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16856748 No.16856748[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that gives an honest critique of immigration that isn't douglas murray tier fearmongering or bleeding hearts just harping about how diversity is our strength?

Do immigrants really "steal" jobs? Is globalization really inevitable?

>> No.16856774
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>> No.16856780

>Do immigrants really "steal" jobs? Is globalization really inevitable?
Every capitalist society needs an underclass in order to maintain the living standards of the rest of the population. Immigration and globalization are some of the consequences of capitalism. That's why you can't be right-wing/conservative and pro-capitalist. It's counterproductive.

>> No.16856788

Fuckin based

>> No.16856806

>Do immigrants really "steal" jobs?
Is it really stealing? Not really. Are you stealing from all the other applicants when they get rejected but you don't?
But jobs are in limited supply and opening the border to indefinite amounts of migrants will only make workers more plentiful, thus driving up competition for what jobs are available and depressing wages. This much is undeniable.

>> No.16856823
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tl;dr immigration isn't bad for the economy, nor workers

>> No.16856833

checks out desu

>> No.16856841

it's literally the economic consensus but okay

>> No.16856845

Douglas murray isn't fear mongering, I think he raises a good point. When we have a large number of people coming over and rapidly shifting the demographic landscape it has political ramifications. They're going to bring over their beliefs with them, which is fine but when we get to the point where they want to start imposing them on the rest that's no bueno. The answer isn't to ban immigration, it's to reduce it. Immigrants want to go to better places in hopes to live a better life and provide more to their offspring. That's great. But when we have people who come from other cultures that are undeniably lacking in philosophical or systematic advancement and are fervent in ignorant beliefs, once a large amount of them amass its going to have negative consequences. I'm not some /pol/ fag either. I'm an immigrant and I hope other people get to go to better places and enhace their lives. The point is that immigration will lead to no immigration which is why we need to reduce the flow. Just look at European countries atm. Also, multiculturalism breeds animosity which is why integration of the communities is an important thing.

>> No.16856850

Ethnic America and Migrations and Cultures both by Sowell.

>> No.16856867

That is not categorically true. It only approaches that through extremely short term evaluations of living standards.

>> No.16856882

This is literally all Orientalist and racist fear mongering.

>> No.16856895

>fear mongering
Weird way to call common sense.

>> No.16856898

Right just like the last economic census led us straight into 2008.
I'll keep these witchdoctors at arms length, thanks.

>> No.16856911

>implying there is a single consensus on the effects of immigration
Hi, unlike most people here, I actually have a masters in economics. I'm not going to lecture you on the state of the field, but I'll just tell you while it is commonly recognized that immigration increases productivity, there is no theoretical reason that the movement is a pareto-optimal, or that it does not depress wages. In fact recent empirical evidence suggests that it both depresses wages and redistributes wealth from the lower class workers to the upper class and in fact leaves the lower class worse of in absolute terms despite increasing production.

>> No.16856913
File: 157 KB, 750x1125, Slaughter-Front+Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

about how the WASP class imported blacks from the south into the north

>> No.16856924

worse off*

>> No.16856939

mass immigration has existed for all of history continuously as well as culture change

>> No.16856947

>isn't bad for the economy
Sure, getting cheaper goods by employing near slave labor can be a boon
>nor workers
definitively false. Any increase in population is more pressure on workers to take worse wages due to competing a larger pool. Absolute horseshit to say otherwise. Remember, the elites want slaves and they have not a single care you can do the job better for a livable wage.

>> No.16856949

name a more iconic duo

>> No.16856950

Fascinating and untrue. Also not an argument for immigration.

>> No.16856965

that the point of the book. the forced the irish, serbians, dutch and all those people's who used to have identities but the WASP imported blacks to essentially force them to identify as white instead of irish or whatever.
or that's the thesis of the book.

>> No.16856966

Ah yes I remember the great Mongol immigrations of the 9th to 12th centuries

>> No.16856969
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Imagine not knowing the state of the field you claim to represent.

>> No.16856970

Rape and murder have also existed for all of history. Doesn't mean shit in the modern world. Rules can change and have changed.

>> No.16856974

>Fascinating and untrue.
scotland doesnt exist of course. oh but it does so that is true.

>> No.16856978

Nothing you posted refutes what I just said.

>> No.16856980

that's hilarious. I'm convinced the US is a sitcom.

>> No.16856982

>cover is sand dune wasteland

>> No.16856983

>immigration is equal to murder

>> No.16856986

>scotland = the entire and continuous history of the world

>> No.16856992

yeah it is strange.
ive not read it though just know that's what the author proposes.

>> No.16856994

its so funny when people with advanced degrees in the soft "science" of economics come around to conclusions a 16 year old could draw from reading mises one time

>> No.16857000

Okay, so why is it bad if a new culture is introduced to a country?

>> No.16857002

>let's see if a straw man saves me, guys

>> No.16857006

The difficulty is in "proving" it though. There are many people who have an interest in it being presented as an unambiguous good.

>> No.16857009

That's not the bad thing.
If the culture is dog shit, then it's a bad thing.

>> No.16857026

No, you have to explain why's it good. It's the change that should be justified, not the statu quo.

>> No.16857032
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You expressed skepticism over an economic consensus on immigration, but I proved it wrong.

Oh BTW even napkin economics shows that there's no reason to think immigration ecreases wages.

>> No.16857034

For the new men from the new culture may not have the best intentions for the natives. Or are you now supporting colonialism?

>> No.16857038

>They're going to bring over their beliefs
I used to believe this until I learned that most second generation immigrants can't even speak their parent's native language

The only argument against immigration that I'm really sympathetic towards is that immigrants undercut native labour and drive down wages. Although we both probably heard the arguments that that's not true since apparently a large labor pool means more entrepreneurs creating more jobs in total

not really sure what to believe desu

>> No.16857048

So you are against 80% of Scottish people being alive? Intersting.

>> No.16857049

Migrations and Culture by Sowell

>> No.16857057

Which is why I said integration is important:)

>> No.16857058

>uncle Tom free market shill

>> No.16857064

>. The answer isn't to ban immigration, it's to reduce it. Immigrants want to go to better places in hopes to live a better life and provide more to their offspring

What's your opinion on which immigrants we should let in? Unskilled (and likely poor) immigrants or highly skilled ones?

>> No.16857066

>well you see, if i abstract every qualitative aspect of the particular situation, suddenly it looks fine on paper

People who are interested in shilling immigration will never be persuaded by any evidence, proof, or argument so who cares? They should be ruthlessly mocked, perhaps executed by mob violence

>> No.16857070

>You expressed skepticism over an economic consensus on immigration, but I proved it wrong.

You seem to think their support indicates a consensus on all effects, especially of the workers, which is untrue. There is a general consensus on increased production, which is why it is supported.
>Oh BTW even napkin economics shows that there's no reason to think immigration decreases wages.
Problem is their is no reason to think the increased demand is equal to the increased supply. Hence why there is no theoretical reason for one over the other. Then I said, and will say again, recent evidence suggests demand does increase equally to labor supply and thus wages are suppressed.

>> No.16857071

Language =/= Beliefs.

If that was the case then the entire Anglo world would be an Empire. Langauge is just one aspect of culture and values and beliefs get passed down past language.

>> No.16857082

does not* increase equally

>> No.16857094

I am indifferent, that's between third parties. I am against people supplanting my culture though.

>> No.16857106

>Language =/= Beliefs.
I know. but I'm almost entirely convinced that liberalism cucks all other ideologies. Even from the most zealous muslim families, second denegation muslim daughters became practically identical to native westerners in their attitudes towards sexual promiscuity and their general beliefs. They might keep the veneer of being muslim but all their actions point to being the same as western women

>> No.16857119

So you have no care about immigration but your culture. Leave the thread.

>> No.16857128


btw I'm not trying to make this an incel post with "muh sexual degeneration!11one11" but I'm just trying to make the case that minorities who grow up 2nd generation and beyond tend to share a very similar belief system to natives and really only keeping an aesthetic of being foreign because part of western culture is also trying to posture yourself as a unique individual.

>> No.16857144
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>Problem is their is no reason to think the increased demand is equal to the increased supply
That's why we have empirical evidence.
>Then I said, and will say again, recent evidence suggests demand does increase equally to labor supply and thus wages are suppressed.
Look, you can cite Borjas or whoever, but it doesn't even come close to challenging the empirical evidence.

>> No.16857147

*immigrants who come in low numbers and can't form immigrant colonies

>> No.16857151

You should look up articles, really.

Here's a good starting point: What Does It Mean to Control Migration? Soviet Mobility Policies in Comparative Perspective by Matthew A. Light and Immigration as a Source of Political Discontent and Frustration in Western Democracies by Freeman.

The first one being interesting largely because it explores the super-strict regulations of immigration/emigration by the USSR, considering how often Leftists love to write sonatas about their adoration of immigrants, while the USSR wasn't so nonchalant.

>> No.16857164

Don't second or third gen immigrants become irrationally attached to a culture they never knew and grow to become radicalized? That's been a common trend among Muslims in Europe.

>> No.16857167

>That's why we have empirical evidence.
And the empirical evidence says you are wrong. Even in your image, the language is tepid enough to only say delay and abate. Look at the recent white papers from BoE and BoI, which are institutions with skin in the game w.r.t. wages.

>> No.16857181

Maybe in the UK, but certainly not in France. On average, I mean.

>> No.16857190

Jet aeroplanes and all the other ways to move to another country in a couple of hours didn't exist all throughout history. It's simply absurd to imply the levels of migration happening today with all this technology was constant all throughout history. Or that it's even inevitable for that matter, there's modern first world countries like Japan with no mass migration at all.

>> No.16857197

>Do immigrants really "steal" jobs? Is globalization really inevitable?
Yes. No.

>> No.16857221

"Unbiased" That's too funny, it's a bias issue, you can't not make value-judgement if you have an opinion on it. It's politics.

>> No.16857227

>Do immigrants really "steal" jobs? Is globalization really inevitable?
No. Yes.

>> No.16857267

can you elaborate?

>> No.16857292

It is the death of the target culture. Name one example in history where immigration did not lead to death, conflict and or war. I'll wait.

>> No.16857317

My uncled lived in Italy and nothing happened :D

>> No.16857319

Not him.

>> No.16857380

Yeah technology allows for levels of immigration that simply haven't been seen before but should it be opposed?

>> No.16857421

Except the invading Gaels and Saxons fought many wars amongst each other and with the native Picts eventually culminating in the genocide of Gaelic highlanders by the Germanic south.

>> No.16857434

This is a great source:

>> No.16857483
File: 49 KB, 1920x1707, muslim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even in their own countries, westernizations is eroding traditional muslim values in favor of liberalism

>> No.16857503

>douglas murray tier fearmongering
just fucking look at the state of London
one of the most iconic European cities of all time, now only 40% white

>> No.16857512

based Yemen

>> No.16857516

>now only 40% white
I don't think I've seen any stats go to as low as 40% white, more like at the lowest-70-80%

is there something inherently wrong with non white people in europe?

>> No.16857525

I'm talking about Scotland not pictland.
No genocide of the highlanders ever took place.
80% of scots are descendants of immigrant culture that caused no violence. That's undeniable.

>> No.16857526

White is irrelevant. They all could be Germans and it will be equally as shit. The important thing is their being majority English.

>> No.16857532

>is there something inherently wrong with non white people in europe?
Only if they're niggers. Anything else is not that bad.

>> No.16857941

>I'm talking about Scotland not pictland.
If you're not talking about the mass-migrations to Britain during the dark ages then what mass migration to Scotland are you on about?
>No genocide of the highlanders ever took place.

>> No.16858134

They live in communities of their peers, this doesn't happen.
Its kind of disgusting really, immigration has always been increased against the will of the people, why should normal people experience the death of their culture just so a few cosmopolitan city dwellers who don't feel a real connection to their land or culture can feel better about themselves?

>> No.16858142

The fact that you made this incel disclaimer shows that you're a vapid retard not worth talking to.

>> No.16858170

Europe is the native homeland of "white people", it is a tragedy for a native people to be overtaken in their own homeland, it means a beautiful and unique culture (or many, in this case) being exchanged for either the watered down culture of someone else or the soulless global culture of modern capitalism.

>> No.16858188

They're just getting a taste of their own medicine

>> No.16858193
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You should read this. It's actually heavily biased, but you can use it as a litmus test. If you can't see the painfully obvious manipulation they're trying to pull on you, you might not want to tackle harder texts on the subject.

>> No.16858195

So is immigration a punishment then?

>> No.16858198
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>> No.16858199

Wait, the BoE study is literally in line with most evidence: that immigration has a none to modest effect on wages.

>> No.16858205

Is this supposed to sound good?

>> No.16858209
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>our retirement plan is a country-wide pyramid scheme! It's totally sustainable! It just needs to get bigger and bigger forever!

>> No.16858218
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>> No.16858222


I hate SMBC so fucking much

>> No.16858225

Yes. The white race has to pay for its sins

>> No.16858229
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>> No.16858233


>please bro dense urban living is good for you bro humans arent meant to existing a trustworthy society bro

>> No.16858239

Conservacucks' brains are so small that they see leftists opposing capitalism and conclude they must support it to death. What are they "conserving"? The institution of jewishness?

>> No.16858244
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if open borders is so good why does Israel have a giant wall and demand DNA tests proving your genetic heritage for citizenship?

>> No.16858249

I mean, they're making it sound like only old people get social benefits... not really true

>> No.16858256


>> No.16858259

He goes on to propose making immigrants pay extra taxes and be ineligible for any form of welfare or benefits.

>> No.16858260
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>> No.16858262

>You see if you bring X amount of people in your country then your country GDP would fall
>But guess what if you bring ALL of the world in your country then yeah your GDP would plummet...
>But now your country IS the whole world! That would theoretically double the world's GDP!
Who the fuck wrote this? Are they seriously unable to understand the fault in this retarded reasoning?

>> No.16858269

the per capita gdp would fall, the nation's gdp would obviously go up (more consooming)

>> No.16858272

ownership of land is ephemeral though. demographics change all the time

>> No.16858279

now they do. Reverse mortgages didnt always exist.

>> No.16858281

Does he? So he just proposes importing a massive influx of second-class citizens to support the native population? not very liberal lol

>> No.16858282

demographics have changed even in the old world

>> No.16858286

Is the author jewish?

>> No.16858289

>immigration has always been increased against the will of the people
Thanks four zero evidence that the "will of the people" has been betrayed. In regards to immigration to America, According to a Harris Poll done in 1965, 7/10 Americans were in favor was abolishing country requirements in favor of skills for immigration to our country. A 1965 Gallup Poll confirms this as well, stating only 32% of Americans cared what the country of origin of an immigrant was. Additionally, No widespread movements or “voter retribution” for the passage of this the Hart Cellar ever happened.

>> No.16858294

except that even in the year of doom with all muh ebil refugees and rapant fearmongering of immigrants, germany had record surplus and growth:

>> No.16858297

maybe if you believe all the stupid propaganda of black Celtic knights and Muslim vikings.

>> No.16858298

these people seriously believe that the west is ever growing and can host literally all the people in the world.
They think that there's no such thing as overpopulation.
They don't understand that raising the number of unemployed isn't a good thing because they think the government can take care of everyone indefinitely.
They think school teachers grow on trees so they can bring a billion third world child and education would be of the same quality

>everyone lives like shit but hey at least they'd collectively spend more!
Once your nation is the only nation the national GDP (not the per capita) is essentially worthless.

>> No.16858299

Well his justification is literally "well it's better than the place they left", it's sort of bizarre the lengths he goes to in order to justify exploiting as many people as humanly possible.

>> No.16858321
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>>They're going to bring over their beliefs
>I used to believe this until I learned that most second generation immigrants can't even speak their parent's native language
Depends entirely on the rate of immigration and the socioeconomic conditions of the migrant communities. A high rate of immigration can create enclaves with their own religious/foreign-language schools and immigrant-owned businesses where second-generation immigrants are much less likely to integrate with the host culture, even to the point of not being fluent in the main language of their birth country. This is especially the case if the government accommodates these closed communities through multicultural policies, e.g. state-provided translation.
I recommend pic related (mostly deals with immigration to the UK). Collier has spent his life involved in international development and approached this subject with a lot of sympathy for immigrants from developing to developed countries. He's admitted that he faced some very uncomfortable truths, both economic and social/cultural, about the negative effects of mass migration on both the host countries and the countries of origin, e.g. differences between high-trust and low-trust societies. He concludes that there are some general economic benefits of immigration for society as a whole, but with diminishing returns as it reaches levels of social fragmentation. Ultimately, the benefits of immigration are enjoyed almost exclusively by the immigrants themselves (who were usually already quite well off in their country of origin) and first-world capitalists who get cheaper labour.
Another book (by a journo rather than an economist), that deals with immigration to the UK, is "The British Dream" by David Goodhart. He's a leftie who became something of a semi-pariah among his comrades after publishing that book.

>> No.16858325

>He goes on to propose making immigrants pay extra taxes and be ineligible for any form of welfare or benefits.
Oh I'm sure the uneducated large families of third world countries could definitely afford that lmao.
How can you say that your open borders with a straight face when that's your stance?
>Open borders to everyone wealthy and employable enough!
I mean ok sure let's do that. And If they don't pay the extra taxes in time we can send them to jail and make them do forced labor!
Man this open border thing is starting to sound great.

>> No.16858381

>steal jobs
Books on immigration will never address immigration in the modality needed to understand why it's bad. Immigration isn't bad because "muh jubs". It's bad because it excuses relentless consumption. To truly achieve ecological balance, you need to reduce the population. The consequence of this is going to be inverted generational pyramids, which are economically difficult to maintain, but are a necessary intermediate. But nations are trying to avoid this transition by importing workers from abroad, just assuming that these people will magically also agree to only have two kids. They inevitably don't, because the only reason to have a small number of kids is if you believe it is good for the environment. Literally every anti-natalist position comes down to nihilism and/or people are bad for trees. Immigrants from third world countries don't give a fuck about the environment. They're coming from places that actively dump garbage in ponds and rivers that THEY DRINK FROM AND WORSHIP IN. They will never reduce their birthrates, they will continue to have more kids until they run out of room or resources, and importing them simply means that they will gradually increase their percentage of the population.

France brought in immigrants to "supplement the economy". Now Arabs and North Africans comprise over 50% of its youth population, which means in ~20 years it will be minority French. The French will be a minority IN FRANCE. Do you think Ahmed cares about the environment? No. Muslims have no institutional environmental initiatives. I don't even know that a single Imam has ever argued that God gave the Muslims a "custodial" relationship to the Earth in the way that Christian Priests (and even the Pope) do.

Euros and Americans are literally just too fucking greedy to get over this. They will never stop trying to supplement their low birth rates with immigrants to finance their economies. Your average Euro is so indoctrinated and obsessed with sensual pleasure that the prospect of having to reduce food consumption or doctor visits to save money for retirement is absurd, the same way that most Americans would literally rather die than share even a gigantic house with their parents or adult children.

>> No.16858419

Immigration is obviously bad. At this point though, America is lost. Especially since Biden just won. Move to Europe or Canada/Australia, it's not too late for them, and what liberals would label "far right"(lol) parties like AFD are actually gaining some popularity.

>> No.16858436 [DELETED] 
File: 53 KB, 752x452, suicide rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life is improving

>> No.16858439 [DELETED] 

Actually perhaps that's too gloomy. America is lost if we don't act in the next few years. At this point Balkanization and expulsion of some migrants would turn large parts of the country back to 80-90% white again.

>> No.16858445
File: 2.18 MB, 640x360, modern france.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now Arabs and North Africans comprise over 50% of its youth population
whew lad!

>> No.16858451

>Now Arabs and North Africans comprise over 50% of its youth population,
Blatant fearmongering. All non-French people are like 25% of the youth population which includes other Europeans. I think most of them should be expelled mind you, but don't lie.

>> No.16858453

America was always an immigrant nation, though. You cunts don't have the right to complain.

>> No.16858459

I never said I'm opposed to all migration. Just the insane current level. From 1965 we've had double the amount all throughout our history. As well, none of them have been assimilated. The current absurd level is destroying culture and only benefits capitalists, while driving down wages and destroying unions for everyone else.

>> No.16858462

>demographics change? Ha! But what about black vikings huh? Aint that silly!!!

>> No.16858472

No surprisingly, he's just a retarded ancap. I think the artist is Jewish though.

>> No.16858489

*at most 25%
I've heard a lot lower too

>> No.16858496

Stop electing neo-liberals, then. This is why you keep getting raped.

>> No.16858499
File: 188 KB, 962x693, Michelle Obama visits a London school.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just pulled out my notes from when I read "Exodus". Here are a few random facts and quotations I jotted down that might be of interest:

>"Migrants are essentially escaping from countries with dysfunctional social models." - shifting a worker from a dysfunctional to functional society can increase their productivity x10: "This is why economists get so excited by enhanced migration: it is the closest the world economy comes to a free lunch."
>"migrants who are unwilling to learn the local language are free riding on the public goods that a common language has helped to foster"
>migration does not significantly alter the income gap between poor and rich countries, so will not reach equilibrium if the third world remains poor: "we have been observing the beginnings of disequilibrium of epic proportions"
>"Trust and cooperation do not arise naturally." - Western countries gradually abandoned blood feuds, duelling, sectarianism, ethnic conflict etc. over centuries
>"The initial settlers [of Britain] were not climbing a ladder, so their descendants cannot be hauling one up." - nations are forged, not a free-for-all
>studies on social capital (Putnam) have shown that the higher the level of immigration, the lower the level of trust, not just between groups, but within them

>UK civil servants forecast in 2003 that no more than 13,000 Eastern Europeans would migrate to the UK each year after EU enlargement; the total number in the following 5 years was 1 million
>70% of elite housing in London is bought by migrants
>"In Britain, by 1997 the desire among migrants from low-income countries to bring in dependent relatives was so considerable that only 12% of migrants were coming for work."
>Tower Hamlets in London has such high levels of Bangladeshi immigration that the local government is beset by feuding between factions which are aligned with the two main political parties of Bangladesh.
>An example of immigrants intentionally differentiating themselves from the indigenous population: British Bangladeshi women are increasingly adopting the full veil, whereas in Bangladesh itself the veil is not worn.
>in some high-immigrant communities in Britain, up to 95% of people visiting their MP are concerning immigration of family members
>85% of educated Haitians choose to emigrate
>there is no life insurance industry in Nigeria, because doctors sold fake death certificates too easily

And my favourite line:
>"Nations have not become obsolete. Reducing nationality to a mere legalism - a set of rights and obligations - would be the collective equivalent of autism: life lived with rules but without empathy."

>> No.16858501

Fuck, I think I'm confusing the French numbers with another country then. Maybe it's the Netherlands? Either way, minus the numbers the point stands overall. If immigration continues without even just population controls, Europeans will be outnumbered in their own respective countries by the very people they imported to "save" them from inverted generational pyramids.

>> No.16858504

>Electing neoliberals
I've never voted for a neoliberal.

>> No.16858514

Agreed. And I don't think any European country is 50% nonwhite youth. Even Sweden, the vanguard of mass migration suicide, the worst I've heard is 20-30% non-Swedish among youth. Maybe America is though.

>> No.16858522

I know it's true for America, but I'm sure when I saw the figure it was for a European country. I believe you though, probably it was a shill representing some "projection" as reality and I didn't dig deep enough to notice.

>> No.16858524

>filename says rates
>chart says Total

>> No.16858544

I notice this line a lot lately, it's fast become a cliche. "They voted for it, they deserve it." It's clearly a cope since not even close to everyone votes and those that do don't all vote one way. So you really have no idea what a given rando voted for just cause they live somewheres.
Best just not to use cliches

>> No.16858567

Reminder anyone shilling for migration is stupid. Take Marx for example, who realized immigration is bad, disrupting working class unity and lowering wages.
>But the English bourgeoisie has also much more important interests in the present economy of Ireland. Owing to the constantly increasing concentration of leaseholds, Ireland constantly sends her own surplus to the English labour market, and thus forces down wages and lowers the material and moral position of the English working class.
>And most important of all! Every industrial and commercial centre in England now possesses a working class divided into two hostile camps, English proletarians and Irish proletarians.
We've known it's terrible forever. Multicultural states never work. See: Austria-Hungary, Roman Empire, Soviet Union, Mongol Empire, I'm sure you can think up hundreds more. I only hope European people wake up from their white guilt and realize their grandkids will be minorities in 2100 if they don't act.

>> No.16858577

>It's clearly a cope since not even close to everyone votes
That would be their own fault then.
>and those that do don't all vote one way
When the other way is also neo-liberalism, then yes, most of them do.
It's hilarious how many people would like more than 2 options, but refuse to vote for the other options given.

>> No.16858587

Actually at this point they clearly won't hear you from their gated neighborhoods, blind to all the misery being caused by the new doctors and astrophysicists who arrived. We should normalize burning houses down and the like. Make shilling for migration and migrants a position that will cause you physical harm.

>> No.16858610
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In the 2011 census, London was majority white (60%), but minority white British (45%). 37% were born outside the UK, and 78% spoke English as their main language. Given the option of stating their national identity, whether a single nationality or combined with others, 38% of Londoners said British and 44% said English.
London schools are majority non-white (stats in pic from 2013).

>> No.16858619
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Boohoo, faggot. Your grandkids will be brown and Marx didn't have access to studies from the 21st century about immigration's effect on wages.

>> No.16858623

Anglos are fucking pathetic. Paris isn't even close to that bad, and most of our engineers are relegated to ghettos.
Terrible bait.

>> No.16858628

Brown supremacy.

>> No.16858646


>I always say: we need enough trust for Credit Cards to work

I'm going to go out on a limb and say yes.

>> No.16858647

Stop being 20

>> No.16858654

I suppose I should clarify, I don't think anyone will actually do that.

>> No.16858670

>All the bigots ITT
YIKES. You realize if the European population keeps aging without migration that your economies will collapse, right?

>> No.16858673

I can't find anything on Caplan being Jewish except for basically just blogs. Regardless of whether he is or isn't, he's definitely a moron.

>> No.16858679
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Your terms are acceptable

>> No.16858687

>t. Goldstein

>> No.16858688

>population goes down
>property becomes affordable
>more job opportunities open up
what's the problem here?

>> No.16858714

>Do immigrants really "steal" jobs?
Yes, obviously, but that's not the point. They damage workers rights, lower wages, and vote against the interests of these workers.

>> No.16858719

Caplan (Kaplan) is a common Jewish surname.

>> No.16858721
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Destiny literally debated Nick Fuentes on this and BTFO that chud:
every single argument ITT was made by Fuentes and Destiny masterfully countered all of them.

>> No.16858725

Do immies join unions in any significant rates?

>> No.16858734

If immigration didn't benefit the elite, it wouldn't be allowed. It's really that simple.

>> No.16858736

Try harder to bait, faggot.

>> No.16858741

Watch the debate. Nick Fuentes conceded everything and his entire argument fell into feelz over realz

Fact is immigration improves the economy. It improves the lives of average citizens. And it's inevitable. Petty nationalism will always fail

>> No.16858760

>Feelz over realz
Feelz are realz dumbass. "My society alienates me by destroying all culture for my race and telling me I only have value through consumption" is a "feelz" with real consequences and real measurable basis. The fact that you can be retarded and say "Woll you cannae prove tha youer opineion is valeubal" doesn't mean I'm arguing "feelz over realz".

>> No.16858765

>Fact is immigration improves the economy
Wow it gives cheap labor to Porky to make line go up! Economy improved!! No, fuck off. The economy has gotten way worse since 1965 in part due to mass immigration. Notice wages in USA were at their highest when immigration was basically net 0, or like 50,000 at the most.
>It improves the lives of average citizens.
That really depends where. It can, but it can also cost someone their job or make them feel like a stranger in their hometown. So not at all a good point.

Doesn't Destiny call himself a neoliberal? Fuck off shilling this trash.

>> No.16858778

>And it's inevitable
Then why do people spend so much time, money, and effort promoting mass immigration? Why did you take the time to type out those two comments?

If immigration is inevitable, then you don't have to do anything. You've won! You can just sit back, crack open a fresh bottle of onions milk, and relax.

>> No.16858805
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I know there are little chances you know polish.
The main argument is that xenophoby is immanent to community existance.

>> No.16858825

Immigrants age, too. Pensions are a pyramid scheme.

>> No.16858855

>The economy has gotten way worse since 1965 in part due to mass immigration.
Not true on either account.
>Notice wages in USA were at their highest when immigration was basically net 0, or like 50,000 at the most.
Correlation doesn't equal causation. Wages haven't been scaling with the cost of living due to shitty economic policy, not immigrants.

>> No.16858900

>Not true on either account.
Objectively true. Go out to some former steel town. I moved from one to a former industrial neighborhood and the economy today is clearly worse for people. GDP line =/ good economy. And yes, part of that is due to mass immigration.
>Correlation doesn't equal causation. Wages haven't been scaling with the cost of living due to shitty economic policy, not immigrants.
Yes retard and part of that "shitty economic policy" is importing a bunch of Mexicans who will work for 5 cents an hour. I never said it was the sole cause anyway.

>> No.16858910

What exactly can immigrants offer that whites cant? Is their medical school better than a US medical school? If it's just about the sheer number of people, there are other ways.

>> No.16858921
File: 49 KB, 326x419, Blank+_959641a835e9fc87ec5e7b7d081a5547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Trust and cooperation do not arise naturally." - Western countries gradually abandoned blood feuds, duelling, sectarianism, ethnic conflict etc. over centuries
>"The initial settlers [of Britain] were not climbing a ladder, so their descendants cannot be hauling one up." - nations are forged, not a free-for-all
>studies on social capital (Putnam) have shown that the higher the level of immigration, the lower the level of trust, not just between groups, but within them

fucking hell of course no one addresses your post because it all too easily dismantles OPs not so subtle agenda of "proving" that all critiscm of immigration is rooted in mindless, irrational fear.

OP gets blown the fuck out hard, so just ignores everything and shuts his eyes.

>Reducing nationality to a mere legalism - a set of rights and obligations - would be the collective equivalent of autism: life lived with rules but without empathy.

yes, a lose collective of people who share no commonalities, beliefs, or mores are much easier to exploit by those in charge

>> No.16858925

If second gen immigrants follow the same shit as the natives then it just goes back to square one, either they dont actually become like the regular westerners or it just doesnt solve the initial problem. Having a third world wellspring of bodies really doesnt seem that moral

>> No.16858953
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>Your grandkids will be brown

the mask always slips with you people.

I'm sure you fashion yourself a defender of the oppressed, but at the end of the day you don't love minorities, you just hate whites

>> No.16858958

>Falling for the bait
That sentence has been used for years to get raging /pol/ replies.

>> No.16858966

>Immigration and globalization are some of the consequences of capitalism.
t. boomer
the irony

>> No.16858975

How about none of them?

>> No.16858983

Over half this thread is muzzie zoomers

>> No.16858992
File: 20 KB, 238x158, Get+this+extension+chromegooglecomwebstoredetailboo+dont+forget+to+_4dbd80d589ffa9c411c08885f4e05cf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How about none of them?

>> No.16858999

This thread is probably all anti immigrant whites and anti immigrant whites who want to get replies from the others. I refuse to believe someone using this site is actually pro migration. Even a bunch of normalfags I know are anti immigration.

>> No.16859004

Agreed, none. Low skilled for obvious reasons, and high skilled because brain drain to the developing countries, even if letting them in wouldn't be population replacement like letting a bunch of low skilled ones in.

>> No.16859022


>> No.16859041

>I refuse to believe someone using this site is actually pro migration
you don't realize how many shitskins are on here. the place is mutt memespam central for half a decade

>> No.16859130

Immigrants bring about new demand with them - they need additional housing, food, transportation, healthcare - everything; so they are simultaneously also *creating* jobs when moving in.
If your country has a retarded economic (or legal) system *then* they can create trouble - only your crooked politicians are to blame, not immigration per se (as they would ruin you with or without immigrants just the same)

>> No.16859138

Dumbasses always use the argument that "immigrants create new jobs" but this isn't true. MAYBE they'll create some in construction but we already have a surplus of houses so probably not. However, food is already mass produced by factories, so are cars, and buses are driven by one person no matter the amount of passengers. So no really, they don't create any new jobs unless they open a business, however only a small fraction do.

>> No.16859153

Kid, I am saying that: since they NEED additional products and services, new jobs have to be created to supply these products and services.

>> No.16859167

Yes and I refuted your dumbass claim in the rest of my post. Demand =/ a new job. Seriously overproduction is already rampant. Also, even if it somehow did "create a new job", it would be in China or Vietnam since that's where all the factories are.
And then service jobs aren't created based on demand, and serve multiple people. For every new customer at McDonalds or wherever, there doesn't have to be a new clerk.

>> No.16859174

piping in way later to say you're a fucking idiot for this claim, holy shit
this was not "economic consensus" as much as it was banks going "let's see how much shit we can get away with" and it backfired because they were greedy fuckers

>> No.16859198

>I refuted your dumbass claim in the rest of my post
You only attempted to refute the point that increased production needs increased labor input. Some jobs are obviously needed now (despite "China or Vietnam" existence), more will be needed with bigger population.
>For every new customer at McDonalds or wherever, there doesn't have to be a new clerk
Only you are maligning that somebody said about one to one relation.

>> No.16859213

In a sane system that economuc power would be used to produce better rhings for the native population. Also it's fine not to produce more than you need.

>> No.16859215
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hind sight is 20/20

go back to 2007 and i guarantee you could find "economic experts" such as yourself saying
>everything is running along perfectly
>these derivatives are fine, that's the economic consesus

The "economic consesus" is what ever serves the interests of those in power, no matter what it does to destroy the middle class and widen the wealth gap

>> No.16859226

Ok prove how an immigrant magically creates a new job just by moving to the country? I won't respond until you can, cope will be ignored.

>> No.16859400

>My society alienates me by destroying all culture for my race and telling me I only have value through consumption
part of growing up is understanding that you're not a special snowflake

>> No.16859421

They will need to live somewhere thus a position as a landlord becomes available to someone.

>> No.16859422

>Yes retard and part of that "shitty economic policy" is importing a bunch of Mexicans who will work for 5 cents an hour
They work for 5 cents an hour because that's what the employers pay them. Maybe a minimum wage or stronger unions y'know like the left has been advocating for decades?

>> No.16859433

Angela Nagle has a pretty fair critique of immigration law

>> No.16859493

Seems like immies are largely lumpens who dont give a shit. Horse water etc

>> No.16859533 [DELETED] 

Immigration is a non-issue. Those who make it an issue in reality just hate brown people.

>> No.16859539

Immigration is a non-issue to get retards riled up and get their attention away from the real issues. Those who make it an issue in reality just hate brown people.

>> No.16859570

Thing is in real life countries are finite pieces of land and often quite densely populated already. By creating demand they might not necessarily be creating space for new enterprises, they might just be driving up demand. This is how you get to madness like £1000 p/m for a shoebox in London.

>> No.16859579

Do you think there is no minimum wage in the United States?

>> No.16859592

Shit like this is why modern day "left" are just whores to capital.

>> No.16859629

Immigration is a non-issue has nothing to do with being a "whore to capital." Rightists want to scale everything back and want to go to a capitalism which was at a national level which is brain dead. They don't know how capitalism works all they care about is having no brown people in their country.

>> No.16859664
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Based Nietszche

>> No.16859697
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>is not a issue guys, just let them in, lower the wages, create more unemployment, watch how some that that capital free to other country, watch crime go up, and eventually replace by a culture that will never assimilate

>> No.16859702

Globalization, destroying borders, destroying identity, etc are good things about capitalism. If you think these are bad and these are your critiques of capitalism you are shallow and a moron. What is bad about capitalism is its second nature i.e. the alienation and the potentialities that it proposes but never fulfills.

>> No.16859716

Says the idpol nigger

>> No.16859738

>But nations are trying to avoid this transition by importing workers from abroad, just assuming that these people will magically also agree to only have two kids. They inevitably don't, because the only reason to have a small number of kids is if you believe it is good for the environment.
This is just blatantly wrong. Fertility rates are falling across the world and even when migrants come from high-fertility countries they tend to adopt the fertility behaviours of the host country.

>> No.16859741

I support whatever makes racists seethe so I guess immigration is good.

>> No.16859754

Idpol is something that needs to be worked with and pushed through, not bowed to or demolished.
And for all the whining from rightists on idpol they ironically exhibit the most intense kind with all of the worst tendencies.

>> No.16859768

mage raise it sweety and put more accountability on the companies to not pay people lower wages under the table?

>> No.16859773

>he thinks you can get rid of capital
fucking lol
>implying capitalism isn't a good thing when it's literally just evolution squared

>> No.16859800

To be frank, no, or at least it depends on how you define as "biased." You're best bet is to look at older pre modern commentary since the individuals who wrote them had no knowledge of modern day politics.

>> No.16859809

Or maybe just cut them off from their supply of indentured servants at the source instead of more bullshit legislation that they already ignore?

>> No.16859810

Supporting whatever make people angry for the sake of making people angry isn't really an ingenuous way to support and idea. Shit, it's honestly pretty malicious and only seeks to make the argument you're opposing stronger.

>> No.16859820

And how long until western countries collapse? Unironically you are a bigger white supremacist than actual white supremacist. You think the west is this place that has infinite supplies to feed the rest of the world

>> No.16859828

t. stills lives with mommy and daddy

>> No.16859831


>> No.16859834

Immigration doesn't reduce the price of goods, cheap shit is because of slave labor in foreign countries.

>> No.16859835

t.21 year old burnout that clings to a racist online ideology to cope with his mediocrity

>> No.16859840

Yeah bro you're sure owning those capitalists by arguing for indefinite migration.

>> No.16859856

Imagine wanting livable wages and the first thing you think of is "MUH EBIL IMMUHGRANTS!!!!11one11"

literally the south park meme

>> No.16859872

>lower jobs don't pay well because they overrun with third world browtoids
>high paying jobs are either outsource or a h12 immigrant took it except for a few with hundreds of applications
>the only jobs left are service jobs

But hey at least you vote to make racist seethe right, nigger.

>> No.16859876

So you're admitting you can't compete with immigrants? Got it.

>> No.16859884

Imagine coming into a thread about migration, arguing it's good and then trying to pretend like you were just innocently arguing for higher wages?
I want higher wages too, it's why I'm against this retarded policy of unlimited migration capitalists are forcing on us that demonstrably depresses wages.

>> No.16859897

Immigration is a non-issue and doesn't lower wages just admit that you hate brown people.

>> No.16859908

So you are admiting you haven't left your house or have any job?

>> No.16859913

Imagine wanting liveable wages and the first thing you think is "MUH EBIL NAAAZIIIIS".
Never before has it been so easy for capitalists to lead "the left" by the nose.

>> No.16859978

Based fuck homoglobo and its acolytes cucks.

>> No.16859987

Unfortunately this position is literally indefensible on the political sphere. We are sliding straight to the abyss and not a single solvent politician in the western world is willing to state the facts clearly.
Due to the nature of democracy the positions politicians are willing to take are short term ones that will have them reelected in 4 years, stating that in order to save what is left of our culture and our planet we will need to have 30 to 50 years of economic hardships won't make anyone vote for you.

>> No.16859996

this the leech blaming everything on ebil brown immuhgrants

>> No.16860112

>coming to 4channel for honest debate

>> No.16860136

Ever heard of the whole of the 12th century?
You know the thing that only happened to the highlanders happened to everyone in britain?

>> No.16860238

>Hurr durr what is personal responsibility???

>> No.16860244

Fuck off back to twitter you absolute retard

>> No.16860251

>Immigration is a non-issue

Where do you live? Brazil?

>> No.16860252

>Ever heard of the whole of the 12th century?
If you're not talking about Gaels, Anglo-Saxons or Vikings then what are you talking about? All of those migrations were incredibly violent.
>You know the thing that only happened to the highlanders happened to everyone in britain?
Right because mass-migration is bad and universally destroys the native culture, not just in Scotland but everywhere else too.

>> No.16860314

UK immigration is particularly fucked in a different way. France shares some of its qualities due to both being ex colonists, who frequently wanted to grant sovereignty solely to avoid the responsibility of granting citizenship past a certain date in these places.
One of the more horrific consequences of this in Britain is their policy on Pakistan. To avoid giving citizenship to people who had been merely citizens of a former colony or giving refugee status to those fleeing a military junta, the UK beefed up its laws and quotas against just anyone coming into Britain from Pakistan on the basis of being a cousin of someone who had been part of family which established roots in Britain. People who had felt that they were part of a chain of citizenship which tied them to Britain now found it impossible to give that to other family members who had previously been accepted. The British Pakistani community then started practising cousin marriage as a way to get citizenship to any of their family who had been left behind in Pakistan, leading to an inbreeding crisis, along with a more isolated series of enclaves. Before, your Urdu speaking cousin would come over and learn English and marry someone not from your village and integrate. Now you marry your Urdu speaking cousin, only speak to people from your village/first language, and cost more because you have to care for your other retarded cousin brothers who have highly complicated medical needs, along with feeling the state will betray you.

>> No.16860381

The "underclass" does not need to come from immigration, it's a natural byproduct of the increasing complexity of employment as technology evolves. You have no idea what you're talking about you blatant cryptocommie.

>> No.16860391

They create less demand than they fulfill, though, by virtue of being willing to not engage with the full range of consumer tendencies in order to maintain privacy of their illegal presence. They'll take less pay, use less housing, not use certain social institutions, etc. They're selling themselves at discount rates and damaging the market.

>> No.16860402

The Pakistani inbreeding crisis is in no way a byproduct of British law.

>> No.16860408

British Pakistanis are more inbred than those from their homeland, however. I'm busy atm but I'm sure the study would be easy to find on Google

>> No.16860420

Not anymore inbred than britshits

>> No.16860425

So their degeneracy is subsidized by the State. The State isn't generating the cousinfucking. There are probably far fewer goats per capita in England than in Pakistan and that's likely driving their reproductive access as well.
You've intellectualized yourself out of being able to interface with reality.

>> No.16860452

>They're selling themselves at discount rates and damaging the market
But cheaper production costs makes manufactured goods getting cheaper for all consumers, thus rising their standard of living.
Every industry obviously wants their products to be expensive (while all the rest of the goods they purchase being cheap - that's consumer goods and their raw materials) but since every industry is just smart enough to see it they all end up with rising costs across the board and their gains are becoming illusionary. Everybody but bureaucrats, politicians and regulators themselves loses with such regulatory policy in the end.

>> No.16860460

Right because people who emigrate are the untermenschen dregs that couldn't cut it back home.

>> No.16860494

Except migrants aren't producing consumer goods, virtually no one in the west is. All our consumer goods are made by slaves for pennies in Asia.
This might have been true in America in the 1800s when migrants were coming over to work in factories to make goods that would then be sold in America. But it's just not relevant to the 21st century west, where migrants are more likely driving Ubers and repairing cell phones.

>> No.16860508

I'm not the one you were replying to originally. I just thought I'd say.

I haven't got anything positive to say about a group that marries their first cousins.

>> No.16860513

No, they're probably the best that the home country could produce. That doesn't say much about the quality of the people of Pakistan though. No surprise there

>> No.16860530

Immigration and sweatshop countries keep this fucking degenerated fraudulent bordello afloat - without it all the West would have already crumbled to pieces under the weight of their political bureaucrats parasitic class - they fucking steal more from the productive members of the society than feudal landlords did.

>> No.16860560

Leftists: kill all scabs
Also leftists: migrants welcome

Really boggles the noggin.

>> No.16860594

>the weight of their political bureaucrats parasitic class - they fucking steal more from the productive members of the society than feudal landlords did.

Explain pls

>> No.16860626

where's the problem scab

>> No.16860688

Why are whites so defensive of the idea of being a minority? i thought you guys said that minorities take all the benefits and gibs and stuff ,sounds pretty comfy right ?

>> No.16860701

One scab is a problem.
Hundreds of thousands of scabs is diversity.
This is what socialism means in the 21st century.

>> No.16860724

The best the home country can produce have ingratiated their way into whatever cancerous communion of politics, social influences and religion keeps the home country in the parasitic state that keeps pumping out migrants.
We used to beat countries like this with steel until they self-corrected long before they had the opportunity to metastasize their filth.

>> No.16860732

If being a minority is a good end then why do so many international elites support processes of immigration and social welfare that would turn current minorities into future majorities?
I can play retarded sophist too anon.

>> No.16860741

>tl;dr immigration isn't bad for the economy, nor workers

This is 100% Globalist pilpul. No healthy, harmonious, country wants ANY immigration at all. If the US population had been given a chance to vote on the 1965 Immigration Act it would have been soundly voted down. Immigration is about population growth which is about economic growth which is all the psychopathic globalists care about. Economic growth is the primary goal. The secondary goal of immigration is dehomogenization in order to weaken and destabilize in order to exploit.

Immigration ABSOLUTELY drives down wages. But, says the globalist, when the economy expands and GDP goes up average GDP goes up with it and this is true. This GDP is not spread out evenly and the wealthiest get the vast majority of this increase in GDP. Economic growth is NOT sustainable for the planet. No matter what your econ professor or the president or the IMF tells you. They don't give a shit though. They DEMAND their return on investment and debt repayment. Economic growth is not sustainable. More people are realizing this. Less people on this planet is better for everyone. No one has to be killed for this to happen. But economic growth has to stop and migration "replacement" has to stop. Population growth naturally slows down without migration.

>> No.16860756

>I can play retarded sophist too anon.
No ,not really

>> No.16860757

I'd there are no whites who are going to pay taxes for the gibs?

>> No.16860771

You are so fucken stupid and retarded. You lack the intellect to think. You can only regurgitate

>> No.16860790

>Being willingly replaced by another people has happened throughout history
No. This has never happened, willingly. Some people will literally accept anything they are told. Your level of cuckery is unimaginable to me. If this were another time in history we would be talking face to face and I would ax you to death in front of my cheering brothers.

>> No.16860795
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>In my youth I would have hewn you like an oak and bathed in your invader blood, but age has mellowed my mood.

>> No.16860801

>introduced to a country
If you leave a country because your culture sucks, and it does by definition if you leave it, then you shouldn't bring it with you

>> No.16860813

>is there something inherently wrong with non white people in europe?

>> No.16860832

Or the native population can be allowed to have a family and own a home and educate their kids without crippling debt

>> No.16860845

>Implying that the niggers are capable of creating a prosperous society that tries to integrate minorities through economic stimuli
That's where you went wrong mate

>> No.16860852

I dunno, something about white minorities in black countries, not a very good track-record, they keep vanishing for some reason.

>> No.16860863

They have all been neoliberals for decades now

>> No.16860876


>> No.16860880

humanistic attitudes are usually just a front for the economic imperatives that demand globalization and the import of cheap labor into western countries.

or so i figure, don't really care that much.

>> No.16860883

Or you could enable your own people to have families you jewslave cuck

>> No.16860897

>What exactly can immigrants offer that whites cant?
They are more retarded and lower IQ which makes them easier to manipulate.

>> No.16860906

"Exodus: How Migration Is Changing Our World" by Paul Collier seems to be quite good. I haven't read it myself but I hear that it is quite sensible in presenting a differentiated view of the issue that goes beyond far left and far right screeching.

>> No.16860919

>Immigration is a non-issue and doesn't lower wages just admit that you hate brown people.
Imagine hating white people this much that you are willing to work for less pay lol

>> No.16860920

Whether we want to perpetuate it or not, I feel it's safe to say that current systems are very much like pyramid schemes. But how do we reform them without plunging our societies into chaos? How should the huge burden of taking care of the massive elderly generations be handled?

>> No.16860940

The implicit racism of leftcucks is amazing. Everything is white people's fault when you sub conscious view everyone else as less than, lol