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16833166 No.16833166 [Reply] [Original]

What is the closest book version of Blair Witch Project?

>> No.16833172

House of Leaves

Or my lost diaries

>> No.16833176

Shitty low-budget shlock where you never see the monster but you're told a lot about how scary it is?
H.P Lovecraft.

>> No.16833381

the ritual

>> No.16833408

This actually.

>> No.16833465

This is progressive liberalism. There is no discernible order to it other than this.

>> No.16833683

Bram Stoker Dracula... considerring the format of found footage, a collection of diaries, pages from journals and newspaper, would be similar i think.

>> No.16833704

House of Leaves, not because of the story itself but because it's obviously not good but accidentally great anyways

>> No.16834812

Gulag Archipelago

>> No.16834898

money grubbing capitalists convinced the masses that both were real?

>> No.16834904
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Tripfags don't belong here. Seek attention elsewhere.

>> No.16834916

Butterfly, you need to make up your mind on whether the Soviet Union wasn’t actually communist to ignore all criticism of communism or decide that everything was made up and act like a neonazi. You cannot reasonably have it both ways.

>> No.16835321


>> No.16835329


>> No.16835709

It was state capitalism. There were gulags and show trials, but no on purpose famines, and there were certainly smear campaigns and exaggerations. The Pentagon is still controlling the narrative to this day. Blaming Putin for the 2016 election even after its been debunked thirty times. I don’t like Putin, Trump, or Stalin. This doesn’t mean I like the CIA.
I don’t even register this “both ways” narrative of yours.