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16836000 No.16836000 [Reply] [Original]

What books are like this album?

>> No.16836018
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What books are like this album?

>> No.16836054
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>> No.16836139

Lyrics have Cioran quotes in them.

>> No.16836292

Based Atmospheric Black metal thread. I love mgla

>> No.16837255

Cioran, Dostos's demons, Jünger's fire and blood perhaps. also based mgla poster

>> No.16837318

Not atmospheric.

>> No.16837322

Excellent question, but I don't have an answer. Based Darkside.

>> No.16837401

Deine Götzenbemantelung
Flattert Irrsal – Mottenqual
Fruchtleich überreif tiefgehängt
Abgeschnittener Galgenstrick
Am Genick deiner Projuriszens
Nachtgemahl Mutterwal
Beleckt, gestreckt, verreckender Spinn
Ewig kreisender Unsinn ohne Gewinn
Immer zu hin und wieder und hin
Garstiger artiger bärtiger Mutterschoß
Erdgefüllter Blumentrog – Grabgemahl

>> No.16838444

Based, great BM

>> No.16838501
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any like this?

>> No.16838546

Just tead the singers onterview were he names hos influences, Cioran, Bukowski and Celin for sure

>> No.16838570

>Within literature, what I’ve found to be resonating are works of Bukowski, Cioran, Celine, Houellebecq, Kafka, Lem, McCarthy, Vonnegut and so on.
There you go, maybe he posts here

>> No.16838602
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who else is doing /nbbmn/

>> No.16838654

When did BM become trannymusic? Is Vice news the reason?

>> No.16838724

Based mgla poster!!

>> No.16838761

Judging my the people I know that listen to this type of music:
Frankfurt school
Judith Buttler

>> No.16838771


>> No.16838804

I agree, imagine being older than 17 and thinking black metal isn't cringe.

>> No.16838817

I know it's bait but that must mean they've never looked up the lyrics they're listening to

>> No.16838819


>> No.16838843

Why would you say that?

Grow up

>> No.16838970
File: 27 KB, 500x500, Schammasch-The-Process-of-Dying-art-e1461766359695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. former black metal listener

>> No.16839196

>Why would you say that?
Because trannies hate black metal, so it's obvious bait

>> No.16839212

Not him but the left has seized BM and other forms of extreme metal over a decade ago. Nazis have basically been kicked out of the scene.

>> No.16839240 [DELETED] 

>Frankfurt school
>Judith Buttle
>If they don't like that, they must be nazis
I'm not sure how to tell you, but...

>> No.16839257

I'm not sure my and your definition of BM are the same lmao
But seriously, BM is the whitest music ever. What's there to like in there for trannies?

>> No.16839285


>> No.16839287

Get out of your echo chamber desu.

>> No.16839330

I guess that makes some kind of sense
No thanks

>> No.16839382
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>What's there to like in there for trannies?

also >>16839285

>> No.16839512

Children listen to black metal, adults blast Dokken and Cinderella.

>> No.16839530

is that why it's so terrible now? all the best black metal artists were/are nazis, burzum, satanic war master, goatmoon, etc

>> No.16839551

agreed black metal filters trannies instantly, this guy is probably just a christposter and thinks the satanic imagery means that the only element of aesthetic in black metal is anti Christian when that's literally not the point

>> No.16839571

Uhm, hipsters, trannies and lefties have been into BM since 2005. You're probably a zoomer that lives in his /pol/ bubble.

>> No.16839578

What are some trannie BM bands? Apparently I only listen to the good stuff

>> No.16839620
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Not sure what scene you're referencing but I see molot and kpn patches on a bunch of battle jackets. If you're going to be listening to burzum and mayhem why would you hold some gay moral standard for anyone else.

>> No.16839648

Burzum, Babushka ,Mgla and obscure French BM have always been staples among the Vice crowd.

>> No.16839654

>tranny bm
>French BM
You're a fag and this is bait.

>> No.16839663

Or the Vice crowd is even more retarded than I thought

>> No.16839690

>zoomer can't wrap his head around the fact that his tastes are not as "elite" as he thought they are
We're talking about the audience, not about the musicians themselves. Fact is, you share the same taste as fagtwitter. Vice even made a docu about French BM a couple of years ago and "Until the light takes us" was made by a jewish lefty hipster.

>> No.16839709

Leftist fascination with BM is a thing, it started of as a semi-ironic appreciation and evolved into full blown genuine fandom.

>> No.16839711

>not moving beyond Metal to Death Industrial, Noise, Experimental and Dark Ambient

>> No.16839724

So they are genuinely retarded? Alright then, I shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.16839727

Listen you fucking knuckle dragging retard. So some fag Vice journo made some fag documentary cause he watched too much Fantano. Who gives a shit? Have you ever actually been to shows? Because that's where you actually get to see the "audience" you fucking faggot.

>> No.16839796

I understand the realization that you share the same tastes as a bunch of Maoist crossdressers from twitter triggers you because you thought that listening to BM in 2020 makes you a scary outllaw but in the end it's just music. Chill and don't let it bother you.

>> No.16839810

K this is bait kys faggot.

>> No.16839822


>> No.16839835

whatever you gotta tell yourself buddy

>> No.16839848
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>t-this is bait

>> No.16839858

I wouldn't be surprised if these retarded leftists actually exist given their nature, but you have to admit it sounds about as likely as a bunch of ghetto hoodrats circlejerking about classical music

>> No.16839865

He doesn't have to admit anything because he's fucking with you, you dense shithead.

>> No.16839873

I mean probably, but then again trannies actually are that level of retarded

>> No.16839897
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I'd compare it to a bunch of white liberals fawning over gangster rap. Hoodrats rejecting their ghetto ways and listening to Mozart would at least imply some sort of mental ascension on their part.
I'm being brutally honest, your inability to accept that is making you look worse with every post.

>> No.16839900

This nigger is making the claim that the main bm demo is trannies and faggots and you're giving him the benefit of the doubt. You're more of a retard than he is.

>> No.16839918

Funny how you can pull up actual pics of wiggers with gangster rap shit on them but when it comes to bm you gotta pull out a twitter s o y jak.

>> No.16839939
File: 85 KB, 900x506, 61113_0_wide_ver1513973733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're getting strangely defensive and emotional over a music genre that has lost its controversial appeal a long time ago. It's almost like you're new to this.

>> No.16839955

He has a point though, hit me up with some pics of tranny BM fans, I'm really curious about this phenomenon

>> No.16839974

Read Schopenhauer and Camus

>> No.16839977
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How about you take a look in the mirror for starters.

>> No.16839987

What music appeals to you for being controversial?

>> No.16839989

>You're getting strangely defensive and emotional over a music genre that has lost its controversial appeal a long time ago. It's almost like you're new to this.

>> No.16839993
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I'm not emotional or defensive you fucking faggot. You're acting like a snarky know it all little bitch about shit you know nothing about and you're wondering why people want you to fuck off.

>> No.16840003

>pic from 2003
Haven't seen people dress like this in nearly 2 decades.

>> No.16840004

>I'm not emotional or defensive you fucking faggot
Yes you are and you're being baited hard

>> No.16840011

You're losing your composure over black metal of all things, like an angsty teenager.

>> No.16840026


>> No.16840027
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>yes, i'm quite the black metal afficionado, how could you tell?

>> No.16840033

Who the fuck is "liturgy"?

>> No.16840035
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Based Gaahl

>> No.16840040

>Liturgy is an American black metal band from Brooklyn, New York.
Lmao the jokes write themselves

>> No.16840044

Is leftoid bm even a thing outside of US? Can't think of an equivalent of anything as embarassing as Neckbeard Deathcamp for Europe desu.

>> No.16840054

We're reclaiming the scene, shitlord

>> No.16840056

kill yourself faggot

>> No.16840057

Of course not, this guy was actually right >>16839727

>> No.16840063

>We're reclaiming the scene, shitlord
The bait's getting stale now mate

>> No.16840075

Red & Anarchist BM has been a thing for a while now.

>> No.16840087

>damage control mode
You sound super assblasted and the most amusing part is you're not even aware of it.

>> No.16840092

That sounds as probable as white nationalist mumble rap lmao

>> No.16840097

I'm not the same guy but sure lmao

>> No.16840214


>> No.16840320

I reiterate, is this a thing outside of US? Because for example that Antifreeze thing has its last.fm page obscured by fucking 90s pop punk act lmao.

>> No.16840346

>faggy punk is black metal and the united states is the entire world

>> No.16840367

Half of these bands are Euro/UK based.

>> No.16840390
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>the UK

>> No.16840402

Are they? All of them on that page are North American except Sorgsvart which is a 1 man project.

>> No.16841596

very based album

>> No.16842008

Bathory is so fucking kino

>> No.16842026

This but unironically.

>> No.16842136
File: 231 KB, 856x1141, 077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books are like this album?

>> No.16843160

No one that actually is into black metal ever talks about Liturgy, and I doubt they like it either.

>> No.16843231

you are all faggots, kill yourselves

>> No.16843283

zoomers love crossposting just ike they love crossdressing

>> No.16844304

based on who they hang out with, mein kampf

>> No.16844560

Schammasch is extremely based. You just have to feel that you grew up, that you're better than something, both yourself and others for listening to something.
Burzum? Perhaps.
Deathspell Omega? Its sublimity reaches far beyond the divine.

>> No.16845311

So what, most Black Metal fans aren't far right. NSBM is a meme genre no one actually listens to

>> No.16845382

Most of them aren't far left trannies either like the guy implied though

>> No.16845423
File: 167 KB, 600x602, R-2944111-1436265956-4923.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What books are like this album?

>> No.16845626

Read Bataille