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16847712 No.16847712 [Reply] [Original]

how did he write so well about addiction and drug therapy?

>> No.16847735

experience as a pill-popper

>> No.16847740

He learned carnal writing from Mary Karr

>> No.16847810

I've never read this dude's stuff but I saw this interview and he might literally be the most cringy human being in existence, he was so cringy he would literally have to stop mid sentence to visibly cringe at himself

>> No.16847819

I had to turn it off

>> No.16847893

Watching this now. The man killed himself too late. Good God, what a pretentious, Midwestern barf bag.

>> No.16847911

>David Foster Wallace's corncobby chronicles

>> No.16848314

I would say he obviously had experience around the anonymous help groups and had keen insight into addiction. Especially the paranoia that would have came even with weed when that wasn't as legal or accepted as today.
"...The chairs were arranged in NA's traditional huge circle, with no tables to sit at and everybody balancing ashtrays on their knees and accidentally kicking over their cups of coffee. Everybody who raised their hand to share concurred on the insidious ways marijuana had ravaged their bodies, minds, and spirits: marijuana destroys slowly but thoroughly was the consensus... The NA's took turns concurring on the hideous psychic fallout they'd all endured both in active marijuana-dependency and then in marijuana detox: the social isolation, anxious lassitude, and the hyperself-consciousness that then reinforced the withdrawal and anxiety -the increasing emotional abstraction, poverty of affect, and then total emotional catalepsy- the obsessive analyzing, finally the paralytic stasis that results from the obsessive analysis of all possible implications of both getting up from the couch and not getting up from the couch - and then the endless symptomatic gauntlet of withdrawal from delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol: i.e. pot-detox: the loss of appetite, the mania and insomnia, the chronic fatigue and nightmares, the impotence and cessation of menses and lactation, the circadian arrhythmia, the sudden sauna-type sweats and mental confusion and fine-motor tremors, the particularly nasty excess production of saliva, the generalized anxiety and foreboding and dread, and the shame of feeling like neither M.D.s nor the hard-drug NA's themselves showed much empathy or compassion for the 'addict' brought down by what was supposed to be nature's humblest buzz, the benignest Substance around."
This is too spot on

>> No.16848346

Who is this?

>> No.16848513

christ, man

>> No.16848549

Ya need therapy!

>> No.16848669

I need therapy? He needed therapy and for someone to confiscate his computer and writing utensils.

>> No.16848677

You guys see yourselves in him. Admit it.

>> No.16848692
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Dubs confirm. And yes, you're right. That's why I can't stand him.

>> No.16848698

If you read the copyright page he says that he talked to a lot of people that had been in rehab facilities. It's actually worth reading the copyright page in this case.

>> No.16848709

david copper field, good book

>> No.16848711

"lol I'm so smart and he's so dumb, I'm glad he's dead" the thread

what a crock of shit all around

>> No.16848820

FUCK i miss mdma, fuck this virus. worst time of my life. i know im not addicted because i have taken nothing since the rona began, but i miss the good times so badly. it's probably going to be another six fucking months before the clubs open again

>> No.16848832

mdma gets boring so fast

>> No.16848835

Court-ordered drug therapy is a joke. Mostly it's potheads sitting in a circle telling stories about getting high. An ad verbatim introduction related to me: "Hey, my name's Alex. I smoked the devil's lettuce. The cops caught me in my car at the high school at 2 in the morning."

>> No.16848851

maybe if you take it super regularly? i used to do it every 6 weeks to couple months

>> No.16848859

That's a compliment. Midwesterners and New Englanders are the best Americans.

>> No.16848861

>t. e-tard
Hope you're only taking that shit once or twice a year. You're gonna deplete your serotonin reserves for the rest of your life otherwise

>> No.16848863

No he killed himself just in time to see Rafa beat Fed at Wimbledon.

>> No.16848864

God. Imagine going onto a Chinese image board and projecting like this.

>> No.16848941

>Especially the paranoia that would have came even with weed when that wasn't as legal or accepted as today.
weed was just as accepted then as it is now, regardless of its legality.

>> No.16848949

I took it regularly for some months and don't feel a difference

>> No.16848973

i think you have to be taking loads to get permanent damage from it. i know what the depleted seretonin feels like, it can last for a few weeks. but you recover after a while. i just always stick to the rule of never taking more than 1 pill or equivalent each time

>> No.16849020
File: 76 KB, 640x402, infinitejest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall how I always used to keep a copy of Infinite Jest in my car, but one evening after a party I couldn't find where I'd parked, so I starting screaming ...

>> No.16849031

Lol you're a mentally ill person

>> No.16849510

Very true and pretty irrelevant to the subject of Infinite Jest because of the many scenarios like being in a rehab program or sports program.
Weed is really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the substances addressed in IJ anyway. I just added that caveat because of the subject matter of the quote.

>> No.16849647

weed aint shit tf

>> No.16849668

ok degenerate
>the shame of feeling like neither M.D.s nor the hard-drug NA's themselves showed much empathy or compassion for the 'addict' brought down by what was supposed to be nature's humblest buzz, the benignest Substance around.

>> No.16849814

oh lol sowwy

>> No.16850217


>> No.16850424

he was channelling megan boyle

>> No.16850514

Is pot addiction really that bad?

>> No.16850589

no it's a meme

>> No.16850611
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>> No.16850680

oh no problem, thank you for sparing me some story about coming off your meth benders or what ever.
I can't attest to any of the mental side affects that people have experienced with it. But DFW is right about the physical symptoms associated with cessation. Hot flashes, excess saliva, quitting really fucked up my stomach and couldn't eat or drink much for a week. Got to the point of considering getting an IV drip before finally turning the corner.
While smoking weed everyday it was a great thing and I would say there are no side effects as long as you keep smoking. But my personal experience with quitting or even going three days without smoking is enough to outweigh any fun that being high gets you. Many people don't experience any side effects quitting and all I can say is I have a weak stomach.

>> No.16851531
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Daniel Jackson from stargate SG1

>> No.16851821
File: 124 KB, 1140x855, il_1140xN.2391020370_3jkx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he has been through it himself,

>> No.16851830

The only cringey part of the video was when the cameraman interrupts and insults David Foster Wallace

>> No.16852159

He's so painfully self-aware, neurotic, and scatter-brained that it's hard to take him seriously as a speaker but when he finally gets to the point it sticks. He has flashes of brilliance that are masked by his unbridled autism and mental illness.

>> No.16852164

He doesn't intentionally insult him, when he used the word "pontificating" he obviously didn't know what it meant. But DFW did and you can see him recoil and hang his head in shame. Poor guy was just trying to express himself

>> No.16852235

Yes. People like to think pot is a harmless drug,and yeah while it may be less harmful than others, people still get addicted because they see it as an alternative to pills or heroin or whatnot. But it's that exact reason why people become addicted and experience the side effects of it. Anyone who claims they can smoke everyday and not have their motivation ruined never had any prospects or potential to begin with.

>> No.16852288

DFW represents all the social outcasts who have potential but are never able to properly express themselves to anyone outside of their close friend group over fear of rejection. So basically everyone who browses this board.

Also why so many neoliberals think DFW is a hack, they can't think of reasons why they actually dislike him outside of the fact that he suffers from mental illness, so they just say "well his fans are pretentious so that means he is too"

>> No.16852441

>this is too spot on
everyone in the thread saying pot isn't shit. maybe these are just the people with increased susceptibility to psychoses or mental instability brought on by chronic use of the substance at a threshold dose?

>> No.16852446

how do you deplete your "lifetime serotonin reserves" by doing molly too much? Does similar things happen with weed?