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16860326 No.16860326[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christcucks btfo

>> No.16860333


>> No.16860336

"People who never heard of God won't go to Hell" is PEAK Protestant white guilt and has no basis in Scripture.

>> No.16860346

This is the thing i don't get about christians/muslims. Why wouldn't god just send some prophets to all people groups in the world? Why couldn't there be a muhammed in america, china and subsaharan africa?

>> No.16860354

> that ALL may be saved

>> No.16860356

>you will go to hell if you never hear about jesus christ
Do you seriously think that this makes the argument better?

>> No.16860369

>stillborn babies burn in eternal fire because they didn't live long enough to have a pedophile priest sprinkle water over their heads
This is why christianity is such a clown show and the only ones who stick with it have been brainwashed into accepting it unconditionally since childhood.

>> No.16860373

>has no basis in Scripture
Welcome to christianity

>> No.16860383

People are saved by faith in Jesus Christ. There is no other way to be saved. Period. Virtuous pagans go to limbo at best. They will never experience the beatific vision.

>> No.16860456

My friend, I hope you did not say this as a Catholic. -You- guys have the doctrine of invincible ignorance.

What kind of priest would even give that answer? Religion is a practice, not a set of statements to give assent to. The last judgment will not be a theology quiz where you get to skip the questions if you didn't show up to class. Orthopraxy has always been the main concern of Christianity, and orthodoxy simply delineates orthopraxy. So then the answer shouldn't be "Meh, God will leave you alone if you don't commit" but "All things will be tried against the straight measure of God and you need to be prepared by living according to this straight measure, otherwise you are at least in danger".

>> No.16860462


At least Catholics are honest about not caring about scripture.

>> No.16860480

>-You- guys have the doctrine of invincible ignorance.
Modernist nonsense.

>> No.16860481

In Catholicism they either go to limbo or heaven (leaning to this these days) so they don't suffer

>> No.16860486

As in, what I said is nonsense? If so, sorry for being mistaken.
Or do you mean the doctrine itself is nonsense? Then I agree completely, but I am not a Catholic and I assume you are. Are you a sede?

>> No.16860490

Feeneysm was heresy even before V2

>> No.16860507

Sucks to never have heard of that particular jew on a stick, then. Guess God should have tried a little harder to spread the message

>> No.16860511

Feeneyism is the historical position of the Catholic Church

>> No.16860516

What was Christ doing when he descended to Hell?

>> No.16860529

Jacking off to Magdalene

>> No.16860546

No-one has ever made the top argument it's a retarded strawman.
You can go to hell if you don't know.

>> No.16860557
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>> No.16860574
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That made me feel

>> No.16860580

Cucktianity summed up as a slave morality for the weak minded

>> No.16860588

Romans 2:14-15

>> No.16860600

You talk about slavery but you never had a free thought in your life and no love or respect for yourself enough to give a shit about anything but nihilism.
You talk about slavery but all I see in this post is a slave comforting himself with the delusion he's a free man

>> No.16860607

I'm not a nihilist stupid faggot. Just because people don't embrace your jewish cuck cult doesn't mean they can't have morals or believe in God.

>> No.16860611


>Thomas Aquinas is a modernist