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16857084 No.16857084 [Reply] [Original]

Neoplatonism is the truth

>> No.16857146
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>> No.16857173

O Thou Who art beyond all,
What else may we rightly call Thee?
How shall I extol Thee,
Who art preeminent over all?
How can any word praise Thee,
When words cannot name Thee?
Alone unutterable,
Thou art the cause of all that can be spoken.
How can the mind consider Thee,
When no mind can grasp Thee?
Alone unknowable,
Thou art the cause of all that can be known.
All things, both the speaking
And the speechless, proclaim Thee.
All things, both the knowing
And the unknowing, revere Thee.
All keen longings, all deep pains,
Are but yearnings for Thee.
To Thee is the prayer of all.
To Thee all, perceiving Thy sign,
Utter a silent hymn.
All things come forth from Thee
And Thou from nothing.
Thus art Thou alone.
In Thee all things abide.
And all ceaselessly hasten toward Thee,
For Thou art the Goal of all.
Thou art One, and All,
Yet neither one, nor all.
O Most-Named, how then shall I address Thee,
Who alone art unnamable?
What Heaven-born Mind could ever penetrate
Thy veil above?
I pray Thee, be gracious.
O Thou Who art beyond all,
What else may we rightly call Thee?

>> No.16857242
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>> No.16857472
File: 733 KB, 800x1200, bec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the answer is "you"

>> No.16857689
File: 181 KB, 1341x1295, ELEPHANT SUIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely correct and based

>> No.16857783
File: 8 KB, 222x227, frog2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prove it

>> No.16857848

>suggest Islam has Greek influence
>muslima booba classmate chimps out

Was I wrong though?

>> No.16857880

Has anyone read The Golden Chain by Algis Uždavinys?

>> No.16858037

Couple of weeks ago actually. And it's more of an anthology edited by Uzdavinys. It's a cost effective way to get some of the non-Plotinus Platonists in English. I particularly liked Damascius. But he also includes Plotinus. Kind of wish he hadn't but not a big deal.

>> No.16858114
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