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16857499 No.16857499 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good, disturbing and melancholic books?. Already read a bunch of lovecraft, but it loses its effect after a while.

>> No.16857591

The Silent Hill 2 novelization

>> No.16857719

The Book of Monelle by Marcel Schwob
The Golem by Gustav Meyrink

>> No.16857754

Severin's Journey into the Darkness by Paul Leppin

>> No.16857770

The Bible

>> No.16857775

My biography.

>> No.16858019

this is one of the few vidya that manages to be /lit/, because it instead of just feeling like a YA adaptation like final fantasy, skyrim or other rpgs it takes advantage of the medium, and hone in on the ludonarrative experience with its atmosphere. this game will still be played and talked about in 100 years

>> No.16858084

Silent Hill 4 had a better story but worse gameplay.

>> No.16858213

>Silent Hill 4 had a better story
C'mon man, no need for that.

>> No.16858901
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>> No.16858914

I read a short story collection way back when called Fugue State. Only two stories I remember were about a blind guy that went crazy and blacked out all the windows while his girl was at work so she could feel what it was like and a story about a guy in a post apocalyptic world that forced everyone to share a rabbit at gun point and spawned a religion based on his 'neverending rabbit,' but it had that tone all the while.

>> No.16858945

The house on the borderland
The night land

Both by william hope hodgson

>> No.16858990

Don DeLillo's Point Omega reaches a kind of minimalism and unplaceable fear I find rare in literature

>> No.16859443

Both are terrible and drag on for eternity. Its incredible how Lovecraft's idol was a worse version of himself.

>> No.16859452

Blood Meridian

>> No.16859581

A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness
Something Happened
Journey to the End of the Night
Songs of a Dead Dreamer and Grimscribe

>> No.16859644

Pessoa can have that effect if you let yourself get into the mindset that you and everyone you know are already basically ghosts.

>> No.16860349

Silent Hill 3 is the comfiest.

>> No.16860707

yeah wish there were more of those.

>> No.16860735

The sailor who fell from grace with the sea

>> No.16860766

The elementary particles also known as Atomised

>> No.16862110
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Gary J Shipley novels. "Dreams of Amputation" is peak cyberpunk hell. I'm halfway through "Crypt(o)spasm" now. This is the book you are looking for.

>> No.16862547


>> No.16862564

Are his novels available as epubs somewhere? Can't seem to find them at the usual places

>> No.16863512

Peru by Gordon Lish
its all of those things. please at least read the first chapter (6 pages) and the first paragrapgh of chapter 2. hes stupendiously underrated and im tired of shilling him here. its not horror at all but it might drive you insane with grammer alone
lish is besties with don dellilo and ive been interested in point omega. can i just start there without reading libra, white noise or mao II? how does it compare to those?

>> No.16863545

The book I'm writing is based off Silent Hill 2. It'll be finished any day now, I assure you.

>> No.16863553
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172 Hours on the Moon

>> No.16863554

Pedro Páramo gave me a similar feel. I've been shilling this book non stop ever since I read it, but I really enjoyed it.

>> No.16863573

Torrents of Spring fucked me up

>> No.16863597

Thanks /lit/, appreciate it.

>> No.16863610

yes, you can start wherever. it differs greatly. it is abstract and minimalistic. an early work of his late style. hypnotic, spare, a postmodern pop cultural beckett.

>> No.16863637

I liked Dreams of Amputation but it really doesn't have much in common with Silent Hill 2. That being said I'd still recommend it in general.

>> No.16864819

You sound like an overly effeminate faggot.

>> No.16864948

>Silent Hill
Games for pseudo-intellectual Junji Ito reading art hos, inherently anti-intellectual banal jap garbage with all the nuance of a heavy brick.

>> No.16865015

Post a good game.

>> No.16865042

I read The House on the Borderland and really liked it. I'll read The Night Land too.
I agree with this. And it's my favorite overall.

>> No.16865077

Donkey Kong Country 2 for the SNES.

>> No.16865102

Alright. As you were.

>> No.16865368

Les Chants de Maldoror

>> No.16865477
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>the two video games that are considered to have the richest and most deep stories ever both came out within one year of each other, nearly twenty years ago
what the hell?

>> No.16865540

no one thinks these games have deep stories besides /v/edditor midwits

>> No.16865568

read my post again brother

>> No.16865625

i could see silent hill 2 considered widely to have the best story in video games but i was under the assumption most people hate mgs2.

>> No.16865661

they hate mgs2 for the gameplay but everybody unanimously agrees that it has the most sublime story in the entire series


>> No.16866198

mgs2 is disliked because you have to play as that faggot raiden

>> No.16866248
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>> No.16867020
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Silent Hill 2, Ghastly Rigmarole.

>> No.16867051


>> No.16867414

>female protagonist

>> No.16868028

I'm assuming you arent mexican? Here its one of those "obliged readings" during middle school/high school, but of course no one cared. I read it until I was 18 out of curiosity after visiting Comala, and it blew me away.

>> No.16868152

Videogames and Lovecraft are for children

>> No.16868174

I enjoyed Silent Hill Homecoming a lot

>> No.16868280

The part where the nigga barricades the house from the pigmen is very comfy. Analogy for 'diversification' of good neighborhoods

>> No.16868492

I imagined that was the case with that book; I'm Spanish and read it only a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.16868557
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>> No.16868606

Thomas Ligotti is good, he's kind of like an evolution of Lovecraft's cosmic horror into something more abstract and depressing. Sadly his books are pretty hard to find, not to mention expensive as hell.

>> No.16868683


>> No.16868713

This. Kojima was reportedly so jealous of this masterpiece while working at Konami he tried to get the design team fired. Kojima is such a fucking piece of shit.

>> No.16868803


Is there a chart

>> No.16869067
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Certainly not a better story, the narrative structure was all over the place.
But it definitely had the potential to be the most lore-heavy of the games and one of the more complicated ones.

"Walter is an orphan who has been led to believe his biological mother was in Henry's apartment, where he had been found abandoned after birth,"

It's basically a story about a little boy that was abandoned and wants to be with his mum again and we stop at nothing, even in death, to be with her again
(he thinks the apartment is his mother because that was his only link to her).

SH2 is a body of work about themes and dilemmas of, depression, euthanasia, sexual repression and tackled them masterfully
SH4 could have tackled themes on Trauma, Troubled parenthood, the psychology of abandonment and so much more but they missed the opportunity.
More reasoning for the 21 the sacrifices could have been meaningful too. The whole last room symbolizing an angel was a sic idea but was underutilized

>> No.16869083

is it any good? First time hearing about it

>> No.16869192

Just read it after seeing that post. It's okay.

>> No.16869333

prove this

>> No.16869540

i enjoy using every shit to smash

>> No.16870230
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>> No.16870444

Tales of Love, Madness and Death by Horacio Quiroga, which contain some classic short stories like The Feather Pillow (which deals with marriage and death), Adrift (a personal favorite which starts with a guy getting bitten by a snake in the middle of nowhere), The suiciding ships (which has a noticeable Poe's influence) and Isolde's Death (a dramatic love story that revolves around Wagner's Tristan und Isolde opera)

>> No.16870793

>SH2 is a body of work about themes and dilemmas of, depression, euthanasia, sexual repression and tackled them masterfully
Why is /lit/ so obsessed with this kind of garbage?

>> No.16870825
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>Yes my favorite video games are the entire Silent Hill series, American McGee Alice, and Fatal Frame, how can you tell?

>> No.16871472

Oh, shit, guess I have to stop liking those games now.

>> No.16871721

t. woman

>> No.16872558

A major theme of the game is childbirth.

>> No.16872843

Do I look like some MTV watching teenage girl to you?

>> No.16873328

Do you think I can see you? Take your meds schizo.

>> No.16873352

Not even a tranny

>> No.16873864

>games that came out more than 2 years ago
even assuming that the arthot didn't play any of her "favorites" this feels implausible
barely any gamer gurls existed when McGee's Alice was a thing

>> No.16874193

>this feels implausible
You'd be surprised. Gamers tend to be emotional and feminine as is.

>> No.16874243

At the end when you find Walter's crucified body behind the drywall, that was depressing as fuck. It gave me those teenage angsty despairing suicidal depression vibes like nothing else has. Very very well executed. It was like all hope was being sucked out of me in real time. In that moment i felt Walter's psychotic despair and agony.

>> No.16874352

goth girls are a thing.

>> No.16874362

because its human.

>> No.16876012

Its only in Japanese and English translations are made by amateur fans.

>> No.16876021

Night Land has some of the worst prose I have ever read.

>> No.16877087

>A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness
Pretty desperate shit

>> No.16877097


>> No.16877249


Audio is bretty good

>> No.16877962

God bless art hoes.