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/lit/ - Literature

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16851845 No.16851845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what does /lit/ think about this book?

>> No.16851852

I think it has a blue cover.

>> No.16851873

Who cares what /lit/ thinks, because we just had this thread, and the conclusion was that half of the board unironically believe in anarchism and eliminating any form of the state. We're clearly retarded.

>> No.16851951

>and the conclusion was that half of the board unironically believe in anarchism and eliminating any form of the state.
Probably the same half that believes in gender fluidity and eliminating the genitals they're born with.

>> No.16851957
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>there are people who unironically believe that covid is a hoax
I really wish this type of brainletism will get stale enough to be on the same level as flat earthers

>> No.16851964

Unless you're fat or have HIV, there's really nothing to worry about. You're not a fat tranny, are you?

>> No.16851980

Will you shut up with your truly bizarre obsession about transgenderism? It's so odd how you bring it up without it having any connection or relevance to the subject at hand.

>> No.16851989
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>Will you shut up with your truly bizarre obsession about transgenderism? It's so odd how you bring it up without it having any connection or relevance to the subject at hand.

>> No.16851992
File: 224 KB, 875x546, gaypitalism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be the technocratic capitalist elite
>States are the last barrier you have to overcome to acquire global domination
>Demonize Trump and his more-or-less aligned head of states around the world for having protectionist measures and close borders
>Turn the left into a neoliberal transexual faggot who loves amazon, google, twitter, facebook and starbucks
>Demonize any kind of border/limit/frontier be it physical or metaphysical

Strong states is the only thing that can save us collectively and in the flesh; yeah, they're the ones for the most part doing this crappy half orwellian-half huxlian thing. But in a stateless society the globohomo is 100% free from all restrains.

At least personal and in the soul salvation is always possible thru Christ


>> No.16852002

You will never be with a woman.

>> No.16852266

you'd have to be a retard to take even 1% chance of infection