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File: 203 KB, 1500x1127, white fragility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16863520 No.16863520 [Reply] [Original]

This isn't bait. I work at a store and this keeps selling even months later after the white guilt hype train died down. Is it worth reading? Clearly people still want it. Serious question to anyone who's read it.

>> No.16863530

A lot of it is just people wanting a book on their coffeetable/shelf to show off. My mom bought 4 anti-racism books after George Floyd perished and she's only read one.

>> No.16863535

>Americans unironically buy and read this race bait garbage
You make me sick.

>> No.16863540
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Georgina Floyd kek

>> No.16863551

Unscientifical garbage

>> No.16863560
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"The white guilt hype train" never existed, it has always been astroturfed Jew bullshit. The reason this one is popular is that rather than try (and fail) to make white conservatives feel bad for being the only reason American society functions, it has instead focused on making white liberals feel good about feeling bad.

Many believe this to be a foolish position but I firmly believe in encouraging my enemies to make mistakes. One must simply remember that white liberals are all race traitors without exception and that they are a small minority of white people. Every one of them who ends up in an abortion clinic dumpster is a sacrament to God.

>> No.16863584
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>"The white guilt hype train" never existed, it has always been astroturfed Jew bullshit.

>> No.16863623

>white guilt hype train died down
It must be nice being this unplugged from reality

>> No.16863625


>> No.16863645

>When socially engineered race politics has become a religious cult
I'd ask someone to write a novel about this dystopia, but why bother when its reality?

>> No.16863668

just passing by to say that american culture is disgusting and i hate how every other country is influenced by it

>> No.16863676
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>> No.16863687

>the cuck actually kisses the filthy nigger shoe
>the woman kisses her own hand
based woman

>> No.16863692
File: 220 KB, 1080x1440, 5770369A-957E-4E01-9888-E85876CCF41C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There must be something in normie brains that makes them want to fall for CIA psy ops. I don’t think you can blame group think or cnn anymore for promoting these books. I think normies are unironically religious zealots who want to be fed narratives by the elites. Some women want to be fuck pigs in bdsm dungeons. Normies get off on fake struggling and then surrendering to the psy ops of the elites. White women buy pic relateds books and think it’s smart of them. I can’t fathom knowing who this woman is without cracking a smile at how obvious it all is, but normies eat it, and they burp up money as a way to say thank you to their ruling CIA.

>> No.16863705

Why does she look extraordinarily jewish?

>> No.16863712

Nothing valuable in there even if you just read it to understand the enemy.
I read Marx and many Jews and those were decent, albeit misguided, reads with some valid ideas. This book is designed to insult.

>> No.16863713

AYYO DAS RITE. Fuck dem crackers.

>> No.16863718

It's probably just yet another consequence of atheism. People need religion, so instead of God they just find this race bullshit as something to be zealous over.

>> No.16863720

Take a wild guess

>> No.16863740

She's not Jewish or white, she's Italian.

>> No.16863796

>Is it worth reading? Clearly people still want it. Serious question to anyone who's read it.

I don't know, I've never read it.

>> No.16863797

This is an obvious consequence of atheism, but a deeper problem exists. Why is it that these normals are so willing to gobble up elitist shit every day and are unable to think critically? Could be intelligence agencies, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Meetings and Council on Foreign Relations working with every single official™ news/media agency promoting these things along with the universities funded by richest people in the world. The study of social engineering is fascinating, anyone have any books on the topic?

>> No.16863826

It's a propaganda piece and an act of wokeist profiteering written by a charlatan aimed at amplifying division and distracting from the core class issues that underwrite racism.

>> No.16863830

> Kidnap black people from Africa
> Keep them in subhuman conditions as slaves for hundreds of years
> Free them but continue to treat them as second class citizens
> Make laws specifically designed to target their communities
> Hey guys so why don't we talk about how our current society is a product of a racist history. Why don't we work together in an open manner to acknowledge how we may have unconsciously engrained certain racist beliefs.

>> No.16863845

Manufactured consent. That's it.

>> No.16863858



Yeah sure thing nig

>> No.16863873

>Noam Chomsky
Are you serious?

>> No.16863876

Why wouldn't I be? Does the notion of media manipulation become false due to who is pointing it out?

>> No.16863903

Try to bait harder

>> No.16863920

Yes it does, I don't trust him and he's likely a bought off "gatekeeper" who's going to waste my time. I want the real deal, not some mainstream socialist goy.

>> No.16863938

ok but a lot of those racist beliefs have a basis in fact and persist despite wildly inaccurate media depictions that show things like criminals being disproportionately white (inaccurate) and judges being disproportionately black (inaccurate). Also the idea that white flight was due to simple racism rather than rising crime rates that followed demographic changes in cities (enormous misconception that almost everyone believes), etc. etc.

There's a ton of dissimulation in American society about race and it's been going on for a long time. One thing that really pisses me off is the fact that so many people believe that once the Civil Rights Act was passed the American government and white people just did nothing and assumed formal equality would be enough. There have been billions of dollars spent by the US government and philanthropists since the 1960s on bringing up black people to the standards of white people, economically, educationally, etc. And it hasn't worked. But they did try.

>> No.16863937

yeah cause George Floyd was armed and the police officer's life was in immediate danger that's why he had to put his knee on George's neck for eight minutes and forty-six seconds these are the same dudes who talk about limiting the governments power btw

>> No.16863942

Your mom sounds like a based /lit/poster.

>> No.16864038

If any other minority group was given even a fraction of the gibs blacks have been they'd be running the country by now.

>> No.16864050

They're still inferior.

>> No.16864079

The real role of social engineering and covert psychological operations is such a deep and touchy rabbit hole, why would anybody touch it?

>> No.16864084

People are animals and follow the same laws of nature that animals do

People aren't equal

People who make up the masses of the bottom have horrendously weaker senses of identity and weaker self preservation instincts than the people towards the top

People, in a world of information, who lack an inner form (plebians) are designed to gobble up whatever society or the people at the top tell them

This is why "muh therapy/psychology" works on them, something that literally has no use, is so widespread. The midwits who make up psychology are able to translate down composites of concepts that the normies give them and the normies are impressed as a child is by a clown doing a magic trick.

>HELP DOC I'M A RETARD WITH NO SELF AWARENESS *dipshit doesn't even have a logical explanation as to why he's sitting in the office*
>tell me your problem
>*tells the shrink the problem*
>*jumbles it up to expose something on the periphery of the situation that any healthy and functioning human being would be able to figure out automatically*

The fact that we have a culture which propagates that, since your life has become empty and meaningless the answer is keep being a good goy and pay a random fucking stranger who doesn't give a fuck about you to try to manipulate your conversation to dispel your mental anguish and if you show any signs of internal authority or uprightness which keeps you from conforming, you are marked with some sort of "mental illness" is perfect proof that the human race is done for, and about to face a completely enslaved Marxist Borg AI Doomsday of some type.

>> No.16864107

> media depicts criminals being disproportionately white
> media depicts judges being disproportionately black
you are delusional this isn't a thing

>white flight was due to simple racism rather than rising crime rates that followed demographic changes in cities (enormous misconception that almost everyone believes)
partially true but white migration from the cities started well before the crime increase but I'll give you that yes crime rate was likely a larger reason for migration out of the cities than just racism

> There have been billions of dollars spent by the US government and philanthropists since the 1960s on bringing up black people to the standards of white people, economically, educationally, etc.
Ruby Bridges was the first black child to desegregate the all-white William Frantz Elementary School in Louisiana. She is 66 years old today.
Emmet Till would have been 71 years old today.
Schools in the US were desegregated in 1954. There are people alive today who went to segregated schools.
Google Redlining.

The effort being spent to bring black people up to equality with the whites is still ongoing. You speak about it as though these events happened centuries ago. A lot of progress has been made particularly in black education rates and despite what pol will tell you crime rates are far lower than what they use to be and will likely continue to trend downwards. At the end of the day the "historical" injustices we are talking about happened to people still alive and the furthest removed black people had it happen to their grandparents.

>> No.16864119

The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum.

>> No.16864240


I've seen some passages from it or maybe the authors other bullshit where she states that thinking critically is racist in that critical thought was created by the white man and imposed upon everyone else. I shit you not.

I feel like this book was only published to cause disunity in the public. Like it or not a great deal of Americans supported BLM espescially prior to the riots. Then this shit came out and of course Twitter libs gave it a lavish tongue bathing and basically used only the title in ideological wargare as a sort of "gotcha" in horseshit arguments.

Throw in some psycho babble about why we shouldn't be thinking or asking others to think critically and it made the perfect example of how batshit insane the so called "intellectual" left is. Thing is I've seen absolutely zero people farther left than Democrat praise this utter dogshit.

>> No.16864249

*solidarity forever begins playing.* b a s e d

>> No.16864266
File: 18 KB, 220x273, Mel_Gibson_taken_July-28-2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers

>> No.16864308

>all of these repressive measures recede almost overnight
>apologetic laws, permissive and giving in every respect, replace them
>three generations go by
>still stupid, still criminal, still sociopathic
Big thinky

>> No.16864327

>Fentanyl Floyd unironically given as an example of "police brutality"
Your damage is likely irreversible.

>> No.16864380

> You: People got mad cause they shot an armed criminal
> Me: He wasn't armed
> You: y-yeah well um he was on fentanyl

are you retarded? do you think being on drugs means it's acceptable for a police officer to kill you?

>> No.16864431

Depends on the drugs. Fentanyl is a yes.
Some drugs make you an unstoppable brute.

>> No.16864478

You're right, he should have been put down earlier, when he pointed a loaded gun at a pregnant woman.

>> No.16864484

>do you think being on drugs means it's acceptable for a police officer to kill you?
Yes, unironically.

>> No.16864496
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jews with better food

>> No.16864500 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 850x1200, EnZV-XJXYAEszzD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's prolefeed obviously but here's a pretty decent run-down:
I feel bad for Tyler since he seems the only one to really understand the nefarious ethos that the book stands to inaugurate and enforce while his buddies are just dismissive of it as a cynical exercise in idpol simony. Which it is however that is only one aspect of it and Tyler is right to alarmed at what the near compulsory popularity of this book among corporate circles indicates.

>> No.16864540

>Is it worth reading?
Perhaps, but isn't the argument basically, "White people can't come to a conclusion as to what constitutes racism"? This leaves no room for discourse or introspection. Sure, White people likely deflect claims of racism for less than honest reasons, but that doesn't mean all claims about racism made by a POC are necessarily valid. Maybe I'm misrepresenting DiAngelo's argument, but it feels a bit like sloganeering, akin to insisting every say ACAB and losing the audience in the process.

>> No.16864544
File: 40 KB, 1280x720, jokster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be spooked by the title, I haven't read it myself but based on what others have said the title is basically just to fuck with brainlet conservatives but the book itself addresses why a lot of white people are in denial about white supremacy or implicit bias. Something to do with how they respond to perceived attacks on their character.

That said if you already have nuanced views on race that don't come down to "fuck niggers and kikes" you probably don't need to read it.

>> No.16864557 [DELETED] 

Did you guys the article "The Inauthenticity of BLM" in yesterday's WSJ? Of course you didn't, ha ha, but I mean if you had, what would your opinion on it be?

>> No.16864563

It's AWFL home decor. They put it on their coffee tables in order to signal that they are not merely progressive, but an "anti-racist ally." It boosts their social status among other AWFLs.

>> No.16864566

Need some context but this just looks like some kind of solidarity move. Not exact a white guilt move.
>A couple brainlets get tricked by black isrealites

>> No.16864579

Do you think it's acceptable for me to kill a police officer if they're on drugs?

>> No.16864598

Are you a police officer? If so, yes. If not, no.

>> No.16864623 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 1643x2513, let-us-dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pope literally just came out with a book supporting BLM and attacking covid lockdown skeptics.

Did I mention I went back to being an atheist?

>> No.16864637

>Unless I suck the pope's cock I can't be a Christian
Good riddance desu

>> No.16864644 [DELETED] 

Everyone hates Ayn Rand, but I bet you she would never go for the BLM woke shit. I want to order an Atlas Shrugged so bad but I don't want to get put on a watchlist by the Biden administration.

>> No.16864650

Do this instead:


>> No.16864664

Looks like he’s trying to molest that bird and it’s trying to get away from him

>> No.16864666 [DELETED] 

>Defend businessmen like we defend racial minorities
>The defense of minority rights is acclaimed today, virtually by everyone, as a moral principle of a high order. But this principle, which forbids discrimination, is applied by most of the "liberal" intellectuals in a discriminatory manner: it is applied only to racial or religious minorities. It is not applied to that small, defenseless minority which consists of businessmen. Yet every ugly, brutal aspect of injustice toward racial or religious minorities is being practiced toward businessmen.
>Preferential treatment by race means racial quotas
>The inversion of all standards--the propagation of racism as anti-racist, of injustice as just, of immorality as moral, and the reasoning behind it, which is worse than the offenses--is flagrantly evident in the policy of preferential treatment for minorities (i.e., racial quotas) in employment and education.

Holy based. I think it's time for a second look!

>> No.16864675

What difference does my station versus theirs make?

>> No.16864707


>> No.16864721

you're not wrong, but it's a line of thought that has been trotted out many times. edgemasters replying to you are ahistorical <23yo whyte proles

>> No.16864771

Of course she wouldn't go for BLM. She hated gays, she thought it was disgusting. She was clearly a sympathizer to the future conservative coalition. That doesn't make her novels any less shit or her "philosophy" any more coherent however. Only proles can enjoy Ayn Rand, her books are ideology incarnate.

>> No.16864817

>She hated gays
So do black people.

>> No.16864877

Nah it's a liberal take on identity politics, better to read Settlers

>> No.16864888

I think you are retarded but you are right about white liberals being race traitors and cucks. I think you are wrong about them being the minority. Obviously it's about 50/50. Look at our elections.

>> No.16864917

It must suck that the white empire is now pandering to colored people and liberal cucks to make a buck. There's no way to stop it. QQ more anon.

>> No.16864924

Low functioning jews

>> No.16864943

You are right about liberals being stupid unfortunately the rest of this post is just as stupid if not more than liberals

>> No.16864947


In all likely hood. We are probably already encased in some kind of false reality by AI. If it were the case that we were headed in that direction. Why would we be aware of it? Imo it's already happened.

>> No.16864953

This is one of those books that has sold millions of copies but has only been read by a handful of people. I had a friend whose office did corporate training and they gave everybody a copy of this

>> No.16864962

Haven't you ever met some retarded white people? I've met morons of all kinds. People are fucking retarded. No two ways about it. Focus on yourself, instead of wasting energy telling people dumb shit like what you just said.

>> No.16864975

Yeah because opioids do that lmao. You have to be 18 to be on here anon. Go do some homework assignments on your state assigned chromebook.

>> No.16864984


>> No.16864988

Did they start to ban RC Waldun threads?

>> No.16865024

They are literally bowing in front of blacks because of their race.

In what fucking world do American leftists live where bowing in front of someone means solidarity. Then they talk about others being 'bootlickers' in the next sentence without shame. It's despicable.

>> No.16865080

i bought this book so i could argue about it with my parents but i couldnt get past page 10. shes a seriously creepy person that fetishizes black people

>> No.16865117

> the white guilt hype train died down
It did?

>> No.16865127

she got double stuff oreo'd directly after this

>> No.16865211

Don't take it so seriously. The Plebeians need their soma just like everyone else. Obama's book sold 900k copies on day 1. Literature, just as all art forms, has a wing that appeals to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.16865227

>fat people dressing like children bowing to fat people dressing like children

>> No.16865292
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>My mom bought 4 anti-racism books after George Floyd perished

>> No.16865305
File: 66 KB, 584x575, Gtnot+falling+asleep+in+waking+up+in+and+then+wearing+_78d09020f6d76bddb13b390da637126a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sadly correct