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16828619 No.16828619 [Reply] [Original]

What am I in for?

>> No.16828634 [DELETED] 

another retarded "philosophy" book written by a white chinlet
i can't wait until you people are a minority of the population and then we don't have to hear your whining anymore

>> No.16828636

German idealism as grand historical narrative, interpreting reality as a bunch of living metaphors, basically the polar opposite to the existentialism that was being created around the same time.

The fact that he even came up with such an idea is proof of genius, though it might be more of the poetic than historical or philosophical variety. Some later critic named it one of the best Romantic poems ever written iirc.

If you meant more specifically the idea is that civilizations(which he sees as discrete units with definite lifespans) are metaphysical organisms that can be understood as the manifold expressions of a single 'prime symbol' across math, religion, art, politics, everything.

>> No.16828639 [DELETED] 

we'll just **** you shitskins instead

>> No.16828642

you and what army?
oh right, that increasingly brown army

>> No.16828669

This post betrays the basic tragicomedy of the anti-white ideologue. He says he wants to live in a world without whites, but he could do that any time he wants, most of the world is not white. But no he wants to live in a white country, but have that country stop being white, he wants whites to be a 'minority of the population'. Why does he not simply move to a country where whites are already a minority of the population or just not present? The answer to that question, for anyone except sinophiles or the like who actually prefer the east asian states to white countries, presents a sort of giant mental block. They can't quite accurately look at what is staring them in the face, it is funny, but it is also sad.

>> No.16828679

Here's an accurate answer to your little masturbatory paragraph:
I want you to become a minority because I want to watch your countries and cultures die and get taken over.
You gonna do anything about that? No? You gonna vote Republican next time? lmao

>> No.16828684

And why did you parents move to such a country?

>> No.16828756

because yours threw money at foreigners to come because they didn't want to invest in your future

>> No.16828768

Yeah but surely your own country with your own people is better than living with the awful whites?

>> No.16828783

Do you think you're going to get to some "got'em!" moment that somehow changes the fact that we're taking your country for ourselves? You can think you're racially superior all you want. You can try and point out hypocrisy all you like too.
Doesn't change the fact that your grandkids are going to look like me.

>> No.16828793

Why would you even want that though? I mean it would be nicer to live among your own superior people wouldn't it? These new countries you're moving to, they're not all made up of just your people, there are a bunch of other ethnicities that are also moving there, who you guys clearly don't like that much, I mean you're always fighting each other.

You might also notice that the people who are really rich in white countries, that actually control things, they don't really look like you do they.

>> No.16828801

Nobody said we were superior.
We just don't like you and we're taking your shit.

>> No.16828812

are you really taking our shit? It seems to me like the countries you move to just...stop having shit. Almost like the shit has to be produced by someone, and the reason you guys moved in the first place is that you don't produce it. The feeling of spite you have towards people you wish you were like won't make you any better yourselves. Look at for example California. Are the immigrants there really any better off than the were in their own countries? All the stuff they wanted is sort of disappearing, in fact the place is starting to kind of resemble where they came from. Lebanon is the same story. France is becoming a similar story.

>> No.16828817

a metaphysical view of history. extremely unique and fascinating. and as some anon mentioned in a different thread, spengler is ironically spot on with his analysis compared to the 'scientific-materialist' h*storians. you're going to see a lot of renewed interest in spengler as trust in democracy erodes across the west, particularly in america.

>> No.16828821

>words words words
looks like a sore spot
49% soon white boy

>> No.16828826

>49% soon
and then it can become just as terrible as the place you moved from lol. you understand you literally cannot win because you are running from yourself?

>> No.16828833

not him, but this is cringe as fuck. im not white, half of my friends aren't white, and none of us talk or think like this. you have some real deep seated insecurities you need to work out man. unless of course you're a troll and im just wasting my time in responding to this nonsense.

>> No.16828835
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>> No.16828841

I tell you hwhat, hwhite boy. When, not if, you become a minority in your home country, and we finally stop giving a shit about you for good, then I will let you shout "You can't win! You're only running from yourselves!" all day long from the rooftop of the tallest cuckshed.

>> No.16828845
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>we don't like you
>we just like your stuff because its way better than ours

>> No.16828847

Lol this is cope. Most immigrants in the West are like modern serfs.

>> No.16828849

but you still won't be happy. Destroying something good doesn't give you something good, it just makes everything worse

You're probably right, white people do look on their way out, though Eastern Europe might survive. That doesn't really have anything to do with you though does it? Your own value is not related to what is happening to white people.

>> No.16828857

Yeah, and what? You gonna do something about that?

>> No.16828862

Most people in combat roles and officers are white. Shitskins are only cooks and jannies and the like.

>> No.16828875

jesus christ man you’re so transparently mad and insecure. cant blame you honestly

>> No.16828880

He's clearly baiting. You're giving this retard way too much attention. He's probably white anyway.

>> No.16828971
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you can just feel the seething in these posts

>> No.16829009

I don't understand why you don't just go ahead and move to a nonwhite country then. I'm not a white supremacist or anything but if you feel the way you seem to feel, why live in a white country?

>> No.16829026

We aren't on our way out. We will survive in some form in the Americas and Australia even if it is as a minority population. Europe as a whole will survive as well. Things will not keep going this way forever.

>> No.16829047

>Things will not keep going this way forever.
(They did)

>> No.16829070

Post your chin

>> No.16829148

post your demographic projections

>> No.16829216

this couldve been a nice thread. sad!

>> No.16829250

white people will probably survive, they are both smart and surprisingly violent when pressed. But The West is dead and never coming back.

>> No.16829289

>they are both smart and surprisingly violent when pressed
apparently not, because they've been pushed to near-minority status in their home countries and they seem to be either wanting more or too scared to say no

>> No.16829363

Oh, boy...

>> No.16829413

it could be, they might die out. I also wouldn't be too sure of that

>> No.16829491

>>German idealism
is a cancer

>> No.16829506 [DELETED] 

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.16829511

I wonder what's up with the mental state of a white person pretending to be a non-white who hates whites. Some sort of cuck fetish?

>> No.16829512

>>white people will probably survive, they are both smart and surprisingly violent when pressed
no, white people are narrative babies and just get depressed if they cant be acknowledged by women or some authority figure.

And Since postmodernism wasn't an attempt to refute grand narratives, it simply observed that they had ceased to exist sometime mid-century, ie the death of the narrative isn't a program it's a hard-nosed statement of fact, all those spineless white men who grow up without a father can only either accept reality or being even more impotent by living a deluded bubble where they can run wild with power fantasy

>> No.16829546

i swear this girl has done some amateur porn

>> No.16829549

Dose of pessimism

>> No.16829720

rearranged 19th century boilerplate

>> No.16830090

>everyone who hates us is just pretending or secretly loves us! W-we're gonna be ok, you'll get the rope one day!
God whites are fucking babies

>> No.16830223

I assume that's a yes then?

>> No.16830241

This, the levels of cope just a few anti white posts create really shows it

>> No.16830320
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I know this is bait, but there are honestly people who think that way. Here in western Europe it's mostly male muslims.

Imagine VOLUNTARILY leaving your shithole your shitty ancestors left you to VOLUNTARILY adopt a foreign culture.
Imagine getting >colonized by free decision.
Imagine just accepting the inferiority of your own people which led to a culture and a shithole so shitty that you have to flee it.
Imagine doing and being all of that and still thinking of yourself as the "conqueror".

This shit is hilarious.

>> No.16830321

So you're saying all brown people are criminals?

>> No.16830325

a waste of time

>> No.16830336

>I know this is bait, but there are honestly people who think that way
i've heard black people say almost exactly the second sentence in >>16828634, people saying this is b8 just haven't heard what some people really do think

>> No.16830343

imagine writing all of this shit to justify why you're still on top when you're heading to losing your homeland permanently

>> No.16830353

Nobody who actually holds that views has the IQ needed to post on 4chan. HOWEVER, there are a number of people who hold that view in real life. I've actually posted about this before, and I am NOT typing all of this shit out.

>Because Liberalism makes everyone "Westerners". That's the entire point. That's why Brahmin women whose families own literal slaves working in factories that dump plastic sludge right into the ocean get to lecture impoverished West Virginians about how their White Privilege is causing climate change. The entire idea of "Colonial Studies" is rooted in advancing the notion that Westerners are leagues higher than the people they conquered, and that the conquered have been totally annihilated in Western mans wake. There are no more Bantu tribesmen, there are no more Aztecs, there are no more Indians, there are just "BIPOCs", who are the victim of Western man's superiority. Their sovereignty has been destroyed, their control over themselves has been lost, they were made into BIPOCs, which is a category of """""""""people"""""""" in Western man's world, and they want to move up the ladder to "White People". These people will tell you this themselves. After all, we live in a world run by White Supremacy even though the Western world is mostly run by Jews and people who have no sense of themselves as being "White", and in which Asians living in central China are also guilty of "White Supremacy" for not liking fags.

>Nobody in Colonial Studies wants Western Essentialism and Colonialism to end. If they did, they wouldn't be in Colonial Studies, they'd be moving on with their lives instead of caring about a 50 year period of Whitey importing a bunch of railroads and factory equipment to their countries.

Ta Nehisi Coates is not African at all. He's a low-tier Irishman. "Black Culture" is literally just ADIOSes (African Descended Individual of Slavery) stealing Irish culture and mannerisms to elevate themselves above Slavery, and then getting turned into a product by record companies.

>> No.16830364

couldn't care less.
it just makes me giggle, thinking of all the shitskins not knowing that the best sign of admitting ones own racial inferiority is to emigrate to adopt white culture

>> No.16830374

well, giggle away while your grandkids turn brown i guess

>> No.16830396

>"Black Culture" is literally just ADIOSes (African Descended Individual of Slavery) stealing Irish culture and mannerisms to elevate themselves above Slavery, and then getting turned into a product by record companies.
damn, that's pretty spot on

>> No.16830401
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Anglosaxon culture is the reason of the fall of Western Civilization, the anglo-american establisment must fall in order to rescue the West

>> No.16830434
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It's not a technical or scientific overview of history, but it is convincing on some level for a Westerner to see the continuity which Spengler makes between civilizations.

>> No.16830446

a lot of this is wrong

>> No.16830452
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>> No.16830457

explain. I'll debate if I disagree

>> No.16830503
File: 72 KB, 680x495, 1604091769059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dudddee western expansion
>dude colonialism because of western spirit
>ACHKTUALLY spain and portugal isn´t western, only england, germany and united states fits that notion

>> No.16830541

one example is row 6 - Classical understanding placed geometry as the more fundamental concept, not number.
The whole term "rational number" comes precisely from the Classical mathematicians not having a concept of number as an independent abstract idea, but conceived of numbers as representations of ratios of lengths of lines or geometrical structures. Numbers themselves were not even conceived of until much later on.
It would be far more accurate to replace "number" with "form" or "shape" or "geometry" and this would also fit in far better with you saying that Classical culture sees the world through "the logic of space".
"The logic of space" clashes with numbers being a central part of Classical thought. It's not immediately obvious, but it is wrong all the same in my view, since geometry and form are concrete, not abstract.

>> No.16830600
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Writing is the spatialization of thought, and that is how Geometry developed, right? This leads to the harmonics of varied forms with flat use of colour. Spengler I think mentions the pillars of New Kingdom Egypt.

The Logic of Space also allows for a certain amount of regionalistic autonomy outside of the megalopolis. Notably in the Iliad there isn't really one overlord over all the kingdoms of Greece, and even Achilles has some power over Agamemnon.

If we say that writing out geometry makes them more literate and less oral, I think that's incorrect because they're still thinking in terms of schematics, or in tonal intervals and poetic allusion.

>> No.16830694

Spain and Portugal are Faustian. Spengler cites them specifically as examples of Faustian Man's "Spirit". Why would you have an opinion on this matter without spending five seconds looking into it? What else would they be if not Faustian?

I was looking at that and thinking that this had to be a misunderstanding of Spengler or just flat out not Spengler at all. The "logic of time vs space" thing is also wrong, all of Spengler's Culture-Civilizations have a logic of both space and time. Also lines 1 through 4 are so abstract as to be meaningless and apply to all Culture-Civilizations.

>> No.16830708

first reply is a massive /pol/bait

this thread never stood a chance did it?

>> No.16830721
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Assessing the number-space of Classical civilization is difficult but it might help to think of a Classical pagan temple as the behavioural equivalent of an alphanumeric code within a database. There's little sense of what we think of as 'history' in Homer, or a sense of progression from Danaan to Dorian Greece... the Trojan war just has to be expressed in that particular formula.

>> No.16830742

>that pic
someone hasn't read their augustine

>> No.16830754

All the newshitters falling for this, jesus christ

>> No.16830762

Augustine is Magian, not Faustian ("Western" in the image) or Apollonian ("Graeco-Roman" in the image).

>> No.16830771
File: 397 KB, 640x914, St-Augustine-of-Hippo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this anon, Augustine is Syrian-Magian... name an Alexandrian thinker instead to align him with the Apollonian.


>> No.16830781


>> No.16830787

most concise summary here.

>> No.16830828


Based. 100% correct.

>> No.16830872

The Gujarat riots were exclusively perpetrated by people of colour.

>> No.16830885
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humour thread has potential

>> No.16830894
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>> No.16831051
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purple prose with lots of catachresis
>thoroughbass in Rubens
>discovery of perspective somehow analogous to polyphonic counterpoint
>fugues appear together with calculus (they are older, but ok)
>Hölderlin repeats Copernicus on small scale
you feel enlightened for a minute but it leads to nowhere substantial. it's just there to stun you like paradoxes in religious texts.
as Gottfried Keller once wrote, whoever wants to explain art with concepts of another art, is at home in neither.

>> No.16831209

What is the world feeling of Babylon and Mexico?

>> No.16831289
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>> No.16831317

there are still almost 1 billion of them, and a majority of them are not actually very depressed or convinced by academic pomo. Of course if your entire identity is based around hating and feeling inferior to white people I understand that it might be hard to grasp this. You might even think that being used as a bioweapon by rich liberals makes you the one in power lol

>> No.16831420 [DELETED] 

Yeah, niggers will continue to infest and white society will eventually vanish. And then the niggers will be wondering why the world is then magnitudes worse than even now. Because they are inherently unable to create value, they're fucked once whitey is gone. In a way, it's a comforting end to the story.

>> No.16831428

Say that to my face when I am planting my seed in your daughter.

>> No.16831431

Do you have more on this? I'm curious

>> No.16831439

I forget which work in particular, but i remember reading somewhere that he took the main premise of cyclical civilizations from a renaissance treatise
So its not entirely original, though ive read neither and still admit the validity of the latter.

>> No.16831474

Sounds like you didn't read the book.

That is Spengler in a nutshell. People hear Richard Spencer say "Faustian Spirit" (he's actually referring to something entirely separate here) and see "Decline" in the title and see Spengler as LE BALD EBIN DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN BUT AMERICAN EMPIRE man, and that's completely fucking wrong. He's closer to Richard Dawkin's extended phenotype stuff, or Jung, than Edward Gibbon. His Culture-Civilizations don't even die, as >>16830353 goes into, they just ossify and lost their vitality and creative potential.

The actual title of the book(s) was Umrisse Einer Morphologie Der Weltgeschichte, in English "An outline of the morphology of worldspirits", the decline stuff was slapped on because no one would want to buy"Umrisse Einer Morphologie Der Weltgeschichte".

I've been meaning to make a series of images that explain what Spengler is saying, and then how each Culture-Civilization sees the world, precisely to alleviate this problem.

>> No.16831481

The minority types like a black woman in a community college creative writing course and uses we as if the blacks were going to unify in a manner that contradicts all of their previous history
Also youre a minority of the minority so seethe most blacks are chill guys, we just play up the racism here cause its funny to make fun of poor people

>> No.16831512

yeah no, I'll say it now.
you're proving your own inferiority when wanting to emigrate from your shithole your worthless bloodline left you while we prove our tiredness and weakness letting worthless shit like you in.
your brown sons will just create the same shithole your parents and grandparents did.
nobody wins. gg.

besides: what faggotry way of "conquering" is it even to just be "let in and welcomed". pretty emasculating. can't even come with superior force like we did or whatever.

>> No.16831525

God I wish

>> No.16831526 [DELETED] 

Shouldn't waste your time debating niggerisms with niggers.

>> No.16831550

Obviously "browns" are taking over because Europeans are basically killing themselves. The Chinese, who are light-skinned, will inevitably become the new whites. Shitskins will never dominate.

>> No.16831606

*demographically taking over the West

>> No.16831640

I got about halfway through last year, but stopped because I have no goddamn idea what half of his references were about. Is there a list of shit I should read first? Must I find a 100 year old curriculum from a classical European boys school?

>> No.16831676


>> No.16831751

How the fuck did this many newfags reply to that first post.
Anyway if you want some minor whitepills, AFD, SD are still picking up steam even if they're fairly cucked parties.

>> No.16831787
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>> No.16831860
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>> No.16831922

Read Shakespeare, read Greek epic and tragedy, and read Roman history using primary sources (Caesar, Plutarch, Livy, Cicero, Sallust). Read Nietzsche's complete works. Just read more. He references a lot but the more you read the more you pick up on.

He talks about the differences between the Faustian, Classical/Apollonian, and Magian cultures for massive swaths of the book. He only speaks about the others for a scattered handful of pages. He was clearly most familiar with the first three, the Russian culture (according to him) hasn't started yet, and in his day academics knew very little about the Mexican, Egyptian, Sumerian worlds compared to what they knew about Greece and the Monotheistic middle east. We still have a lackluster understanding of Babylon and Sumer.

>> No.16831937
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why did he call it Faustian and not Promethean spirit? seems like an arbitrary nordification of something that belongs to his "classic" category.

>> No.16832332

Besides alluding to Goethe, it may allude to the layout of Washington... quite prescient really since America didn't have bases everywhere then.

>> No.16832386

Nothing seeing as you are not going to read it.

>> No.16832400

You could also say it's "faustian" in a Japethite-Gomerian spirit exemplified by Esau

>> No.16832420
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>> No.16832442

The fact that Spengler's assessments of "Mexican" culture lines up so well with what more recent scholars who have certainly never read Spengler are coming out with is one of the reasons that I put so much stock in Spengler's works.

>> No.16832451

Faust yearns after infinite knowledge in a way that is very peculiar to Western civilization and philosophy (the quest for Absolute Knowing in Hegel, the assembling of encyclopedias in the enlightenment with Diderot to catalogue all knowledge, Linnaeus cataloguing the entire animal kingdom, exploring the entire earth and then exploring our solar system with manned flights and satellites, etc.) By comparison, Prometheus was just given men some fire. Not as dramatic, quite a small horizon of possiblity.

>> No.16832461

meant to reply to>>16831937

>> No.16832578

>Umrisse Einer Morphologie Der Weltgeschichte

>> No.16832988

Can you elaborate on that?

>> No.16833028

well, classic civilization he calls apollonian civilization while the medieval successor civilization to Rome is faustian precisely because it is germanic

>> No.16833228

>I've been meaning to make a series of images that explain what Spengler is saying, and then how each Culture-Civilization sees the world, precisely to alleviate this problem.
please do this, anon

>> No.16833338

>One can quibble endlessly about the small details in Spengler's historical research, but as the introduction suggests one should not take everything too literal-mindedly, but rather more poetically again like Nietzsche. The ones who did rail against these details, who Spengler knowingly and ingeniously termed "mere ant-industry" in this book, are people you would have never heard of before; the ones who did appreciate this book and maybe to a degree even absorbed it have the names of Max Weber, Ludwig Wittgenstein, and Theodor Adorno(!) on the other hand. Indeed it's no surprise that it took a German-language mind to understand this-in the end-German book, and what they likely appreciated was the poetic force and brilliant imagery of the writing first and foremost, for which all historical writing in the Anglo-sphere has greatly lacked since Carlyle who himself was under the influence of Hegel.
Damn, shots fired.

>> No.16833356

I think Chesterton might qualify for poetic force and imagery

>> No.16833808

>in his day academics knew very little about the Mexican, Egyptian, Sumerian worlds compared to what they knew about Greece and the Monotheistic middle east. We still have a lackluster understanding of Babylon and Sumer.
Isn't it tantalizing though that he associates Sumeria with 'Cardinality'?

MATHEMATICS specialized
the number of elements (= separate items) in a mathematical set

>> No.16833958

>I was looking at that and thinking that this had to be a misunderstanding of Spengler or just flat out not Spengler at all.
I agree, but I just gave one specific example of one easily demonstrable fact.

>> No.16834208
File: 68 KB, 333x500, aztec philosophy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr go read pic related. The Aztecs conceived of the world as being composed of a prime-stuff that is a ceaseless process of becoming eating itself to become. Maffie spends a large amount of time going over sources that literally did not exist in Spengler's lifetime and, completely separate from him, comes to remarkably similar conclusions.

>It's up on libgen.

>> No.16834335



>> No.16834342

where does Spengler mention the aztecs?

>> No.16834358

Was Spengler incredibly intelligent or did he just know how to look at things?

>> No.16834378

He was bald from thinking too much

>> No.16834382

Oops, sorry meant to ask >>16834208 this >>16834358

>> No.16834395

In some cases it's just weird, how he got some very specific things right, even though his methodology seems wonky.

>> No.16834405


>> No.16834526

Because whites are still in control of most nonwhite nations

>> No.16834615

>where does Spengler mention the aztecs?
He mentions the 'mercantilist' Mayan intellects of Uxmal and contrasts them with the more 'confucian' Aztec naturists.

In the West we might contrast the 'legalist' Calvinists of London with the 'mercantilist' Lutheran intellects of Berlin, save for Nietzsche who might be viewed as a sort of 'confucianist'. Marx was probably influenced by the 'legalists' of London.

>> No.16834647

basically I'm saying that in Asia
Faustianism would mean Mercantilism
Magianism would mean Legalism
Apollonianism would mean Confucianism (aristocracy)

>> No.16834682
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fascinating shit. it kind of adds up when you go through his qualifiers.

>> No.16834703
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This is definitely a /pol/lack larping as a nonwhite to "WAKE U UP", 8/8 b8 tho

>> No.16834713


Maybe you can ask Mugabe for some farmland that you don't know how to manage and then your grandkids can get exactly the future they deserve.

>> No.16834863

It's probably b8 but I've definitely heard black guys say a bunch of this shit irl so I honestly wouldn't be surprised either way

>> No.16835285

I have that exact post saved and am pretty sure I remember congratulating you for it in that thread. Crazy, should probably spend less time on 4chan and go read some books so I can make good posts of my own.

>> No.16835308

big talk from an Iberian penninsul poster. If instead of keeping a poor and overpopulated class in their countries for easy recruitment (among other reasons) and sent them to colonize lowly populated colonial south america/africa/spice islands/central america against the vested interest of local plantation owners who didn't want competition and Jews or people with a Jewish heart profiting off of slavery we could've had a developped and mostly white congress of nations across the Americas, instead it's lost to the mutts.

Their is a reason the Spanish and Italians didn't lead the century, just be glad the French aren't the primary power. Lord only knows how awful things would be if they had any more influence than they already had.

>> No.16835510

Better then jewish idealism we have now.