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16834193 No.16834193 [Reply] [Original]

I firmly believe that the God-question is the most fundamental question about reality and that all consequent developments are derived from one's position relative to the most fundamental question about reality, namely the God-question. By this order of thing one's politics is preceded and informed by one's metaphysical convictions about reality.

Which book should I read that argues this?

>> No.16834260

100% agreed even scientists are involved in a creation narrative

>> No.16834306

I've been saying this for years and I'm just a layman, I'm glad I'm not alone and this is common sense.

>> No.16834419

Idk a good book but if it's not written it needs to be

>> No.16834430

Based retarded westerner

>> No.16834548

The reason why I think this is that if you read carefully into what people believe politically there is no really reason for it other than their more fundamental convictions about society and morality and how things should be organized influenced their political outlook and their morality and convictions about society are most often influenced by their convictions about the God-question. It's sort of inescapable. Of course sometimes people expend very little time thinking about the God question consciously but still have political convictions but these still seem to inhere in the environment created by the God-question.

Then you look at various political positions and none of them really make sense as "good options". They're forms of organizing society but there doesn't seem to be the correct or most valid option, people simply gravitate towards the one that their preconceptions about the God-question lead them to (don't get me wrong the God-question doesn't directly map to your position about taxes, there is a long string (more like a long cluster) leading from the source, the most fundamental metaphysical intuitions taken in by mere perception to taxes. Of course this string isn't a one-way road, it's a two-way road, constantly evolving and molding various concepts, your initial metaphysical intuitions inform through a cluster your position on perhaps abortion, but then your positions on abortion, taxes, government all interact within a community of other people's clusters and you establish a feedback that then provides the opportunity for conceptual adjustments in your own cluster that then goes all the way back to the fundamental intuitions through the whole string and adjusts your belief nodes along the way).

So when one performs an analysis on this. On politics, on whatever position people take up in just about any segment of inquiry or activity, there doesn't seem to be a truth in any of them or even correctness. There is limited correctness in science by exposing it to scientific method, but even that is scientific correctness and not metaphysical truth. So what this long and at times frustrating road has lead me to believe is that the world is merely a sandbox environment where man is both the sculptur and the sculpted and what he sculpts and what he is sculpted into is a direct reflection of his relation to the God-question. It is in essence a reflection of his pure being.

>> No.16834585
File: 31 KB, 330x500, 51L5SR36W-L._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2'Maximus of Tyre: The Philosophical Orations
3 Ancient Egyptian Literature: An Anthology
4 Monotheism in Late Antiquity

>> No.16834589

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.16835914

Jonathan Haidt
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion

>> No.16835932
File: 9 KB, 262x193, Heidegger with Medard Boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know how important the Gottesfrage (God question) was to Heidegger in the Seinsfrage (question of Being).

>> No.16835951

The Problems of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell. That questions more of a realism vs anti-realism then with god or anything. I am physicist btw, I can only define a set of closed rules for describing future events, no one can know reality, only god, if he exists.

>> No.16835965

Works if you deny truth/falsity myth and just speak of existence-preservation in God

>> No.16836033

This was the common pre-modern viewpoint, it isn't that strange. Read anything pre-modern or Guénon or things alike.

>> No.16836041

Guénon is a pseud, how dare you taint the name of actual great pre-moderns with that faggot

>> No.16836083

Pseud or not, he denounced how the modern world has divorced himself with traditional civilizations by precisely breaking up with the metaphysical principles that sustained the hierarchical worldviews we're discussing in this thread.

>> No.16836698

I haven't read anything on the subject but I believe this is generally referred to as Pressupositionalism.

>> No.16837196

unironically the Qur'an

>> No.16837251

the point of there being A God is that it implies A motion in all things. If there is only A motion, then who is making choices?