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/lit/ - Literature

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16813880 No.16813880 [Reply] [Original]

I feel extremely sorry for every ESL and every person who has ever been from a country that doesn't speak English as its official language. How does it feel that all the best books in the world are English-language? Even the English translations of books in other languages are superior. If you don't speak English, fuck you.

>> No.16813890
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>> No.16813891
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>all the best books in the world are English-language

>> No.16813893
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>How does it feel that all the best books in the world are English-language? Even the English translations of books in other languages are superior.
How is this a problem for me?
English books and translations are sold all over the place in my third world shithole.
>If you don't speak English, fuck you.
This is a message the receiving side will not be able to read.

>> No.16813896

>How does it feel that all the best books in the world are English-language?
Name them, bitch boy.

>> No.16813897

that image doesn't make you look cool or smug. it makes you look like a dork

>> No.16813917

As an ESL, I've to accept this.

>> No.16813934

Imagine an internet without such people.

>> No.16814255
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the only reason you even consider the best books to be in English is that you've been brainwashed by your imperialist anglo universities. This, and also because you are uncultured. If you were even remotely familiar with the French novel of the 19th century, with the works of Celine, you would be ashamed to make such a statement.
As to translations being superior, that's just plain retarded. You can never translate poetry - at most you can adapt it. Also, English translations from romance languages suck ass.
Bait better next time, loser.

>> No.16814259

I don't speak English

>> No.16814267


>> No.16814309

French has a better literary tradition.

>> No.16814319

hon hon hon

>> No.16814328

I feel genuinely, genuinely sorry for the few Anglos who aren't bad souls. They will never have authentic access to a language which hasn't been thoroughly polluted by the American "mind".

>> No.16814344
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If you're not ESL, it means you live in one of these countries. Only Ireland is somewhat respectable, I wouldn't go live in the others even if my salary was tripled.

>> No.16814378

>How does it feel that all the best books in the world are English-language?
Silly anon, Fantômas is originally in French.

>> No.16814408

>I feel extremely sorry for every ESL
thanks, but I much prefer being able to read Hrabal's bibliography, no need to feel sorry

>> No.16814432
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J'éprouve une quantité inépuisable de dégout pour chaque anglophone et chaque personne né dans un pays dont le dialecte archaïque n'est que le reflet du mouvement négatif de l'être en perdition. Comment vous sentez vous face à l'irréfragable certitude que la langue française et ses multiples œuvres vous surplombent en tout point? Même les traductions française d’œuvres étrangères sont supérieures.

Si tu ne parles pas français, tu n'es probablement qu'une épave en dérive de la grande parodie réificatrice.

>> No.16814435

god french is so fucking gay

>> No.16814437

>superior than the others
based superior grammar

>> No.16814446

Is that why for the longest time it was known as the language that makes women wet?

>> No.16814447

>If you don't speak English, fuck you.
Soon neither will you, as your language will soon be replaced entirely by ebonics.

>> No.16814466

putain mais c'est quoi ce language de pédé mon pote, c'est ton cul que je vais réifier petite pute, t'as ouvert un dictionnaire un jour et depuis tu te sens plus pisser mais mon petit tu te pisses dessus... Ton poste est à chier parce que ton style superfétatoire fais plus penser aux idées d'un type qui renifle ses pets d'un crépuscule à l'autre qu'à quoi que ce soit d'à peu près intelligible. Note bien que ça me fait de la peine de dire ça, de donner de quoi se gausser à ces saloperies d'anglais, mais merde quoi on apprend à lire avant d'apprendre à écrire. Alors s'il-te-plaît ferme ta grande gueule ou réécrit moi ce message dans un français qui n'est pas une mauvaise imitation d'un style visiblement trop intellectuel pour toi.

>> No.16814478
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Jacques, ich verstehe, dass dich dieser Ostküstenganove mit seinem Gerede in Rage versetzt, aber das ist kein Grund in einen hirntoten Wettstreit darüber zu verfallen, welche Sprache die überlegene ist. Die englische Sprache hat in ihrer Einfachheit einen gewissen Reiz, den Sprachwitz eines Shakespeare oder Joyce können wir nicht nachahmen. Aber ebenso wenig lassen sich der Fluss des französischen Satzbaus oder die Genauigkeit deutscher Grammatik in andere Sprachen übertragen.

Es bleibt dabei, dass die wahren Feinheiten eines jeden Autors nur in seiner Muttersprache durchscheinen, weswegen die einzigen Esel jene sind, die glauben, nur eine Sprache beherrschen zu müssen.

>> No.16814599

English does have the best YA tradition

>> No.16814656
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Per prima cosa, bisogna scegliere un taglio di guanciale non troppo secco. Qualcuno dei commensali protesterà perché il guanciale, diranno, "è troppo grasso, non mi piace": schiaffeggiateli e ditegli di tacere. Dopo averlo tagliato a tocchetti, senza l'aggiunta d'olio, riscaldate il guanciale in una padella a fiamma alta, e aggiungete un cucchiaio scarso d'aceto di vino bianco. L'aceto aiuterà a disciogliere il grasso del guanciale, e vi permetterà di soffriggere il guanciale senza l'uso di olio. In una seconda padella più piccola soffriggete la cipolla, che poi toglierete dall'olio e unirete al guanciale quando sarà ben dorato. Fate bollire una pentola con abbondante acqua salata. A parte, in una scodella di vetro o ceramica e non di plastica, sbattete un uovo intero più un tuorlo, e un altro tuorlo per ogni ospite, ma un uovo intero anziché soltanto il tuorlo per ogni terzo ospite. Aggiungete sale, pepe, un pizzico di noce moscata se gradite, e abbondante pecorino romano grattugiato. Quando l'acqua bollirà, usate preferibilmente vermicelli o anche corde di chitarra. Appoggiate quindi la scodella con le uova sopra la pentola di acqua calda. Il calore farà rapprendere l'uovo e lo farà diventare più denso e cremoso. Tuttavia, fate attenzione a non cuocere l'uovo o rovinerete la ricetta. Se le uova si sono già addensate, unitele al guanciale e alla cipolla. Scolate, ma aspettate qualche secondo in più per evitare che il calore rovini le uova. Aspettate che il vapore se ne vada completamente, e unite il tutto. Mescolate e servite immediatamente, con una spruzzata di pecorino e pepe nero per decorazione.