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/lit/ - Literature

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16858306 No.16858306 [Reply] [Original]

What should you do if you can see it all? Suffer? Take a leap of faith into the Infinite, the Absolute, the Ultimate, the Dao, the Brahman, the Noumenon, the thing in and for itself, to God? Suppose I have seen metaphysical reality, to the extent of my finitude of concepts, and I have also seen the light and my own limitations. Suppose I have developed and conceptualizad my own Kantian Schema in my progression of my metaphysics and my soul, spirit, psyche, and mind. What now? The final step is expression of God or whatever name of the unnameable through paradoxes. Afterwards the kierkegaardian leap of faith as the ubermensch’s own created values (god). What then? Is there an end to it all? Or am I damned and blessed to know everything and nothing.

Since this is a lit board, what literature is beyond this point. I'm rn at the stage of Kant's first critique and returning to the question of mysticism, life as art, etc. Suppose I have already created my own individized Kantian Schema, what now?

>> No.16858340

Read Harry Potter

>> No.16858404

youve done me in sir

>> No.16858418

Get some bitches you fucking loser

>> No.16858430

already fucking whenever i want hehe. i want god tho :(

>> No.16858852
File: 240 KB, 397x466, JesusChrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Follow Jesus Christ, and all of your uncertanties will be be resolved, and the truth of their causes made certain for you.

>> No.16859217
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If you've truly returned to the question of mysticism and live life as art then you wouldn't be searching for literature in search of what's beyond. You would partake in ritual and create art, pulling from the fruit of that instead of being sucked back out through metaphysics and normative ethics.

>> No.16859587
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then i ask why Jesus Christ? Why not Allah? Why not the Dao or Brahman? Why not my own God?
I'm searching to see if there is anything left. I have my own system to rely upon and I've found that I've concluded with many of the ancient traditions and philosophers. I want to write a thesis on my position to spread the good word and help.
As far as myself, i believe i have already internally reached a position where i can live out my days like that.

>> No.16859680

the petersonpill

>> No.16859707

what do u mean anon
i was into peterson a few years ago though

>> No.16859708

If you truly mean what you say, stop looking for something more. There is nothing beyond in terms of perspective. Just make the world a better place one day at a time, for no other reason than to do it, in whatever way makes the most sense to you. Then write about the journey as it unfolds.

>> No.16859715

Unironically, you'll return to him. You'll gain some perspective then see him in an entirely different light.

>> No.16859740

i am unsure how i feel if there is nothing further. it oftens feels like there is no one to appeal to but myself. I suppose you may be correct. I will definitely write some magnum opus or document these ideas some way. Maybe lit will see it someday or it'll turn up in phil circles.
i think i can see why. Ive always been sympathetic to peterson. From what I've seen of what he is an expert in, he always speaks a message that raises the spirits of others. I think that's the fundamental value of peterson, he also seems to at leas genuinely trying to tell the truth, whatever that is to him. But as far as responsibility goes, I feel like i carry an infinite cross yet no cross at all. A different breed of suffering indeed

>> No.16859749

you're not a prophet or a philosopher, just a system-maker who's convinced himself he's something more. truth is not in systems or certainties, but in-between.
remember that the human mind is limited to itself.

>> No.16859771

the truth cant be expressed with language. all roads through literature is meaningless. its like trying to express the taste of a mars bar through chord progressions. they just arent compatible. you have been duped by snake oil salesmen

>> No.16859772

anon i am sympathetic to your view. I have realized the limitations of my conceptual schema before I have even read the critique of pure reason. I am trapped between phenomena and noumena. I know the mind is limited and finite. I suspect the leap of faith and that the x (God, infinite, etc) is not bound by the law of noncontradiction. So is logical, and therefore very very very difficult really to know in totality. But I've had several mystical experiences now and some have called me a mystic as well. I'm not sure what to make of it as I cant deny the experience i had but it would be conventionally hubristic to assume that saw the Divine, of course, not in itself. As i individuate further the chances of my existence decrease, and now i wondering why is there something rather than nothing in regard to my ideas at all

>> No.16859787

yes I've learned that language is a limitation, as definitions rely on the lexicographer, and there is the axiomatic problem it seems as well. Even concepts, the Given, and the Transcendental Aesthetic all lead to only to limitations. If not language that the only thing i can see after this and concepts are religious or mystical experiences themselves. As i have had a few, however, even such experience is a tautology it seems. Or in the sense i am relying only on the appearance on such an experience. It all leads to paradoxes, contraditions, etc

>> No.16859789

anon do you write?

>> No.16859795

no not more formally than anyone else does as note taking or forms of journaling. Although i have been told i could submit my work to a creative writing program and likely get accepted

>> No.16859819

curious, I'd agree with that assessment just based off of your posts itt. you seem pretty imaginative, and it's rare to see posts with original content that isn't incomprehencible garbage

>> No.16859864

thank you. Ive been told ive got a novelist in me once on 4chan. But i suspect the reason for, if i can be so bold, my creativity/imagination, is part in parcel a construction of my own philosophy. I wont go into here as I want to release this to the world after writing the length of a short story or a book and connecting it to existing schools, but ill sum it up fundamentally.

Why i think i am "creative" is because of a few fundamental things. One of which is authenticity. Ive spent a long time being disagreeable and never truly doing something and internalizing smth that created dissonance with my "soul". As a result I've selectively internalized external readings and ofc my own perspective and ideas.
Additionally, authenticity is needed for reality in general. If you're not authentic you may as well be delusional.

The second aspect is vision. Similar to the eye on the top of the pyramid. There is something absolutely needed to be creative at all which is the ability to see far and wide and what truly is (synthesizing with authenticity). The degree of verticality here is also necessary as i think one needs to ascend his own identity to truly see the topography correctly.

Thirdly there is the spirit. This post would not exist if I never had the spirit to continue and produce these ideas anyhow. I suspect a lot of mental illness is fundamentally a crushed spirit, and also why the popularity and emphasis on ideas of compassion, tolerance, and understanding. It's because they are broken spirits and by necessity need to perpetuate this msg or they will crumble without it.

I suspect that the say when a "uncreative" person sees a "creative" person, both are fundamentally seeing two very different images and are using different frameworks to judge what they see. But anyhow thanks anon. For some reason it seems i have enough spirit to write this out for 4chan so hopefully i will get out a thesis soon within the year with research ofc

>> No.16859868

also this is actually not specically related to my schema but are 3 fundamentals i believe one needs to simultaneously have in general for this type of pursuit

>> No.16859896

by authenticity do you mean it in the Heideggerian sense? the autogeneration of a weltanschauung in response to dissonance (angst?) sounds very similar to what he was talking about

>> No.16859965

to be honest i am not sure what the Heideggerian sense is. I've spent figuratively developing my ideas in somewhat of a cave you can imagine. But what i mean is that of authentic and true to the progression of the self, in that one must always be ready for their death of their identity for the pursuance of their progression. Ofc, trying to their best ability not to fall prey to their pathology and ideology of themselves and others.

But i suppose that this did proceed the generation of my weltanscauung. It generated out of necessity as i was faced with ideals of ascetism and ideals of material gain. Basically i was struggling with the wanting to live as an ascetic monk of sorts and some type of king archetype who ammasses resources

>> No.16860008

language in some sense is the only limitation. thats why when humanity came close to reaching god, he destroyed the tower of babel and divided mankind into languages. let go of syntax and words.

>> No.16860025

no offense but much of this and your original post are just buzzwords borrowed from other systems, systems which were not made to be mutually comprehensible. if your own system is satisfying for you, I suggest pushing away from the philosophers who have instructed you thus far. they have served their purpose. pursue art, in the radical sense. the medium does not matter so long as involves action and not just mind. I think to engage with the world through art is man's highest calling. if you are ready, take the leap.

>> No.16860033

"Our Marxist has this allergic reaction because he or she is rigidly adhering to a solution to the Kantian shock—the shock that there are things, but that when we look for them we find only human-flavored thing data. We never see the actual raindrop; we have raindrop feelings, raindrop thoughts, raindrop perceptions.61 Kant himself tries to contain the explosion by saying that there is a top-level way of understanding the raindrop, namely mathematizing it via a concept of extension as the bedrock of what a thing is. The transcendental subject is the being that decides whether a thing is real or not. Post-Kantians contain the explosion two ways. Either they reduce everything to matter and ignore the implications of modern philosophy and the science derived from it. Or they wish away the gap between phenomenon and thing by claiming more strongly than Kant that some kind of Decider makes the thing real. A succession of hopeful substitutes for the Kantian subject arises: Geist (Hegel), will (Schopenhauer), will to power (Nietzsche), Dasein (Heidegger).
And, in the case of Marx, human economic relations make things real. And, in the hardcore Hegelian Lacanian Althusserian version, these relations are an in-the-last-instance that determine everything else like the sucker of a giant and sprawling undersea creature, attached to a rock in one place, but attached really strongly, incapable of being peeled off that rock. So that for the cultural Marxist, unconsciously retweeting a substance-and-accidents model of things, there is ideology (accidents) and human economic relations (substance).
By putting it this way, I have already committed a horrible sin because I have used the word human. By using that word I have implied that there might be a world or worlds beyond or different than the human, which is as good as saying that there are such worlds. I have broken a taboo in implying Marxism doesn’t explain everything, because there are cats, coral, and galaxies. The very concept ecology, coined by Ernst Haeckel, was a way to say the economy of nature in a compact way. Beavers and spiders and bacteria metabolize things too. Species-being isn’t what it’s cracked up to be."
(Morton, Dark Ecology)

>> No.16860043
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>to be honest i am not sure what the Heideggerian sense is
hmm well any explanation I were to give you would be pretty shit seeing as my knowledge of heidegger doesnt go much beyond what's on the stanford encyclopedia, but if i'm not too far off the mark i think you'd find the guy interesting, if you were looking for stuff to read
at the risk of generalizing a whole tradition of philosophy, the gist of it as i have it is that existential questioning is the 'authentic' mode of being, in the sense that it is the only mode of being that lets you determine yourself

>> No.16860090

hm that is very interesting, religion has never been a part of my life until recently but i suspect there's a lot of wisdom in there
none taken, i suspect there's some truth in that. In that all the words that I'm using I've taken from other systems which in their entirety do not function together.

The problem is that my system is satisfying to me, but unfortunately, what me is, is an individual and a member of many groups. I am still young and want to make smth of myself and things ideas so i want to pursue writing a thesis or a book of some sorts.

I agree with the pursuance of art. I think the medium is that of myself, it seems that the self is the greatest medium possible, and i will include action, as that is where my system is leading me to. If i am ready to take the leap, i am not sure yet. I can see it in the future but i have not walked there yet.

very complicated and i am not familiar with these ideas enough to make much of a statement. but i guess i am trying to find smth after Kant. not marx tho

thanks anon, while it might be interesting in an intellectual and knowledge sense, I feel i don't have the need for it. Ive gotten this feeling before since it almost seems like I've gotten to the same conclusion of my own volition. Given your gist it seems about right to me. The only authentic mode of being is the flux and eternal change of being for smth. What that smth is? I suspect it to be in tandom with the spirit of that authentic mode of being striving towards God, or the Sun, or the Infinite, etc.

>> No.16860117

well, good luck on your journey in any case. hope you stop wasting your time on 4chin and get published some day

>> No.16860125

thanks anon it was a pleasure. good luck to wherever your journey may to you as well