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16840591 No.16840591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this and is willing to give a quick rundown? Are they totalitarians trying to institute a one world socialist government or are they good guys who realize that we need a reset to prevent us from catastrophe?

>> No.16840608

they took the same precautions during Spanish Flu over a hundred years ago

>> No.16840612

The ruling class are clearly working in our interests. All experts agree.

>> No.16840726

Us goy cattle arent getting anything.Nothing is going to get better

>> No.16841750

>technocratic global capitalists seeking to Uber-ify every aspect of your material being

>> No.16841845

that sucks
but i guess it isn't all bad

>> No.16841879

>Uber-ify every aspect of your material being
The irony is that insecure and precarious workers have been a major vector for spreading the virus. When someone works multiple jobs as like - hotel security guard and uber driver - it inevitably creates risks. Same for people that have no alternative but to show up to their jobs in the middle of a pandemic. Socialism would be preferable. COVID-19 is the perfect opportunity to take the next step in making everyone miserable, insecure, indebted, sick, and forever paying tolls to corporations and governments.

>> No.16842020

Socialism has been so bastardized as an instrument of how the ruling classes appeases the undermensch that at this point we might as well discard it and rebuild the ideological school from the ground up.

>> No.16842052

i think the actual truth is that nations, like humans, are inherently corrupt. whatever system you're working with is probably going to fly by okay at the beginning, so long as you ignore the insane amounts of bloodshed it's likely to inflict on the others for the sake of resources. once that initial bloodshed is over, you get a luxurious golden age for a generation or two while subverters work their way through the institutions and ideologies you've erected based on truths you've discovered in your mode of existence. tear it down, start over, it'll just start over. the labels and reflections about these beliefs are basically useless. might makes right in this world and only God will save you.

the former but that's literally the function of the state. human society at large is Satan's plaything.

>> No.16842168
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>> No.16842187

It wasn't even close.
The Spanish Flu killed much more people with much smaller world population and much less globalization.
And the world didn't stop.

>> No.16842199
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>> No.16842212
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>> No.16842220
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>> No.16842243
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The thing about that is, socialism is NOT when the government does stuff. That’s a Marxian bastardization. Authoritarian-socialism and social-democracy can be discarded. But what about original socialism needs to rebuilt from the ground up?

>> No.16842251

On Brexit day (31st of January 2020) I was in spoons and some some smackhead came up and started telling me about how they were planning some fake virus and then Bill Gates is gonna make us all take microchips and that we can't buy or sell without and that's going to be the mark of the beast and the beginning of the end times.

>> No.16842257

>Describing NatSoc-ialism
Libertarian-socialism is anti-state, anti-capitalist and proactively Green. Don’t trust sucdem, eco-fascism or tankies

>> No.16842261

butters what are you even talking about right now

>> No.16842272

What's with trannies and ancom? They make tankies seem better just by having comparatively fewer trannies.

>> No.16842286

Nick Land but gay and boring

>> No.16842292
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Actual socialism. It isn’t supposed to be statist.
Social welfare programs are to sweeten the bad deal that state-capitalism has always been. It ISN’T socialism

What is it with anonymous pedophile Catholics and their obsession with trans and shitposting worthless junk all the time?

>> No.16842305
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>> No.16842340
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>People deciding how to love for themselves?
What is your malfunction? Out one side of your mouth you hate the Soviets for being authoritarian and on the other you bootlick. Wtf?

>> No.16842344

How are you meant to get all the elements of your globalist cabal to agree on anything as all encompassing as this, especially when there is no way to ensure everyone members interests are taken care of.

>> No.16842350

Type. Cute, but I meant “live”

>> No.16842372

anarchism seems so stupid. where are you going to get your water from butterfly?? youre going to die in a california drought because you cant build a well, you cant build a water sanitation planet, a desalination plant, you dont know about piping. youre going to be so thirsty and all you will have are your tears while crying why did we become anarchists. thats your future

>> No.16842396
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what is anarchism ideology?

>> No.16842398
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Forest anon is doing well out there. Not everyone can live exactly like that of course, but your comment is quite facetious anyway. People make their world run. Money “profiting” is a game devised to control the slaves. The retired class are parasitic, not your betters.

>> No.16842409

specificaly in the spanish flu we had organized anti-mask factions. it was later concluded most of the dead died not from the flu (which is caused by a virus) but from bacterial pneumonia from the use of masks.

as you can see, those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it, and the people they lambast as "conspiracy theorists" are proven right time and time again. a little scepticism does a society good.

>> No.16842451

>the anarchist history of upland southeast asia
fucking kek

>> No.16842474

should the us have a military?

>> No.16842506
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Fact check: Fauci study did not attribute 1918 Spanish flu deaths to bacterial pneumonia caused by masks
>Social media users have been publishing a screenshot of a tweet, which erroneously claims that during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, people died of bacterial pneumonia from masks and that Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, knew this and wrote about it in 2008. In fact, the study that Fauci co-authored in 2008 does not mention masks and found that bacterial pneumonia led to most deaths in the Spanish flu pandemic when it had been preceded by “viral damage,” or influenza infection.

The 2008 study (here), which Fauci did co-author, explains that the influenza virus destroyed cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs which created a pathway for bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat to invade the lungs and cause bacterial pneumonia.

>Fauci makes it very clear in his description of the study that bacterial pneumonia was preceded by the influenza virus: “The weight of evidence we examined from both historical and modern analyses of the 1918 influenza pandemic favors a scenario in which viral damage followed by bacterial pneumonia led to the vast majority of deaths. In essence, the virus landed the first blow while bacteria delivered the knockout punch." (here).

To claim the 1918-1919 flu pandemic deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia alone is inaccurate as it was viral damage from the flu that made people susceptible to bacterial pneumonia in the first place.



>> No.16842507

Read definition of socialism. Libertarian-socialism is an oxymoron.

>> No.16842522

Is this some kind of satirical LARP?

>> No.16842554

The US as we know it shouldn’t be. (Like France should seriously run them all out of town) the soldiers should be brought back. Stop fighting for the benefit of the corporate-state, come and defend your neighborhoods (from reactionaries) and if need be, defend from invasion. But ideally every able bodied person should take part in this defense. (Not offense!) practiced world ‘round, this world lead to peace.
Who published this definition? You’re so naive

>> No.16842558

This is no LARP. I am the RISSIAN BOT DETECTOR DISINFO ERADICATION SERVICES. We are legion. God bless and may truth light your path.

>> No.16842611

I had an actual lol when I read that

>> No.16842621

schwab the nigger writes some book every couple of years trying to predict the future. every time he is wrong, obviously

>> No.16842803
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woooooow i was sure debonked this time
thank god we have the ministry of truth ot the rescue

>> No.16842942

The anti-social retard subscribes to a political ideology that is incompatible with human nature, what a surprise.

>> No.16842956

It was better with the typo. uWu

>> No.16842971

Yooo. You realize...that workers do all that stuff right...that its people that do those things that we require?

>> No.16842977

At least you got twatter and fuckbook to tell you what's what.

>> No.16843040

Why are you still posting here without having answered this: >>16820648 ?

>> No.16843198

What they claim it is: A broad international effort spearheaded by the World Economic Forum involving private interests and state actors to take the opportunity presented by the economic lapse and positive environmental shifts caused by the COVID epidemic to develop a more sustainable economy

What it absolutely isn't: a socialist New World Order take over aiming to establish global communism

What it is: A money & power grab by the elites under the guise of environmentalism, possibly involving a "sacrifice" of living standards for the working class, to ensure that no matter what changes the future brings they are prepared for every contingency, stay one step ahead, and assert their control.

>> No.16843219

What it is is worse than what it isn't.

>> No.16843352

For anybody interested, you can take it from the horse's mouth. There's a "white paper" on the official website that outlines the agenda.

I'm conflicted about whether it is a genuinely innocuous and well meaning initiative for environmental reforms within various industries or whether it is a veiled attempt to push for the imposition of austerity measures on the working class why the elite continue to have it all. (No more commercial flights! It's bad for the environment, but our private jets are the exception, we don't use them enough for it to make a difference!)


>> No.16843427

>bacterial pneumonia from the use of masks
a little education does a society better

>> No.16843446

I don't think they intend the inevitable consequences of all of this. The powerful people are obeying their instincts of accumulating wealth and institutionalizing mechanisms to allow that wealth to survive and grow through the next generations, they just don't realize more and more people will only be able to scrape by and eventually will not tolerate it anymore, regardless of the propaganda and the degeneration they manage to impose on us.

>> No.16843563

you realize the government is just people right... like we decided to create a health department made of certain people and those people decided its a good idea to not have toxic chemicals in our water so we passed regulations on the subject and now the rest of the people arent allowed to do certain things that fuck over everyone else. crazy!

>> No.16843590

These elitist groups have never been innocuous or well meaning. They only care about themselves.

>> No.16843600

>it was later concluded most of the dead died not from the flu (which is caused by a virus) but from bacterial pneumonia from the use of masks.
LMAO what the fuck. that is the most retarded shit i have ever heard.

>> No.16843647

Yes. That's what I realize as an Anarchist. That it's always been people working cooperatively to better society. That this could exist putside of bureaucracy, hegemony, and monopolization.

>> No.16843673

the thing difficult to understand is what's the frontier. at what point stops being people organizing and working cooperatively and becomes a government?

>> No.16843717

Nobody who willingly wears a mask is ever going to leave their house again. Those people will never reproduce, either, so covid is sort of like a reset.

>> No.16843731

That's a very real and rational criticism. If you consider communities of people governments than Anarchists want to create a government without hierachy over the people, a toold of the people organized horizontally and with the requisite public engagement to ensure that those trusted with power are able to be held accountable.

>> No.16843738

>i think the actual truth is that nations, like humans, are inherently corrupt. whatever system you're working with is probably going to fly by okay at the beginning

The real problem is that society (*especially* democratic society) doesn't scale well. If we focused on our local cities and counties and worked with and in them, we would be better off (both because corruption is harder to keep up when you're in a confined space, and because even the corrupt will end up spending within their local communities to make them more like what they want to see; this is why most cities had opera houses and theaters).

But with everything on huge national and global levels today, it's a shit show.

>> No.16843942

then the people helding them accountable are in risk of corruption (they become the most powerful). Or if its The People, it's hard to organize, demands a lot of time from everyone, people will have to work less or give less time to themselves and their family

>> No.16844296
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>> No.16844306
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>> No.16844473

Look dude I understand the implications. The theory is that largely things would be handled on the community level by people you know and this would be the primary source of governance. It gets very complicated and im only a fledgling. It's really very interesting though and hey, maybe read some Bookchin or Malatesta. Ir Bergman who has a very good introductory work. Even Chomsky's On Anarchism answers many of your concerns.

>> No.16844475

I don’t see how “what it is” and “what it absolutely isn’t” are contradictory here.

>> No.16844496

Thats because your definition of Socialism is filtered through 63 degrees of propaganda

>> No.16844518

It never was anything else

>> No.16844524

Evidently MI6 had just finished with him.

>> No.16844527

Oh cool, gimme the straight poop then. I’m pretty much just informed by PragerU videos.
There’s a serious dearth of Knowledgeable Authentic Communists on the web, so this should be enlightening.

>> No.16844582

Satisfying human needs by collective use and ownership of the tools, machines, and factories that produce the goods that society deems necessary. There's state socialism and minarchist or libertarian socialism plus many more minor schools of socialist thought. EcoSocialism for instance.

You stated his two assertions were similar because being a dedicated 4channer(im assuming) you believe Socialism IS a plot by the global elite to ensure that they have control over humanities labor force and can control them via taxation and loss of freedom.

Its not socialism unless the workers own the means of production. Idgaf what's said.

>> No.16844595

You know what happens when you assume?

>> No.16844615

Also, wha happen when elite consolidation is branded socialism? When everybody, including socialists and anti-socialists believe it’s socialism? What if workers just really believe they own the means of production?
What if the Revolution is a marketing campaign?
Will Marx ascend from on high to set the record straight? Or will a Bezos hire write over him?
Y’all backwards-ass niggas need to into postmodernism ASAP, the 19th century was 500 years ago.

>> No.16844622

Its an anonymous forum, I either make assumptions about who I'm speaking with using context or I waste my precious sanity establishing debate boundaries and definitions.

Hut enlighten me.

>> No.16844627

Die whore

>> No.16844630

Wrong, you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” Fucking easy one and you whiffed it.

>> No.16844640

It already has been branded Socialism by pathetic right-wingers avting in bad faith. It doesnt matter though, whatever happens happens.

Socialism didnteend with Marx there have been many many reiteratons, revisions, and improvements. None of them would allow corporate rule as easily as Neoliberal Capitalism or its cousin Fascism or their retatded uncle Libertarianism would.

>> No.16844643


>> No.16844654

What about pathetic left-wingers acting in bad faith? For a Marxist, you seen very caught up in binary political ideology, friend.
And you’re right. It didn’t end with Marx; its corpse is being piloted by PepsiCo. And the signs and symbols associated with it will continue to secure the continued success of capitalist consolidation.
You have it backwards.

>> No.16844667

This Marxism that’s been carefully tooled and adjusted for 150 years exists as Joe Biden’s merkin.

>> No.16844706

Hilariously wrong on both accounts. I dont pretend to be bi-partisan. I sift through my beliefs and worldviews and discard the rotten lest they infect the rest. Because of this rigourous self realization I've completely discarded any sympathy for right-wing ideology as it's all pure rot, festering and making bastards out of all that was once good in the world.

>> No.16844725

Now who’s educating whom on Marx? What did that old crank have to say about ideology, hmm? Maybe somebody’s had a little too much capitalist-juice injected into his veins? Maybe someone’s proving me right in spite of himself?
I recommend further sifting.

>> No.16844731

What's the opposite of educating? That's the feeling I'm getting from our conversation.

>> No.16844743

According to an online thesaurus, I’m neglecting or destroying you.
But one must be broken down before they’re built up. Baby steps.

>> No.16844756

Lmao. You lack substance and wit. Me learning anything from you is fundamentally impossible. This is the missing objective universal truth that philosophers have been searching for across the ages. Groundbreaking.

>> No.16844770

That’s what they said when Diogenes was yanking his dick in public, and look at how that turned out.
You can lead a horse to a tome of life-changing insight, but you can’t make him read. I could’ve helped you get over your ideological hangups, but you’re just stamping your hooves all over the pages, fucking the binding up.

>> No.16844777


>> No.16844782


Pathetic copes.

>> No.16844816

>There’s a reason for that. We are what academics call a “systemic amplifier”. In other words, we assemble the values, priorities and status symbols of our system; we patchwork them into stories and those stories will resonate throughout society as a whole. Those that we do not (whether intentionally or unintentionally), will not.
These people have such an inflated view of themselves lol. Is this what advertisement execs really think they are doing in the world? Please bring back the Mad Men era when they all knew it was cynical bullshit and did not have this vile savior complex. That "white paper" (this isn't what a white paper is btw, it's an advertisement placard), is nothing but a bunch of puffed up buzzwords.

It seems to me that this "great reset" is no more than a marketing gimmick for corpos to trick themselves into thinking that capitalism can fix ecological disasters, maybe by putting in some more "go green!" and "recycle!" subliminal messages in their ads.

If these are the people who are going to be in charge of responding to climate change, we're fucked.

>> No.16844884

>it's another "that borderless organization founded on liberal values which forbids countries from adopting national industrial policies and forces them to accept competition is actually a socialist organization" episode