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16866690 No.16866690 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is a stupid question. I've started reading more "obscure stuff" and I can't even find what I am looking for.

I am a native Spanish speaker and I am looking for Jasper's General Psychopatology or Cioran's In the Heights of Despair in either Spanish or English (preferably Spanish) and I can't fuckin find anything. First time in my life ever I am facing this obstacle in life.

>> No.16866698

If it's not on piracy sites, you can try and find local bookstore websites or even antique sites

>> No.16866736

Have you tried doing a google search? Jesus fucking christ anon, this took me two minutes.


Find the other one yourself.

>> No.16866785
File: 338 KB, 621x471, 1605383692748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck man you've made my whole fucking year. Here I am facing jail time and suicide and you've made my year.

If this took you seconds then there's obviously censorship based on language and IP. Would you be kind enough to find a straight PDF link for any of both? I'd deeply appreciate it. I have limitations due to being a third wordler but don't take me for a fool.

>> No.16866863

I have already granted your wish mortal, you only get one. The rest is up to you

>> No.16866908


There's your link for PSCIOPATOLOGIA

>> No.16866947


There is heights of despair.

>> No.16867001

I really appreciate your help but that hasn't solves my dilemma. I might speak multiple languages fluently but that doesn't matter when you're from the third world like me. My entire livelihood relies on my wagecuck job and that's heavily tied to me not using forbidden software like turrents on my work machine, the only machine I can afford.

>why don't you just stop being poor
Because I was born in the midst of violence and despair. What's imaginable to you only in movies is my daily life, it doesn't fucking matter if I can write poetry in 10 fucking languages. If I was starving I'd shank a family of five with no fucking remorse. That's why I am politely asking for a straight Google PDF link of General Psychopathology, I am trying to explain to my shrink being a criminal is irrelevant to perceived intelligence.

>> No.16867059


I hate your whining, but I've uploaded this for you here: https://docdro.id/ixxz7ed

Go download it quickly before it's taken down.

>> No.16867102

Please answer me. Why have you gone to such great lengths to please someone globally perceived as undersiable and hateable?
I am genuinely puzzled and my perceived personal achievements don't even matter. I shit you you not I am half drunk while writing this and english is far from being my first tongue. But I only write in my native tongue out of foolish pride.

Why would you go to such lengths to please a 5'7 mong shitskin like me? And let me guarantee you, I'll rape the fuck out of any shit you shared in any fucking language I fucking want. I'll ever translate it to fucking hebrew if I feel like it.

>> No.16867151


Because all things have intrinsic value, even obnoxious, self-important retards like you. Go find the help you need in real life, not in your deluded fantasies, grandiose self-image, or bronze narcotics. Now stop bothering me, read your book and let the thread expire.

>> No.16867226

I have to retort, what intrinsic value is in me if I'd shank your fucking kidneys to not starve like I am starving like I am fucking starving right now at 11PM during fucking lockdown?

Don't get me wrong, I am reading that shit on muttspeak and I might even translate it where it needs fucking translation.

>> No.16867256

I want you to die, OP

ITT: nigga from the slums

>> No.16867267


>> No.16867280
File: 66 KB, 828x727, IMG_20201123_174656_586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you have tiny huevos.