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16855985 No.16855985 [Reply] [Original]

The real Holocaust happened in 1677 with the publication of Spinoza's (pbuh) Ethics, Hitler merely destroyed Jews' bodies but Spinoza (pbuh) destroyed their religion, identity and essence.

>> No.16856003

There are probably some Kabbalists that were alright with Spinoza's theology so I dunno about that one bro

>> No.16856021

Don't forget he (pbuh) also utterly disintegrated cucktianity and pisslam

>> No.16856098


>> No.16856415

Actually, he didn't.
Read more

>> No.16856422

Read his letters

>> No.16856462

Based Baruch

>> No.16856562

I have; no man venerated Jesus more, he just didn't pretend to understand an incarnation contrary to God's freedom- known otherwise as (human) necessity. His stance on Jesus is strong enough to attract Protestant Christians, and weak enough to attract Muslims. Really a just so story, m8.

>> No.16856572

Give me a quick rundown

>> No.16856593

Wrong. He fulfilled the Judaic, anti-life logic of the Bible in ways Jews themselves could only dream of. Univocity is evil.

>> No.16856622

>Univocity is evil
buttblasted christcuck detected

>> No.16856632

degenerate anti-life cultist detected.

>> No.16856640

>if you aren't one of my ranks you're the exact opposite of me
christian intellectuals

>> No.16856691

There are gaps in his system. He cannot explain how indirect modes of his substance does not follow necessarily from the direct modes. Any link between them turns his determinism into a necessitarianism. There is no metaphysical depth, it is purely dogmatic and nihilistic.

>> No.16856696

>Jewish Mahayana

>> No.16856711

so based

>> No.16856760

>Univocity is evil
Please. Only God is who He is: as modular existents [we] are NEVER who we say we are, though no doubt folks have much to say about 'themselves' (as social media reveals in spades)
There's no more plausible philosophic ground for the way life is actually lived than Spinoza's, whether God 'exists' or not.
Spinoza's imperative for a principled existence is far more plausible (and therefore inspiring) than any other Western philosopher you're likely to read too, btw.

>> No.16856802

Yes, but he was a jew. Therefore one has to suspect all of his thoughts and writings. Plenty of modern leftist jews hate Israel.

>> No.16856855

God is not a transcendent, he isn't privileged over Nature, he is just the self-movement of Nature, there is no God in Spinoza

>> No.16856873

Instead of the Jewry meme as the foundation of your crippled thinking why not replace it with God? You only hurt yourself, anon.

>> No.16856889


>> No.16856903

so this
is what happens when you don't start with THE GREEK and has no idea what philosophy is

>> No.16856963

Spinoza's thinking doesn't work up towards some transcendence but begins in those environs and works down toward mundanity. 'Nature' is twice infinitely removed from what Spinoza can discern of God..
The pantheism meme will lead you to no end of embarrassment (should some Spinozist decide to argue with you) anon, fair warning.

>> No.16857001

One only detects Spinoza's awesome novelty by having started so, anon. I mean, how else?
You're.. the result of one who responds in a thread about a philosopher of whom he's completely ignorant.

>> No.16857013

What is Spinoza then if not a pantheist? A panentheist?

>> No.16857165

Panentheist is a popular usage for the Protestant theologians who revert to him, but I don't really know desu. For me, he's just a wonderfully gifted thinker who is somehow able to accept life in all its short shittiness and plausibly transform it into an interesting adventure. He's perfectly compatible with whatever your religion happens to be as well inclusive of atheism fwiw, but only a few seem to want to accept this.

>> No.16857392

Deconstruct your dilation

>> No.16857633

Spinoza was the first philosopher I really started to like and adopted as a personal ''philosophical master'' to my life.
Some time later I returned back to Plato (started to reread his dialogues and the ''neo''platonists) and understood what philosophy really is.
Shallow nihilism. Jacobi was right. This nihilistic sense crushed my soul one day I can still remember, this was providential to actually find God. I hope you see things more clearly too, anon. Good night.

>> No.16857999
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>Advance slowly, step by step, with me

Why was he so loveable and cute?

>> No.16858534

How can you take the neo-Platonists seriously after Spinoza? Though Plotinus (for instance) is a poetic, even inspirational writer what he offers ultimately is not philosophy but learning, and a kind of afflatus. ..Nonetheless if you felt Spinoza led you to nihilism then it was a good that you dropped him. That's not where he's led me, nor do I think it even remotely what he's about. Sleep tight.

>> No.16858547

I might've suggested you not reset your stupidity but I see you've already pressed the button.. No doubt you'll do it again

>> No.16859216

If Spinoza were born in the 21st century, he would have written OwO and UwU in his books

>> No.16859281 [DELETED] 

Yet most people believe that the ignorant violate the order of Nature rather than conform to it; they think of men in Nature as a state within a state. They hold that the human mind is not produced by natural causes but is directly created by God and is so independent of other things that it has an absolute power to determine itself and to use reason in a correct way. But experience teaches us only too well that it is no more in our power to have a sound mind than to have a sound body. Again, since each thing, as far as in it lies, endeavours to preserve its own being, we cannot have the slightest doubt that, if it were equally in our power to live at reason's behest as to be led by blind desire, all would be led by reason and would order their lives wisely, which is by no means the case. For everyone is drawn by his own pleasure. Nor do theologians remove this difficulty by maintaining that the cause of this weakness in human nature is the vice or sin whose origin was the fall of our first parent. For if the first man, too, had as much power to stand as to fall, and if he was in his right mind and with his nature unimpaired, how could it have come about that knowingly and deliberately he fell?

>> No.16859289

>Yet most people believe that the ignorant violate the order of Nature rather than conform to it; they think of men in Nature as a state within a state. They hold that the human mind is not produced by natural causes but is directly created by God and is so independent of other things that it has an absolute power to determine itself and to use reason in a correct way. But experience teaches us only too well that it is no more in our power to have a sound mind than to have a sound body. Again, since each thing, as far as in it lies, endeavours to preserve its own being, we cannot have the slightest doubt that, if it were equally in our power to live at reason's behest as to be led by blind desire, all would be led by reason and would order their lives wisely, which is by no means the case. For everyone is drawn by his own pleasure. Nor do theologians remove this difficulty by maintaining that the cause of this weakness in human nature is the vice or sin whose origin was the fall of our first parent. For if the first man, too, had as much power to stand as to fall, and if he was in his right mind and with his nature unimpaired, how could it have come about that knowingly and deliberately he fell?

>Their answer is that he was deceived by the Devil. But who was it who deceived the Devil? Who, I ask, caused the one who was the most outstanding of all intelligent creatures to become so insane that he willed to be greater than God? Did not he, who had a sound mind, endeavour to preserve himself and his own being, as far as in him lay? Again, how could it have come about that the first man himself, being of sound mind and master of his own will, allowed himself to be led astray and beguiled? If he had the power to use reason aright, he could not have been deceived, for, as far as in him lay he must have endeavoured to preserve his own being and his sound mind. But, by hypothesis, this was in fact within his power; therefore he must have preserved his sound mind and could not have been deceived. His history, however, shows this to be false; and so it must be admitted that it was not in the power of the first man to use reason aright, and that, like us, he was subject to passions.

Judeo-Christian anthropology BTFO

>> No.16859597

I don’t remember reading about indirect modes, is it another word for singular and finite entities (which I know by mode’s modifications)? Would you mind explaining me? Also I always read Spinoza as a necessitarianist, why does that lead to nihilism? Are you a Jacobinist?

>> No.16859782

>soulless taoism