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/lit/ - Literature

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16860309 No.16860309 [Reply] [Original]

Ahoy /lit/izens!

I'm sure you have almost finished your novel for National Novel Writing Month, correct?

>> No.16860318

I’ve written it in my head

>> No.16860329

I joined the discord but didn't do shit...its over bros :(

>> No.16860334
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Don't worry /lit/ I believe you. I'm sure you'll finish that novel next year, right? This year was soo busy that you just didn't have the time for it! Or maybe the year after you will finally finish that chapter.

>> No.16860338

I never read or write anything other than /lit/ posts.

>> No.16861181

Say, it's awfully quiet in here!

>> No.16861196

NaNoWriMo is just a way to harvest cultural capital from failed artistic endeavors, commidifying mediocrity until it replaces genuine effort.

>> No.16861219

No, I don't write; I only read.

>> No.16861228

Lol cuck

>> No.16861338

wrote 20k words almost, might get to 30k if I summon some ubermensch motivation and talent, but will probably end with 24-26kish. I constructed the chapters to be able to stand on themselves as short stories, so I guess all is not lost.
A shaman told me a few years ago that I should stick to short things instead of novels, but I don't listen to him. To this day I haven't finished a novel, yet all my short stories are decent.
I also got back into the habit of writing every day. So, I guess maybe next year? who knows

>> No.16861345

Good job

I'm thinking I should do the same. Write short stories until I'm good enough to attempt a novel.

>> No.16861387
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They are very different beasts. From certain angles, it is harder to write a short story. Obviously not in terms of work hours, but in terms of planning. For a good short story, the theme has to be precise, and if you're a plot-fag, it gets twice as hard. A good book that I would recommend for writing short stories is pic related.

I don't think I will ever be good enough to write a novel. I suffer from some form of ADHD and my internet addiction surely does not help. The only thing that got me through high school and college was my intelligence and grit (I would do all-nighters to finish my essays and study for exams, but half the time I would just browse the internet). I would do the same for my failed novels (and I have 2-3 already?)
That being said, a lot of my favorite writers were primarily short story writers, so I guess I will be in good company. I

>> No.16861522

pretty sure i wrote 50 000 words on /lit/

>> No.16862679

Hasn't this been done already?

>> No.16862688

Thanks for the recommendation. You sound a lot like me desu. Also an ADHD fag with internet addiction.

We're gonna make it bro.

>> No.16862715

If you mean National Novel Writing Decade, then yeah, I'm getting closer.

>> No.16862849
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best of luck to you too. Yes, we are, bro!
I'll see you around, I am not leaving this place anytime soon, or ever for that matter.