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/lit/ - Literature

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1683229 No.1683229 [Reply] [Original]

Hi, /lit/. I'm starting a book reading/research project in my English class, and we've been told to select a book that is held as controversial, and has been banned or censored in the past. What are some books I can use to really fuck with my class? Most of them are the usual Southern U.S. "herp derp, Christianity Baptism yay", so anything criticizing religion would be fun, though I'm good with whatever. But, any other ideas?

>> No.1683263

Tolstoy - The Kingdom of God Is Within You

>> No.1683273

Wow, I love this book.

>> No.1683274

No no no no. Write about Howl by Allen Ginsberg. They'll shit themselves.

>> No.1683276

Captain Underpants

>> No.1683278

Grab a copy of that "how to be a pedophile and fuck young children" book from the darkweb that caused such a shitstorm a couple months ago, that'll show 'em.

>> No.1683280

How long is it? It looks fairly short.

>> No.1683284

>how long is it

Fucking kids these days are stupid. If you hadn't read that obsessively by the time you were 15 in my day you'd be considered a high-functioning retard. I'm 29. GTFO underageb&

>> No.1683285

Chill out, bro. I meant the shortness in a negative way. Short poems are not worth basing an entire project on. And as for not having read it, I haven't even heard of the thing before. But it does look interesting.

>> No.1683289

inb4 american psycho

>> No.1683294

That looks good as well.

>> No.1683295

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

>> No.1683297

Mein Kampf

>> No.1683298

Possibly. But that might come off as trying too hard. I'll probably end up reading it of my own accord at some point anyways.

>> No.1683306

fucking kids is always stupid

>> No.1683313

Voyage au bout de la nuit or Bagatelle pour un massacre maybe?

I don't know if they have been censored or banned but they're highly controversial since Louis-Ferdinand Céline was notoriously anti-semitic and a nazi supporter

>> No.1683318

The Satanic Verses - it's the only book in recent years to cause riots, and the author is still living under threat of death.

Doesn't stop the cunt from writing shit books and going to parties with his smoking hot wife, mind you.

Lady Chatterley's Lover changed the publication of filth forever, and the whole background to it's censorship and trial gives you a lot to write about. You may also be able to fap to it, for bonus points.

Naked Lunch and Ulysses were both banned - there's plenty of material there, but they're both a bit obvious, IMHO.

>> No.1683566


Ulysses does have that nice masturbation scene though.

>> No.1683568


This is probably the most obvious answer.

>> No.1683589

American Psycho

>> No.1683597

I only read Lady Chatterly's Lover because I heard about the possibility of fapping. I didn't fap at all, but I did fucking love the book

>> No.1683609

Naked Lunch and Ulysses are hardly obvious unless you believe everyone IRL goes to /lit/. Nobody in any college except for English teachers knows about those books.

>> No.1683612

Harry Potter

>> No.1683618

Tropic of cancer is more or less a big Fuck You to the USA.

>> No.1683623


double 89 for american psycho. the gods have decided.

>> No.1684134

....Can you copy/paste to the thread?

>> No.1684453

Lockpick pornography straight up.

>> No.1684473

Huckleberry Finn. Makes fun of rednecks and brings the n-word up a helluva lot.

>> No.1684477

although frequently done, Catcher in the rye might be good?

or... for some laughs while you read it: breakfast of champions, Kurt vonnegut (which is a big FUCK YOU to the american dream)

>> No.1684485
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 1466805-1464244_what_the_fuck_am_i_reading_super_super.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't even heard of the thing before

>> No.1684487

Georges Bataille
Story of the Eye

it'll mess with their minds

>> No.1684505

Lol'd hard. 10/10

>> No.1684509

Sorry, OP, but we just aren't much shocked by anything anymore:

>"I mean, how fucking boring can you get?" said Clovis (NM) High School junior Richard Booth, who made a special trip to the mall to buy a copy of John Knowles' A Separate Peace upon discovering that his school had banned the novel for "inappropriate language, graphic violence, and representation of non-traditional values." "The swears weren't that great, and the violence was just a guy breaking his leg. I thought maybe the non-traditional-values thing meant that maybe the guys in the dorm were, like, doing each other up the ass, but all they did was talk, talk, talk."

>> No.1684535

Les Chants de Maldoror is boss. I think he cuts a child for the love of it or something also he shoots the survivors of a sinking ship as they swim desperately for shore, then he swims out and fucks the shark that ate their dead bodies.

Singular Pleasures is also good. It's all quasi-poetic masturbation shorts.
"Dressed in a cotton playsuit, an eleven-year-old girl is masturbating in an empty sitting room in Glasgow. She is squatting astride a rugby ball, rocking back and forth at moderate speed. On the television set in front of her, running barelegged rugby players keep smashing into one another. As she reaches climax, she tilts the blunt tip of the ball hard against her pubis.

Also the Futurist Manifesto is pretty mean. But it would only offend the right sort.

None of these are 'controversial' in the sense of being banned or censored, but they will probably get your audience agitated despite being very respectable works.

>> No.1684607

Another vote for American Psycho.

This made me lol pretty hard:

The Patty Winters Show this morning was about Nazis and, inexplicably, I got a real charge out of watching it. Though I wasn't exactly charmed by their deeds, I didn't find them unsympathetic either, nor might I add did most of the members of the audience. One of the Nazis, in a rare display of humor, even juggled grapefruits and, delighted, I sat up in bed and clapped.

>> No.1684608


It's an incredibly extended metaphor, at least 20 pages long. I refuse to shit up the board with so much imagery and allusion. Just read the book and you will cum buckets and shit bricks.