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16833903 No.16833903[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Bros I need help. I want to drink deep of the Pyrian spring. I want to become learned and wise and help civilization and culture live on.

But I got redpilled on the JQ and it's ruining everything. They're gonna ban all the great books. They're gonna ban classics. They're gonna ban Indo-European studies. Everything about our history will be slandered or forgotten. Ultimately they will destroy our race itself through immigration and forced integration, breeding a mass of low-IQ mulattoes who care for nothing but sportsball and butt songs.

Then nothing will be beautiful again, there will be no insight ever again, the light of the human mind will be forever snuffed out.

Please convince me I'm wrong. I can't fucking handle it lads

>> No.16833914

Semites are a cursed race.
Phoenicians for example where greedy merchants who sacrificed children.
Jesus was a Semite and a bad person too. He destabilized the Roman empire because he a schizophrenic Jew.
Every single Semite is a demon disguised as a human being.

>> No.16833924
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Keep praying.

>> No.16833928

You're both mentally ill due to /pol/ indoctrination.

>> No.16833938
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You can still do all these things. You can create an archive of classics and history. You can pass these things onto the next generations.
Friendly reminder that the black pill is their creation. Do not take it.

>> No.16833939

That would be GREAT news, PLEASE tell me how this is an illusion

>> No.16833966

When were you pilled brother? The longer you get to observe the more you are able to discern what /pol/ has told you is true and what is not. I don't think they'll ban them outright just make it more culturally unacceptable to own them. Kind of like how it is becoming more unacceptable to read Mein Kampf or Mark Twain books cause of muh N word.

>> No.16833974

i was like you 9 years ago when i got redpilled as well (before /pol/, this was back on /new/). It gets better, but this knowledge will forever burden your soul. There is no going back anymore. Find solace in the fact that our numbers are increasing.

>> No.16833977

Hating Semites is deep in my ancestral memory so no.

>> No.16833982

Correct, this is what will happen if we don't stand up. But it's not over yet. I believe in you, OP.

>> No.16834021

Fuck it, I guess I may as well try to help.

I mean, really, who benefits? Sure, let's assume that the Jews (every single one!) are sociopaths, that care only about amassing wealth. How and why would destroying the white race be their goal, even then? You get more money from a successful, wealthy population than from a wartorn hellhole.

But let's assume that jews are people, and not devils (from our totally non-Christian religion, because if it was christian, the Jews would be god's chosen people and that'd be awkward). Assuming even a shred of decency among the Jews, why would they all sign up to this plan that benefits nobody? People are usually average in temperament, and it takes a lunatic to go and decide to commit genocide. The jews would naturally disagree among their "cabal" which somehow controls the entire world, yet is completely powerless to just shut down 4chan, despite it being in the hands of an asian right this second.

I mean, you're coming out here claiming that Jews are beyond a monolith - they're a hive mind bent entirely to the annihilation of the white race for no reason beyond petty asspain. These supposedly evil, backstabbing traitors are all willing to work perfectly in cahoots, never fight over the end goal of their secret plan, all dedicate themselves heart and soul, and for what?

Seriously dude, you're not afraid of the Jews. You're afraid of the fucking Decepticons, except they had Starscream and semi-coherent plans.

>> No.16834040

I learned about race after a few years of first-hand exposure to blacks but it was hard to break down my internal resistance. I grew up liberal. Normiecon in like '14, AmRen libertarian '15, read Kevin MacDonald around '16.

Researching the Jewish religion led me into the conspiracy/Christian schizosphere and I almost went TradCat in '18-19 thanks to E. Michael Jones and co. But those people are nuts.

I'm a secular WN. Generally Nietzschean in outlook. Perhaps I should just admire the Jews' Machiavellian success. That would be easier. But even when they win they're just so ignoble with all their whining and victim-posturing. And just lying about the nature of their religion. I want a ruling class that's open about its right to rule. I hate lies, man.

>> No.16834059

>Fuck it, I guess I may as well try to help.
Fuck off with your self help book nigger

>> No.16834112

Unfortunately no matter who is in power they will always be self righteous cunts. Their 'success' is the result of years of generational wealth building as a result of our collective belief in FIAT currency, which is a meme. They will never give up their fake victim card because that's the only way they are allowed to remain in power given the current state of the left criticizing the 1%.

>> No.16834116

>successful, wealthy population
yes, get into your wage cage for 8h a day and spend your free time staring at a screen using paid subscriptions, while sometimes rewarding yourself with junk food, very wealthy and successful indeed

>> No.16834140

Not all jews are bad but they disproportionately represented in media etc despite their small % of population. Israel is ethnostate yet jews in Europe preach diversity. Israel is responsible for many wars. Jews invented communism etc.

>> No.16834155

Seek psychiatric assistance. Anti-psychotic meds can really help some people. Although I would assume your antisemitism would ironically prevent you from doing so as you probably think it's a Jewish science.

>> No.16834166

>Pump yourself full of SSRI's, goy. We'll take the bad thoughts away, hehehehe

>> No.16834172

I'd recommend real psychiatric assistance to Philo-Semites instead.

>> No.16834177
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>they're just so ignoble
Anxiety, neuroticism, and vindictiveness about these things is an ancient Neanderthal curse. By interbreeding, Homo sapiens ate the Apple and gained the capacity for evil. The more you focus on evil, the more twisted your mindset will become. Focus on building a life with no traces of the Jew and become more valorous, more benevolent, and more truthful every day. Move to a non-Jewed country and find other warriors of light to build community. We're out there somewhere, and not all of us are shutins. Bring your nobility forward and craft yourself into a beacon for others to follow

>> No.16834196

They're not exactly wrong though. Jesus warned us about the Synagogue of Satan but it's not actual Jewish people. It's the ones who pretend to be Jewish for the benefit but spread chaos like Hollywood, bankers, etc. Back in the day this was the Pharisees. /pols/ hate obviously insn't justified since they think every Jew is out to get them. And that they hate everyone that's not white.

>> No.16834201

>Not all jews are bad but they disproportionately represented in media etc despite their small % of population
I agree. It's from nepotism, corruption, and a long history of wealthy families and insular communities that support themselves.
But the overrepresentation is not a crime in and of itself, only what they do with it. And yes, billionaire jews can be bad. But if you pick a billionaire from a hat, odds are they're just as greedy and shitty as their jewish counterparts.

>Israel is ethnostate yet jews in Europe preach diversity. Israel is responsible for many wars.
Preaching to the choir here, man. Israel is garbage, but that's the result of ultranationalism, racism by and against jews, etc. It's not the result of a titanic conspiracy against the white man. Think of it as a semetically-flavored middle eastern warlord state being funded by the US, and everything becomes clear.

>Jews invented communism etc.
Communism had a few good ideas, but was used by lunatics and murderers to establish authoritarian regimes. Any political stance taken by would-be conquerors is inevitably going to kill people, the idea isn't irredeemable by it's own merit.
Besides, communism was put in practice by other races, so it's not like it's the jew's fault it was a complete disaster.

>> No.16834203

>ate the Apple
If you truly hate Semites, then you should stop referring to their silly myths, Spiritual Semite.

>> No.16834215

>the ones who pretend to be Jewish
are you denying they're actually JEWS?

>> No.16834216

>But I got redpilled on the JQ and it's ruining everything
You have schizoid traits and you became obsessed with an online conspiracy theory.
>They're gonna ban all the great books
They're not.
>They're gonna ban classics
They're not.
>They're gonna ban Indo-European studies
They're not.
>Everything about our history will be slandered or forgotten
It'll not.
>Ultimately they will destroy our race itself through immigration and forced integration
This won't happen in the near future.
>Then nothing will be beautiful again
>there will be no insight ever again
>the light of the human mind will be forever snuffed out
Not in the near future.

I recommend distancing yourself from the websites and people that are telling you this stuff. Make new friends and pick up a football.

>> No.16834220

Some of it is the Jews, not all of it. They're one player in this but there's lots of players against you and historical/philosophical reasons why the west is fucked and whites hate themselves. to;dr blame the Anglo-American Atlantic Alliance of International banker backed Bolsheviks born out of German nihilist philosophy from the enlightenment era which attempted to replace God with humanist utopian ideas such as democracy/socialism/fascism/libertarianism.

>> No.16834224

Get off the internet, stop cultivating your own schizophrenia. If that doesn't work, seek medical help

>> No.16834228

>pick up a football.
So he can become a stupid nigger who gets tau buildup in his brain?

>> No.16834229

Not all jews are bankers or media executives. Just remember that.

>> No.16834237

Many wise men throughout history have come off as schizophrenic to the dim-witted masses.

>> No.16834241

not you though faggot