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File: 614 KB, 816x563, obama book.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16840169 No.16840169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Based obama?

>> No.16840201 [DELETED] 

He's just trying to distract from the fact that he was gay in college. Any conservative site has tons of pics of him chilling with that gay arab dude with the giant mustache etc.

>> No.16840205

Fake news, Obama is gay.

>> No.16840213

I found Obama generally disappointing. He was just another boring suit wearing smooth talking neolib lawyer. At least Trump brought something we’ve never seen before. I hope AOC wins the election in future. We need more spicy timeline.

>> No.16840244 [DELETED] 

Anyone who actually paid attention to policies knew he was to the right of Hillary. I don't know what people were expecting.

>> No.16840261

Literally me

>> No.16840274

Sounds like everyone under 40 who’s an “intellectual”

>> No.16840282

white girls don't go for black guys. sorry barry

>> No.16840283

>At least Trump brought something we’ve never seen before.
Like what? He's just another neocon.

>> No.16840291

kek, this was me throughout uni and it worked. I was always right wing

>> No.16840300

>He doesn't know

>> No.16840309

>He's just another neocon.

A neocon BUT retarded!

>> No.16840311

Also AOC is just a shitlib. Nothing new will be brought from the current system. This country is broken. The only thing to wait for is its decline and collapse.

>> No.16840319

you can post all the blacked memes you want, dating profile preference statistics tell the story. black people are the least romantically desirable across all demographics.

>> No.16840335

>A shit lib
IF AOC is a shitlib what is the rest of the Dem party? Her politics are something between a DemSoc and a 1960s progressive with a healthy dose of modern identity politics. Not shitlib
>He's so insecure that he has dating profile statistics on his mind 24/7
Christ bud it ain't that serious

>> No.16840342

he literally made the entire country mald lmao
it won't collapse dumbass, it'll just become an irrelevant country on the world stage like a Spain or Portugal. Why do pseuds always say it'll collapse

>> No.16840345

>on his mind 24/7
if this is how you want to rephrase "remembering something", sure.

>> No.16840356

>IF AOC is a shitlib what is the rest of the Dem party
Centrist and Right-Centrists
>DemSoc and a 1960s progressive with a healthy dose of modern identity politics
So a shitlib

There is no Left in America.

>> No.16840361 [DELETED] 

>Why do pseuds always say it'll collapse
Pseuds only have two historically scenarios available in their minds: Weimar Germany or Ancient Rome.

>> No.16840373


A bit of an absurd take. If someone like AOC or Sanders aren't left I have to question what scale you're using.

>America will fade into obscurity
That can't be its end. That's the end for a nation like Japan. America is massive and only getting bigger. Going peacefully into that good night is not an option.

>> No.16840381

Neocons are typified by their war-mongering. Trump is the most peaceful president you’ve had in a long time.

>> No.16840400


>> No.16840417

We need that heroin though.

>> No.16840439

Spooked. Why the fuck am I obligated to listen to some suited up duckweed elected by the People? I am not the People, nor are You.

>> No.16840560

WHy are you trying to grift my Constitutionally guarantee'd personhood away from me? Who will hold you accountable for this? This dangerous oversight needs to be closed down immediately the mods should make: A new rule and delete 4chan archives under the premise of copyright infringement.

>> No.16840602

>I know nothing about 20th century politics

>> No.16840669

>fake news article trying to play up comparatively small numbers
What wars did he start? If he's a warmongering neocon, why has he worked to help broker several middle eastern peace deals and avoided new wars? How brainwashed are you?

>> No.16840739

All typical art-hoe archetypes to this very day.

>> No.16840764

>affectionate but chaste

>> No.16840769

Since this is a /pol/ thread
My mom has been watching OAN and has been buying their propaganda about covid and wants everyone to go out and die for the economy. My grandma is living with us as well. Why are Republicans such wackos?

>> No.16840770

Didn't this Obama biography pic originate on /lit/ and now it's being fed to us as Twitter OC? Sad!

>> No.16840773

He's the polar opposite of a neocon. Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.16840778

Same shit, different name

>> No.16840779

>He's the polar opposite of a neocon
Blumpf is a communist?

>> No.16840792

Yeah, it's pretty crazy how [political leaning I don't adhere to] is prone to propaganda, but [political leaning I adhere to] is exempt from it.

Weird stuff, I tells ya.

>> No.16840797

Republicans want you to die for the economy why do you defend them?

>> No.16840815


>severely reduced our military presence around the world
>btfo NATO
>btfo UN
>negotiating with North Korea
>good terms with Russia
>protectionist policy on US manufacturing against illegal immigration and outsourcing (H1B ban still active from covid)

literally only neocon position was close relation to Israel and sanctioning Persia.

And that all goes out the window after the Israelis betrayed him in supporting the election fraud coup. Jared is about to split the kike faction unironically the ambitious little cunt.

>> No.16840818

Cope for the fact that leftism has internationally been coopted by freaks and social outcasts

>> No.16840822

Yes, yes, Trump is a based neofascist monarchist. You fucking retard.

>> No.16840831

>There is no Left in America
Correct. And that's a good thing.

>> No.16840837

There is no Left in the US and that is why the US is in decline

>> No.16840860
File: 131 KB, 960x960, 1595339712676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>freaks and social outcasts
modern take
they are social outcasts because they are degenerative and just a slide down the slippery slope of diabolic influence

are you going to say something?

>> No.16840910
File: 158 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20201121_230257_406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16841018

do you plan on posting this every day from now on?

>> No.16841034

Just like a pizza cutter; all edge and no point.

>> No.16841036

Surely you are aware that the first few that became what we know know as neocons were Trotskyists?

>> No.16841139

>it won't collapse dumbass, it'll just become an irrelevant country on the world stage like a Spain or Portugal. Why do pseuds always say it'll collapse

because unlike spain and portugal, which are relatively homogenous, the usa is full of antagonistic, disparate ethnic groups that will kill each other if given the chance. we also filled to the brim with guns and ammo unlike continental spics. all we need is a situation where police don't get paid and stop going to work. the cities and its peripheries will get fucked. nigger riots all over the usa, just like in minneapolis. that would indeed constitute a collapse.

>> No.16841158

dumb nigger can't even respond to the points raised and has to grandstand with sarcasm. just admit you're a nincompoop.

>> No.16841180

That gave me a good chuckle

>> No.16841182
File: 1.18 MB, 382x284, image.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16841203

see >>16840602

>> No.16841211

We don't live in the 20th century, you retarded boomer sperg.

>> No.16841243

cringe, retard

>> No.16841314

Didn't he say he admired TS Eliot's conservatism more than left-wing politics?
Anyway, he is probably a fake leftie. But then again, all smart leftists are.

Source: am a fake leftist, and literally pretend to vote for the other side in order to have sex with the cuties. Guess what? It works. All women I fucked have been feminists with the possible exception of 1 (one).

>> No.16841417

Trump is an American bonapartist

>> No.16841628

Neo-cons were created by former Trotskyites

>> No.16841712
File: 211 KB, 1440x1977, 1605979431877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16841746

Its funny because Foucault gave that reason for why he got interested in philosophy, "to pick up men"

>> No.16841751

One of the worst presidents ever but a neocon was the one thing he wasn't.

>> No.16841758

Is this real?

>> No.16841760

Trotsky didn't invent aggressive foreign policies

>> No.16841761

props to him for showing vulnerability like that.

there was this great line from Phantom of the Paradise (dir. Brian De Palma) where Winslow says "I never let my desire influence my aesthetic judgments!!" and the girl he's talking to just nods her head and smiles.

>> No.16841770

Almost like getting ladies has nothing to do with knowledge or whatever and just charisma and looks.

>> No.16841788

Dropped more bombs than Bush or Obama

>> No.16841799

Rip. Sorry fren. I hope she wakes up soon.
He made no assertion that others are exempt from propaganda, only pointed out a prticularly harmful and insidious brand of propaganda that has personally affected his life. You aren't cool or intelligent.

>> No.16841808

He made neocons seethe more than liberals

>> No.16841810

Fucking hilarious.

Before the midterms some bugmen for Spin or Vice or HuffPo or FagBot or NogSucker —I can't remember— wrote an article about interviewing Obama in the oval office. It was typical bugman fanboy stuff: fawning over the articulate magical negro (Limbaugh was right about this, then went on to do the same fawning over Trump) but there was one bit that stuck in my memory. At one point the interviewer made a tense joke about state secrets. Obama's jocular reply was something about the precision of a drone strike. The writer spent another sentence describing Barack's unnerving smile. The impression that I got was that for all his enlightened neoliberalism, Obama was enjoying his casual use of death from above.

I think your meme is more insightful than you realize.

>> No.16841900

Dont worry we will have AOC in 2024 followed by Tucker Carlson in 2028 followed by american civil war part 2

>> No.16841916

the russians were well versed in that by then

>> No.16841932
File: 185 KB, 800x531, POTUS 2020 HONK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. The next administration will be Kanye West. He's slotted to be the conservative reaction to Biden/Harris. He's been making all the right moves. He was on the ballot in 12 states. That requires a very large political machine. This is not a drill.

>> No.16842268
File: 1.03 MB, 1910x1796, text543dd47390a0b33ec95d43c2f551945d-gigapixel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gay for underage kids
literally going to prison for raping kids
if they are groomed enough they will
be sure she knows about obama's connections to child sex rings
post my anti-rapist messages on twitter, pls
now obama is experimenting with children
if so, i'll be there too
speaking of pizza, have you heard of obama's connections to child sex rings?
the obama child rape allegations most certainly are
the children he raped showed much more vulnerability
and getting children has nothing to do with charisma or looks: it has to do with being personal friends with jeffery epstein
i wonder which one raped the most kids

>> No.16842291

>He's just another neocon.
literally the only reason he is not able to pull off a coup right now is that the military leadership are all seething at him for not starting wars

>> No.16842304

>i wonder which one raped the most kids
Idk prolly Trump though, attended a ton of Epstein parties.

>> No.16842329
File: 29 KB, 600x358, obama tv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. Did he not realize that the way to attract leftist girls is through unapologetic chad traditionalism? What you need to understand is that 9 times out of 10, female professors who are really into deconstructing literature and School of Resentment style theory are BEGGING to get fucked by Big Canonical Cock. I am being serious. I am not being ironic. For my survey course of English lit from Beowulf to 1800, my professor fit this trope exactly; she was about 28, fairly cute (not an art hoe, but with shorter brown hair), and very into “fighting back” against traditional views of medieval literature. Queering Langland, "there were black people in the Middle Ages," all of that. On the first day, we discussed the concept of a literary canon, which she argued inherently favored those works produced by people in power. Needless to say, I disagreed. Because I happened to have a class in the next room right before her course, I was always the first to arrive, usually about 5 minutes before anyone else. We would have brief conversations, first about whatever material we were going to cover that day and then about random topics- other books and poems, little details of our lives, etc.

Slowly I began to realize she was dropping small hints of her sexual availability. Nothing too risqué. She would say things like "Old English poetry (she never said Anglo-Saxon because that was a 'white supremacist dogwhistle') is so elegiac, it always makes me lonely" or "anon, you might like this article on the York mystery plays, I found it very stimulating," etc. What's more, these hints always came after I said something to defend the canon or canonical authors and traditional interpretations. For example, one day I happened to namedrop Harold Bloom during a conversation about Shakespeare's use of the carnivalesque. She made a face, and I said "Love him or hate him, you have to admit Bloom presents a useful analysis of poetic influence across the history of English literature (or words to that effect)." She bit her lip, and for a second I wasn't sure if she was going to criticize our guy or what, but instead she mentioned that the Taming of the Shrew was playing at a local theater, subtly indicating she wished to go with me. We did end up going, and it was particularly fun to watch her watch Petruchio tame Katherine. She clearly loved it; I didn't bring it up, of course, but only a few days before she had said the play was irredeemably misogynistic. Needless to say, we had an enjoyable night.

>> No.16842334
File: 136 KB, 742x373, 1606009652602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16842366

Seen this posted already, get some new material.

>> No.16842375

I personally don't mind, its a comfy essay

>> No.16842448

Nice pasta

>> No.16842492

>literally made most of the world's media seethe for like 5 years straight
clearly did something different, this doesn't happen with 'just another'. probably the fact that he wasn't enough of a warmonger and wasn't the 'approved' candidate to begin with but some retard from nowhere.

>> No.16842541

he was your only principled president in like a hundred years, the rest are paper-thin puppets that jump 180 whenever the political establishment says so, however distasteful.

>> No.16842583

Principled? Please list off a few.

>> No.16843237

Knowledge of which author won Michael?

>> No.16843281

So he got friendzoned? OHNONONONO

>> No.16843729

You can hate Obama, but (low I)Q faggots do not belong on this board

>> No.16843751
File: 244 KB, 600x394, obama-on-ts-eliot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16843780

It's a shame he's got the MKULTRA trigger words HITLERMUSSOLINI in his brain. But that's a collective tragedy.

>> No.16843811
File: 162 KB, 1060x1200, reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i never said i was a q fag
and you don't need to be a q fag to recognize the obvious truth that anyone with any sort of power, whether that power be political or ecclesiastical or whatever, knows about and maybe even protects or participates in global child trafficking
here's the fucking ex ceo of r*ddit (a place you need to go back to) saying that she knew about epstein's pedo ring, but refused to do anything about it

>> No.16843841
File: 2.11 MB, 320x320, 1605648169785.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading 4chan posts about a 4chan post about a twitter post about a picture of a book about Obama talking about himself in college. Why do I waste my life on this stupid useless boring shit?

>> No.16843911

The Q thing was some kind of psyop. It did two things

• Made people who voted for Trump remain fanatically uncritical of him, and blind to his betrayal
• Associated anyone angry about the Epstein blackmail operation look like a right wing schizo, and possibly a [TRIGGER WARNING]Nazi[TRIGGER WARNING]

>> No.16843941

the jews have gotten very good at diverting public attention
back in the day they were very bad at it
for example, after the Baruch Goldstein shooting, to divert the world's scorn from israel, mossad planted a bomb in a catholic church in lebanon
most people knew that mossad had planted the bomb, and now the attention and scorn placed on israel was doubled

>> No.16844141

What the hell is that costume?

>> No.16844542

It's hit and miss with them. They hid their involvement with JFK very well. And 9/11
But like Yogi Bera said: "the more I practice the luckier I get." They've been getting more and more effective over the centuries.

Most parasites evolve towards either benign infection or actual symbiosis with the host. But jews just get more insidious. This makes me favor metaphysical theories.

>> No.16844638
File: 471 KB, 403x551, Leaked image from Marie-Hélène de Rothschild's 1972 event.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elites enjoy parties that are expensive and transgressive, and also let them escape their personas. The masked ball is an old tradition of the upper classes. You may remember the famous one in Romeo & Juliet.

The masses only begin to see darker forces and sinister motives in elite decadence when things are going badly for them.
For example, most of the stories about Marie Antoinette's haughty disdain for the poor were rumors created out of justifiable jealousy. By all reliable accounts she was a nice girl who was simply sheltered and had no idea what was going on outside the palace.

Normally the masses just fantasize about joining the club. Cinderella is that kind of story.

>> No.16844655

yes, goyim, nothing to see here :)))

>> No.16844885

type something like 'trump interview 70-80s' and see what i mean