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/lit/ - Literature

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16860449 No.16860449 [Reply] [Original]

I don't want to take meds because it hurts my creativity

>> No.16860468

put on a video or podcast in the background- one you already know.

>> No.16860475

Not being heterosexual

>> No.16860487

do you actually have adhd? Especially in the states they throw out that diagnoses like candy. I've heard some types of long term meditation can help.

>> No.16860541

Yeah I have the real thing. It actually helps me get new ideas when writing but I don't have attention span to sit for too long. Like literally every single day I will get dozens of ideas for my work. But when I sit down to write I can only do it for like 5 minutes before being distracted.

>> No.16860856

well whatever you do don't take drugs, they cause long term brain damage like adderall

>> No.16860859

You sit tf down and do it, sometimes I find an album helps(thotpop in particular).

>> No.16861108

Be patient with yourself and reread lines; don't feel bad about your condition.

>> No.16861535

Instrumentals can help you ease into it. I find that reading out loud when you lose your focus and then gradually switching to your inner voice helps maintain it. ~ Also using candle light helps stimulate some thinking part of your brain left over from caveman days.

>> No.16861545

Not exactly an answer but one tip is to read hyperactive books (something modern, easy-to-read and fast-moving - like a good, recent detective story) to build up your tolerance and establish reading as a pattern. Short stories also may help, the brain likes accomplishing short and snappy goals quickly.

>> No.16861546

Three or four big cups of coffee and no meds helps me stay focused while still maintaining enough ADHD brain to draw bizarre subconscious connections which are the most fun part of reading.

>> No.16861559 [DELETED] 
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Literally just persevere. When I had horrible ADHD, I learnt self control and depended less on base pleasures (like wanking or video games) and just persevered through books I knew would be the better for me in the end.

If you don't understand a bit after some focus, just keep reading and return to it later if you want. If you just push yourself reading will be easy eventually, and you will find the inner soul of the text, of the book; and will enjoy it beyond any of the other base activities you would "reward" yourself with after, or do for the longest amount of time.

>> No.16861577
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Literally just persevere. When I had horrible ADHD, I learnt self control and depended less on base pleasures (like wanking or video games) and just persevered through books I knew would be the better for me in the end.

If you don't understand a bit after some focus, just keep reading and return to it later if you want. If you just push yourself reading will be easy eventually, and you will find the inner soul of the text, of the book; and will enjoy it beyond any of the other base activities you would "reward" yourself with after, or do for the longest amount of time.

Also just read books you like, and genuinely are interested in, as long as it is counterbalanced with an education on the classics and you find an interest in them also. As well like the other anons said, meditation and coffee improve your concentration.

>> No.16861597

>just stop having ADHD

>> No.16861598
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>> No.16861603

put on background noise

>> No.16861609

Try cutting down on the porn and the vidya, fucknugget.

>> No.16861611


>> No.16861615

>turn off the tv
>turn off the computer
>sit down
>open the book
>if you start thinking about anything other than the sentences on the page smack yourself in the head
>I don't care if you have to smack yourself after reading five words, you fucking do it
>keep smacking yourself until you have finished a chapter

>> No.16861617

Put on white noise (rain sounds etc) in the background. Meditate before reading. Taking notes/marking might help.

>> No.16861742

Don't try to multitask, turn off your phone and computer, just sit down and read your book
If you're worried that someone will "need" to contact you, leave your phone on but far away from where in the room you are reading
Just read, every time you get distracted and lose track just do your best to focus and reapply yourself, you'll get into a rhythm eventually
Do not listen to this fucking retard, mongoloids who always are listening to podcasts in the background of everything they do are always distracting themselves
These guys have the right idea

>> No.16861818

>Do not listen to this fucking retard, mongoloids who always are listening to podcasts in the background of everything they do are always distracting themselves
fuck you. listening in the background to things turned down quiet is the best way to occupy your brain on level that allows you to focus on your book. why do you think people listen to music while they study? ADHD brains need to be occupied on a higher level.
It comes from this:

>> No.16861895

If you need to listen to something then put on some white noise or quiet music, not other people talking which is much more likely to only increase distraction

>> No.16861920

Don’t have any advice except for same brother

>> No.16861924

I think what he meant to say was that podcasts generally include someone speaking, which is pretty retarded since it will overlap with your thoughts most of the time, but I agree any kind of other background noise works wonders. Thing with ADHD is that you can also succumb to your own intrusive thoughts and get stuck in some sort of a loop, causing you to breakdown everything you read to it's bone marrow.

>> No.16861926

this is a massive cope

>> No.16861978

a cope for what?

>> No.16861991

>which is pretty retarded since it will overlap with your thoughts most of the time
eh. on occasion I'll turn the noise off, but 99% of the time it's fine. It fades out like everything else into background noise. Of course, it's not turned up. It's like someone sitting on the other side of the room having a conversation. Something to occupy the part of the brain that keeps looking for new things.

>> No.16862369

Setting the right kinda mood and not just any chill beats to study to, I believe is also the key, if you want to carry away anything from the book besides whats written, especially in op's situation since he's a writer. Try machine gun fire as background noise if the book is about ww2

>> No.16862375

Read something fun rather than all the philosophical shite that /lit/ suggests 90% of the time.

>> No.16862801
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Block out a piece of time you want to read for. Do it in a separate room from all your tech/things that might distract you, bonus points if you have a spot or chair that you can use exclusively for reading. Sit down and try to read for the full time. Start small and don't get discouraged if you don't get too far. Getting distracted and rereading is super common, especially at first. Do this every day and eventually you will get further and further. I've been doing this for a while and my focus has improved dramatically.