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/lit/ - Literature

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16810019 No.16810019 [Reply] [Original]

Is Buenos Aires as /lit/ as they say? It has the most bookstores per person in the world.

>> No.16810038

I'm interested in knowing

>> No.16810061

Don't people get shot there?

>> No.16810070

People get shot in every city

>> No.16810094

Argentinian here. No, porteños are rude, vulgar New Yorker/Parisian wannabes.
The people living there don't read.

>> No.16810101

Any advice on a good city in lam?

>> No.16810112

It did give birth to Borges and Cortazar, but as of right now it's a fucking cesspool.

>> No.16810117


>> No.16810126

I assume you mean Latam? Montevideo might be boring but it's better than BA imo. You could also visit Cordoba in Argentina itself.

>> No.16810158

I'm looking for a place to live without so much perversion. If the Vatican was cheaper to live around I'd move there

>> No.16810185

Imagine being so retarded you dont think the vatican has perversion

>> No.16810198

move to some monastery in the mountains.

>> No.16810201

No I do I said least

>> No.16810208

Didn't you see that papa frank follow dem pawgs on the ole 'gram?

>> No.16810210

I tried that I still need food and internet

>> No.16810218

I'm well-aware of the issue w man but if you're saying everywhere is equally perverse then I'm going to china so they can laugh at westerners

>> No.16810219

Why mention a fake news story when there are already pictures of him kissing a nigger's feet

>> No.16810253

buenos aires here
yes its a good city except for some parts
dont listen to others saying porteños are rude, they are idiots

>> No.16810475

Thank you for the advice, anons. I'm going to look into Montevideo and Córdoba. I have seen mixed opinions about Buenos Aires so I will keep researching. I am especially interested in the culture and literature of Latin America.

>> No.16810510

How is it a cesspool? I have heard of the economic problems in Argentina. Does that have to do with it?

>> No.16810646

>I'm looking for a place to live without so much perversion
>asks for recommendations on Latin America

Literally one of the most retarded ideas I've seen on this board. Go to the Middle East.

>> No.16810706


>> No.16810974

t. Amerifat

>> No.16810995

I'm OP and that anon is not me. I don't really know what he means when he talks about perversion but I don't really care about gay shit or drugs if it's not overbearing.

>> No.16811072

The vatican is the most perverted place on earth. The orgies in the vatican were Stanley Kubrick's inspiration for eyes wide shut

>> No.16811156

Argie here. There are a few nice places, but overall it's filled with niggers and peroniggers + streets are full of literal garbage, thanks to retards.
Not to mention, tourists are the main targets, so having cash is a really bad idea if you're planning your vacations here.
Also, tons of socialists here

>> No.16811342

Thanks for your input. Would you recommend other parts of Argentina over Buenos Aires?

>> No.16811418

Middle East isn't any better from what I've seen

>> No.16811421

The argie niggerdensity decreases with latitude, so I'd recommend visiting the Patagonia, tons of based small german towns there, beautiful natural landscape and not a lot of peroniggers

>> No.16811438

From what I know of Argentina, it seems they have a habit of thriving for 70+ years, before imploding and suffering economic chaos, only to repeat the cycle again. Why?

>> No.16811642

I can't compare with other places, but I'd say it's more artsy than /lit/. Lots of film school students, musicians, translators, law and psychology students, etc.
The hipsters from Buenos Aires, chiefly Palermo, are into typical hipster shit, but their space is mostly coopted by middle and upper class fags looking to get wasted and fucking (women are pretty slutty).
There are a ton of museums, theaters and bookstores. We have "Noches de..." where one night, bookstores will remain open during the night hours, with free public transport, also Open museum nights, where museums charge no entry fees. One of the biggest book fairs in Latam takes place in Buenos Aires. There's always a new record of attendance.
Urban architecture is fairly European. Some very nice buildings and turn of the century and early 20th century little palais. Old apartment buildings are pretty French on the inside. Lots of ugly looking modern buildings though.
The streets are not exactly the cleanest. The streets are full of beggars and it's easy to get mugged or shot :)
The better cultural centers almost coincide with the legal and corporate centers of the city, so the downtown commute is a mess. After hours it gets kinda dangerous.
The Philosophy and Letters public university is full of marxist and peronist dirty hipsters or brainwashed madmen and madwomen. They make a pretty cool clique though, if you lean that way.
If you can attach yourself to some humanities students or young pros in art, marketing and visual stuff, chances are you could have a fairly /lit/ experience, but it's pure drug and booze ridden decadence for the most part.
The rest of the country is mostly ignorant trash. Some very nice landscapes and shit, but I wouldn't call something like the Swiss Alps "literary".

t. Argie

>> No.16811806

No, it's more like less than 10 years between crisis

>> No.16811822

Oh I didn't answer why tho. Weak democracy + majority of population likes socialism + disdain towards law in general

>> No.16811898

When was the last time those tards went 70 years?

>> No.16811908

This is a great description, anon, thank you. I had the impression that it was a safe city, at least safer than most of Latin America, but I'm going to reconsider now.

Thank you as well. I don't really get what a stereotypical peronist is like though because I am unfamiliar with the ideology.

>> No.16811915

I didn't expect to get so many replies from Argentinians lol. great responses itt.

>> No.16812011
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Average peromutt

>> No.16812033

I lived in Rosario and there were a bunch of bookstores. Never did see alot of people reading much, but that's probably because of the public crime. I did know some hot lit hoes there. The problem was that they and other Argie women only ever want to sleep. (Ultra lazy)

>> No.16812053

oh no lol

>> No.16812067

>I had the impression that it was a safe city
It's as safe as any other big capital city in the continent and tourism is a big chunk of our GDP. Buenos Aires has a ton of CCTV and police everywhere remotely touristy.
It all boils down to bad luck. If you act like a tourist, you'll attract attention. If someone tries to mug you, you shouldn't resist at all, and you'll at least get away with a scare and your life.
The rest of the country depends, but it's pretty safe. Patagonia and all those places are okay.

>> No.16812110

I was robbed twice when I lived in Argentina. Once in Rosario and once in Concordia, Entre Rios. I blame both of those on my love of foot travel though. I did know a number of people who were burglarized.

Thie thing I hated the most was that villeros would be resettled into small towns by the government.

>> No.16812142

Thanks. Good to know.

>> No.16812147

i knew this fat jew who went there for study abroad, he got mugged on the second day, and flew home the day after. he was shook.

>> No.16812159

damn that has to suck for that fat jew.

>> No.16812169

Do not travel with a backpack

>> No.16812177

makes sense

>> No.16812220
File: 49 KB, 657x695, 1594437756268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any anons in Algiers?

>> No.16813405
File: 539 KB, 1280x640, KENNY LVIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It has the most bookstores per person in the world.


>> No.16813591
File: 110 KB, 647x860, Cristinakirchnermensaje2010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound legit, but there's only one way to find out if you're a true Argie: what do you think of pic related?

>> No.16813598

Just wear it on your front, that's what I did when I lived there

>> No.16813610

we have reached pseud levels that shouldn't be possible

>> No.16813678

She's a clever bitch and some portion of the dirt is most likely true. Literary speaking, at least she has a modicum of rhetoric which the also corrupt and useless Engineer could never dream to achieve.
But I no longer give a fuck about politics. Listening to the retarded media, the politicians, the congressmen. It's too depressive. This country is fucked no matter whoever rules. Our only hope would be some sort of war or nuclear holocaust in Europe or maybe Asia that forced their people to mass migrate here. And that's never going to happen, so we better wait for the end of the world or some alien shit to put us out of our misery.

>> No.16815161

What a faggot lmao

>> No.16815165

imagine actually thinking this.

>> No.16815180

Epic BOOBA would drain her milkers all day long
On every other level she's evil

>> No.16815188
File: 70 KB, 669x446, parliament.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
