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/lit/ - Literature

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16830509 No.16830509[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's /lit/'s drug of choice?

>> No.16830513

I'm straight edge.

>> No.16830518

I would like to say cocaine, but I'm much too poor for that. For now I'm stuck with coffee and exhaust fumes.

>> No.16830519

mdma when going to underground night clubs every half a year
weed is anti-/lit/ zoomer shit

>> No.16830554


>> No.16830563


>> No.16830565

trying lsd soon
everything else so far has been shit

>> No.16830575

Mostly revolves around which drugs allow me to effectively do things.
best drug in modern history. Longer lifespan, clear productivity boost. Euphoria.
psychedelics are a class of their own. Really changed my perspective on things. Alleviates depression. "all things right with the world" feeling for a month afterword, so I can do things without distraction.
That's about it really; but some others:
If I chronically smoke it, sure its fine. But I don't, and when you are a casual user (once a week maximum) it just stupifies you, even at low doses I can't keep my thoughts together. Chronic use? Sure I can think okay with it. But not during casual use.
Big fan, but I have to use it sparingly. Also alleviates anxiety, depression, lets me focus on important things. But it can also spike anxiety for me if I use too often, and makes it difficult to keep thoughts together at higher doses.

>> No.16830613
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Sir, it's for you

>> No.16830618

Alcohol really

>> No.16830629

You’ll live longer than me

>> No.16830641

Alcohol (whiskey) and cigarettes

>> No.16830644

Yo dont lsd fucks u up almost had a total ego death here
Took months to recover
The higher your iq the harder it is on you so he aware

>> No.16830649

Just a nice glass of lipton's on a hot summer day

>> No.16830713
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Chasing the dragon with some nice Afghan heroin

>> No.16830715

Alcohol, nicotine and coffee. But mostly alcohol, really.

>> No.16830911

Alcohol truly since I frequent it most. LSD as far as something that is actually helpful and therapeutic.

>> No.16830943

Lsd and alcohol
Used to really like meth but I stopped

>> No.16830944
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it triggers my hemorrhoids, my heart sometimes aches, by I can't quit it

>> No.16830967

has anyone tried the lsd microdosing meme?

>> No.16830982

i've only really done weed. someday i plan to do more

>> No.16830986

>chronic/casual weed use
It's usually the opposite for most people, including me. Like, after a week of smoking I do get used to it but I get used to being more smoothbrained than before. Casual one off use is way more fun and productive if I'm writing or doing something else

>> No.16830993
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I'm a crab chuffer, like yourself.

>> No.16830998

Drugs are for losers

>> No.16831002

No, I did trip once a week for about three months, only drug that had a lasting positive effect

>> No.16831022

Forgot to mention, used to be heavy into psychs and molly in early adult years and did the opioid thing for a minute.

Just say no, kids. Seriously.

>> No.16831075
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For me, its ketamine.

>> No.16831078

No drugs, no coffee, no alcohol, no tobacco, no prescriptions, no sex, no love.

I'm raw dogging this bitch.

>> No.16831087
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that sugar tho

>> No.16831105

I abuse viagra. Getting stupidly rock hard is ridiculously fun, working out on it gives you a ridiculous pump.

>> No.16831161

Not really, though that one is less by choice. My brother is /fit/ and a professional chef. Outside of our monthly cheat day we eat healthy as fuck. Still taste amazing though.

>> No.16831164
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i must snoof

>> No.16831169

Alcohol. But I don't mind a bit of cocaine or amphetamines. Currently, I'm on a bit of weed bit because of lockdown.

>> No.16831172


>> No.16831184

Cocaine when I was at university but I don’t like taking drugs often because it’s unhealthy.

>> No.16831225

Coffee every morning, pseudoephedrine if I have to study a fair bit, and adderall if I have to study a lot.

>> No.16831226

Formerly weed, now I'm sober bob apart from a couple beers on Friday/Saturday evenings, I never get drunk though.
Quitting weed was fucking hard, I realised how much uncontentment I was sealing in by just being cool with everything because I was high. It was difficult but I've now addressed a lot of issue I'd have just swept under the rug

>> No.16831299


>> No.16831349

alcohol and caffeine
just socially acceptable drugs

>> No.16831359

LSD of course

>> No.16831370

based, it's the most /lit/
start with low dosages though

it is actually the most enjoyable on low dosages.
on high dosages it is definitely life-changing, but sometimes for the worse

>> No.16831498

Don't listen to this guy, low dose are for faggots. the epitome of faggotry being sillicon valley droids "microdosing" to improve productivity. the entire point of psychedelics is total dissolution, you must take more than you can handle.

I dropped 6 tabs in august and started experiencing time and reality glitches, it got to a point where past/present/future meshed together. intense. Then I took a shower, went out to buy some cigs (that's a story altogether) had a glass of gin and realized it was the snobbiest beverage, you are basically drinking perfume.

>The higher your iq the harder it is on you so he aware
This is true for every psychedelic. I have genius tier IQ and it's intense. I solved fascism on a light trip this summer. LSD is fascist because you come down, and that's what fascism is: the reconstruction of the self in a new light, the reconstitution of illusion after a moment of dissolution, so the reified image will always have more power and impact than the previous one. Fascism always rises after a period of chaos and dissolution. This is why every psychedelic oriented movement is bound to fail, you come down and your image is reconstructed with more authority than before.

I recommend any shooting activity on acid. Bows, guns etc..

>> No.16831506


>> No.16831597

try doing a k-hole

>> No.16831632

Sup cocaine bro. I love coke too but yeah I'm too poor currently to indulge in that sweet, snowy goodness. Fuck I can't even afford booze and smokes. I think alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, and blow are top tier /lit/. I'm in my mid 20s and my body is already starting to slow down. I can't party like I used too and it's baffling. Hard living catches up to you fast. Being straight edge for a period has its advantages. I can read and concentrate for much longer periods. Also I want to have a family someday and I really don't wanna be full degenerate mode when that happened. It's bad vibes for living a normal life. Cheers /lit/ bros and good luck with whatever lifestyle you all chase.

>> No.16831675

you sound like a retard

>> No.16831792

Yes. I loved it. It was partly responsible for curing my months long depression. I would take 10% of a hit on Saturday mornings and I would have a really dreamy happy productive day. Lots of new ideas and perspectives.

Tripping with friends in a comfy place is mind blowing.

>> No.16831851

Dissociatives are the best in my opinion, very introspective and relaxing. As a extra bonus I feel more focused and energetic for months after.
Psychs are good too, as quite a few people have mentioned but one thing I find interesting is that despite being called "ego destroying", often times they actually have a ego boosting effect - and it's probably strongest after an ego death ironically enough. One of my friends was convinced that he was the next Jesus figure after taking a 10 strip. He got really into it for months too, dropped out of school and started talking to strangers in coffee shops about random hippy babble, writing/posting online furiously etc.
Be wary of any revelations you have when tripping, due to the euphoric effects just about anything could feel like a genius insight in the moment and it's very easy to get attached to it. Always think about those sort of things critically afterwards. I'm not saying everything you think while tripping is wrong or irrational but it's important to stay humble.

>> No.16831891

I sound like I'm on a cocktail of drugs that would send your low iq ass into irredeemable territory.

Being intelligent is a blessing not because of intellect per se, but because proving your intelligence every chance you get seems like such a tiring and futile endeavour. I sincerely pity midwits. As if I went around /lit/ scrutinizing every post trying to differentiate the retards from the geniuses. Sad!

>> No.16831892

...but not in a public place, or you WILL wake up with a dick tattooed to your forehead.

>> No.16831939
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I've never done any sort of drug—I took the DARE program seriously as a child—but I've heard that psychedelics are not particularly harmful to one's health. Should I try some?

I've never had any sort of feeling of spirituality, and I've heard that psychedelics can induce a spiritual experience, so I wonder if it might be good for me. Can any anons speak to this?

>> No.16831940

They won't live at all

>> No.16831986
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Food. Sometimes beer and ciggys.

>> No.16832002

Psychs are definitely ego strenghtening, for the reasons I mentionned in regards to fascism. The conscious sober state requires participation in mass illusion (according to the current development of Capital and its implications on the social framework. this is an endlessly interesting topic, the cybernetic CIA and psychedelic research, the Grateful Dead and Bohemian Grove, Jim Jones/Morrison and idolatry etc... all there is to the 20th century can be inferred from studying CIA declassified papers - or just read Debord and Kaczynski)
Autism will bury mass illusion though, under real subsumption there is no need for ideological backing of the division of labour.

Psychedelics are shit, try some. Psychedelics are interesting insofar as they morph your mind into thinking they're relevant. You are either born again as a self-conscious Guru à là Kurtz or you become psychotic.

>> No.16832020


>> No.16832039

Alcohol I guess but that's because I'm a loser with no connections. I've done a few of the major drugs once or a few times.
Lsd was fun
Shroom felt like I was drink with some visuals
Coke is amazing but to expensive and doesnt last long enough
Ketamine was meh
Molly was fucking amazing but I was at a techno show which definitely enhanced it

>> No.16832063

The odd lsd trip

>> No.16832067


Try mushrooms, at low doses and then at higher. You won't know whats what after.

>> No.16832109

Heroin on the weekends is too damn comfy.

>> No.16832248
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>tfw love MDMA
>tfw it zaps your memory when it's over
It's not fair, it's not fair. Why does it have to give me these beautiful, happy, life-affirming experiences and then take them away?

>> No.16832592


>> No.16832748


Dried powdered pussy grool, smoked.

>> No.16832759
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homegrown shrooms.

>> No.16832764

caffeine. nicotine, unfortunately. cannabis every now and then, never when reading.

>> No.16832766

I'd do a k-hole literally any day

>> No.16832775

have any of you tried DMT?
>inb4 joe rogans

>> No.16832790
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i offer chart

>> No.16832792

no but i wish. shrooms are more euphoric and fun but i want to just fry my brain for 15 minutes

>> No.16832795

you know, heavy nostalgia of the experience is a common side effect. I have friends who did it and any time it is mentioned they go on for 30 minutes reliving the experience

>> No.16832801


>> No.16832816
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Yeah I smoked DMT in my friends car the day after my mom's wedding and I hallucinated making out with my mom.
When it wore off and he asked me what I saw I said "oh just some crazy colours and patterns aha".

>> No.16832828


>> No.16832834

interesting. oedipus type shit perhaps. from what I've read it sounds like a really interesting drug to explore your subconscious but the most baffling are the stories about synchronized dmt trips.

>> No.16832837

none because they exacerbate my anxiety. i also feel better sober

>> No.16832840

I know I had a very very good time, I just can't remember what happens. It's best when you're at a house-party and everyone is on MDMA, not only are you in an enlightened state of bliss and euphoria but so is everyone else, it's literally like being in heaven.

>> No.16832863

I already have a pretty active inner voice that never stops, but on one tab of LSD I experienced ego death, god/singularity/pure-being, and had an overall rollercoaster ride of experience/emotions. The ups and downs were incredibly profound as they were scary/enlightening. If you spend much of your life staring into the abyss, you might be shocked to see the abyss wink back on LSD.

>> No.16832872

my friends say that the moment it kicks in they felt a "splash of water" on their face and suddenly were inside of a "mood bubble" which was easily alterable by whoever approached them. my circle is rather large and there were two archetypes of mdma high, the cotton candy high, full of love and shit, and the mellow clear-thoughts high which helped a turbulent friend of ours speak very clearly, like his thoughts were finally going in a straight line.

>> No.16832886

me being the woke schizo I am, I believe that they just became more sensitive to all the frequencies that were already there. i don't really care to explain what I just said because I'm tired, I hope someone understood that

>> No.16832892
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Whenever I have an intense acid trip I never get this, I get the complete opposite feeling. I don't feel ego death or oneness with the universe, I feel completely solipsistic like the world is a dream and everything and everyone is really just an illusion of my psyche.

>> No.16832945

I've done my fair share of different drugs. The most important about them is not using them simply for a 'high,' but to understand different perspectives.

My main vices are Coffee, Adderall, Nicotine, and then later in the day, alcohol. Stimulants are simply unparalleled when one wishes to study difficult texts. Increased motivation, increased focus, ability to not get distracted easily, ability to more easily make connections in the brain, all of these are extremely helpful when engaging with literature.

Alcohol, too, is unfortunately extremely attractive. Especially after a long day of studying, writing, etc. a few drinks help tremendously to relax and calm anxiety. This can often lead to over-indulgence, which is pretty difficult to combat and has notably plauged countless writers in the past.

Otherwise, LSD gives me the greatest insights and worldly perspectives which directly translate into my own philosophy and studies. I much prefer LSD to shrooms for I find that while shrooms washes over the mind like a large wave, LSD increases your mind's ability to deconstruct and reconstruct. It is much more intuitive and lends itself to grasping conceptual structures. It also, through its child-like euphoria and imagination, inspires thoughts and ideas which might not have arise naturally in one's sober mind and which one could formulate into something greater, ie. literary work.

MDMA is great but I much prefer it for sensory experiences, ie. techno clubs. It's not inherently literary but the connection one feels between visuals, music, and one's own emotions is inspiring and thought-provoking in its own right.

Cocaine is fun in a similar way, however I find that cocaine is the least intellectual - if I want to focus on work, I'm going to take amphetamines because they're cheaper and better for that sort of work. Cocaine is usually only used by me for long nights out, clubbing, partying, etc. I will say though that many nights I've had on cocaine have led to experiences which have had direct influences on my own works.

I don't really see the point of downers, benzos, etc. to me, one should use drugs for insight, for different persepctives, as an aid, or for unique experiences. Nothing about taking xanax and passing out provides anything of value to one's life.

Of course, all drugs should be used carefully and in moderation.

>> No.16832952

how can i get adderall

>> No.16832972

alcohol is hella degenerative and to you my friend, I recommend working out. testosterone in a way alters the way you think, helping you weed out what is not worth worrying about.

>> No.16832987

It's extremely easy if you're in the US. Just go to your primary doctor and say that you're having a very hard time focusing in school, work etc. They prescribe it like candy.

>> No.16833023

I hate cocaine so much, it just makes me angry and then depressed. Not worth the money.

>> No.16833054

Matcha (l-theanine / caffeine) + zazen daily, mushrooms once or twice a year

>> No.16833053
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In this order:
> Coffee (every day)
> Wine/unfiltered cider (a drink with dinner every few days)
> Cannabis (frequently)
> Cigarettes (occasionally)
> Cocaine (very occasionally)
> Psilocybin, acid (when i can find it)
Better reading and writing through chemistry, anon.

>> No.16833062

forgot the occasional 1 month nicotine binge, I start and stop at random

>> No.16833070

same dude. it's terrible

>> No.16833086

Same, for me acid has always been a strange solipsistic interior journey into my own self-perception of the emptiness of all phenomena.

>> No.16833106

cannabis is great for making music. like really good. every sound fondles you so dearly

>> No.16833116

I fucking love MDMA.
The first time I took it was at a lake and it was really beautiful. But the only way I can get it nowadays is through some technohead friends, who insist that we take it at raves, even though I fucking hate techno.
Spoils the whole experience for me, I just want to be alone in nature and be happy.

>> No.16833128

Cannabis is great for sitting on your ass browsing 4chan.

>> No.16833178

>crippling anhedonia
>play games all day and listen to the same podcasts, constantly put off reading
>feel sorry for myself
>promise I'll do better tomorrow
>rinse and repeat
I haven't done any psychedelics in over two years but I feel like I'm about due for an LSD trip

>> No.16833195

the only right answer.

>> No.16833302

Not really, man. 4chan gives off very bad vibes.

>> No.16833337

So does everything else.

>> No.16833380

you should try taking it in a natural setting because you're only half right