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16825938 No.16825938 [Reply] [Original]

Music played a big role in Nietzsche's philosophy (especially in The Birth of Tragedy.) What type of music do you think Nietzsche would like if he were around today?

>> No.16825969

>especially in The Birth of Tragedy
That's Schopenhauer's philosophy, though. Nietzsche was just elucidating a few points in his theory of aesthetics.

>> No.16825973

If he were alive today he'd have given up on his vitalism and would've killed himself in fear of what this world has become. We are the last men

>> No.16825979
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i don't know and who cares. You could make an argument for anything really and then you'll have a bunch of people saying that he would have thought it was decadent and they'd be just as right as you are.
With that said he would listen to krautrock. specifically neu

>> No.16825994 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.16826009

Schopenhauer and Nietzsche believed that art served differences though. Schopenhauer believed that the purpose of art was to quell the will. In regards to the OP< that could be any depressing music. Although Nietzsche shared Schopenhauer's love of tragedy, he believed the purpose of art was to affirm life in the face of suffering, and he also developed his own theory of Apollonian and Dionysian elements of art. That makes contemplating what kind of modern music Nietzsche might have liked a bit more difficult.

>> No.16826020

*believed that served different purposes

>> No.16826053

Metallica instrumentals and black metal shit, but secretly thinks Abba's Waterloo first 30 seconds are the best pop song lyrics ever written

>> No.16826151

I largely agree, my point being the aesthetic theory Nietzsche was building up on was Schopenhauer's. However, I believe there is some misunderstanding here. The music or art that "quells" the will would not be a depressing music. It would rather be a sort of calm aesthetic experience that does not stir the will at all. Think about early classical pieces. This is the sort of art that Schopenhauer was interested in and the sort that Nietzsche calls Apollonian. One of Nietzsche's goals in BoT was to show how the Dionysian side, which he believed Schopenhauer neglected, fits in the general theory. So you can see early on in Nietzsche's work how he differs with Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer wanted an art that mitigated suffering by captivating you in an aesthetic experience, but Nietzsche wanted art to enable you to bear suffering in its fullest extent.

>> No.16826425

Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244

>> No.16826440

He would listen to Bladee and Yungster Jack

>> No.16826464

Power Metal

>> No.16826487


>> No.16826493


>> No.16826511

Trailerpark, K.I.Z, some indie artists, and Death Grips

>> No.16826830

prog rock + whatever art music he liked (Bach, Beethoven, Chopin)

>> No.16826885

>Trailerpark, K.I.Z and Death Grips
Yeah, Nietzsche would definetively listen to those cringeworthy pseudo non-conformist edgelords. Pls tell me you're trolling

>> No.16826891

Machine dance game music

>> No.16826901


>> No.16826910

Gangsta Rap.

>> No.16826918

t. hasn't listened to any of them
They're not non-conformist, but I'll grant you edgelord in regards to Trailerpark

Tell me how a song like "Schlechter Tag" or "Walpurgisnacht" or even "Hurra die Welt geht unter" is not Nietzschean

>> No.16826985

>"Hurra die Welt geht unter"
Leftist feel-good hippie utopia, definetively not Nietzschean
Blatant vulgarism just for shock value
>They're not Non-conformist
Yes (thats what I say) but they try hard to be

>> No.16827107

>leftist feel-good
Primitivist and staring-into-the-abyss-and-smiling pilled
>blatant vulgarism
No it's quite life-affirming in its portrayal of violence and ecstasy

>> No.16827152


>> No.16827192

Dean Martin

>> No.16827214

Which abyss? They're enjoying the reset to a Marxian/Rousseauian primal society which never existed.
"Warum soll ich dir was wegnehmen, wenn wir alles teilen"
Yeah totally Nitzschean
>No it's quite life-affirming in its portrayal of violence and ecstasy
With that kind of logic you could call 90% of vulgar German G rap Nitzschean. It's just edgy, not more not less.

>> No.16827260

No there's gangster and general image rap, and then there's consciously focused on image rap. Kollegah is an image rapper because he tries to desperately convey an image as a gangster. KIZ is different in that they know and everyone else knows that they're not really rapists or cannibals or nazis.
>which abyss
You make a fair point but the way I see it they're cheering on the collapse of modern society. Celebrating what the world could be, a celebration of potential.

>> No.16827326

Only true reply in this whole thread

>> No.16827329

The only way in which this is Nitzschean is, that the listener recognizes how he himself kind of desires what is described in this texts. This isn't just the case with KIZ but with all forms of Rap in which you can find this glorification of violence and sexual promiscuity. The listeners distances himself from the civilized society to achieve some feeling of freedom or power.
Cheering on the collapse of modern society is necessarily Nietzschean especially mit in their case.

>> No.16827344

>how he himself kind of desires
Which I honestly think is the point specifically concerning KIZ but the same argument can be made for Trailerpark

>> No.16827445

Yeah, though the problem with KIZ is that they are not really consequential with their amoralism. Just listen for example to Boom Boom Boom. As soon as it gets political, they are turning into whining moral faggots wallowing in their mud of so called moral superiority. Whining about some Facebook boomers hating on muslims after you proudly rapping about beheading and raping animals is just kind of cringeworthy.
Don't know about Trailerpark, I'm not to deep into them.

>> No.16827496

definitely not. maybe technical death metal though. maybe K-Pop.

>> No.16827515

Idk. I know that the events of 2015 onwards (refugee crisis, right wing resurgence, etc) made a lot of artists and entertainers pretty cringe and milquetoast especially in their opinions on politics, but I just relistened to Boom Boom Boom and even the first verse
>Tut mir leid wenn ich den Untertanen-Stolz jetzt verletze
>Doch was quatscht ihr da: "es gibt nicht genug Ausbeutungsplätze"
Is pretty damn anarchistic. Not Nietzschean I suppose but it gets way closer to it than most other german rap. Käptn Peng for example is a lyrical genius but he doesn't have the same Übermensch ecstatic energy.

>> No.16827625

Well, you could listen to oder Songs like "Revolution". It's basically and pure call for political violence. Nonetheless our President advertised them without too much backclash. Pretty hard to be provocative these days if you're not right wing

>> No.16827969

So schopenhauer would listen to indie and jangle while nietszche would have stanned K-pop. Great. That's what I needed to hear

>> No.16828001
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>> No.16828050

beatmania music collection

>> No.16828051

W-what president?

>> No.16828116

You don't remember the "Wir sind mehr" concert in Chemnitz Steinmeier advertised for?

>> No.16828124

Not until you reminded me but I'm not german.

>> No.16828135


>> No.16828231

probably listen to drain gang but he won't actually get it because stupid nihilist

>> No.16828521
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Deathconsciousness ofc

>> No.16828527
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Why Tarkus of course.

>> No.16829038

All the Mahler symphonies
Frank Zappa
Stravinskys Rite of Spring
In the Court of the Crimson King

>> No.16829145

drain gang

>> No.16829519

Every instrumental French compositions of the XXth

>> No.16829587
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Billie Elish

>> No.16829633

Besides Wagner, he'd listen to old school death metal ala Bolt Thrower

>> No.16829681

XXe tu voulais dire

>> No.16829695

Nietzsche could have heard Mahler's first symphony but he was went crazy before most of Mahler's greatest works were premiered

>> No.16829768
File: 146 KB, 944x599, 1584054928867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Music played a big role in Nietzsche's philosophy (especially in The Birth of Tragedy.) What type of music do you think Nietzsche would like if he were around today?
Nietzsche loves music, like any woman and hedonist, and since those people are vapid, they would love pop music., like alizée.

>> No.16830056


>> No.16830085
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>> No.16830373

Swans obviously