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File: 209 KB, 1200x1200, cornel west.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16841276 No.16841276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>99% of progressive left politicians believe in some form of god
>99% of progressive left philosophers and political commentators are atheists who think religion is pure evil and you're unironically a bad person for believing in any kind of god
Has anyone written about this disconnect?

>> No.16841289

Joe Biden is right wing, sweetie.

>> No.16841306

Bernie is Jewish
AOC is Catholic
Ilhan Omar is Muslim
Cori Bush is an ordained pastor

but progressive youtube is 100% atheist, Chomsky is atheist, Zizek is an atheist, virtually any leftist writer you could name except Cornel West is an atheist

>> No.16841308

>99% of progressive left politicians believe in some form of god [so as to win re-election]

>> No.16841343

the correct take
None of these people actually believe in those religions.

>> No.16841349

>AOC is Catholic
Doesn't she support abortion or something?

>> No.16841356


>> No.16841388

Just badges on their identity sash, doubt any actually take their "religion" seriously. The only thing they vaguely worship is whatever progress means this week. Grifters like anyone else

>> No.16841396

How can she condone sinful behavior and claim to be Catholic? I'm not a TradCath and neither is Francis but even he doesn't support liberalizing abortion

>> No.16841404

usually liberal Catholics including moderates like Biden say "I don't believe the government has the right to enforce my beliefs on others" as well as "banning abortion just means that poor people will resort to dangerous abortion and rich people will find a way to have safe abortion, so instead we must attack the reasons why abortion happens"

>> No.16841409


>> No.16841418

i don't know bro, why did that turkish girl from my class have sex with me even though she's wearing a headscarf?
also, i'd rather AOC had an abortion than actual offspring.

>> No.16841420

>Bernie is demsoc
>AOC is neolib
>Ilhan Omar is neolib

>Chomsky is anarchist
>Zizek is communist

intellectuals tend to be more extreme than candidates because they can be.

think of the anti-racism of mainstream right figures and the racism of right "intellectuals"

>> No.16841431

>I don't believe the government has the right to enforce my beliefs on others
>proceeds to create a secular religion of democratic liberalism which is the farthest thing from voluntary
God we need to Holocaust all self-proclaimed progressive "Christians", they are completely useless

>> No.16841435

>"banning abortion just means that poor people will resort to dangerous abortion and rich people will find a way to have safe abortion, so instead we must attack the reasons why abortion happens"
Only one politician understood how to make this work in practice, but America tossed him aside without regard in its usual stupidity. My man kanye had the answers. Pay people not to have abortions and suddenly they won't.

>> No.16841451

see >>16841308

>> No.16841455

Makes sense now, thanks

>> No.16841460

>I draw the line at abortion
Why are people like this? If you aren't railing against smaller sins then it's useless to suddenly draw the line here. Mainstream Catholics say nothing about what directly leads to abortion (fornication) yet suddenly act surprised and in horror abortion is happening.

>> No.16841473

in europe we only turn to god when our football team is losing.

>> No.16841490

Us too. Except it's the football where people tackle each other.

>> No.16841491

Isn't Chris Hedges a Presbyterian Minister that tells his readers that having some form of spirituality is deeply important? Isn't he also a prolific leftist that even fought with the rebels in sarajevo?

>> No.16841508

>None of these people actually believe in those religions
West is legit but he's nothing like your typical fundamentalist Christian.

>> No.16841526

People on the left don't care if you are religious unless you are a neocon.

>> No.16841528

I meant the politicians mentioned in the post, not Cornell.

>> No.16841876 [DELETED] 

why do wh*toids love this nigger so much? does anyone remember that time when he kept saying prostate, when he meant to say prostrate?

>> No.16841888


its because in the US you can't be an atheist politician. its THE restriction. in europe theres plenty of atheist center left and left wing politicians. even right-wing politicians are often atheist, especially the nationalist ones

>> No.16841891 [DELETED] 

Stopped reading at whiteoid

>> No.16841904

neoliberal doesn't mean anything at all, other than "thing I don't like"

>> No.16841917 [DELETED] 

Stopped reading at (You)

>> No.16841919

>99% of progressive left politicians believe in some form of god
Certainly not the case globally.

>> No.16841923

It's almost like there are two distinctly different groups of the "progressive left" that you have ignorantly clumped together.

Seriously though, it is interesting that the "God left" tends to be more interested in identity politics (your image for example) and the "non-God left" tend to be more interested in class (Christopher Hitchens comes to mind)

>> No.16841931 [DELETED] 

wh*Toid and nigger scum

>> No.16841970
File: 23 KB, 600x439, db4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies are faggots

>> No.16842025

Yeah. Americans as whole are still so wrapped up in religion that identifying as an atheist, or probably even a non-practicing believer, would kneecap any candidate.
t. American

>> No.16842030

The USA will catch on eventually oh ye of holy numbers.

>> No.16842739
File: 96 KB, 225x232, goddeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16843102

saying chomsky is an anarchist is kinda like saying America is a democracy

>> No.16843181

actual communists conducted state atheism
capital l leftism in the united states is an aesthetic for registered democrats

>> No.16843270

This. It's to win over the vaguely religious swing voters that cast their ballot on the basis of 'they seem like a good person'

>> No.16844409

LMAO, none of these people are atheists, and none are really Christians or Muslims either.

>> No.16844515

mac demarco

>> No.16844528

This, anyone who believes or says differently is a liar.

>> No.16844534

>Cornel West

Let's be honest, he's a glorified special education hire who doesn't write so much as scribble.

>> No.16844673

All the politicians listed are barely left. What because they have liberal-progressive values? America has no ideological left in their politics. And the ones who get in who are leftist have to tone it back bigtime if they want to stay in.

>> No.16844685

America has no ideological anything in their politics, you cliche-spouting retard.

>> No.16844696

>American Politicians have no ideologies
What on earth does this even mean?

>> No.16844710

Means that no piece of policy is meaningfully steered by ideology.

The masses are driven by the spectacle, and that tastes kinda like ideology around election season (I see why you and others get caught up in it, marketing works), but the American political apparatus chiefly exists to secure the happy operation of as many Walmart and Wendy’s franchises as possible.

>> No.16844737

Point taken, and I agree.

>> No.16844764

If you're not going to draw the line at baby killing you're just going to draw it wherever the jews tell you to.

>> No.16844775

Bingo. Moral gaslighting’s all it is.