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/lit/ - Literature

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16839019 No.16839019 [Reply] [Original]

Bought this. What am I in for?

>> No.16839086

I never see Powys mentioned here. One of my favorite authors, one of the few I’ve read just about everything by. Just go in blind.

>> No.16839144

Sell me on him.

>> No.16839156

He's right. It's best if you read him without any expectations.

>> No.16839177

The fact that he’s been largely ignored by academics this whole time should be a selling point. IMO one of the last authors to live who truly had a passion for literature.

>> No.16839198

just read the book you retard

>> No.16839210

Not much of a selling point.

>> No.16839248

ok but what am i in for?

>> No.16839258

A unique reading experience. You won't find anyone like him.

>> No.16839272

post an excerpt desu

>> No.16839309

Christ people. His shits on libgen, just open up a pdf and read the first few pages. If it doesn’t click then you won’t like the rest of it because he doesn’t let up. For the few he does click with, he’s the only author who can scratch that itch.

This isn’t that hard.

>> No.16839932


>> No.16839961

Would this be a good Christmas present for a major Thomas Hardy fan?

>> No.16839969


>> No.16840001

A family drama/romance with significant religious and mythical musing interspersed throughout the text.

>> No.16840398

thanks anone, out of print, have to buy used

>> No.16840702

no good copies on libgen or b-ok

>> No.16841247


>> No.16841465

i can find a lot of his early and later works, but there are no quality editions of the wessex series or his welsh books, porius or owen glendower, just garbled conversions of pdfs.

does no one have copies of the books from the amazon store by the powys society?

>> No.16841472

it's new for 30 dollardoos on amazon

>> No.16841506

Not in bongland. Plenty of used ones though, I ordered one.

>> No.16841514

I'm in burgerland

>> No.16841555

I know. I'm in bongland and it's not on amazon here.

>> No.16841572

Oh I thought you said you weren't in bongland I misread. And that doesn't make sense Powys is a bong writer he should be in print there desu.

>> No.16842041


>> No.16843293


>> No.16844277
