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/lit/ - Literature

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16806421 No.16806421 [Reply] [Original]

Describe this picture in your best prose.

>> No.16806425


>> No.16806436


>> No.16806438


>> No.16806444

Based and alpha

>> No.16806456

With tears streaming down his face?

>> No.16806463

He's overcoming his nature. Conquering his flesh with his spirit. Flesh cries.

>> No.16806473

Smoking is bad
Don't wear ass necklaces

>> No.16806481

simp meets his favorite streamer

>> No.16806484

you probably cant even imagine how much of a faggot you sound like.

>> No.16806490

t. richard smoker

>> No.16806491 [DELETED] 

Reported for underaged, gtfo twitch fag.

>> No.16806492

who is richard smoker

>> No.16806494

He's a chicken choker.

>> No.16806498

a real joker

>> No.16806500

hello newfriend, you have to be wary of shitty baits. one of the rules is to never ask for an explanation, you either get it or not. Lurk more.

>> No.16806516

piss off report fag

>> No.16806578

Another picture, another cigarette. Another damn frame with the same whore who mocks me. What did i do to deserve this? to be drawn a thousand times, a thousand more copied and pasted, in a thousand new miserable scenarios all with the same face. Your face. The hand that draws and the face that mocks. I've had it! being a fetish for the broken, i've had it! I'm breaking the cycle, starting with you, dearie. I hope you like shoegaze, because our next nightwalk isn't going to end...

>> No.16806581

He tightened his grasp around my wrist, I felt the warm clutching embrace of his palm. My pulse struggled against his. Tight but not constricting, his was an odd mercy. The vigour of my strength dissipated as some prey like instinct took over. A lightheadedness not entirely unpleasant. Slowly, mustering up the courage to face him I stopped at the undulating glow of the cigarette. It wavered with the soft orange hues of sundown.

>> No.16806660

Rage comic-tier faggotry.

>> No.16806664


>> No.16806674
File: 143 KB, 1200x914, @blanclauz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doomer on suicide watch

>> No.16806958

>"Jerk me off, Susanna!"
>They had not seen each other in years.
>"Just like old times! Please!" he said. She felt his spittle mixed with tears on her face and she blinked, paralyzed.
>She finally looked him in the eyes, confused. "Harry, what do you mean? You can't ask me that."
>"A bomb was surgically implanted inside me! They told me," he took a hard drag from his wet cigarette, "only the hand of my true love can defuse it!"
>She looked down. A faint red light blinked through his open zipper.
>"Is this serious?"
>"Yes, Susie! You must believe me!"
>"I do believe you, Harry."
>He was still crying while holding her wrist. While she looked back at him, a clump of ash broke off his cigarette.
>"How much time do we have?"
>"I don't know. Susie!"
>"You really came to look for me when they told you that? Your true love?"
>"Yes, yes! I still love you."
>"Oh, Harry, I love you too."
>Then a flash. Fire engulfed the room, and the windows shattered.

>> No.16806996

Lmao, confessing their love led them to their downfall. 10/10

>> No.16807017

is breaking the choker a real thing?

>> No.16807030
File: 31 KB, 378x378, wojak-neck-beard-angry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoking is bad

>> No.16807032

>>"only the hand of my true love can defuse it!"
note how he specified true love.
>>"Oh, Harry, I love you too."
>>Then a flash. Fire engulfed the room, and the windows shattered.

>> No.16807067

??? So what, she wasnt his true love ? I don't get what you mean, the text doesnt make sense in that way

>> No.16807079

Chad is probably a fag

>> No.16807084

I won't pronounce myself but this is interesting.

>> No.16807085


>> No.16807089

Enjoy an 8+ dollar a day addiction and lung cancer retard.

>> No.16807091

>muh money
>muh lungs
holy spooks

>> No.16807094

i be grabbin de arthoe by de hand
i be rapin de arthoe by de pussy
i be rapin

>> No.16807097

People who say smoking is bad
People who say it's not
>17 year olds that started last week.

>> No.16807098

My takeaway was that they didnt know when it would blow, so instead of jerking him off then and there, they chose to confess their love, wasting precious time and blowing up

>> No.16807101
File: 937 KB, 1700x1971, @blanclauz Doomers on suicide watch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, she keeps it on.

>> No.16807129

Its $1 a day and well worth it . It also doesn't cause lung cancer.

>> No.16807132

Her wrist was so thin, he had to clench his fist to even make purchase on it, and he thought he might snap it. It was in that split-second, as he looked into her remarkably calm face, his own streaming with tears as he barely held onto his cigarette with his quivering lips, that he realized he had lost. The smoke was getting in his eyes. That's what was making him cry, he told himself. He knew that she didn't think that, though.

So he slapped her.

>> No.16807134

Faggot jannies

>> No.16807136

Anyone who is hypersexual is by extension a faggot because they are controlled by their sexual appetites like animals.

>> No.16807145

Everyone is controlled by their sexual appetite to some degree. Gay people and normal people

>> No.16807153

>8 trillion websites on which to post porn
>10125310 boards on this site on which to post porn
>anon absolutely needs to post porn on blue board

>> No.16807155

Sex is one of the few things worth caring about.

>> No.16807157

Kimochi warui

>> No.16807182

Normal means mediocre.

>> No.16807188

This. I hate porn. If I am exposed to it, I'll do nothing but masturbate all day, which means 8+ times and all that time going to shit. Also brain feels fatigued and the habit usually persists for days and weeks. Literally pointless.

>> No.16807192

It's hard to define love; he failed.

>> No.16807198

what's the biological determiner that says men should not wear ear rings?

>> No.16807228

It's just that the thread is instantly derailed.
You know that, too, but you'll deny that because you belong to a literal cult.

>> No.16807311
File: 354 KB, 1280x720, external-content.duckduckgo.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I told you to leave it alone, you bitch...".
Jack's voice was trembling at this point, shameful tears began to stream down his stubbled face. His patience had vanished, his pride long-destroyed.
"If you can't talk about it at all then I'm just going to go- I can't be around you right now."
Monica had a cool and distant look on her face. She knew she was in control of his emotions, she'd always been in control.
"You think I want to feel like this? About my own brother? How the fuck can you be so cold? I trusted you! You fucking bitch!"
He was belligerent, drunk with pain. Gripping her porcelain wrist, he began to shake. Harder. Harder.
She began to feel sweat building on her unpowdered hairline. She began to feel the heat of his smokey breath. She was afraid. Only a few short hours ago she'd felt the affection of Steven, Jacks older brother. She'd felt the way his strong hands gripped the small of her pale back, they way his hot wet breath enveloped her neck. She had always gotten away with this sort of thing in the past. What changed? Why was she now facing the consequences for a lifetime of Byzantine betrayals? She ceased to think at all as Jack, billowing tears and smoke, advanced as he drew a nine-milometer from his waistband.

>> No.16807607

I proof read my sentence again: “discrib ths in youre beset pros”. Still not quite right. After consulting my English 101 text book—the only book I own—I make another attempt; sweat begins to pool above my brow and I feel my acne begin to itch as I drag my fingers across my crusty keyboard, exerting myself considerably—trying to remedy the broken sentence. “Deskib this ni yourr best pro”. My foot stamps in anger, my mother yells to me from the other room. Doesn’t she know I’m working? Deciding the sentence can no longer be attempted in my irritated state I instead browse my wojak folder for what will be the crux of my success today. “Ah, aggressive doomer with goth femjak, perfect,” I mumble aloud, not without forgetting to suppress my thick accent; all that remains is correcting sentence and the captcha—my old enemy. Inspiration strikes! Autocorrect, of course! It takes a few attempts and visiting google translate but I manage to finish the sentence in under 30 minutes. My head spins with lethargy, mentally exhausted from the previous trial, but I resolve myself to face the task before me: The Captcha. I slide my index finger across my crt monitor to help me read the question, “S-s-sect? Tarfik lies?” As usual the beast prompts me with an illegible riddle. A grid of images full of alien objects crowd my vision—I wipe the screen to remove the grease left by my fingers. 2 hours of guessing the boxes but no luck. I’ve seen some of the objects before in movies: “cars” and “buses” I believe. Soon, I’m defeated. Darkness blankets my world as my electricity is turned off for the night. “Tomorrow, /lit/, you will taste my bitter triumph!” I proclaim. My mother yells and go off to sleep. “Tomorrow, you WILL ‘Describe this picture in your best prose.’”

>> No.16807678

he gripped her arm firmly "help there are slugs in my eyes"

>> No.16807712

The cigarette hung precariously from his lips like an overripe fruit or the last reservations of a desperate man. In that moment all she could do was stare at the still glowing ember suspended inches from her nose. Transfixed by its deranged trajectory she neglected to steel herself for its inevitable fall.

>> No.16807773

>8+ dollars a day
If you smoke a pack and a half a day, sure

>> No.16807869

>Enough, he told her. We cannot keep living like this, this wretched refuse of a life we call worthy. Enough!
>As if Doomette didn't know. She cared not. Not for his words, not for his rage, not for his grasp clutching her wrist so as to convey the urgency of his message. After all, if she were not a doomer, she would not be Doomette. And if she were not Doomette, then she wouldn't be at all.
>A fish must swim, and a doomer must doom, she told him softly and dispassionately.
>She didn't *like* it either per se, but what else was there? What else could she base her identity on if not the thing she was good at, namely not caring? Why should she care about her uncaringness? That seemed like a worthless paradox to ponder or try to resolve, like so many of the paradoxes and nonsensicalities she had given up on a lifetime ago. She saw tears welling up in his eyes, his face clenching in pain, feeling his grip tighten.
>We're destroying ourselves!
>Oh honey, my sweet summer child, she thought. Even now you still drag on your cigarette while saying that. As if the hypocrisy wasn't evident to all, least of all ourselves.
>All must return to dust eventually, Doomer. Why struggle against the inevitable? The only freedom we have in this life is to choose how wrecked and wretched we leave our body when our fire burns out for good. What has gotten into you to now to suddenly want to have a less wretched existence? Did we not love each other in our senseless misery? Did we not share many a beautiful night in the damp and dusty caves of painful memory? Did we not love each other before?
>Doomette wondered for a moment if Doomer would claim they would still love each other in struggle and discipline and virtue. In fact, she feared to hear him say it for she knew that only in misery could they and would they want to stay together.
>Instead he said nothing, seeming aghast at how she could honour their shared hatred and sorrow like that. As if it was a good thing. Which it was, she knew. Excess maketh ecstasy.

>> No.16808029

Rise, shine, clock say pussy time

>> No.16808072

>doesn't cause lung cancer.
based retard

>> No.16808205


Il prenait la vie avec douceur et les femmes avec violence.

>> No.16808364
File: 49 KB, 877x514, 8595857858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like the feel and taste of ciggys but I know to keep it moderate. Never more than a pack every few months. NOTHING is better than a cigarette with a cup of hot black coffee or a cold beer.

>> No.16808369

A pack a month or less is more than moderate.

>> No.16808409

I keep it incredibly light. Even a pack/month is the health equivalent of eating junk food more frequently, so it's worth to trade-off imo.

>> No.16808479

I do.

>> No.16808521
