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/lit/ - Literature

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16843756 No.16843756[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ does for a living? How many books do you read every year?

I'll start:
>Professional interpreter
>Around 30

>> No.16843763

>Around 40

>> No.16843771


>> No.16843774

is coffee good for you?

>> No.16843777

Is tea good for you?

>> No.16843787

is that a diaper?

>> No.16843797

Nuclear Engineering Student with part time job at Little Caesars
25 was last years not counting stuff for schoolwork but the majority were novellas or collections of short stories. Only 10 actual novels

>> No.16843806

Texas tea.. reminds me that LBJ was sworn in as POTUS 57 yrs ago today

>> No.16843828

>Nuclear Engineering Student with part time job at Little Caesars
Are... Are you me? I'm in Nuclear Engineering, too wagecucking myself and I'm so fucking done, I want to drop out so bad.

>> No.16843853

How's school working for you? Online classes?

>> No.16843854

My friends work with me so I don't mind it. Location isn't all too busy either. When it's slow enough we just go in the bathroom and play on a switch, manager joins us sometimes.
But goddamn the class work makes me want to die sometimes. I'm in my 4th year so what's keeping me going is the fact that I'll get my bachelor's soon enough, but I'll be taking a break before applying to a masters program. Just think anon, you'll get a nice job in engineering, get the money and invest or buy land, find a way to escape the wage cuck cycle and read as a hermit innawoods.

>> No.16843857

Embarrassingly I have a PhD in philosophy and I am probably one of the most well-informed Husserl scholar on the North American continent.

>> No.16843871
File: 334 KB, 650x584, __balalaika_black_lagoon_drawn_by_elina_kuroe_no_daarin__914f45e370f56894bc31b3985f8adec7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck online classes, absolutely the worst way to learn and I recommend anyone who's just entering college or entering next year to check if their uni of choice will be forcing online again next year and to take a break instead. I've heard a few unis are considering it and let me tell you it's the absolute worst way to learn anything, being in an environment of other people helps when learning as it's a process your can undertake together, being by yourself in a room may work for some but for others, like me, can't learn from online lectures.

>> No.16843873


>> No.16843876

I hate you for posting this picture.

>> No.16843890

Fuck off stemfags

>> No.16843913

>you'll get a nice job in engineering, get the money and invest or buy land, find a way to escape the wage cuck cycle and read as a hermit innawoods.
That's literally the only fucking reason, I'm in my 4th year too and couldn't find a fucking internship when I needed to the most because of the fucking pandemic. I fucking hate the online work and classes are fucking hell. I've gotten myself really wondering if it's all really worth it. My ex switched majors to finance and has a comfy job making bank and I want to blow my fucking brains out.
Yeah mostly, there's 1 of them I actually have to go. I feel like there's no fucking point on college anymore. I could learn all this bullshit from my home anyway without going into stupid debt, but hey, at least I get the funny job paper.

>> No.16843920

That bitch is asking for my dick to be inserted into her hairy blonde pussy

>> No.16843925

>not enough

>> No.16843926
File: 92 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PhD in philosophy
never gets old

>> No.16843935

It's working for us who hate their field of study, though. It's way easier to pass. Fuck comp sci.

>> No.16843944

STEM is the master race
If you don't enjoy the process, try to find a way to combine the engi degree with getting a finance one, one of my teachers in high school used to work as an electrical engineer and designed printers for HP, and he said the people who worked in the company who understood engineering and another field(finance, law, etc) usually got comfy jobs for good money cause few people can actually work those positions.

>> No.16843945

What does her pussy smell like, bros?

>> No.16843948

I'm a financial analyst for one of the biggest engineering contractors in the US. It's a chill job. I get to make sure we're not wasting money while building mass transit systems.

Maybe 1 book a month, prolly less. Not really into fiction aside from genre lit.

>> No.16843958

>engineer wfh
i invest in shitcoins and stonks in my free time
>around 12

>> No.16843969

>try to find a way
I feel like it's too late for me. I don't have the mental energy to start another major right now. I've had 2 mental breakdowns this year and had to put myself together or else i'd hit fucking rock bottom. It's so fucking hard to even talk to girls anymore, I don't like the whole fucking Tinder thing, I like organic relationships and It's fucking impossible. I haven't had pussy in 2 years.

>> No.16843976

like piss and sweat

>> No.16843980

I'm hard now.

>> No.16843981

>adjunct professor of film at a small liberal arts college
>read 2-4 books every 2 weeks, used to read more but busy with teaching
>broke af and feeling like academia was a bad career move

>> No.16843982

>Embedded systems engineer
>Around 25, not counting audio books

>> No.16843984

I want he r to piss on the lfoor

>> No.16843986


>> No.16843988

At least you have your unicorn job

You should probably start learning copywriting or some other artsy skill your can make a better living off of.

>> No.16843993
File: 17 KB, 595x217, revierw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, which one you wrote this?

>> No.16843996

>feeling like academia was a bad career move
Correct. 200 Years ago? Perfect. 100 Years ago? Pretty nice. 70 Years ago? Comfy. 40 Years ago? Pushing it a little bit... But academia from 30 years ago to today? Don't.

>> No.16844000

I've had pussy with only one girl before and she died 3 years ago because dumbass teenagers decided to text and drive without noticing a stop sign and T-boned her car, that was 3 years ago.
Look on the brightside anon, you're getting more than most anons on 4chan

>> No.16844013

Barnes and nobles?

>> No.16844014

Pseuds in this thread! Kek

>Published author, publisher
>reads 304, 932 books annually

>> No.16844033

>you're getting more than most anons on 4chan
I'm sorry about the girl, I'd feel bad if my ex died. I don't feel hatred towards her or anything, she just got a better life after she left me which makes me feel like shit, but yeah at least I'm not a kissless vigin. But it really hits hard after a year and you start craving it. Fuck. I need someone to cuddle me.

>> No.16844041

Law professors probably have it pretty nice, professors in general have it alright I'd say

>> No.16844050

Not here in Cali. Believe me.

>> No.16844052

>Currently attending school for nursing

>> No.16844055

>meat cutter
>dunno, around 20

>> No.16844058

>Oman only has 7
Oman is a country that is doing well for itself, and as of 2016 their literacy rate is 94.90%, what gives?

>> No.16844068

Shit even Law professors?

>> No.16844075

I feel you, the girls I've dated in a past got me hooked on cuddling.
Just get a dog, that helps, and besides my life doesn't revolve around girls, if I feel lonely I just go listen to some music or read a book. If I'm going to be lonely at least I'll be having fun.
Hopefully this covid shit blows over soon, despite my aspergers I'm still very sociable some days, and every day I'm talkative. The lessened socialization is annoying. Osmosis of knowledge through interaction is a real thing that I miss.

>> No.16844077

Why are these degenerate unrelated thumbnails even allowed on here?

>> No.16844083

Pretty solid number for a meat cutter. What do you read?

>> No.16844089

>fake tits

>> No.16844094

Jannies arbitrarily apply their 4chan magic like any other plebeian drunk with petty power.

>> No.16844099

I really want this state to burn the fuck down already. We even have to go to these "Law Inclusivity" bootcamps or whatever to learn about how we should always assume females are to be believed when they claim rape.

>> No.16844114

>Law Inclusivity
Searched it up but didn't get any results, not saying you're lying or something but I wanna see some further information on that

>> No.16844116

>Osmosis of knowledge through interaction is a real thing that I miss.
I fucking feel you bro. And my life doens't revolve around girls either... but damn once you try pussy from a girl that wears bunny-embroidered sweaters it hits different.

>> No.16844120
File: 57 KB, 640x449, thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A Connecticut judge denied a request to cut short probation for a Long Island woman convicted of falsely accusing two former Sacred Heart University football players of raping her four years ago.

>> No.16844128

how can you tell? I just want to bury my nose up her fleshy vulva.

>> No.16844139

Because it's not the name of it. I'd have to go and look up what's actually called. I'm not going to recall something I paid 0 attention to.

>> No.16844147

I suspected as much, do come back and post something if you find more information

>> No.16844151

Just move? I'm pretty sure any other state won't force that shit down your throat. Cali just a different animal.

>> No.16844161
File: 57 KB, 1200x630, gucci-multicolour-Embroidered-Bunny-Sweater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pussy from a girl that wears bunny-embroidered sweaters
Like this?

>> No.16844171

reverse image search, use yandex.

>> No.16844181
File: 241 KB, 1200x1200, file_a84ade717a_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like this.

>> No.16844187

Oh damn.

>> No.16844215

>I just read Bukowski's entire bibliography in chronological order every year