than you. Many of the greatest achievements of mankind have come from religion.

Hard to imagine someone so willing to espouse fedora tier ideas while simultaneously bashing other equally fedora tier ideas.

>> No.16867924

Whish Fedora tier ideas I exposed? The secularization of religion? Yeah maybe you are right I'm not in the mood for nuance today.

>> No.16867925

>tend to embrace science more than philosophy
This is a great point thank you. My initial thought was perhaps that science has an authority that philosophy doesnt in the modern mindset. The old trope of the Masters degree philosophy student working minimum wage comes to mind.

>unable to he justified in their materialistic worldview.
I completely agree with you on this. I have seen some weak attempts at using the Kantian method of universality to essentially affirm christian ethics but it always rings hollow to me

>> No.16867926

I think it was the unwillingness by New Atheism to engage with religion, or even major existing critiques of religion like Nietzsche. OK, I accept Christianity isn't true. I still want to understand it from a place of respect. This left an opening for Peterson.

>> No.16867944

As far as I'm aware, Atheism never became a predominant belief anywhere except for a couple of places where it is or was state mandated.

>> No.16867945

But who invented God? If God can invent himself, why can't the universe?

>> No.16867962
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Atheism tears down and doesn’t put up anything satisfying in the void. Atheists tell you to practically worship scientists and try to claim that science has all the answers about everything in the world – when it most obviously doesn’t, especially when it comes to ethical questions, or aesthetic questions and the like, or why anything exists at all. It died off in comparison to what it was because it’s fucking stupid and is a “movement” full of nerdy incels who are mad at their parents for making them go to church.

Darwinism doesn’t disprove God
Science can’t affirm or deny God
Marx is cringe
Freud is cringe
Feuerbach is cringe
Dawkins is cringe

>> No.16867978

I mean I doubt that it ever was in favour if in favour means popular or kind of normal or whatever semantics.

>> No.16867986

Can’t wait for Xi to bulldoze their churches

>> No.16867987

No, he was not part kike. He voted for the Nazis with some apprehension, and then later grew to dislike them.

>> No.16867994

This is a metaphysics question but you want it answered within the bounds of materialism. There's no answer.

>> No.16868007

Yes, he was part kike. Cope

>> No.16868022

It became anti-islam. And for bizarro reasons, anti-islam is unwoke, never mind islam's stances on gays, for one.

>> No.16868030

Why does the universe need a cause?

>> No.16868042

Because it has an end.

>> No.16868047
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>> No.16868087

Does it?

>> No.16868095

People need some sort of religion/higher power.

>> No.16868115

You seem pretty sane so I'll apologise for calling you a faggot. Deism is simply the belief in a god, whether or not that has any importance or implications has no bearing on the deist, or the deist would develop his thinking into a more developed theology. I don't agree with Nietzche on a lot of things, but the west did "kill god" so to speak, or more importantly, they just replaced god with the state or rational empiricism.

Protestantism is the fruits of Catholicism, they attempted to return to the early Catholic doctrines which are heresies, and due to this mistake it spiralled out of control with a multitude of heresies into thousands of different churches, the true body of Christ is undivided. Catholicism itself created an artificial hierarchy of a single patriarch over all patriarchs, the east didn't take too kindly to this and rejected the west. The east has preserved their tradition since the start and has no need for reform like the west keeps attempting to do, ironically, the Catholics are the worst offenders in this with their modern ecumenism. But I digress, I give credit where it's due and on a superficial level the Catholics and protestants have done good and created culture for a time, but their roots are still wicked.

Atheists tried whatever they could to manipulate the uneducated masses, if any large portion of their audience critically thought and attempted to think outside of the hivemind then there wouldn't have been as much support for the nu-atheist movement as we now know was just a short lived fad with absolutely zero substance and served no purpose but to make sure people never returned to the faith of their ancestors.

>> No.16868129

Everything logically needs a cause.

>> No.16868147

What's God's cause?

>> No.16868154

All actions do. Not all things.

>> No.16868158

God's uncaused.

>> No.16868162
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More importantly, how did god remain DEAD?

>> No.16868167

Most New Atheists were post-Christians looking for an ideological/transcendental enlightenment in the material to supercede supernatural Christianism, and when that didn't materialize (lol) they fell back into the Ultracalvinist-Neo-Anabaptist dogma as perpetuated by 21st century American Progressivism.
They still believe in Human ontological moral innocence all the same though, i.e. "muh systems are making humanity evil n shit."

>> No.16868177

Unmoved mover, first cause. Go read Aristotle and Aquinas. I can't give you a worthwhile answer, nor can the vast majority of people on this board.

>> No.16868180


>> No.16868205

>Everything logically needs a cause.
>God's uncaused.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.

>> No.16868209

Yes I can. Read Aquinas.

>> No.16868228

Sorry but I'm going to reduce you to being a bug man, you're just looking at things too rationally. A lot of it comes down to a) being born into the religion and b) faith. No one is believing in God after reading Plantinga.

>> No.16868234

Because Atheists are retards for not realizing human observation of the material world is not the material world in essence, nor is the knowledge of every working facet of the material world relevant to human social existence or transcendence.

>> No.16868290

Totally understandable, we are on 4chan after all. I enjoy the crassness of the culture anyway. Sometimes you see something you disagree with but dont have the energy or enthusiasm to refute it so you just type "lurk more newfag" instead. Tis freedom!

Yes i suppose, its a matter of perspective. If God exists why not make use of Him? I can totally understand the rationale of some far away being that barely acknowledges our existence but it seems quite unhelpful to the human condition. Even if it may not be true im led to believe that it is better to act as though God is watching and judging your actions. Youd be more inclined towards virtue if it were so. This is entirely my own preference though. Deism seems fine though i wonder if it would not lead to nihilism.

I have to say your thoughts on orthodoxy have piqued my interest. In my own studies i have neglected it focusing on protestantism, catholicism, islam and judaism. It was ever an afterthought and i should certainly address this before i move to the more minor religions. Since this is /lit/ are there any books you have read/heard of to give a nice intro to orthodoxy? It can be comprehensive as well since im on a nice theology buzz right now and will be easily put off. Might actually be some of the most rewarding reading ive ever done

>> No.16868305

>not be easily put off

Anyone else can offer me some good Christian orthodoxy suggestions too. Id be very grateful

>> No.16868338

Not him but I'm calling you a faggot for writing such a flowery faggity post. And yeah if you want to understand Christianity then you do need to get your head around the pentarchy.

>> No.16868429

Introducing Eastern Orthodox Theology - Andrew Louth. I'd also recommend you read the Orthodox Study Bible which gives the Orthodox interpretation of the scripture. From there I'd recommend reading the church fathers and their essays against heretics. Personally, I can talk all day about the history and decline of the church and the effects it has had on modern culture, etc, but unless I read these things and apply them into my life then I'm just engaging in sophistry.

>> No.16868519

>people saying Atheism is growing in this thread
Not for long, atheists don't have many kids, religious people do. Stacey the 50 year old single professional and Scarlet the balding tranny do not have kids, John the Mormon has 10. In 50 years (especially with all the beaners) America will be 99% Christian again.

>> No.16868535
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Atheists also don't marry as much as everyone else. Interesting.

>> No.16868563

Atheists have less children and have higher suicide rates.

>> No.16868578

Once you understand this, it's kind of redundant to have these discussions. Atheism will inevitably die out, it's simply anti-human and cannot be sustained. The real conflict isn't going to be between atheists and theists, but theists against theists.

>> No.16868594

This whole approach got it wrong. It thought , like the Soviets, that religion had to be cut at the root and forcefully ripped up. In fact, religion withers on the vine of its own accord. Nobody needs to push for atheism and irreligion because it's a natural tendency under technological society. The internet does more to kill God than any argument against theism.

>> No.16868722

it makes scents

>> No.16868778

atheism was only meant to piss off christians and thats it

>> No.16868782

more like republicans because of george bush being president

>> No.16868787

If you don't believe in God why would you ever get married? If you remove the religious element marriage just seems like a bad idea, a roastie now has the power to take half of everything you've got and what did you get out if it? A very expensive party and some tax privileges.

>> No.16868790

Oof, called a flowery faggot on /lit/ of all places...this is a new low for me. I hadnt posted in months so ill say thanks for the tip about the pentarchy and crawl back under my rock.
Awesome. Ill be sure to check them out. I appreciate the discourse Anon

>> No.16868806

Everybody get a load of this cowardly ambivalent faggot who wants to have it both ways and try to sound smart while doing so. Pick a lane, idiot. Your latter paragraph is nonsensincal woman-shit, btw.

>> No.16868901

>Religion is for retards, nu-atheism is for mid wits and autists, atheism is just default normal brain if given enough education

so if you receive an atheist education you become an atheist. ok sheep

>> No.16868924

>. Religion could be replaced with philosophy but its impossible. How many people are actually capable of reading Aristotle or Kant? More importantly how many would understand? Do you think someone with a 90IQ would have the patience to listen to somebody prattle on about utilitarianism? Or are they more likely to pay attention to an allegorical epic of humans being cast from paradise?
is this a joke. do you fail to see how infatuated atheists are with the careerist academia?

>> No.16868930

Roasties and simps say they want to get married before the public servants to tell society that they love each other

>> No.16868944

> call atheism 'magic'
> as a christian
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.16869024

It must really bother you to know that I'm perfectly content in my beliefs.

>> No.16869047

Atheism was never real, since the religious drive cannot be suppressed in man. Atheists just replace religion with politics, the religion of modern man.

>> No.16869060

Hello there, Baron d'Holbach.

>> No.16869152

Read Ghazali

>> No.16869173
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You're halfway there. The sadness is that religious feeling, which is false, cannot be eliminated in humans, as you correctly observe. Therefore, what must be done is to change humans so that they cease to be human and come to be in conformance with the truth of a godless and arbitrary world, and to be at ease with that truth. Obviously this could be done by extinction, but this is a dull example. The Chinese provide one model; Nietzsche and sci-fi others. All preferable to ungrounded sentimentality.

>> No.16869202
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Again, non-committal woman shit. As you indicated, you don't have beliefs. You gibber.

>> No.16869214

Phones bringing the normies online.

>> No.16869623
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That's if the Chinese government doesn't subvert it first. https://archive.is/JcgI2

>> No.16869670

>Why do you make the assumption that you need to learn the original languages to understand what's being said
Why would I assume that Muslims don't understand their own Holy Book?

>> No.16869714

Destructive things by definition do not last. They might get dug up again when they're relevant, but self-definition based on a negative cannot last long, unless the negative is constantly reinforced.

Racism goes out of fashion real fast once all the natives disappear into their reservations, it persists if you have a population of blacks or gypsies you meet on the street every day. Atheism only theoretically lasts as opposition against an overbearing religious force, of which there are currently none. Haven't been for centuries. And back then, we used to call it protestantism.

>> No.16869788


I recall that online atheism got tied in with the online skeptic community which was an onion scented collection neck beards spouting knee jerk reactions to feminist/social justice caricatures. Easy money in YouTube hate a year or two ago. Didn't help that atheist figures are really bad at PR. Everyone thinks Dawkins is an autist because of his twitter and Sam Harris jumped on the SJW hate band wagon, even 13/50ing on a recent podcast.

Everyone publicly associated with it is cringe as shit and fans of its community are fucking embarrassing. Have you met a guy who values the IDW or needs to debate religion?

>> No.16869911

is the wolf better than the dog? Or are you saying we should be a dog in wolf's clothing?

>> No.16869942

the fad of new atheism fell out of favor because it was politically untenable, it was transparently aligned with the left against the boogeyman of the religious right, but many leftists are religious, especially blacks and hispanics so it just didnt vibe with the coalition, they switched gears to antiracism instead and most of the new atheists stepped in line.

>> No.16870051

I seem to have worded this poorly. My point was that the only thing i could see replacing the moral framework of religion but that it was incapable of doing so either due to lack of interest or lack of understanding or both. I dont think that atheists have used this to actually replace religion. In my view they are far too stupid to conceive that anyway. Instead relying on "science" (the ideology not the field of study) and a woke agenda to fill the void inadequately.

>> No.16870156

Holy shit, it unironically does. Thanks anon, you made me realize something important.

>> No.16870213
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>And the "science is amazing" crowd got too autistic for continued growth.
and yet professor brian cox is starting an arena world tour next year that will sell out every date

>> No.16870246
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It was childish from the start.


>> No.16870254

>A lot of atheists think they are the fastest growing sect but never factor in those who are simply non-religious.

John Vervaeke said something like that the religion of the "nones" is not atheism but a weird, confused worship of "me".

>> No.16870704

It didn't die, it just morphed into the current progressive horseshit infecting everything.

>> No.16870718

The recent stint of atheism was just a reaction to American Evangalicalism, the sort that was big in the 90's and 2000's. Only Christians and teenagers actually took its neo-positivism seriously. Then, there was a sharp backlash against the nihilistic attitude and stealth liberalism that the modern atheist movement contained. So it lost its raison d'etre while also being associated with something increasingly unpopular.

>> No.16870753

In 2004 most American conservatives thought they were exporting a democratic revolution to the middle east and everyone had a moral obligation to back a global revolution but by 2016 the exact same people supported an isolationist who questioned America had any global obligations. People are driven by emotions, most New Atheists were middle class westerners who were doing a lot better in the mid 2000s than today.

Go look at demographic projections from the past. The point is they're always way off the mark and wrong so be more than skeptical.
Christian evangelicalism was an even bigger thing at one point. Saying Christianity is going to be more dominant in the future because a new middle class in Africa and China are spreading the good news is the same as saying the British middle class in the 19th century would do the same thing. All those church do gooders ended up giving birth to a generation of sexual perverts like Virginia Woolf and Keynes who went against all their morals. The point is whatever "success" Christianity has in the developing world today isn't necessarily going to lead where you think it logically should.

>it was transparently aligned with the left against the boogeyman of the religious right
New Atheism was way more "libertarian" (in the American sense) than old atheism which was always associated with socialism. People who aligned themselves with it were more fans of Ayn Rand than Marx.

Evangelicalism is bigger today than 20 years ago even if not as many movies are being made about stupid hicks in Alabama or whatever

>> No.16870780

The same people who would be really into new atheism 15 years ago are way more likely to be into someone like Jordan Peterson than "the current progressive horseshit".

>> No.16870829

Nazis used his writings, and that is enough for a lot of people. There is people who think if nazis didn't hate you, there is/was something wrong with you.

>> No.16870839

Atheism became the norm in every western metro area. It's no longer counter culture and therefore not cool.
Now the cool larp is to say you're a "christian"/cultural christian, where everything in the bible is a metaphor because you cant bring yourself to actually believe it

>> No.16870848
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Science doesn't have an answer for everything yet, no explanation for consciousness, not even a unifying model for physics.
Atheists seem to deify science itself, yet disregard their own empirical method and surmise their isn't a God.
It was a self defeating movement and has since died.

>> No.16870864

>Personally I got relief from examining religion but not believing in it. Specifically, I looked at what different religions actually offer to their adherents and tried to learn from that.
Woow you are so much better than everybody else.

>> No.16870882

I find these arguments absolutely hilarious in 21st century. I get it, you want to base your life on some books written 2 thousand years ago. Alright, good for you. What is that it makes you feel superior though to other people that do not do that? People that base their lives on what actually indeed exists. Science has debunked every single thing religion claimed to have been created by god and will continue to do it until absolutely everything will be mathematically explained. Is it that you reach a certain level of spirituality than is unechievable by non-religuous people and that enables you to be transcended to a complete human? I am curious.

Also cut with that bullshit with religion growing today. World is in crisis. A giant percentage of people live in shitholes, while being uneducated, poor and helpless. Believing imaginary ghosts are responsible for their fate definitely helps them sleep at night

>> No.16870913

don`t worry brother. You would probably be still alive whan science debunks these too. Its just a clock that ticks. 4-5 centuries from now no single religious person will exist in this planet, because he will be first candidate to be admitted to mental institutions

>> No.16870924

>I am curious.
That's a lie.

>> No.16870944

My condolences.

>> No.16870950

I think most New Atheists were actually closer to Popper and would attack Marxist type notions of a total explanation of all phenomena on strict scientific grounds since most theories to explain natural phenomena end up having to be non-falsifiable?

You're wrong, the people most aggressively embracing protestant Christianity in the developing world aren't primarily the poorest but the emerging middle class. Same thing that happened in Europe historically.

>> No.16871005

>Look at me mom I am being edgy on the internet
>Next thread: why are things shallow and I feel like shit.

>> No.16871045

>heh, you think you're cool? no... IM cool...

>> No.16871075

Cool projection right there buddy. Nowhere close though. Non of those I posted I believe it is even remotely edgy. Its just truth. Just like 2 hydrogen atoms fuse into 1 atom of helium

>> No.16871119

Yes, yes anon. I wish you the best and also young lad never forget: The Triune of God cannot be escaped.

>> No.16871551

>It seems to me that religion was cast aside because it was not historically accurate. The wisdom and moral framework of religion was discarded without even being examined. The baby was thrown out with the bath water. Atheism since its rise in the 60s failed to create a moral framework which the common man could easily access. NuAtheism or Atheism+ tried to rectify this by becoming woke.

I think that its historical inaccuracy is what finally had it cast aside, but before that we were seduced away from faith by the luxuries of Western success, and the attractiveness of liberty (which was usually considered the cause of the thriving West). The wisdom and moral framework of religion was examined, quickly and viciously understood to stand in the way of "freedom", as far as freedom meant consenting adults doing whatever they desired in the privacy of their own home.

Even to believers, God lives in a mist of vague promises and invisible miracles. Sinners neither feel His hand in their lives, nor agree with the parts of Christian doctrine that pass judgement on their lives. The wealth of the West makes it easy to practice gluttony, and so we disposed of religion, which makes it hard.

Something a friend told me once (that I found true) was that there are very few _true_ atheists, who internally refuted the existence of a deity. I can at least respect that. What there are many of are sinners who bristle under the notion that their lives are unclean.

If I just repeated myself for 1566 characters, it's a bad habit of mine and I'm sorry.

>> No.16871758
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Look at this fool still thinking there's any meaningful enlightenment in intricate observations of the material world.
I bet you think humans are naturally morally "good" but corrupted by naturally forming hierarchy, too.

>> No.16871763

Trying too hard.

>> No.16871798

> "lol at you Christian idiots we don't need God. You were great for getting middle ages knowledge here but that was about it. We have rationality on our side"
> gets rid of God
> we now live in a "post-truth" society
> world falling apart as shadow lords fill the God void with short-sighted power grabs
> "see? Isn't this great?"
No single moral standard is "necessary" but that's not why we have them. We have them because we can't see line between good and bad as well as we want to, so we create arbitrary morals to protect ourselves from crossing the line.

>> No.16871885

I would agree that the convenience of the western world has softened the link between man and religion but not severed it. I object entirely to the idea that the wisdom and moral framework was either examined or or understood. This is true for both sides. Christians didnt properly understand their own religion either. My view growing up was atheists attacked the historical accuracy while christians focused on the spiritual aspect to justify their faith. Its an important component but is mercurial in nature and difficult to describe. Nobody actually looked at the moral framework.

You may be right about liberty but i think it might have been an error. We know that people have progressively become less and less happy since the 60s thanks to psychological surveys. Now i definitely could be massively stretching cause and effect but i believe it may be due to the fall of religion. It seems absolute freedom may be bad for people. Its a heavy burden to bear and spirals people into nihilism and makes them suicidal from lack of purpose.

>even to believers
Its never been my experience that believers think god lives in "vague promises and invisible miracles". He is more regarded as an ideal or a judging father. Jesus being the ideal and God being the judge. I also think that sinners do feel the hand of God for their sins. Crime and Punishment is a little theatrical but i think its regarded so highly because it imitates real life. Sinners excoriate and demean themselves in punishment for their own sins. Those who are content in their own religion often seem happy or content while atheists seem embittered and miserable. That is entirely my own experience and therefore subjective so you may have experienced otherwise.

>bristle under the notion that their lives are unclean
I grew up and live in a very catholic nation. Breathing is synonymous with sin. So my experience is very different. Its accepted that we fall short of the ideal and must continue to strive towards it. I have no idea what, for example, evangelists in america think but i would wager your comment would be accurate there.

>bad habit
Not at all, i have a tendency to ramble or have my ideas fall over themselves in their eagerness to be written out. I just really appreciate you taking the time to read these long posts and for bothering to put forward you views on the matter. This thread has actually been great fun

>> No.16871926

>The issue with many atheists in my opinion is that they still cling to a kind of morality that seems unable to be justified in their materialist worldview
Give me some examples of the moral doctrines these people follow, because I can't think of any that they bother to live by consistently
As for your last paragraph, I see your point and have always wondered how people (philosophers even) who preached virtue ethics that entailed "kindness" and "philanthropy", at the same time had no qualms about participating in non-defensive wars and murder people living only 500 miles away by the score. I don't think that makes hypocritical, it's just bizarre.
Socrates has praised war in quite a few dialogues. Aurelius was leading a military campaign while scribbling down the notes that make Meditations.

>> No.16871956

>Breathing is synonymous with sin.
not miserable at all

>> No.16872091

Read some irish literature. Youll get the idea pretty quickly. We arent a miserable race of people by any stretch

>> No.16872302

George W. Bush left office. The Atheism phenomenon in the Anglosphere was a reaction to Bush. Ironically after the Atheism arc, America pivoted to the Fifth Great Awakening 2012-???(please end soon) with the election of Obama and the move to Antiracism as state religion.

>> No.16872347

This is a perfect example of how "space!!!111" is a new form of spirituality for the "i fucking love science" s o i crowd. I imagine the bearded numales sitting in the crowd will have the same expressions of awe on their face as a boomer sitting in a evangelical megachurch

>> No.16872370
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That is an unfathomably based article. I can't wait for Medieval II; Total World, to drop as the new installment to history.

>> No.16872453

As a Based TradCath, my Sunday Sacrament is starting a new campaign in Total War or Crusader Kings and making sure to spread the gospel of Jesus across the known world.
God will reward my dedication by sending a deliverance from my loneliness sure enough, maybe one of the cute trad girls in my Discord server will respond to me...

>> No.16872512

Friend, have you noticed how weak and pathetic your bait is getting these days?

>> No.16872836

When was it strong?

>> No.16872860

projecting is this board favorite action, am i right? Nowhere close you too, buddy. There is no need for any kind of enlightment. Humans are just elementary particles put together in a functional way. No meaning. No reason. Nothing. Also who the fuck brought up ethics here? Humans are morally neutral by default. Basic instict of survival and procreation is all there is.

>> No.16872934

I remember when I was 16, too.

>> No.16872941

is that the year you started transitioning?

>> No.16872945

Moral relativism the reason trannies exist in the first place, kid.

>> No.16872954

>tranny tranny tranny
You have no argument.

>> No.16872961

meant for

>> No.16873038

It was more or less replaced with apathetic agnosticism

>> No.16873040

It wasn`t even me.

So you say that being materialistic is edgy like an adolescent. Something you have to grow out of to mature right? Ignoring what is actually out there and choosing a spiritual explanation of things the way you like is what makes an adult mind?

>> No.16873055

Yet you believe a book about magic men written by people with nothing to back it up in any way. Sad

>> No.16873073

argument for what?

>> No.16873127

I have some questions for religious people. I dont have any religious friends and I had never had the chance to ask any of them.

Are you aware that alien life 99.99999% exists? what is god`s role on this? or are you gonna play the card that you dont believe that exists because it has not yet to be found and choose to wait to be dumbfounded once again in history?

Also, some anon brought up consciousness. Science works on that. Eventually some concrete answers will be brought up how the mind works. Big bang also would probably be fully explained in our lifetime. What would be left of arguing for the existence of a creator? Also what kind of creator is this thats created something like the universe so vast, complex and amazing and then he bailed out and left maths do the work?

>> No.16873235

God is eternity. God is the transcendant reality. God is Logos, Beauty and Perfection. He is not grand pa in the sky dumbass. Read St-Thomas of Aquinas, Aristotle and St-Augustine and many more.

>> No.16873243

>Are you aware that alien life 99.99999% exists?
Show me the material proof, Mr. Empiricism.

>> No.16873256
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Mormonism has no issue with alien life, as one would expect of a true faith.

>> No.16873314

"what is actually out there" is often completely irrelevant to human material condition and social body. I'm going to guess you're making some vague gesture to humanity's physical insignificance in the material universe, to which I ask what is the use in believing such a concept when the memetic space humans live in is the only one which we can perceive? Even your observations of the material are entirely through the lens of your surrounding influences and human thinking, and your conclusions are not in line with any greater or more profound perspective than the rest in a material sense.

>> No.16873397

you are funny man. I am greek btw. you sound very funny amidst your confusion
Here is a simple one. For life to exist some parameters have to be present. Mostly water in liquid form (which implies planet average temperature at these ranges) and presence of atmosphere to protect from hazardous radiations. Earth is such a planet in our solar system. Our galaxy alone has billion such solar systems with planets at hospitable temperatures. There are trillions of galaxies in the observable universe. So why alien life has not yet be discovered if those are the facts? Because the distances between the solar systems themselves inside a galaxy are so gigantic that for an alien (or ours) civilization to achieve to come in contact with another requires tremendous advancement in technology and use of energy. Humans have not reached yet that level and have long way to go, but how an alien civilization neither has so for humans to discover some sign of it? It is the Fermi Paradox. https://waitbutwhy.com/2014/05/fermi-paradox.html

>> No.16873448

The issue with the Fermi Paradox is it's paradox presupposes sapience is the inevitable bent of living organisms and isn't just another useful survival evolution which a species could simple not evolve at all if given the material conditions.
The concept of sapient extraterrestrials is entirely based on the application of ideological progressivism on biology.

>> No.16873551

thats a good argument but progressivism biology does not seem to be such a singular and unique concept. It is just math. Possibilities. Sequences of cause and effect with elements the elements of what consists of life. It is more probable that progressivism biology applies to extraterrestrial spieces than it is not

>> No.16873576

lol wow. lots of faith

>> No.16873588

This is also not to mention that sapience itself could simply devolve from a species in favor of more ideal trait for survival. There is no guarantee that the social structures a sapient species constructs will benefit the evolutionary existence of sapience.

>> No.16873637

Interesting possibility, never thought of it. But then again this just narrows down the possibilities for the existence of more advanced civilizations. It does not exclude their existence.

>> No.16873653

>free will, tabula rasa and morality.
I'm stealing this phrase, perfectly captures the current zeitgeist

>> No.16873767
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>you are funny man. I am greek btw. you sound very funny amidst your confusion

Usually I really care for greeks as a people: for your history and your years of struggle but anon you are making it hard for me to be kind to you; do you have any idea what Logos entails: Logos in his aristotelian form defined by Aristotle and his contemporary and later by Saint-Thomas of Aquinas in catholic theology?
Read Rhetoric from Aristotle and the Summa Theologia from Saint-Augustine brother.

>> No.16873787

It does preclude the usefulness in believing in such extraterrestrial sapients given just how improbable it is one will ever be encountered by humanity not just now but ever.

>> No.16873814

>bro, what if the eternal creator god existed... ALREADY?
whoa, mind blown

>> No.16873856

heavy propaganda fueled by extorsion-like donations. Christcucks are cattle

>> No.16873858

the real damage are protestantism and they afilliateds, syou have to go back

>> No.16873895

Every religious person here deep down knows god is doesn't exist. They have more of a philisophical belief here. They know the arguments for god, but god is thoroughly dead.

>> No.16873905

Anon "Metaphysics" is also one of his strongest book that Aquinas quotes and uses. I would put that book over "Rhetoric" in my humble opinion anon.

>> No.16873908

Dangerously based.

>> No.16873938

Are you saying you only believe in religion because it makes you feel better? Sounds like you have depression, bro.

>> No.16874057

because they made science into their own god and look what happened

>> No.16874079

>heavy propaganda
You're expecting me to believe that the real reason New Atheism- a mainstream movement- failed is because of a mass propaganda campaign?
Literally where, you dumb fuck?

>> No.16874102

Most people are just indifferent.

>> No.16874160


>> No.16874192

people have been serving up these neoreactionary prophesies for a while now where the world is supposed to have traversed some new transcendent ground bridging or synthesizing science and religion but it's not clear to me, or anyone else for that matter, what shape this will take even theoretically... this kind of culturally impotent 'revolution' has taken place hundreds of times in recent history no doubt - in the minds of the young, their dreams, aspirations and hopes etc - that their metaphysical and aesthetic acclimations take center stage... a hope that will betray them just as real life continually betrays them and keeps them in the psychological prison that necessitates such prophetic (and ultimately escapist) outbursts...

>> No.16874233

I feel this is accurate.

>> No.16874483

creationism vs evolution was a big thing in 200-2009, it stopped being a big thing.

>> No.16875623


>> No.16875639

Evidently he was but it was only one great or great-great grandparent which meant he was still considered aryan by Nazi racial laws because even the Nazis weren't as retarded as Americans with their one drop rule nonsense.

>> No.16875656

It won't happen in the West.

>> No.16875664

Which is fucking stupid since the Catholic Church basically discovered evolution independently and never disagreed with it as a nascent theory.
Protestantism has been a disaster, I didn't even realise capital S Science and Religion were meant to be contradictory.

>> No.16877282


Your first graph isn't a refutation of your political opponents, and you don't even understand why.

>> No.16877293

My answer is a thomistic conception of science

>> No.16877335

libertarian how? do you think in a choice between the democrats and the libertarians the likes of Dawkins/Hitchens/Harris would hesitate?

>> No.16877408

Neo-paganism and people losing weight took away a lot of it's fans.

>> No.16877477

>read the Bible, God interacts with people in such diverse ways making them believe in Him or His power
>not one single time did He do that in the modern era when he could just broadcast on every tv and radio station simultaneously something truly divine
>read the Quran, Allah interacts with people in such diverse ways..
>not one single time did He do that in the modern era
>read Shinto text, the Gods interact with people in such diverse ways, literally changing the landscape and such, especially when insulted
>not one time did they decide to do this in the modern era
>read the Bhagavad Gita and other Hindu scriptures, Krishna, Vishnu and some other Gods descend from the Heavens in flying chariots, strike down enemies of their "chosens" with one fell swoop
>not one time did They decide to do this in modern times, especially when India was at disatvantageous wars
It's almost like all of the alleged Gods have gone radio silent... or as if they were never there to begin with...
>inb4 someone tells me I'm a faggot because one must spread the Word of God (or however the hell you should call it) orally
>inb4 someone says that miracles still happen and that they believe wild claims of people with zero witnesses or that mental patients are divine
>inb4 someone says God works in mysterious ways
>Broooo you have to search within yourself, you've gotta feel it!
This is probably the dumbest argument in the history of mankind, people believe and feel all sort of crap (or love and feel affection toward another person) and find out that their faith and love was misplaced.

>> No.16877512

>not one single time did He do that in the modern era when he could just broadcast on every tv and radio station simultaneously something truly divine
Last big intervention was in Fatima with thousands of witnesses. Look it up. Also miracles are not natural everyday occurrences. Otherwise they wouldn't by miraculous.

>> No.16877518

>fall out of favor
pretty sure most zoomers all around the world are irreligious so idk what you're talking about

>> No.16877540

>Religion could be replaced with philosophy but its impossible. How many people are actually capable of reading Aristotle or Kant? More importantly how many would understand? Do you think someone with a 90IQ would have the patience to listen to somebody prattle on about utilitarianism? Or are they more likely to pay attention to an allegorical epic of humans being cast from paradise?
i had philosophy in uni (learning software engineering), not many people listened but having exams on that forces people to memorise at least something, pretty sure philosophy is not a stem only subject too

>> No.16877550

>There has been much analysis of the event from critical sociological and scientific perspectives. According to critics, the eyewitness testimony was actually a collection of inconsistent and contradictory accounts. Proposed alternative explanations include witnesses being deceived by their senses due to prolonged staring at the Sun and then seeing something unusual as expected.
Go and stare at the Sun and tell me what you see after that.
Funny how such a thing didn't happen once in the 100 years since - especially now that we have a chance of broadcasting anything to any part of the globe.
>Also miracles are not natural everyday occurrences.
A divine figure who wants worship shouldn't need to do it more than once. Literally broadcast from the heavens in every country in its mother tongue "I AM GOD. GO TO THESE COORDINATES TOMORROW WITH YOUR CAMERAS" and then conjure up something out of thin air.
Or maybe part a sea or ocean in two......

>> No.16877557

>no explanation for consciousness
wasn't there some news about finding a certain area in the brain that was related to consciousness somehow iirc

>> No.16877574
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>why haven't we discovered aliens
well, here's one potential reason

>> No.16877575

wanker thread

>> No.16877594

tenuous because planets with the potential to bear life that are older than earth are still plentiful within that visible range.

>> No.16877603

Its the Abrahamic mainstay religions that are losing followers and religiosity. They just can't cope in this new globalized world and its complexities. The fanatical adherents are either the absolute dregs of society or the traditional peripheral societies , especially those forgotten by globalization. In contrast it is eastern mysticism that is increasing in popularity and it is way more able to cope with postmodernity. Some form of meta digital Neo-paganism is likely to also become more organized in the future especially thanks to the internet.

>> No.16877657

>science can't affirm or deny god
This. Why do so many people not get it?

>> No.16877665

science isn't even intended to do that, its goal is to try to explain and predict reality as accurately as it can and so far gods don't add any precision

>> No.16877668

Science is neutral, it doesn't "tell" you anything religious or non-religious, you can interpret the results through both lenses.

>> No.16878039

>several thousand years of lived experience of mankind
>people who want to sell books and hedonist middle class college midwits
I wonder