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File: 363 KB, 1218x1600, Adolf-Hitler-1933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16838649 No.16838649 [Reply] [Original]

What was in his library? Do you think he even had much time to read?

>> No.16838651

rightoids and reactionaries don't read

>> No.16838666

The projection is strong in this one

>> No.16838851

Uncle Tom's Cabin, Don Quixote and Karl May iirc

>> No.16839141

Das Kapital

>> No.16839151


this might be a genuine question OP, but it will inevitably devolve into political shitslinging and circlejerking

>> No.16839165

I'm pretty sure Henry Ford and De Gobineau were in there. I think he only read a lot in his younger days, after he became politically active it was somewhat restricted.

>> No.16839186

Your mom's a circlejerk, nigger

>> No.16839195

Running a Reich plus a world war sucks up time like a motherfucker. Is there any dictator union that can demand a forty hour work week?

>> No.16839224
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Hitler was famously a fan of British literature, especially Shakespeare, whom he oft quoted. Dead serious btw, look it up.

>> No.16839230

>Frederick II, memoirs
>von Kleist, collected works
>probably some books about the great Teutons of history, like: Charles Martel, Charlamagne, Frederick Barbarossa
at least the first two are confirmed

>> No.16839237

Genre fiction and YA

>> No.16839268

Marvel comics.

>> No.16839271

Kys faggot

>> No.16839284

Karl May was basically 19th century genre fic.

>> No.16839292

The Greeks, he loved Thucydides

>> No.16839299

He was a Nietzschfag, it is said he used to read him while he was in the trenches.

>> No.16839911
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>rightoids and reactionaries
damn I bet you think lgbt+ and the need for liberation,equality,and multiculturalism are social issues instead of natural causes of liberalism and capitalism
I'm essentially a gypsy mutt,but even I can see that multiculturalism and diversity will actually create a world without any diversity at all,the entire western world will look entirely the same,slightly brown,no diversity,diversity is a cope.
If Marx saw you niggers be proud of being the + in lgbt he would have lost his shit,do you not realise liberalism is the most convenient thing for the rich?
The majority of americans have opinions about north korea but they point at canada when you show them a map.
Not to say how much power rich people have,the west is indoctrinated to think that they can turn into women with 2020 tech,they can't,not even fucking close,transexuality is a mental illness.

If you want to shit on twitter conservatives and nazi extremists on pol go ahead,I don't think le joos are behind every evil and that muh white people are superior,but to say that the west(which you think you don't support but you do,faggot) deserves even the slightest bit of praise for still trying to self-genocide is retarded,the west must be destroyed so that all peoples can live in harmony in their own lands,as pure as they can be without incest,until we colonise space and give each ethnicity a planet,including a mutt planet,and this is coming from a provable balkanoid gipsy mutt
Based Satan saving the day again
Yes,this devolved into shitslinging
Yes gipsies should be somewhat related to indians,more than europeans
Yes I will sling shit at you pajeet style if I feel treathened,problem?
And yes I just found pic related on google and I am using it to shit on the first guy to reply,didn't even check it.

>> No.16840042
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There was no Nietzsche found in his library from what I know despite people acclaiming that he liked him, although it could have been burned by the allies.
Hitler read more than anybody on /lit/. There's a quote from "The Young Hitler I Knew" which stated: "At the beginning of February, Adolf returned to Vienna. His address remained the same, he told me when he left [...] I helped him carry his luggage to the station, four cases altogether unless I am mistaken, every one of them very heavy. I asked him what they contained, and he answered 'all of my belongings'. They were almost entirely books."

Shakespeare was one of his favorites, and by some accounts, he would read a book a night.
>The majority of americans have opinions about north korea but they point at canada when you show them a map.
Where'd you learn that from, gypsie? Vox? It's funny how you call him indoctrinated, then call for genocide of the West. Your people are scum niggers and all of Europe hates you, just like Americans hated the niggers a century ago. You're a subhuman failure and deserve nothing but death, don't delude yourself into believing you're intelligent enough to make rational decisions about politics.

>> No.16840081
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Also, it's always funny when Europeans (not to imply you're actually European) talk about Americans not knowing where certain countries are. The irony is, I and many other Americans can probably name/locate more European countries than Europeans can name/locate American states, despite most American states being just as large, and in many cases larger, than the European countries.

>> No.16840091
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I didn't call for genocide to the west anon,I very well think all western eurpean countries should be preserved too
Nationals Socialism will never be revived,nationalist movements in europe should work best if they support eachother.
White supremacy simply isn't doable today,the preservation of all white peoples is,I think you got me a little wrong there

>> No.16840108

>the west must be destroyed so that all peoples can live in harmony in their own lands,as pure as they can be without incest,until we colonise space and give each ethnicity a planet,including a mutt planet,and this is coming from a provable balkanoid gipsy mutt

>> No.16840114

This thread was going so well but now you've ruined it

>> No.16840123
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there's a book about his library

>> No.16840181
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The term ''white people'' and ''poc'' are also capitalist creations btw
Why do you defend America so much?
The west is in no way related to race,the west is related to judeo-christian values,wether you consider those good or not is another thing.
I would even say Rome wasn't western,it was great,it was european,but it was not western,the west was born only out of it's ruins.
I could go on about this,but I that would take a lot of time.
I don't see the west as racial anon
I unironically want to move to India someday once I have more money and finish some studies,even with the shit problem,I feel I belong there.
How is this a threat to muh white people?

>> No.16840199

There’s no need to speculate, historians have published bibliographies of his library. Basically everything everybody has said so far is correct.

Shakespeare, Don Quixtie, Gulliver’s Travels, Robinson Crusoe.

When he was younger he was a huge fan of cowboy stories.

Henry Ford’s tracts about jews

Various books about theology, and especially the occult.

It’s kind of all the stuff you would expect.

>> No.16840243

>Why do you defend America so much?
Because I'm a white American.
>The west is in no way related to race
Yes, it is.
>the West is related to judeo-christian values
This is the dumbest fucking shit I've ever heard. I suppose you're implying that Caesar came to power with "Judeo-Christian values," then? What about Alexander
>I would even say Rome wasn't western, it was great, it was European, but it was not western, the west was born only out of it's ruins.
So what you're saying is everything that you like isn't the West, and everything you dislike is considered the West. You came up with this arbitrary bullshit that makes no sense and only you agree to about how Judeo-Christian values are Western (because somehow the Jews are related to the West?). The West is a culture born out of a geographical position. All of Europe and America is "the West," and the culture that comes from these places is Western culture.
>I don't see the west as racial anon
You should, because the West is born out of one race, the Proto-Indo-European peoples that moved westward, hence the name "the West."
>How is this a threat to muh white people?
The West was built by white people, and its culture nursed by white people, and white people live in the West. You saying you want to destroy the West means you saying you want to destroy white culture and geography.

>> No.16840382

>I'm essentially a gypsy mutt
yes of course
your low iq evidenced by your leftist posts show that

>> No.16840531
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>Caesar came to power with "Judeo-Christian'' values
I specified I don't see Rome as western,nor greece,even if it's popular.
The west resulted out of extreme suffering and capitalist competition.
The location of the west is also beneficial,the waters of europe have granted them way more advanced boats than anyone.
The indo-european people succeded not because of their color,but because they invaded europe specifically.
Europes geography played a major role in the development of the west.
>somehow the Jews are related to the West?
To Rome?not so much
Rome was centered on pride,the politics of the west were always centered on guilt
Christianities influence on Europe was a major.
Without the clergy competing for power and waging self-destructive religious wars we would never see the west we have today.
Honestly,saying Judeo-Christian values aren't western is retarded,you should read more.
One of the reasons I don't like the west,the extreme fetish for jews.

The christians,in all their delusion,can live happier lives than what a redditor style atheist consumerist(and capitalist) lifestyle the west can provide.
Consumerism is also directly linked to the west,no society has ever been so centered around consuming shit like the west,wether it be food,vidya,anime,or whatever bullshit people can come up with to make a profit.
Consumerism is a dead end to civilization.
>You saying you want to destroy the West means you saying you want to destroy white culture and geography
I have no such intention
I believe in the preservation of the white race(s) too,the west is what is causing the shit birthrates,the west (capitalism) is what is calling people from africa to work and make children in Europe.
Rich joos might be playing a part,and those people should be punished for trying to genocide you,but most rich people are doing it because it's profitable.

It is simply not possible that there would just be a white revolution out of nowhere,especially one that would work,rather,you could preserve le white racerino by preserving all racerionos,that could gain a lot of traction.

>> No.16840617
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Am I racist if I want to preserve every race?
Or am I multicultural?
To the west being multicutural means mixing every race into one single boring peoples

The world today is fucked

I also think you are the leftist here,just like conservatives preted to be gay black men on twitter(a politician did that lmao) so do you
I do not identify with the modern left,despite unversal healthcare being good I bet they would somehow manage to make it benefit the corporations,which could continue promoting meme socialism and making it socially acceptable to cut your dick off,and have a infected hole with hair on the inside instead.

>> No.16840633

>Robinson Crusoe


>> No.16840656

>I specified I don't see Rome as western,nor greece,even if it's popular.
Your "specification" is fucking stupid, and doesn't matter or apply to anyone's thought processes but your own.
>The west resulted out of extreme suffering and capitalist competition.
>The location of the west is also beneficial,the waters of europe have granted them way more advanced boats than anyone.
Do you not know what "west" means? you realize it's a geographical position, correct?
>The indo-european people succeded not because of their color,but because they invaded europe specifically.
What the fuck are you trying to say?
>Europes geography played a major role in the development of the west.
Europe IS the west by definition. Holy shit.
>Honestly,saying Judeo-Christian values aren't western is retarded,you should read more.
The Jews have nothing to do with the west outside of their attempted destruction of it, and this idea that Christianity is Jewish and not European is bullshit propagated by non-whites.
>The christians,in all their delusion,can live happier lives than what a redditor style atheist consumerist(and capitalist) lifestyle the west can provide.
So a minute ago you were saying "The West" is everything Judeo-Christian, yet now you're saying that Christians are happier than Westernized people?
>I have no such intention
You clearly do. It's like me saying "I want to destroy the entirety of Judaism" but claiming I'm not anti-semetic.

The reason I didn't respond to each of your points is because the vast majority of them have nothing to do with what either of us have said throughout this conversation, or are basically unintelligible.

>> No.16840867
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Damn,looks like you were the monke afterall
>Europe is the west by definition
Dude aren't you american?
>Americans are european
so you see the west as racial,rather than geographical?

>Jews have nothing to do with the west outside of their attempted destruction
They are the west is what is destroying white people right now,it is what led them to dominance and what will lead them to destruction,there is no longer a ballance of power,the burghers won,all that matters now is coin
>Christianity is european not jewish
Oh don't tell me,the saxons are actually a lost tribe of Israel,yeah no that's retarded
Too much delusion in one single statement,probably won't waste time on this one
>you said the west is everything judeo-christian
I said
>the west is related to judeo-christian values
Russia is not western by any means,it is ''white'' mainly orthodox christian country.
>you're saying Christians are not westernized people
Yes,the time when the clergy had real power is gone,these people reject many parts of the west today,a dedicated christian can avoid many of the temptations created by capitalism,however Christianity is not compatible with national-socialism,that is a delusion.
Christainity too can serve capitalism,many Christians want to welcome imigrants and refugees because the bible tells them too.
The west was created with european culture,but if european culture has become calling africans to fuck your wife then I am againts this type of european culture.

>> No.16840879


>> No.16840912

I wonder what he would have thought/ did think about Dosto, obviously i wouldn't be surprised if his work was banned being russian and all but I feel like he could be an acceptation

>> No.16840951

That's not an actual Hitler quote

>> No.16840965
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I really don't know how to explain it to you. I am literally arguing with a gypsie.
The West, Europe, was a geographical position based on what was the Western most area of the known world for thousands of years, since the migration of the Indo-Europeans. Because the peoples who populated this area were very closely related, both culturally and ethnically, they became the face of The West, morphing it largely into an ethno-cultural term. Americans are still part of the West because they stem from this ethno-cultural basis in Europe; this is in the same way that an Irish person migrating from Ireland to Germany is still Irish, yet someone (who is ethnically German) migrating from Germany to Ireland is not Irish.
>so you see the west as racial,rather than geographical?
It is both. Why do you keep trying to split ethnicity and geography from each other? You realize that they're intertwined, correct?
>They are the west is what is destroying white people right now,it is what led them to dominance and what will lead them to destruction,there is no longer a ballance of power,the burghers won,all that matters now is coin
You're not speaking English.
>Oh don't tell me,the saxons are actually a lost tribe of Israel,yeah no that's retarded
You're not speaking English.
>Russia is not western by any means,it is ''white'' mainly orthodox christian country.
Russia is Western and Eastern, moreso Western because of their Orthodoxy.

Regarding your last statement, you said that the West "was related" to Judeo-Christian values. You are now saying that Christianity is not related to the West, and that it depends whether a Christian rejects or accepts the West, which you already defined as inherently Judeo-Christian.
>The west was created with european culture,but if european culture has become calling africans to fuck your wife then I am againts this type of european culture.
The fact that you think the entirety of a 10,000 year system of ideals, theology, philosophy, and whatever else can be called culture, is defined by a small ~10 year period of slight political turmoil, speaks to your lack of properly working mental faculties. You are a dog, gypsie.

>> No.16840967

back to bunkerchan faggot

>> No.16841675

Nice dubs lads, keep em coming

>> No.16841698
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>What was in his library? Do you think he even had much time to read?

>> No.16841753

trips of truth

>> No.16841766

>In the Great Hall of the Linz Library are the busts of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the greatest of our thinkers, in comparison with whom the British, the French and the Americans have nothing to offer. His complete refutation of the teachings which were a heritage from the Middle Ages, and of the dogmatic philosophy of the Church, is the greatest of the services which Kant has rendered to us. It is on the foundation of Kant's theory of knowledge that Schopenhauer built the edifice of his philosophy, and it is Schopenhauer who annihilated the pragmatism of Hegel. I carried Schopenhauer's works with me throughout the whole of the first World War. From him I learned a great deal. Schopenhauer's pessimism, which springs partly, I think, from his own line of philosophical thought and partly from subjective feeling and the experiences of his own personal life, has been far surpassed by Nietzsche.

>> No.16841790

He talks about some of the books he liked to read while growing up in Mein Kampf. I can't remember what they were but I know he loved history.

>> No.16841890

He was a big fan of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer. Read the first on his highs, the latter on his lows. Also read a lot about strategie like Clausewitz

>> No.16841901

He was actually pretty lazy often sleeping til' noon

>> No.16842063

The West is what you or your environment think it is. It's a very vague term which has as many definitions as there are perspectives on it. It's a merke construct, not some specific existing object. To argue about a objective definition is retarded.

>> No.16842237

The West, like all terms, refers to something specific out of colloquial usage, and can be defined objectively. To think that it's something vague or 'abstract' is retarded.

>> No.16842258

That's why you can get hundrets of different definitions depending in who you ask.

>> No.16842316

Nobody can refute the medievals

>> No.16842355

Gee I wonder who spread that rumour. The man liked his alone time but to claim he was lazy is just ignorant.

>> No.16842436

Ian Kershaw, basically most renowned Hitler biographer

>> No.16842452

Wrong tag

>> No.16842460

>most renowned Hitler biographer
Gee I wonder who crowned him that. Kershaw is very biased, so no surprise he spread that rumour.

>> No.16842472

>Hitler was famously a fan of British literature, especially Shakespeare, whom he oft quoted. Dead serious btw, look it up.
Always these damn anglos and his tragedies. If he had read Cervantes instead he wouldn't have started the war.

>> No.16842511

>Shakespeare was one of his favorites
The question is:
He read it in the original?

>> No.16842527

Any evidence for his bias? Do you have any example of him misinterpreting source material or using biased sources uncritically?

>> No.16842544

Yes, for example the rumour that Hitler was lazy and sleeping til noon.
Just compare Kershaw with a reasonably unbiased biographer like Volker Ullrich and you'll see. Also think about who publishes Kershaw (and their ethnicity), that should tell you enough.

>> No.16842559

Well, you know, Hitler didn't like America either. He has a famous quote about America being half-Juden and half-negroid in spirit, which I agree with.

>> No.16842571

“I don't see much future for the Americans ... it's a decayed country. And they have their racial problem, and the problem of social inequalities ... my feelings against Americanism are feelings of hatred and deep repugnance ... everything about the behaviour of American society reveals that it's half Judaised, and the other half negrified. How can one expect a State like that to hold together?”
-- Hitler

>> No.16842607

>He has a famous quote about America being half-Juden and half-negroid in spirit
Man, even if you aren't racist/anti-semit you gotta agree the dude has a point on this one.
Think with me, what defines the "murrican" more than anything?
His limitless lust for money and black music/culture!
On point, on point.

>> No.16842623

Is first hand source Elisabeth Kalhammer (maid of Hitler who didn't really critizise him and showed no real disapproval towards him After the war) also biased when she says that Hitler slept until noon?

>> No.16842653

He read (and i presume was a fan of) a book by one of his own generals?

>> No.16842661

Did she also specify when he went to bed?

>> No.16842663

Probably because the American states have contributed nothing of any worth to the world, whereas European countries come to mind every time someone thinks of innovation, civilization and culture.

>> No.16842686

Yeah he must have read "Achtung! Panzer" by Guderian

>> No.16842699

>Murrican believing the rest of the world should know where are which of his states only because they are BIG
Nigga, do you realise the size of Athens and how much it contributed to the world?

>> No.16842702

What does this have to do with anything? Do you think Hitler would rather Americans give up to this? Germany was just as Judaized as modern America before Hitler came to power. Even so, I'm not a NatSoc.
>Probably because the American states have contributed nothing of any worth to the world
Perhaps that's because Europe is thousands and thousands of years older than America. Even so, there are many things America has contributed to the world, but even if I listed all of them you'd still try to pull at straws to reject them because you're too brainwashed into in-fighting and self-hatred to accept pan-European nationalism.

>> No.16842712

Didn't specify on when he went to bed (probably because she was sleeping At the time already like any normal person) but je usually got out of it at 2PM

>> No.16842715

I never said the rest of the world should know the United States or their locations. Reread what I said and think a bit, you'll figure out what I was saying eventually.
>where are which of his states only because they are BIG
It's easier to remember the existence and locations of large regions, so yea, it'd be easier to remember the States considering their size. Nobody doesn't know where Russia, China, Canada, Mexico, or the US are, and most people could name the largest countries of South America.

>> No.16842728

So if he stayed up working until deep into the night that doesn't say much except that he had a weird bio rhythm. Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.16842755

Yeah, if he was working the whole time, something you just assume.
Beforeyou called Hitler sleeping until noon a rumor. Now that I showed evidence you just twist this fact in a way that supports your narrative.

>> No.16842780

No, the point was that Kershaw took partial information and used it to present a claim.
Ullrich actually states that, although sometimes Hitler liked to watch a film at night, he would often work or have discussions with others until deep into the night.

>> No.16842785

ok chud

>> No.16842792
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>> No.16842799

He did write a weird book and painted some strange paintings.
So, I guess he wasn's totally illeterate.
Just weird connected in his semi jew brain.

>> No.16842807

>semi jew brain.
lmao the copes commies come up with never cease to amuse me

>> No.16842864


>> No.16842934

you are

>> No.16842948
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>you are

>> No.16843045

How do you know, die you even read any of them? Again, for you the fact that hitler slept until noon was a rumor til this point.

>> No.16843150

Sorry, I should've specified. It was the collected works of German classical author Heinrich von Kleist, listed here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_von_Kleist

>> No.16843776
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There is a great thread that goes over a book called "The Young Hitler I Knew". Hitler was a voracious reader, and this thread ought to be canonized in /lit/ /his/.



On Adolf's reluctance to fit into the artistic world

>"He never showed any desire to mix with people who shared his own professional interests, or to discuss with them common problems. Rather than meet people with specialised knowledge, he would sit alone on his bench in the Schonbrunn Park, in the vicinity of the Gloriette, holding imaginary conversations with himself about the subject matters of his books."

On Adolf's love of libraries, and more about books

>"Books were his whole world. In Linz, in order to procure the books he wanted, he had subscribed to three libraries. In Vienna he used the Hof Library so industriously that I asked him once in all seriousness whether he intended to read the whole library, which of course earned me some rude remarks"

>"Hardly anything would disturb him when he was reading, but sometimes he disturbed himself, for as soon as he opened a book he started talking about it, and I had to listen patiently whether I was interested in the subject or not. Every now and then, in Linz even more frequently than in Vienna, he would thrust a book into my hands and demand that I, as his friend, should read it."

>"Adolf had an especially feel for poets and authors who had something of value to say to him. He never read books simply to pass the time; it was a deadly earnest occupation. I got that impression more than once. What an upset if I did not take his reading seriously enough and played the piano while he was studying."

>> No.16843931

>do you think the even had time to read

He didn't sleep so yes

>> No.16844358

better than being a dysgenic leftist freak

>> No.16844370

They was jews behind the shelves tryna get em

>> No.16844436
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do you people even realize what you're doing? you curse others for rudeness and post caricatures and call them names. If you want civil discourse, then you start civil discourse, instead of joining in on the shit flinging.

>> No.16844460
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>German classical
If you're going to repeat shit I and other people say, at least read the fucking intro to the Wikipedia article. At least. Fucking hell. Why even try to improve this shit site or add any value? Pointless.
It's German ROMANTIC author. German classical author... isn't even a fucking thing.

>> No.16844491

Vielen dank mein Freund.

>> No.16844807
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the pic is true anon
>The West was built by white people, and its culture nursed by white people, and white people live in the West. You saying you want to destroy the West means you saying you want to destroy white culture and geography.
The west does not have one single deffinition,that anon expressed that he does not see the west as racial,so I think saying he wants to destroy white culture and geography(white countries?) is pretty stupid.

Isn't the west destroying itself already?
Hitler was a national-socialist not a national-capitalist.

>> No.16844820

He apparently liked Kant, Schopenhauer, and Nietzsche:

>In the Great Hall of the Linz Library are the busts of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, the greatest of our thinkers, in comparison with whom the British, the French and the Americans have nothing to offer. His complete refutation of the teachings which were a heritage from the Middle Ages, and of the dogmatic philosophy of the Church, is the greatest of the services which Kant has rendered to us. It is on the foundation of Kant's theory of knowledge that Schopenhauer built the edifice of his philosophy, and it is Schopenhauer who annihilated the pragmatism of Hegel. I carried Schopenhauer's works with me throughout the whole of the first World War. From him I learned a great deal. Schopenhauer's pessimism, which springs partly, I think, from his own line of philosophical thought and partly from subjective feeling and the experiences of his own personal life, has been far surpassed by Nietzsche.

>> No.16844846

didn't he and his pals spend the final days in a bunker reading every volume of Carlyle's History of Frederick the Great

>> No.16844912
File: 129 KB, 448x695, nietzsche_thus_spoke_zarathustra(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16844996

He did nothing but read the entire time he was in prison. I believe he said something to the effect of "I owe the State for funding my further education" in Mein Kampf.

>> No.16845004

Hitler claiming to have been reading Schopenhauer during his service in WWI is unquestionably LARP.

>> No.16845024

How so? Is there evidence or testimonials that he wasn't reading during WWI?

>> No.16845043

Hitler made all kinds of voracious claims about his service during WWI that were never substantiated, and he didn't hold a rank or position that would have given him the space or leisure time to read anything appreciable.
I don't doubt he read Schopenhauer at some point in his life, but during his war service? That's laughable.
Were it anyone else claiming this I'd be able to accept it as metaphor, but with Hitler's uniquely German form of autism I doubt he even intended that.

>> No.16845063

According to his generals, he was pretty much retarded, so I doubt very much.

>> No.16845075

I don't doubt studying a philosopher in the middle of a war is nigh impossible, he doesn't claim that though. He might have been reading favorite passages here and there, or even better, his aphoristic writings. Schopenhauer can be very consoling, so it would make sense if he did that.

>> No.16845090

That's not true, at lest partially. Keitel, Jodel and Dönitz he was well read and really intelligent. Keitel even said he learned from him. (They said that dringend their imprisonment while the Nuremberg Trial was going on). Other generals often talked bs about him to show themselves in a better light (eg Halder)

>> No.16845096

Isn't war mostly waiting though. Also he didn't fight at the front line nur delivered messanges.

>> No.16845099

*According to

>> No.16845124

Sure, but you're not just allowed to do whatever you want or carry whatever you want. I'm sure he had books, but not large academic texts like Schopenhauer's works.
This could be the case

>> No.16845144

There are very small editions of World as Will and Representation which easily fit into the bag of a coat

>> No.16845179

A lot generals tried to shift blame onto Hitler post-WW2 even though he was one of the few who realised your standard Bewegungskrieg/Kesselschlacht on main cities weren't gonna work in Russia and you needed to cripple it economically

>> No.16845184

did you also know he was a vegetarian and a non-smoker and he never drank alcohol and he really loved animals, did you know?!

>> No.16845194

>one of the few who realised your standard Bewegungskrieg/Kesselschlacht on main cities weren't gonna work in Russia
well, to be fair, he had a lot of examples for reference.

>> No.16845328

He also was in favour of Mansteins Sichelschnitt despite most of his generals protesting.

>> No.16845411 [DELETED] 

Even he initial drive on Moscow in 1941 was pushed for by his generals iirc. Hitler wanted a proper drive on the Caucuses instead
Yep, Halder hated it

>> No.16845413

wrong. He carried Shopenhauer's works in the trenches.

>> No.16845414

Even he initial drive on Moscow in 1941 was pushed for by his generals iirc. Hitler wanted a stronger drive on the Caucasus
Yep, Halder hated it

>> No.16845420

*the not he

>> No.16845439

there was always strong emphasis to read in all of the circles ive been in. but whatever you say.