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16830855 No.16830855 [Reply] [Original]

why do you guys know what authors look like. the board is filled with em and i dont know a single one unless its in the post.

>> No.16830863

what the fuck was that guy thinking?

>> No.16831044

Imagine the smell

>> No.16831099
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I can

>> No.16831119
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Oh my fucking hell! This is why you guys need to stop being coomers. You become piece of shit like this who have no self respect and are slaves to your desires. You will always have to look at beautiful women through a screen or have to do shit like this to get any attention or even get close to a woman.

Fucking pathetic piece of shit should be put in prison.

>> No.16831127

Imagine being so addicted to the smell of ass that you are ready to lose your job for it. I mean that guy works security, he had to know there was a camera there. I knew he would caught on tape, but the urge was stronger. Based.

>> No.16831138

>in prison for smelling ass
Ahahahahaha stop. Your retardedly extremist solutions are not good solutions

>> No.16831146

He should have taken enough smell first or second time instead of repeating it again and again.

>> No.16831389

>it's a nigger
How surprising

>> No.16831403

absolutely based negroid gentleman

>> No.16832197

>why do you guys know what authors look like.
google search

Anyway, this dude is a moron and a harasser.