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16854231 No.16854231 [Reply] [Original]

Is it worrh reading /lit/?
Is this the super-manual of the New World Order 2.0: The Reptilians strike back, or an overhyped piece of globalist fantasy?

>> No.16854598

No, but you should still keep an eye out for the black helicopters

>> No.16854805

am I crazy in thinking that if the kabal of super reptilian satanist jewish pedophile elites were doing crazy shit behind the scenes and controlled literally every aspect of our world they wouldn't allow or publish or whatever a book that clearly outlines how they're gonna do it unless:

A. all of this shit, Covid, Epstein, Clintons, whoever, is all a red herring and there's something much much worse and all the "signs" we're seeing are just bullshit

B. all of this is true and they put it out there because they know that they can't be stopped, which seems to me like the least likely, cause why bother. Then the question becomes why are we bothering to care.

C. it's neither and it's all bullshit and while there are certainly evil people in powerful positions they certainly don't have the power to do all the crazy shit everyone freaks out about and maybe they really are just being child raping weirdos and getting away with it.

I dunno, I feel like if the New World Order was planning a full on takeover or at least make that public then they would have done that by now, why use some weird virus? Also why would they be planting signs that only weirdos on 4Chan can see? Like I said, I dunno what's real, but that's just my 2 cents even though no one asked.

Also I don't know about your book because I haven't read it.

>> No.16854817

82yo boomer on the verge of dying precipitates his plan for world domination before he passes. will inevitably fail

all the soros & co follow the same blueprint, miserable losers who jerked to GDP all their life realize their existence is pathetic so they triple down on their neurosis before going to hell

>> No.16854834

Based post.

>> No.16855273
File: 73 KB, 960x632, woke_capitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't believe in NWO or QAnon or any of that nonsense, but I don't think your post makes much sense. I'm actually a leftist myself, and I think Trumptards and right wing conspiracy theories are ridiculous, but I also see a lot of intellectual dishonesty on the mainstream left.

Conspiracy theories seem to be way more popular and mainstream on the left than on the right. For instance, it is a mainstream position amongst the democrats to believe that:
(1) western civilization is dominated by "systemic racism" and that white have "systemic control" over human civilization
(2) that a network of "rich white men" have centralized control over the entire global economy, the mainstream media, the military, and the criminal justice system.
(3) White nationalists and neonazis in the US and EU have cooperated with countries like Russia and Iran in order the engage in election interference and widespread disinformation and election fraud. The same people are now claiming that election interference would we physically impossible in a US election, despite the fact that they themselves have made unsubstantiated claims of election interference in 2016.

So my question for you is, if "whites" have "systemic control" over the mainstream media and the global economy, then why would they allow multinational corporations to promote "woke" policies? Why would they allow people like Robin D'Angelo to go around giving speeches about "white privilege"? Why would they allow Cambridge to promote a professor (Priyamvada Gopal) who Tweeted out "White lives don't matter" while this same university has dis-invited Jordan Peterson for taking a controversial position on gender? If these left-wing SJW activists are really "speaking truth to power", and they genuinely pose a threat to the (supposedly "racist") establishment, then why would the network of "rich white men", who allegedly control the global economy and political system, allow these "woke" corporate democratic SJW types to continue pushing their narrative about how the white race is somehow more violent and oppressive than any other race?

Not only is this a conspiracy theory, but it's also pseudoscience. Modern biology and psychology teaches us that no human "race" is superior or inferior to any other. Science teaches us that no race is more or less intelligent, more or less violent, more or less oppressive, more or less racist, more or less imperialistic, etc. than any other race. When you say the white race is "disproportionately" privileged, colonialist, oppressive, racist, homophobic, imperialistic, etc. you are promoting in meaningless and unscientific claims. A race X cannot be anymore inherently more "oppressive" or "imperialistic" than another race Y. This is an unscientific claim, and the concepts of "racism" and "imperialism" don't even exist in nature, or as biologists would say, these concepts don't exist in the human "environment of evolutionary adaptivity".

>> No.16855404

As I see it, there is not one cabal pushing a secret plan. Rather, there are hundreds of cabals, powerful economic and financial entities, governments and most of the academy, working towards glibalization. Globalization means one unified world economy, open borders and the free movement of people (i.e. mass migration to the west), abolition or super-fragmentation of ethnic, national, religious and cultural identities. Plus absolute control through internet surveillance and, in the long term, the whole transhumanist agenda.
New World Order is the previous version of the plan that failed because Bush fucked up.

>> No.16855412

this poster voted for the boomer drumpf